orderLoad (
Order * const               ordeptr,
FILE * const                stream)
  PASTIX_INT               versval;                      /* Version number */
  PASTIX_INT               cblknbr;
  PASTIX_INT               cblknum;
  PASTIX_INT               vertnbr;
  PASTIX_INT               vertnum;
  PASTIX_INT               vertnnd;
  PASTIX_INT *             permtax;
  PASTIX_INT *             peritax;
  int               i;

  if ((intLoad (stream, &versval) +
       intLoad (stream, &cblknbr) +
       intLoad (stream, &vertnbr) != 3) ||
      (versval != 0)                    ||
      (cblknbr > vertnbr)) {
    errorPrint ("orderLoad: bad input (1)");
    return     (1);

  if (((ordeptr->rangtab = (PASTIX_INT *) memAlloc ((cblknbr + 1) * sizeof (PASTIX_INT))) == NULL) ||
      ((ordeptr->permtab = (PASTIX_INT *) memAlloc (vertnbr       * sizeof (PASTIX_INT))) == NULL) ||
      ((ordeptr->peritab = (PASTIX_INT *) memAlloc (vertnbr       * sizeof (PASTIX_INT))) == NULL)) {
    errorPrint ("orderLoad: out of memory");
    orderExit  (ordeptr);
    orderInit  (ordeptr);
    return     (1);
  ordeptr->cblknbr = cblknbr;

  for (cblknum = 0, i = 1; (i == 1) && (cblknum <= cblknbr); cblknum ++) /* Read column-block data */
    i = intLoad (stream, &ordeptr->rangtab[cblknum]);

  for (vertnum = 0; (i == 1) && (vertnum < vertnbr); vertnum ++) /* Read direct permutation */
    i = intLoad (stream, &ordeptr->permtab[vertnum]);

  if (i != 1) {
    errorPrint ("orderLoad: bad input (2)");
    orderExit  (ordeptr);
    orderInit  (ordeptr);
    return     (1);

  permtax = ordeptr->permtab - ordeptr->rangtab[0];
  peritax = ordeptr->peritab - ordeptr->rangtab[0];
  for (vertnum = ordeptr->rangtab[0], vertnnd = vertnum + vertnbr; /* Build inverse permutation */
       vertnum < vertnnd; vertnum ++)
    peritax[permtax[vertnum]] = vertnum;

  return (0);
	     SCOTCH_Num * vertnbr,
	     SCOTCH_Num * edgenbr,
FILE * const stream)
  int c;
  SCOTCH_Num vertnum0, vertnum1;
  int symmetric = 0;
  char firstline[1024];
  int pos = 0;

  memSet(firstline, '\0', 1024);
  fgets(firstline, 16, stream);

  if (strcmp(firstline, "%%MatrixMarket "))
    return (-1);

  while (((c = fgetc(stream)) != '\n') && (c != EOF)) {
    firstline[pos++] = toupper(c);
    if (pos == 1024)
      return (-1);
  firstline[pos] = '\0';

  if (strstr(firstline, "SYMMETRIC"))
    symmetric = 1;

  while ((c = fgetc(stream)) == '%') {
    if (skipLine(stream) != 0)
      return (-1);                                /* End of file reached */
  ungetc (c, stream);

  if (intLoad (stream, &vertnum0) != 1) {         /* Read row number */
    return (-1);
  if (intLoad (stream, &vertnum1) != 1) {         /* Read col number */
    return (-1);
  if (vertnum0 != vertnum1) {                     /* Non square matrix */
      return (-1);
  *vertnbr = vertnum1;
  if (intLoad (stream, edgenbr) != 1) { /* Read edge number */
    return (-1);
  *edgenbr -= *vertnbr;           /* No loop in graph */
  return (symmetric);
文件: amk_grf.c 项目: ccopsey/scotch
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Strat        bipastrat;                  /* Bipartitioning strategy                   */
  SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;                    /* Target (terminal) architecture            */
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;                    /* Source graph to turn into architecture    */
  SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;                    /* Number of vertices in graph               */
  SCOTCH_Num *        vlbltab;                    /* Pointer to vertex label array, if present */
  SCOTCH_Num          listnbr;                    /* Size of list array                        */
  SCOTCH_Num *        listtab;                    /* Pointer to list array                     */
  C_VertSort *        sorttab;                    /* Vertex label sort area                    */
  SCOTCH_Num          baseval;
  int                 flagval;                    /* Process flags                             */
  int                 i;

  errorProg ("amk_grf");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  flagval = C_FLAGNONE;
  SCOTCH_stratInit (&bipastrat);

  fileBlockInit (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Set default stream pointers */

