void iorm_close(io_desc *iod, mval *pp)
	d_rm_struct	*rm_ptr;
	unsigned char	c;
	char		*path, *path2;
	int		fclose_res;
	int		stat_res;
	int		fstat_res;
	struct stat	statbuf, fstatbuf;
	int		p_offset;

	assert (iod->type == rm);
	if (iod->state != dev_open)

	rm_ptr = (d_rm_struct *)iod->dev_sp;
	if (iod->dollar.x && rm_ptr->lastop == RM_WRITE && !iod->dollar.za)

	p_offset = 0;
	while (*(pp->str.addr + p_offset) != iop_eol)
		switch (c = *(pp->str.addr + p_offset++))
			case iop_delete:
				path = iod->trans_name->dollar_io;
				FSTAT_FILE(rm_ptr->fildes, &fstatbuf, fstat_res);
				if (-1 == fstat_res)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
				STAT_FILE(path, &statbuf, stat_res);
				if (-1 == stat_res)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
				if (fstatbuf.st_ino == statbuf.st_ino)
					if (UNLINK(path) == -1)
						rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
			case iop_rename:
				path = iod->trans_name->dollar_io;
				path2 = (char*)(pp->str.addr + p_offset + 1);
				FSTAT_FILE(rm_ptr->fildes, &fstatbuf, fstat_res);
				if (-1 == fstat_res)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
				STAT_FILE(path, &statbuf, stat_res);
				if (-1 == stat_res)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
				if (fstatbuf.st_ino == statbuf.st_ino)
				{	if (LINK(path, path2) == -1)
						rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
					if (UNLINK(path) == -1)
						rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
		p_offset += ( io_params_size[c]==IOP_VAR_SIZE ?
			(unsigned char)(*(pp->str.addr + p_offset) + 1) : io_params_size[c] );

	if (iod->pair.in != iod)
		assert (iod->pair.out == iod);
	if (iod->pair.out != iod)
		assert (iod->pair.in == iod);
	iod->state = dev_closed;
	iod->dollar.zeof = FALSE;
	iod->dollar.x = 0;
	iod->dollar.y = 0;
	rm_ptr->lastop = RM_NOOP;

	/* Do the close first. If the fclose() is done first and we are being called from io_rundown just prior to the execv
	   in a newly JOBbed off process, the fclose() does an implied fflush() which is known to do an lseek() which resets
	   the file pointers of any open (flat) files in the parent due to an archane interaction between child and parent
	   processes prior to an execv() call. The fclose (for stream files) will fail but it will clean up structures orphaned
	   by the close().
	if (rm_ptr->filstr != NULL)
		FCLOSE(rm_ptr->filstr, fclose_res);
#ifdef __MVS__
	if (rm_ptr->fifo)
		if (rm_ptr != (iod->pair.out)->dev_sp || rm_ptr != (iod->pair.in)->dev_sp)
			if (rm_ptr != (iod->pair.out)->dev_sp)
				rm_ptr = (iod->pair.out)->dev_sp;
				iod = iod->pair.out;
				rm_ptr = (iod->pair.in)->dev_sp;
				iod = iod->pair.in;
			assert(NULL != rm_ptr);
			if(dev_closed != iod->state)
				iod->state = dev_closed;
				iod->dollar.zeof = FALSE;
				iod->dollar.x = 0;
				iod->dollar.y = 0;
				rm_ptr->lastop = RM_NOOP;
				if (rm_ptr->filstr != NULL)
short iorm_open(io_log_name *iol, mval *pp, int fd, mval *mspace, int4 timeout)
	int4		status;
	io_desc		*iod;		/* local pointer to io_curr_device */
	d_rm_struct	*d_rm;
	struct	XABFHC	xabfhc;
	struct	XABPRO	xabpro;
	struct RAB	*r;
	struct FAB	*f;
	struct NAM	*nam;
	mstr		newtln;
	struct dsc$descriptor_s devname, outname;
	uint4		width;
	uint4		acebin[128];	/* needs to be big enough for any other ACLs on file */
	uint4		*acebinptr;
	struct acedef	*aceptr;
	char		*acetop;
	boolean_t	acefound = FALSE, created = FALSE, isdisk = FALSE, noacl = FALSE;
	unsigned int	devclass, devchar, devchar2, devtype, dvistat, iosb[2];
	short		devclassret, devcharret, devchar2ret, devtyperet;
		item_list_3	item[4];
		int		terminator;
	} item_list;
	unsigned char resultant_name[255];
	unsigned char	tmpfdns;
	/** unsigned char resultant_name[MAX_TRANS_NAME_LEN]; THIS WOULD BE RIGHT BUT MAX_TRANS_NAME_LEN MUST BE <= 255 **/

