bool vmsSwfFile::Decompress(LPBYTE pbSwfData, UINT uSize, LPBYTE *ppbResult, UINT *puResultSize) { assert (pbSwfData != NULL); assert (ppbResult != NULL && puResultSize != NULL); if (!pbSwfData) return false; if (ppbResult == NULL || puResultSize == NULL) return false; assert (isCompressed (pbSwfData, uSize)); if (!isCompressed (pbSwfData, uSize)) return false; return vmsZlibHelper::DecompressGzip (pbSwfData + 8, uSize - 8, ppbResult, puResultSize) && *ppbResult != NULL && *puResultSize != 0; }
void Message::uncompress() { if (!isCompressed()) return; #ifdef BUILD_WITH_COMPRESSION_MINIZ int cmp_status; mz_ulong actualSize = strTo<size_t>(_meta["um.compressed"]); uint8_t *pUncmp; pUncmp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)actualSize); cmp_status = mz_uncompress(pUncmp, &actualSize, (const unsigned char *)_data.get(), _size); _size = actualSize; _data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)pUncmp); _meta.erase("um.compressed"); #elif defined(BUILD_WITH_COMPRESSION_FASTLZ) int actualSize = strTo<size_t>(_meta["um.compressed"]); void* uncompressed = malloc((size_t)actualSize); // returns the size of the decompressed block. actualSize = fastlz_decompress(_data.get(), _size, uncompressed, actualSize); // If error occurs, e.g. the compressed data is corrupted or the output buffer is not large enough, then 0 _size = actualSize; _data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)uncompressed); _meta.erase("um.compressed"); #endif }
/** Reads just the info header section. * * @throw ImageException if not a valid bitmap info header * @throw ImageException if bitmap is compressed * @throw ImageException if bitmap is not 24-bit */ void BmpImageReader::readInfoHeader() {*)&infoHeader.biSize, 4);*)&infoHeader.biWidth, 4);*)&infoHeader.biHeight, 4);*)&infoHeader.biPlanes, 2);*)&infoHeader.biBitCount, 2);*)&infoHeader.biCompression, 4);*)&infoHeader.biSizeImage, 4);*)&infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter, 4);*)&infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter, 4);*)&infoHeader.biClrUsed, 4);*)&infoHeader.biClrImportant, 4); if (!isValidInfoHeader()) { ImageException e; e << "[BmpImageReader] Not a valid bitmap info header!"; throw e; } if (isCompressed()) { ImageException e; e << "[BmpImageReader] Only supports uncompressed data."; throw e; } if (!is24Bit()) { ImageException e; e << "[BmpImageReader] Only supports 24-bit data."; throw e; } }
void Texture2D::init(int w, int h, TextureInternalFormat tf, TextureFormat f, PixelType t, const Parameters ¶ms, const Buffer::Parameters &s, const Buffer &pixels) { Texture::init(tf, params); this->w = w; this->h = h; pixels.bind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); if (isCompressed() && s.compressedSize() > 0) { glCompressedTexImage2D(textureTarget, 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, s.compressedSize(),; } else { s.set(); glTexImage2D(textureTarget, 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, getTextureFormat(f), getPixelType(t),; s.unset(); } pixels.unbind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); generateMipMap(); if (FrameBuffer::getError() != 0) { throw exception(); } }
Variant BaseAssetObjectItem::getData(int column, ItemRole::Id roleId) const { if (column != 0) { return Variant(); } if (roleId == ValueRole::roleId_) { return getDisplayText(0); } else if (roleId == IndexPathRole::roleId_) { return getFullPath(); } else if (roleId == ThumbnailRole::roleId_) { return getThumbnail(0); } else if (roleId == TypeIconRole::roleId_) { return getTypeIconResourceString(); } else if (roleId == SizeRole::roleId_) { return getSize(); } else if (roleId == CreatedTimeRole::roleId_) { return getCreatedTime(); } else if (roleId == ModifiedTimeRole::roleId_) { return getModifiedTime(); } else if (roleId == AccessedTimeRole::roleId_) { return getAccessedTime(); } else if (roleId == IsDirectoryRole::roleId_) { return isDirectory(); } else if (roleId == IsReadOnlyRole::roleId_) { return isReadOnly(); } else if (roleId == IsCompressedRole::roleId_) { return isCompressed(); } else if (roleId == ItemRole::itemIdId) { return intptr_t(this); } return Variant(); }