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* File name has been given                         */
        fileBlockName (C_fileTab, C_fileNum ++) = argv[i];
      else {
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
        return     (1);
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'B' :                                /* Bipartitioning strategy */
        case 'b' :
          SCOTCH_stratExit (&bipastrat);
          SCOTCH_stratInit (&bipastrat);
          if ((SCOTCH_stratGraphBipart (&bipastrat, &argv[i][2])) != 0) {
            errorPrint ("main: invalid bipartitioning strategy");
            return     (1);
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'L' :                                /* Input vertex list */
        case 'l' :
          flagval |= C_FLAGVRTINP;
          if (argv[i][2] != '\0')
            C_filenamevrtinp = &argv[i][2];
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "amk_grf, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010-2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);
          return     (1);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);                    /* Create graph structure           */
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrgrfinp, -1, 0); /* Load source graph          */
  SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat, &baseval, &vertnbr, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* Get graph data */
                    &vlbltab, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  listnbr = 0;                                    /* Initialize vertex list */
  listtab = NULL;
  if (flagval & C_FLAGVRTINP) {                   /* If list of vertices provided */
    SCOTCH_Num          listnum;

    if ((intLoad (C_filepntrvrtinp, &listnbr) != 1) || /* Read list size */
        (listnbr < 0)                               ||
        (listnbr > vertnbr)) {
      errorPrint ("main: bad list input (1)");
      return     (1);
    if ((listtab = (SCOTCH_Num *) memAlloc (listnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num) + 1)) == NULL) {
      errorPrint ("main: out of memory (1)");
      return     (1);
    for (listnum = 0; listnum < listnbr; listnum ++) { /* Read list data */
      if (intLoad (C_filepntrvrtinp, &listtab[listnum]) != 1) {
        errorPrint ("main: bad list input (2)");
        return     (1);
    intSort1asc1 (listtab, listnbr);
    for (listnum = 0; listnum < listnbr - 1; listnum ++) { /* Search for duplicates */
      if (listtab[listnum] == listtab[listnum + 1]) {
        errorPrint ("main: duplicate list labels");
        memFree    (listtab);
        return     (1);

    if (vlbltab != NULL) {                        /* If graph has vertex labels */
      SCOTCH_Num          vertnum;

      if ((sorttab = (C_VertSort *) memAlloc (vertnbr * sizeof (C_VertSort))) == NULL) {
        errorPrint ("main: out of memory (2)");
        memFree    (listtab);
        return     (1);
      for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) { /* Initialize sort area */
        sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum = vlbltab[vertnum];
        sorttab[vertnum].vertnum = vertnum;
      intSort2asc1 (sorttab, vertnbr);            /* Sort by ascending labels */

      for (listnum = 0, vertnum = 0; listnum < listnbr; listnum ++) {  /* For all labels in list */
        while ((vertnum < vertnbr) && (sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum < listtab[listnum]))
          vertnum ++;                             /* Search vertex graph with corresponding label */
        if ((vertnum >= vertnbr) ||               /* If label not found                           */
            (sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum > listtab[listnum])) {
          errorPrint ("main: list label '" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "' not in graph", (SCOTCH_Num) listtab[listnum]);
          memFree    (sorttab);
          memFree    (listtab);
          return     (1);
        listtab[listnum] = sorttab[vertnum ++].vertnum; /* Replace label by number */
      memFree (sorttab);                          /* Free sort area */

  SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);                    /* Initialize target architecture            */
  SCOTCH_archBuild (&archdat, &grafdat, listnbr, listtab, &bipastrat); /* Compute architecture */
  SCOTCH_archSave  (&archdat, C_filepntrtgtout);  /* Write target architecture                 */

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end potential (un)compression tasks */

  SCOTCH_graphExit (&grafdat);                    /* Free target graph        */
  SCOTCH_archExit  (&archdat);                    /* Free target architecture */
  SCOTCH_stratExit (&bipastrat);                  /* Free strategy string     */
  if (listtab != NULL)                            /* If vertex list provided  */
    memFree (listtab);                            /* Free it                  */