	/* while sr_unix/iorm_open.c prefixes errors with ERR_DEVOPENFAIL and it might be nice to be consistent */
	/* changing VMS after all this time could break user programs */
	/* An exception is being made for the extremely unlikely problem creating a GTM ACE so it stands out */
	iod = iol->iod;
	assert(*(pp->str.addr) < n_iops);
	assert(iod->state >= 0 && iod->state < n_io_dev_states);
	assert(rm == iod->type);
	if (dev_never_opened == iod->state)
		iod->dev_sp = (d_rm_struct *)(malloc(SIZEOF(d_rm_struct)));
		d_rm = (d_rm_struct *)iod->dev_sp;
		memset(d_rm, 0, SIZEOF(*d_rm));
		iod->width = DEF_RM_WIDTH;
		iod->length = DEF_RM_LENGTH;
		r  = &d_rm->r;
		f  = &d_rm->f;
		*r  = cc$rms_rab;
		*f  = cc$rms_fab;
		r->rab$l_fab = f;
		r->rab$w_usz = d_rm->l_usz = DEF_RM_WIDTH;
		f->fab$w_mrs = d_rm->l_mrs = DEF_RM_WIDTH;
		f->fab$b_rfm = d_rm->b_rfm = FAB$C_VAR;	/* default is variable record format */
		f->fab$l_fop = FAB$M_CIF | FAB$M_SQO | FAB$M_CBT | FAB$M_NAM;
		f->fab$b_fac = FAB$M_GET | FAB$M_PUT | FAB$M_TRN; /* TRN allows truncate option to be specified in RAB later */
		f->fab$b_rat = FAB$M_CR;

		f->fab$l_dna = DFLT_FILE_EXT;
		f->fab$b_dns = SIZEOF(DFLT_FILE_EXT) - 1;
		d_rm->f.fab$l_nam = nam = malloc(SIZEOF(*nam));
		*nam = cc$rms_nam;
		nam->nam$l_esa = resultant_name;
		nam->nam$b_ess = SIZEOF(resultant_name);
		nam->nam$b_nop = NAM$M_NOCONCEAL;

