 * if the dest mac address of the packet is
 * the same of GBL_IFACE->mac but the dest ip is
 * not the same as GBL_IFACE->ip, the packet is not
 * for us and we can do mitm on it before forwarding.
void unified_set_forwardable(struct packet_object *po)
    * if the mac is our, but the ip is not...
    * it has to be forwarded
   if (!memcmp(GBL_IFACE->mac, po->L2.dst, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN) &&
       memcmp(GBL_IFACE->mac, po->L2.src, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN) &&
       ip_addr_is_ours(&po->L3.dst) != EFOUND) {
      po->flags |= PO_FORWARDABLE;
 * check if the packet has been forwarded by us
 * the source mac address is our, but the ip address is different
void unified_check_forwarded(struct packet_object *po) 
   /* the interface was not configured, the packets are not forwardable */
   if (!GBL_IFACE->is_ready)
    * dont sniff forwarded packets (equal mac, different ip) 
    * but only if we are on live connections
   if (GBL_CONF->skip_forwarded && !GBL_OPTIONS->read &&
       !memcmp(GBL_IFACE->mac, po->L2.src, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN) &&
       ip_addr_is_ours(&po->L3.src) != EFOUND) {
      po->flags |= PO_FORWARDED;
 * parse the packet and send the fake reply
static void remote_browser(struct packet_object *po)
   char *tmp, *p, *q;
   char *url, *host;
   char *command;
   char **param = NULL;
   int i = 0, k = 0;
   /* the client is making a request */
   if (po->DATA.disp_len != 0 && strstr((const char*)po->DATA.disp_data, "GET")) {
      /* I'm the sender, opening a browser with a request coming by me will trigger a loop in this function! */
      if(ip_addr_is_ours(&po->L3.src) == E_FOUND || ip_addr_is_ours(&po->L3.src) == E_BRIDGE)

      /* I'm not the sender, I can safely open the browser, the GET triggered by it shouldn't cause bad effects */
      tmp = strdup((const char*)po->DATA.disp_data);

      /* get the Host: directive */
      host = strstr(tmp, "Host: ");
      if (host != NULL) {
         host = host + 6; // 6 is like strlen("Host: ");
         if ((p = strstr(host, "\r\n")) != NULL)
            *p = 0;
      } else
         goto bad;
      /* null terminate the request before the HTTP/x.x */
      p = strstr(tmp, " HTTP");
      if (p != NULL)
         *p = 0;
         goto bad;
      /* get the requested url */
     url = tmp + 4; // 4 is like strlen("GET ");
      /* parse only pages, not images or other amenities */
      if (!good_page(url))
         goto bad;
      /* fill the command */
      command = strdup(GBL_CONF->remote_browser);
      str_replace(&command, "%host", host);
      str_replace(&command, "%url", url);
      USER_MSG("REMOTE COMMAND: %s\n", command);
      /* split the string in the parameter array */
      for (p = ec_strtok(command, " ", &q); p != NULL; p = ec_strtok(NULL, " ", &q)) {
         /* allocate the array */
         SAFE_REALLOC(param, (i + 1) * sizeof(char *));
         /* copy the tokens in the array */
         param[i++] = strdup(p);
      /* NULL terminate the array */
      SAFE_REALLOC(param, (i + 1) * sizeof(char *));
      param[i] = NULL;
      /* execute the script */ 
      if (fork() == 0) {
         /* chrome won't start as root, changing UID in order to prevent this and for more security in the browser context */
         /* the following line has been commented since some Penetration Testing distros can run only as root */
         u_int uid, gid;
         DEBUG_MSG("drop_privs: getuid(%d) \n", getuid());

         /* are we root ? */
         if (getuid() == 0)
            gid = uid = 1000;
            DEBUG_MSG("drop_privs: setuid(%d) setgid(%d)\n", uid, gid);

            /* drop to a good uid/gid ;) */
            if ( setgid(gid) < 0 )
               DEBUG_MSG("setgid() FAILED\n");
            if ( setuid(uid) < 0 )
               DEBUG_MSG("setuid() FAILED\n");
            DEBUG_MSG("privs: UID: %d %d  GID: %d %d\n", (int)getuid(), (int)geteuid(), (int)getgid(), (int)getegid() );
            DEBUG_MSG("Privileges dropped to UID %d GID %d...\n\n", (int)getuid(), (int)getgid() );
         /* "nobody" cannot open a browser */
         } else if(getuid() == 65535)
            WARN_MSG("your ec_gid and ec_uid in etter.conf file are set to nobody (65535), you probably cannot open a new browser\n");

         execvp(param[0], param);
         WARN_MSG("Cannot launch the default browser (command: %s), please edit your etter.conf file and put a valid value in remote_browser field\n", GBL_CONF->remote_browser);
      //to free the char **param
      for(k= 0; k < i; ++k)