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
C_graphScat (
FILE * const                stream,
SCOTCH_Num                  procnbr,
char * const                nameptr)
  SCOTCH_Num          versval;
  SCOTCH_Num          propval;
  char                proptab[4];
  int                 flagtab[3];
  SCOTCH_Num          baseval;
  SCOTCH_Num          vertglbnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num          edgeglbnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num          procnum;

  if (intLoad (stream, &versval) != 1) {          /* Read version number */
    errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (1)");
    return     (1);
  if (versval != 0) {                             /* If version not zero */
    errorPrint ("C_graphScat: only centralized graphs supported");
    return     (1);

  if ((intLoad (stream, &vertglbnbr) != 1) ||     /* Read rest of header */
      (intLoad (stream, &edgeglbnbr) != 1) ||
      (intLoad (stream, &baseval)    != 1) ||
      (intLoad (stream, &propval)    != 1) ||
      (propval < 0)                        ||
      (propval > 111)) {
    errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (2)");
    return     (1);
  sprintf (proptab, "%3.3d", (int) propval);      /* Compute file properties */
  flagtab[0] = proptab[0] - '0';                  /* Vertex labels flag      */
  flagtab[1] = proptab[1] - '0';                  /* Edge weights flag       */
  flagtab[2] = proptab[2] - '0';                  /* Vertex loads flag       */

  for (procnum = 0; procnum < procnbr; procnum ++) {
    char *              nametmp;
    FILE *              ostream;
    SCOTCH_Num          vertlocnbr;
    SCOTCH_Num          vertlocnum;
    SCOTCH_Num          edgelocnbr;

    nametmp = nameptr;
    if ((fileNameDistExpand (&nametmp, procnbr, procnum, -1) != 0) ||
        ((ostream = fopen (nametmp, "w+")) == NULL)) {
      errorPrint ("C_graphScat: cannot open file");
      return     (1);
    memFree (nametmp);                            /* Expanded name no longer needed */

    vertlocnbr = DATASIZE (vertglbnbr, procnbr, procnum);

    if (fprintf (ostream, "2\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t%015d\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t%3s\n", /* Write file header */
                 (SCOTCH_Num) procnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) procnum,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) vertglbnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) edgeglbnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) vertlocnbr,
                 0,                               /* Number of edges not yet known */
                 (SCOTCH_Num) baseval,
                 proptab) == EOF) {
      errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad output (1)");
      return     (1);

    for (vertlocnum = edgelocnbr = 0; vertlocnum < vertlocnbr; vertlocnum ++) {
      SCOTCH_Num          degrval;

      if (flagtab[0] != 0) {                      /* If must read label               */
        SCOTCH_Num          vlblval;              /* Value where to read vertex label */

        if (intLoad (stream, &vlblval) != 1) {    /* Read label data */
          errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (3)");
          return     (1);
        intSave (ostream, vlblval);
        putc ('\t', ostream);
      if (flagtab[2] != 0) {                      /* If must read vertex load        */
        SCOTCH_Num          veloval;              /* Value where to read vertex load */

        if (intLoad (stream, &veloval) != 1) {    /* Read vertex load data    */
          errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (4)");
          return     (1);
        intSave (ostream, veloval);
        putc ('\t', ostream);
      if (intLoad (stream, &degrval) != 1) {      /* Read vertex degree */
        errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (5)");
        return     (1);
      intSave (ostream, degrval);

      edgelocnbr += degrval;

      for ( ; degrval > 0; degrval --) {
        SCOTCH_Num          edgeval;              /* Value where to read edge end */

        if (flagtab[1] != 0) {                    /* If must read edge load        */
          SCOTCH_Num          edloval;            /* Value where to read edge load */

          if (intLoad (stream, &edloval) != 1) {  /* Read edge load data    */
            errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (6)");
            return     (1);
          putc ('\t', ostream);
          intSave (ostream, edloval);

        if (intLoad (stream, &edgeval) != 1) {    /* Read edge data */
          errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad input (7)");
          return     (1);
        putc ('\t', ostream);
        intSave (ostream, edgeval);
      putc ('\n', ostream);

    rewind (ostream);

    if (fprintf (ostream, "2\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t%015lld\n" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "\t%3s\n", /* Write file header */
                 (SCOTCH_Num) procnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) procnum,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) vertglbnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) edgeglbnbr,
                 (SCOTCH_Num) vertlocnbr,
                 (long long)  edgelocnbr,         /* Now we know the exact number of edges */
                 (SCOTCH_Num) baseval,
                 proptab) == EOF) {
      errorPrint ("C_graphScat: bad output (2)");
      return     (1);

    fclose (ostream);

  return (0);