		r->rab$l_rop = RAB$M_TMO | RAB$M_WBH | RAB$M_RAH;
		d_rm->promask = 0xFFFF;
	} else
		d_rm = (d_rm_struct *)iod->dev_sp;
		if (dev_closed == iod->state)
			d_rm->f.fab$w_bls = 0; /* Reset the block size to pass the block-record check below.
						* The FAB initialization sets the block size later so it's OK to zero it here.
		nam = d_rm->f.fab$l_nam;
		nam->nam$l_esa = 0;
		nam->nam$b_ess = 0;
		nam->nam$b_esl = 0;
	iorm_use(iod, pp);
	if (dev_open != iod->state)
		if (!d_rm->largerecord && (d_rm->f.fab$w_bls > 0) && (FAB$C_FIX != d_rm->f.fab$b_rfm)
			&& (d_rm->f.fab$w_bls < (d_rm->r.rab$w_usz + VREC_HDR_LEN)))
		d_rm->r.rab$l_ctx = FAB$M_GET;
		d_rm->f.fab$l_fna = iol->dollar_io;
		d_rm->f.fab$b_fns = iol->len;
/* smw next overrides any xab set by iorm_use */
		xabpro = cc$rms_xabpro;
		d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = &xabpro;
		memset(acebin, 0, SIZEOF(acebin));
		status = sys$parse(&d_rm->f);	/* to get device for getdvi */
		if ((1 & status))
			devname.dsc$w_length = nam->nam$b_dev;
			devname.dsc$a_pointer = nam->nam$l_dev;
			devname.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
			devname.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
			item_list.item[0].item_code = DVI$_DEVCLASS;
			item_list.item[0].buffer_length = SIZEOF(devclass);
			item_list.item[0].buffer_address = &devclass;
			item_list.item[0].return_length_address = &devclassret;
			item_list.item[1].item_code = DVI$_DEVCHAR;
			item_list.item[1].buffer_length = SIZEOF(devchar);
			item_list.item[1].buffer_address = &devchar;
			item_list.item[1].return_length_address = &devcharret;
			item_list.item[2].item_code = DVI$_DEVCHAR2;
			item_list.item[2].buffer_length = SIZEOF(devchar2);
			item_list.item[2].buffer_address = &devchar2;
			item_list.item[2].return_length_address = &devchar2ret;
			item_list.item[3].item_code = DVI$_DEVTYPE;
			item_list.item[3].buffer_length = SIZEOF(devtype);
			item_list.item[3].buffer_address = &devtype;
			item_list.item[3].return_length_address = &devtyperet;
			item_list.terminator = 0;
			dvistat = sys$getdviw(EFN$C_ENF, NULL, &devname, &item_list, iosb, NULL, 0, 0);
			if (SS$_NORMAL == dvistat)
				dvistat = iosb[0];
			if (SS$_NONLOCAL == dvistat || (SS$_NORMAL == dvistat &&
				((DC$_DISK != devclass || (DEV$M_NET & devchar) ||
				(DEV$M_DAP | DEV$M_DFS) & devchar2) || /* UCX NFS sets DFS */
				(DT$_FD1 <= devtype && DT$_FD8 >= devtype) ))) /* but not tcpware so check foreign disk */
			{	/* if not disk, dfs/nfs, or non local, create gets BADATTRIB in stv if acl buf and siz set */
				noacl = TRUE;
		} else /* let create/open report the problem */
			noacl = TRUE;
		if (DEV$M_NET & d_rm->f.fab$l_dev)
		{	/* need to release sys$parse channel if DECnet */
			tmpfdns = d_rm->f.fab$b_dns;
			d_rm->f.fab$b_dns = 0;
			assert(0 == nam->nam$l_rlf);
			nam->nam$l_rlf = 0;
			nam->nam$b_nop |= NAM$M_SYNCHK;
			status = sys$parse(&d_rm->f);	/* give up channel */
			d_rm->f.fab$b_dns = tmpfdns;	/* restore */
			nam->nam$b_nop &= ~NAM$M_SYNCHK;
		if (noacl)
			if (d_rm->largerecord && MAX_RMS_RECORDSIZE < d_rm->l_mrs)
			d_rm->largerecord = FALSE;
		if (d_rm->largerecord && FAB$M_GET != d_rm->f.fab$b_fac)
		{	/* if readonly use format from existing file */
			aceptr = acebin;
			aceptr->ace$b_size = GTM_ACE_SIZE * SIZEOF(uint4);
			aceptr->ace$b_type = ACE$C_INFO;
			/* without NOPROPAGATE, new versions will get ACE,
			   PROTECTED prevents set acl /dele unless =all */
			aceptr->ace$w_flags = ACE$M_NOPROPAGATE | ACE$M_PROTECTED;
/*			if HIDDEN, dir/sec does not display which may make it harder to check if problems
			aceptr->ace$w_flags |= ACE$M_HIDDEN;
			aceptr->ace$v_info_type = ACE$C_CUST;	/* must be after flags */
			aceptr->ace$w_application_facility = GTM_ACE_FAC;	/* GTM error fac */
			aceptr->ace$w_application_flags = GTM_ACE_BIGREC;
			assert(SIZEOF(uint4) * GTM_ACE_LAB_OFF == (&aceptr->ace$t_info_start - (char *)aceptr));
			acebin[GTM_ACE_RFM_OFF] = d_rm->b_rfm;
			acebin[GTM_ACE_MRS_OFF] = d_rm->l_mrs;
			acebin[GTM_ACE_SIZE] = 0;	/* terminate */
			d_rm->f.fab$b_rfm = FAB$C_UDF;
			d_rm->f.fab$w_mrs = 0;
		if (!noacl)
		{	/* tape gets BADATTRIB in stv if acl buf and siz set */
			xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf = acebin;
			xabpro.xab$w_aclsiz = SIZEOF(acebin);
		if (FAB$M_GET == d_rm->f.fab$b_fac)
			xabfhc = cc$rms_xabfhc;
			xabpro.xab$l_nxt = &xabfhc;
			status = sys$open(&d_rm->f);
		} else
			xabpro.xab$w_pro = d_rm->promask;
			status = sys$create(&d_rm->f);
		nam->nam$l_esa = 0;
		nam->nam$b_ess = 0;
		nam->nam$b_esl = 0;
		d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = 0;
		switch (status)
		case RMS$_NORMAL:
		if (d_rm->f.fab$l_fop & FAB$M_MXV)
			created = iod->dollar.zeof = TRUE;

		case RMS$_CRE_STM:
		case RMS$_CREATED:
		if (d_rm->f.fab$l_dev & DEV$M_FOD)
			created = iod->dollar.zeof = TRUE;

		case RMS$_ACT:
		case RMS$_FLK:

			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(2) status, d_rm->f.fab$l_stv);
		if (!noacl && (DEV$M_RND & d_rm->f.fab$l_dev) && !(DEV$M_NET & d_rm->f.fab$l_dev))
			isdisk = TRUE;	/* local disk */
		else if (created && d_rm->largerecord && MAX_RMS_RECORDSIZE < d_rm->l_mrs)
		/* $create does not return the ACE:  if a new file is created aclsts is IVACL            */
		/*				     if CIF and existing file has no acl aclsts ACLEMPTY */
		/*				     if CIF and existing file has acl aclsts is NORMAL   */
		if (isdisk && ((created && SS$_IVACL == xabpro.xab$l_aclsts) || (0 != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts &&
			(FAB$M_GET != d_rm->f.fab$b_fac && ((1 & xabpro.xab$l_aclsts) || SS$_ACLEMPTY != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts)))))
			xabpro.xab$l_aclctx = 0;        /* reset context */
			d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = &xabpro;
			status = sys$display(&d_rm->f);
			d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = 0;		/* prevent close error */
			if (!(1 & status))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(2) status, d_rm->f.fab$l_stv);
			if (0 != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts && !(1 & xabpro.xab$l_aclsts) && SS$_ACLEMPTY != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) xabpro.xab$l_aclsts);
		if (isdisk && (1 & status) && 0 != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts && !(1 & xabpro.xab$l_aclsts) &&
				SS$_ACLEMPTY != xabpro.xab$l_aclsts)
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) xabpro.xab$l_aclsts);
		if (isdisk && 0 != xabpro.xab$w_acllen && (1 & status))	/* acl and success */
			if (SIZEOF(acebin) < xabpro.xab$w_acllen)
			{	/* get a new buffer big enough */
				xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf = malloc(xabpro.xab$w_acllen);
				xabpro.xab$w_aclsiz = xabpro.xab$w_acllen;
				xabpro.xab$l_aclctx = 0;	/* reset context */
				d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = &xabpro;
				status = sys$display(&d_rm->f);
				d_rm->f.fab$l_xab = 0;
				if (!(1 & status))
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(2) status, d_rm->f.fab$l_stv);
				if (!(1 & xabpro.xab$l_aclsts))
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) xabpro.xab$l_aclsts);
			acetop = (char *)xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf + xabpro.xab$w_acllen;
			for (aceptr = xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf; aceptr < acetop; aceptr = (char *)aceptr + aceptr->ace$b_size)
				if (0 == aceptr->ace$b_size)
				if (ACE$C_INFO == aceptr->ace$b_type && ACE$C_CUST == aceptr->ace$v_info_type
					&& GTM_ACE_FAC == aceptr->ace$w_application_facility
					&& GTM_ACE_BIGREC == aceptr->ace$w_application_flags)
				{	/* info for large records */
					acebinptr = aceptr;
					assert(GTM_ACE_LABEL == acebinptr[GTM_ACE_LAB_OFF]);
					d_rm->largerecord = TRUE;
					d_rm->b_rfm = (unsigned char)acebinptr[GTM_ACE_RFM_OFF];
					d_rm->l_mrs = acebinptr[GTM_ACE_MRS_OFF];
					acefound = TRUE;
			if (acebin != xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf)
			{	/* free larger buffer now */
				xabpro.xab$l_aclbuf = acebin;
				xabpro.xab$w_aclsiz = SIZEOF(acebin);
		if (!acefound)
			if (!created)
			{	/* copy from exisiting file */
				if (isdisk && d_rm->largerecord && FAB$C_UDF == d_rm->f.fab$b_rfm)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_BIGNOACL);	/* maybe lost in copy */
				d_rm->b_rfm = d_rm->f.fab$b_rfm;
				d_rm->l_mrs = d_rm->f.fab$w_mrs;
			} else if (isdisk && d_rm->largerecord)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DEVOPENFAIL, 2, iol->len, iol->dollar_io,
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("GTM ACE on new file disappeared - possible VMS problem"));
			d_rm->largerecord = FALSE;
/* smw does next overwriting of mrs make sense to RMS */
		/* if not largerecord, read only, sequential, not magtape ... */
		if (!d_rm->largerecord && (FAB$M_GET == d_rm->f.fab$b_fac) && (0 == d_rm->f.fab$w_mrs) && xabfhc.xab$w_lrl)
			d_rm->l_mrs = d_rm->l_usz = d_rm->r.rab$w_usz = d_rm->f.fab$w_mrs = xabfhc.xab$w_lrl;