shared_ptr<ZLOutputStream> ZLFile::outputStream() const { if (isCompressed()) { return shared_ptr<ZLOutputStream>(); } if (ZLFSManager::instance().findArchiveFileNameDelimiter(myPath) != -1) { return shared_ptr<ZLOutputStream>(); } return shared_ptr<ZLOutputStream>(ZLFSManager::instance().createOutputStream(myPath)); }
void MCF::dlHeaderFromHttp(const char* url) { gcTrace("Url: {0}", url); if (m_bStopped) return; if (!url) throw gcException(ERR_BADURL); //FIXME: Needs error checking on getweb HttpHandle wc(url); wc->setDownloadRange(0, MCFCore::MCFHeader::getSizeS()); wc->setUserAgent(USERAGENT_UPDATE); wc->getWeb(); if (wc->getDataSize() != MCFCore::MCFHeader::getSizeS()) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER); MCFCore::MCFHeader webHeader(wc->getData()); setHeader(&webHeader); if (!webHeader.isValid()) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER); wc->cleanUp(); wc->setUserAgent(USERAGENT_UPDATE); wc->setDownloadRange(webHeader.getXmlStart(), webHeader.getXmlSize()); wc->getWeb(); if (wc->getDataSize() == 0 || wc->getDataSize() != webHeader.getXmlSize()) throw gcException(ERR_WEBDL_FAILED, "Failed to download MCF xml from web (size is ether zero or didnt match header size)"); uint32 bz2BuffLen = webHeader.getXmlSize()*25; char* bz2Buff = nullptr; if ( isCompressed() ) { bz2Buff = new char[bz2BuffLen]; AutoDelete<char> ad(bz2Buff); UTIL::STRING::zeroBuffer(bz2Buff, bz2BuffLen); UTIL::BZIP::BZ2DBuff((char*)bz2Buff, &bz2BuffLen, const_cast<char*>(wc->getData()), wc->getDataSize()); parseXml(bz2Buff, bz2BuffLen); } else { parseXml(const_cast<char*>(wc->getData()), wc->getDataSize()); } //we remove the complete flag due to the files not existing in the MCF for (size_t x=0; x< m_pFileList.size(); x++) { m_pFileList[x]->delFlag(MCFCore::MCFFileI::FLAG_COMPLETE); } }
shared_ptr<ZLOutputStream> ZLFile::outputStream(bool writeThrough) const { if (!writeThrough && isCompressed()) { return 0; } if (ZLFSManager::Instance().findArchiveFileNameDelimiter(myPath) != -1) { return 0; } return ZLFSManager::Instance().createOutputStream(myPath); }
void Image::scale(int newWidth, int newHeight) { if(newWidth == width_ && newHeight == height_) { return; } if(isCompressed(format_)) { throw runtime_error("Cannot scale compressed image"); } int nchannels = bitsPerPixel(format_) / 8; vector<uint8_t> newData(newWidth * newHeight * nchannels); for(int dstY = 0; dstY < newHeight; dstY++) { for(int dstX = 0; dstX < newWidth; dstX++) { fp_t srcFX = static_cast<fp_t>(dstX) / static_cast<fp_t>(newWidth) * static_cast<fp_t>(width_); fp_t srcFY = static_cast<fp_t>(dstY) / static_cast<fp_t>(newHeight) * static_cast<fp_t>(height_); int srcX = static_cast<int>(srcFX); int srcY = static_cast<int>(srcFY); fp_t xDiff = srcFX - srcX; fp_t yDiff = srcFY - srcY; fp_t xOpposite = fp_t(1.0) - xDiff; fp_t yOpposite = fp_t(1.0) - yDiff; #define SRCPX(x, y, cn) static_cast<fp_t>(data_[(min(x, width_ - 1) + min(y, height_ - 1) * width_) * nchannels + cn]) #define DSTPX(x, y, cn) newData[((x) + (y) * newWidth) * nchannels + cn] for(int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++) { DSTPX(dstX, dstY, c) = static_cast<uint8_t>( (SRCPX(srcX, srcY, c) * xOpposite + SRCPX(srcX + 1, srcY, c) * xDiff) * yOpposite + (SRCPX(srcX, srcY + 1, c) * xOpposite + SRCPX(srcX + 1, srcY + 1, c) * xDiff) * yDiff); } #undef SRCPX #undef DSTPX } } data_ = move(newData); width_ = newWidth; height_ = newHeight; }
