VideoSurveillance::VideoSurveillance(Configuration &conf) : Job("Video Surveillance") { LOG(INFO) << "VideoSurveillance start constructor"; camera_attribute = conf.getCameraAttribute(); image_processor_attribute = conf.getImageProcessorAttribute(); auto tmp_ipa = image_processor_attribute->getImageProcessorAttributeVector(); // TODO: make easy check multimedia recorder is available, need complex processor check again is_multimedia_recorder = false; //LOG(INFO) << "hello for"; for(auto &it : tmp_ipa) { if(it->getName() == "Multimedia Recorder") is_multimedia_recorder = true; } if(!is_multimedia_recorder) { //std::cout << "in constructure " << std::endl; CameraFactory cf; this->camera = cf.getCamera(camera_attribute); this->image_acquisition = std::make_shared<ImageAcquisition>(*camera, image_processor_attribute->getImageProcessorAttributeVector().size()); } ImageProcessorFactory ipf(camera_attribute); if(!is_multimedia_recorder) { this->image_processor_pool = ipf.getImageProcessorPool( image_processor_attribute, *this->image_acquisition->getOutputImageQueue()); } else { MultipleImageQueue miq(1); this->image_processor_pool = ipf.getImageProcessorPool( image_processor_attribute, miq); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { RMF_ADD_INPUT_FILE("rmf"); RMF_ADD_OUTPUT_FILE("pdb"); RMF_ADD_FRAMES; process_options(argc, argv); RMF::FileConstHandle rh = RMF::open_rmf_file_read_only(input); std::ostream* out; std::ofstream fout; if (!output.empty()) {; if (!fout) { std::cerr << "Error opening file " << output << std::endl; return 1; } out = &fout; } else { out = &std::cout; } RMF::decorator::IntermediateParticleFactory ipf(rh); RMF::decorator::AtomFactory af(rh); RMF::decorator::ChainFactory cf(rh); RMF::decorator::ResidueFactory rf(rh); RMF::NodeConstHandle rn = rh.get_root_node(); for (unsigned int input_frame = start_frame, output_frame = 0; input_frame < rh.get_number_of_frames(); input_frame += step_frame, ++output_frame) { rh.set_current_frame(RMF::FrameID(input_frame)); *out << (boost::format("MODEL%1$9d") % (output_frame + 1)) << std::endl; write_atoms(*out, 0, rn, ipf, af, cf, rf); *out << "ENDMDL" << output_frame + 1 << std::endl; } return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }
int emhap(const int nsnp, const int *gtable, const int *htable, GTYPE *gtypes, const int maxit, const double tol, double *hprob, const int nllm, const unsigned int *llm){ GTYPE *lookup; /* Minimum number of EM steps before warning messages */ int minit = 3; /* IPF control */ const int ipfsteps = 10; /* Max number of IPF steps in each EM step */ const double ipfeps = 0.001; /* IPF criterion (relative change in expected) */ /* If lookup table not supplied, create one */ if(gtypes) lookup = gtypes; else lookup = create_gtype_table(nsnp); /* Table sizes */ int ngt = (1 << (2*nsnp)); int nht = (1 << nsnp); /* Count of haplotypes */ int npu = 0, npk = 0; for (int i=1; i<ngt; i++) { npu += gtable[i]; if (htable) npk += htable[i]; } npu *= 2; double total = npu + npk; if (!total) return -1; /* Maximum number of possible haplotype assignments */ int maxhaps = (1 << 2*(nsnp - 1)); /* Work arrays */ double *sum = (double *)Calloc(nht, double); double *prg = (double *)Calloc(maxhaps, double); double *prh = NULL; if (htable) prh = (double *)Calloc(maxhaps, double); /* If no starting values, initialize haplotype frequency vector */ if (hprob[0]<0.0) { double maxp = 1.0/ (double)nht; for (int i=0; i<nht; i++) hprob[i] = maxp; } /* EM algorithm */ int it = 0, result = 0; double logL_prev = 0.0; while(1) { memset(sum, 0x00, nht*sizeof(double)); double logL = 0.0; for (int i=1; i<ngt; i++) { int gti = gtable[i]; int hti = htable? htable[i]: 0; if (gti || hti) { double psumg = 0.0, psumh = 0.0; GTYPE *lupi = lookup + i - 1; int nph = lupi->nphase; /* Posterior probabilities */ for (int j=0, jj=0; j<nph; j++) { int h1 = lupi->haps[jj++]; int h2 = lupi->haps[jj++]; if (gti) { double p = hprob[h1]*hprob[h2]; if (h1!=h2) p *= 2; prg[j] = p; psumg += p; } if (hti && (h1==h2)) { /* Males are coded as homozygous on X */ double p = hprob[h1]; prh[j] = p; psumh += p; } } if (gti) logL += gti*log(psumg); if (hti) logL += hti*log(psumh); /* Increment haplotype table with expected frequencies */ double fgi = psumg? gtable[i]/psumg: 0.0; double fhi = psumh? htable[i]/psumh: 0.0; if (fgi || fhi) { for (int j=0, jj=0; j<nph; j++){ int h1 = lupi->haps[jj++]; int h2 = lupi->haps[jj++]; if (fgi) { double fij = fgi*prg[j]; sum[h1] += fij; sum[h2] += fij; } if (fhi && (h1==h2)) { double fij = fhi*prh[j]; sum[h1] += fij; } } } } } /* New estimates of haplotype frequencies */ int ipfault = 0; if (nllm) { /* Log-linear smoothing model */ for (int i=0; i<nht; i++) { sum[i] /= total; /* do ipfsteps of IPF algorithm */ ipfault = ipf(nsnp, sum, nllm, llm, hprob, ipfsteps, ipfeps); } } else { /* Saturated model */ for (int i=0; i<nht; i++) hprob[i] = sum[i]/total; } /* Convergence test */ double ctest = logL - logL_prev; logL_prev = logL; if (it++) { if (it>minit && ctest<0.0) { warning("Log likelihood decreased in EM algorithm at iteration %d", it); result = -2; break; } else if (it>maxit) { result = 1; break; } else if (ctest < tol) { break; } } } /* Return work arrays */ if(!gtypes) destroy_gtype_table(lookup, nsnp); Free(sum); Free(prg); if (prh) Free(prh); return result; }