		if (d_rm->largerecord)
		{ /* guess at a good blocks per IO */
			uint4 blocksperrec;
			blocksperrec = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(d_rm->l_mrs, RMS_DISK_BLOCK);
			if (RMS_MAX_MBC <= blocksperrec * 2)
				d_rm->r.rab$b_mbc = RMS_MAX_MBC;
			else if (RMS_DEF_MBC < blocksperrec * 2)
				d_rm->r.rab$b_mbc = blocksperrec * 2;
		status = sys$connect(&d_rm->r);
		if (RMS$_NORMAL != status)
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(2) status, d_rm->r.rab$l_stv);
		if (d_rm->r.rab$l_rop & RAB$M_EOF)
			iod->dollar.zeof = TRUE;
		if (ESC == iod->trans_name->dollar_io[0])
			/* process permanent file...get real name */
			status = sys$display(&d_rm->f);
			if (status & 1)
				devname.dsc$w_length = nam->nam$t_dvi[0];
				devname.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
				devname.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
				devname.dsc$a_pointer = &nam->nam$t_dvi[1];
				outname.dsc$w_length = SIZEOF(resultant_name);
				outname.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
				outname.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
				outname.dsc$a_pointer = resultant_name;
				status = lib$fid_to_name(&devname, &nam->nam$w_fid, & outname, &newtln.len, 0, 0);
				if ((status & 1) && (0 != newtln.len))
					newtln.addr = resultant_name;
					iod->trans_name = get_log_name(&newtln, INSERT);
					iod->trans_name->iod = iod;
		} else
		{	/* smw since esl zeroed above this is dead code since early days */
			if (nam->nam$b_esl && (iod->trans_name->len != nam->nam$b_esl ||
				memcmp(&iod->trans_name->dollar_io[0], resultant_name, nam->nam$b_esl)))
				newtln.addr = resultant_name;
				newtln.len = nam->nam$b_esl;
				iod->trans_name = get_log_name(&newtln, INSERT);
				iod->trans_name->iod = iod;
		if (0 == d_rm->l_mrs)
			d_rm->l_mrs = iod->width;
		iod->width = d_rm->l_usz = d_rm->l_mrs;
		if (!d_rm->largerecord)
			d_rm->r.rab$w_usz = d_rm->f.fab$w_mrs = d_rm->l_mrs;
			if (FAB$C_VFC == d_rm->f.fab$b_rfm) /* have to leave two bytes for the fixed control */
				iod->width = MIN(iod->width, VFC_MAX_RECLEN);
		width = iod->width;
		if (d_rm->largerecord)
			width = ROUND_UP(width, SIZEOF(uint4));
			if (FAB$C_VAR == d_rm->b_rfm)
				width += SIZEOF(uint4);	/* for count */
		d_rm->bufsize = width + 1;
		d_rm->inbuf = (char*)malloc(width + 1);
		d_rm->outbuf_start = (char*)malloc(width + 1);
		d_rm->inbuf_pos = d_rm->inbuf;
		d_rm->inbuf_top = d_rm->inbuf + iod->width;
		d_rm->outbuf_pos = d_rm->outbuf = d_rm->outbuf_start + (d_rm->largerecord && FAB$C_VAR == d_rm->b_rfm
							? SIZEOF(uint4) : 0);
		d_rm->outbuf_top = d_rm->outbuf + iod->width;
		d_rm->promask = xabpro.xab$w_pro;
		iod->state = dev_open;
	return TRUE;