void Message::compress() { if (isCompressed()) return; #ifdef BUILD_WITH_COMPRESSION_MINIZ mz_ulong compressedSize = mz_compressBound(_size); int cmp_status; uint8_t *pCmp; pCmp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)compressedSize); // last argument is speed size tradeoff: BEST_SPEED [0-9] BEST_COMPRESSION cmp_status = mz_compress2(pCmp, &compressedSize, (const unsigned char *)_data.get(), _size, 5); if (cmp_status != Z_OK) { // error free(pCmp); } _data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)pCmp); _meta["um.compressed"] = toStr(_size); _size = compressedSize; #elif defined(BUILD_WITH_COMPRESSION_FASTLZ) // The minimum input buffer size is 16. if (_size < 16) return; // The output buffer must be at least 5% larger than the input buffer and can not be smaller than 66 bytes. int compressedSize = _size + (double)_size * 0.06; if (compressedSize < 66) compressedSize = 66; char* compressedData = (char*)malloc(compressedSize); compressedSize = fastlz_compress(_data.get(), _size, compressedData); // If the input is not compressible, the return value might be larger than length if (compressedSize > _size) { free(compressedData); return; } // std::cout << _size << " -> " << compressedSize << " = " << ((float)compressedSize / (float)_size) << std::endl; _data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)compressedData); _meta["um.compressed"] = toStr(_size); _size = compressedSize; #endif }
void Decoder::decompress() { if (!isCompressed()) return; for (MipMaps::iterator m = _mipMaps.begin(); m != _mipMaps.end(); ++m) { MipMap decompressed; decompress(decompressed, **m, _format); decompressed.swap(**m); } _format = kPixelFormatR8G8B8A8; }
void Decoder::dumpTGA(const Common::UString &fileName) const { if (_mipMaps.size() < 1) throw Common::Exception("Image contains no mip maps"); if (!isCompressed()) { Images::dumpTGA(fileName, *this); return; } Decoder decoder(*this); decoder.decompress(); Images::dumpTGA(fileName, decoder); }
Hits Searcher::getHits(const string& term) { int size; char *val; try { val = depot.get(term.c_str(), -1, 0, -1, &size); } catch(Depot_error& e){ //cerr << e << endl; return Hits(NULL, 0); } Node* nodes = (Node*) val; int num = size / sizeof(Node); if(isCompressed()) nodes = gammaHits(val, size, num); return Hits(nodes, num); }
void TextureRectangle::init(int w, int h, TextureInternalFormat tf, TextureFormat f, PixelType t, const Parameters ¶ms, const Buffer::Parameters &s, const Buffer &pixels) { Texture::init(tf, params); this->w = w; this->h = h; pixels.bind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); bool needToGenerateMipmaps = true; if (isCompressed() && s.compressedSize() > 0) { glCompressedTexImage2D(textureTarget, 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, s.compressedSize(),; } else { s.set(); glTexImage2D(textureTarget, 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, getTextureFormat(f), getPixelType(t),; s.unset(); GLsizei size = s.compressedSize(); // should work because size is retrieved from file descriptor. int pixelSize = getFormatSize(f, t); if (size > w * h * pixelSize) { // get the other levels from the same buffer int offset = w * h * pixelSize; int level = 0; int wl = w; int hl = h; while (wl % 2 == 0 && hl % 2 == 0 && size - offset >= (wl * hl / 4) * pixelSize) { level += 1; wl = wl / 2; hl = hl / 2; glTexImage2D(textureTarget, level, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), wl, hl, 0, getTextureFormat(f), getPixelType(t),; offset += wl * hl * pixelSize; needToGenerateMipmaps = false; } this->params.lodMax(clamp(params.lodMax(), GLfloat(0.0f), GLfloat(level))); } } pixels.unbind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); if (needToGenerateMipmaps) { generateMipMap(); } if (FrameBuffer::getError() != 0) { throw exception(); } }
void Image::flipVertical() { if(isCompressed(format_)) { throw runtime_error("Cannot flip compressed image"); } int stride = width_ * bitsPerPixel(format_) / 8; vector<uint8_t> rowBuf(stride); for(int y = 0; y < height_ / 2; y++) { memcpy(, + y * stride, stride); memcpy( + stride * y, + (height_ - y - 1) * stride, stride); memcpy( + (height_ - y - 1) * stride,, stride); } }
void TextureCube::init(int w, int h, TextureInternalFormat tf, TextureFormat f, PixelType t, const Parameters ¶ms, Buffer::Parameters s[6], ptr<Buffer> pixels[6]) { Texture::init(tf, params); this->w = w; this->h = h; const GLenum FACES[6] = { GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z }; if (isCompressed()) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { pixels[i]->bind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); if (s[i].compressedSize() > 0) { glCompressedTexImage2D(FACES[i], 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, s[i].compressedSize(), pixels[i]->data(0)); } else { s[i].set(); glTexImage2D(FACES[i], 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, getTextureFormat(f), getPixelType(t), pixels[i]->data(0)); s[i].unset(); } pixels[i]->unbind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { pixels[i]->bind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); s[i].set(); glTexImage2D(FACES[i], 0, getTextureInternalFormat(internalFormat), w, h, 0, getTextureFormat(f), getPixelType(t), pixels[i]->data(0)); s[i].unset(); pixels[i]->unbind(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER); } } generateMipMap(); if (FrameBuffer::getError() != 0) { throw exception(); } }
bool Image::saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB) { //only support for Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB888 or Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 uncompressed data if (isCompressed() || (m_eRenderFormat != Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB888 && m_eRenderFormat != Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888)) { CCLOG("cocos2d: Image: saveToFile is only support for Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB888 or Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 uncompressed data for now"); return false; } bool bRet = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(NULL == pszFilePath); std::string strFilePath(pszFilePath); CC_BREAK_IF(strFilePath.size() <= 4); std::string strLowerCasePath(strFilePath); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strLowerCasePath.length(); ++i) { strLowerCasePath[i] = tolower(strFilePath[i]); } if (std::string::npos != strLowerCasePath.find(".png")) { CC_BREAK_IF(!saveImageToPNG(pszFilePath, bIsToRGB)); } else if (std::string::npos != strLowerCasePath.find(".jpg")) { CC_BREAK_IF(!saveImageToJPG(pszFilePath)); } else { break; } bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; }
bool ossimNitfImageHeader::isSameAs(const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr) const { if (!hdr) return false; return ( (isCompressed() == hdr->isCompressed()) && (getNumberOfRows() == hdr->getNumberOfRows()) && (getNumberOfBands() == hdr->getNumberOfBands()) && (getNumberOfCols() == hdr->getNumberOfCols()) && (getNumberOfBlocksPerRow() == hdr->getNumberOfBlocksPerRow()) && (getNumberOfBlocksPerCol() == hdr->getNumberOfBlocksPerCol()) && (getNumberOfPixelsPerBlockHoriz() == hdr->getNumberOfPixelsPerBlockHoriz()) && (getNumberOfPixelsPerBlockVert() == hdr->getNumberOfPixelsPerBlockVert()) && (getBitsPerPixelPerBand() == hdr->getBitsPerPixelPerBand()) && (getImageRect() == hdr->getImageRect()) && (getIMode() == hdr->getIMode()) && (getCoordinateSystem() == hdr->getCoordinateSystem()) && (getGeographicLocation() == hdr->getGeographicLocation()) ); }
void MCF::saveMCF_Header() { //donot use getDLSize here as the file might have a gap in it. :( uint64 offset = 0; for (size_t x=0; x<m_pFileList.size(); x++) { MCFFile* file = m_pFileList[x]; if (!file->isSaved()) continue; uint64 pos = file->getOffSet() + file->getCurSize(); if (offset < pos) offset = pos; uint64 diffpos = file->getDiffOffSet() + file->getDiffSize(); if (file->hasDiff() && offset < diffpos) offset = diffpos; } if (offset == 0) offset = m_sHeader->getSize(); UTIL::FS::recMakeFolder(UTIL::FS::PathWithFile(m_szFile)); UTIL::FS::FileHandle hFile(m_szFile.c_str(), UTIL::FS::FILE_APPEND);; XMLSaveAndCompress sac(&hFile, isCompressed()); genXml(&sac); sac.finish(); m_sHeader->setXmlStart(offset); m_sHeader->setXmlSize((uint32)sac.getTotalSize()); m_sHeader->saveToFile(hFile); }
void APC::unCompress() { if (!isCompressed()) { return; } int dest_len = *(int *)data; char *dest = new char[dest_len+1]; int ret = LZ4_decompress_safe(data+4, dest, data_len-4, dest_len); // int ret = LZ4_decompress_fast(data+4, dest, dest_len); if (ret < 0) { CCLOG("unCompress error ret=%d",ret); delete[] dest; } else { if (data != NULL) { delete[] data; } CCLOG("data len %d, dest len %d", data_len, dest_len); data = dest; data_len = dest_len; data[data_len] = '\0'; } setUnCompressFlag(); }
void GFXD3D11Cubemap::initStatic(GFXTexHandle *faces) { AssertFatal( faces, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initStatic - Got null GFXTexHandle!" ); AssertFatal( *faces, "empty texture passed to CubeMap::create" ); // NOTE - check tex sizes on all faces - they MUST be all same size mTexSize = faces->getWidth(); mFaceFormat = faces->getFormat(); bool compressed = isCompressed(mFaceFormat); UINT bindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; UINT miscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE; if (!compressed) { bindFlags |= D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; miscFlags |= D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_GENERATE_MIPS; } U32 mipLevels = faces->getPointer()->getMipLevels(); if (mipLevels > 1) mAutoGenMips = true; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc; ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC)); desc.Width = mTexSize; desc.Height = mTexSize; desc.MipLevels = mAutoGenMips ? 0 : mipLevels; desc.ArraySize = 6; desc.Format = GFXD3D11TextureFormat[mFaceFormat]; desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; desc.BindFlags = bindFlags; desc.MiscFlags = miscFlags; desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateTexture2D(&desc, NULL, &mTexture); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap:initStatic(GFXTexhandle *faces) - failed to create texcube texture"); } for (U32 i = 0; i < CubeFaces; i++) { GFXD3D11TextureObject *texObj = static_cast<GFXD3D11TextureObject*>((GFXTextureObject*)faces[i]); U32 subResource = D3D11CalcSubresource(0, i, mipLevels); D3D11DEVICECONTEXT->CopySubresourceRegion(mTexture, subResource, 0, 0, 0, texObj->get2DTex(), 0, NULL); } D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC SMViewDesc; SMViewDesc.Format = GFXD3D11TextureFormat[mFaceFormat]; SMViewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBE; SMViewDesc.TextureCube.MipLevels = mAutoGenMips ? -1 : mipLevels; SMViewDesc.TextureCube.MostDetailedMip = 0; hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateShaderResourceView(mTexture, &SMViewDesc, &mSRView); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initStatic(GFXTexHandle *faces) - texcube shader resource view creation failure"); } if (mAutoGenMips && !compressed) D3D11DEVICECONTEXT->GenerateMips(mSRView); }
int GenericChannel::handleRead(EncodeBuffer &encodeBuffer, const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length) { #ifdef TEST *logofs << "handleRead: Called for FD#" << fd_ << " with " << encodeBuffer.getLength() << " bytes already encoded.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif // // Pointer to located message and // its size in bytes. // const unsigned char *inputMessage; unsigned int inputLength; // // Tag message as generic data in compression // routine. Opcode is not actually transferred // over the network. // unsigned char inputOpcode = X_NXInternalGenericData; #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "handleRead: Trying to read from FD#" << fd_ << " at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif int result = readBuffer_.readMessage(); #ifdef DEBUG *logofs << "handleRead: Read result on FD#" << fd_ << " is " << result << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif if (result < 0) { // // Let the proxy close the channel. // return -1; } else if (result == 0) { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "handleRead: PANIC! No data read from FD#" << fd_ << " while encoding messages.\n" << logofs_flush; HandleCleanup(); #endif return 0; } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) *logofs << "handleRead: Encoding messages for FD#" << fd_ << " with " << readBuffer_.getLength() << " bytes " << "in the buffer.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif // // Divide the available data in multiple // messages and encode them one by one. // if (proxy -> handleAsyncSwitch(fd_) < 0) { return -1; } while ((inputMessage = readBuffer_.getMessage(inputLength)) != NULL) { encodeBuffer.encodeValue(inputLength, 32, 14); if (isCompressed() == 1) { unsigned int compressedDataSize = 0; unsigned char *compressedData = NULL; if (handleCompress(encodeBuffer, inputOpcode, 0, inputMessage, inputLength, compressedData, compressedDataSize) < 0) { return -1; } } else { encodeBuffer.encodeMemory(inputMessage, inputLength); } int bits = encodeBuffer.diffBits(); #if defined(TEST) || defined(OPCODES) *logofs << "handleRead: Handled generic data for FD#" << fd_ << ". " << inputLength << " bytes in, " << bits << " bits (" << ((float) bits) / 8 << " bytes) out.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif addProtocolBits(inputLength << 3, bits); if (isPrioritized() == 1) { priority_++; } } // End of while ((inputMessage = readBuffer_.getMessage(inputLength)) != NULL) ... // // All data has been read from the read buffer. // We still need to mark the end of the encode // buffer just before sending the frame. This // allows us to accomodate multiple reads in // a single frame. // if (priority_ > 0) { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "handleRead: WARNING! Requesting flush " << "because of " << priority_ << " prioritized " << "messages for FD#" << fd_ << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif if (proxy -> handleAsyncPriority() < 0) { return -1; } // // Reset the priority flag. // priority_ = 0; } // // Flush if we produced enough data. // if (proxy -> canAsyncFlush() == 1) { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "handleRead: WARNING! Requesting flush " << "because of enough data or timeout on the " << "proxy link.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif if (proxy -> handleAsyncFlush() < 0) { return -1; } } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) if (transport_ -> pending() != 0 || readBuffer_.checkMessage() != 0) { *logofs << "handleRead: PANIC! Buffer for X descriptor FD#" << fd_ << " has " << transport_ -> pending() << " bytes to read.\n" << logofs_flush; HandleCleanup(); } #endif // // Reset the read buffer. // readBuffer_.fullReset(); return 1; }
int GenericChannel::handleWrite(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length) { #ifdef TEST *logofs << "handleWrite: Called for FD#" << fd_ << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif // // Create the buffer from which to // decode messages. // DecodeBuffer decodeBuffer(message, length); #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) *logofs << "handleWrite: Decoding messages for FD#" << fd_ << " with " << length << " bytes in the buffer.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif unsigned char *outputMessage; unsigned int outputLength; // // Tag message as generic data // in decompression. // unsigned char outputOpcode = X_NXInternalGenericData; for (;;) { decodeBuffer.decodeValue(outputLength, 32, 14); if (outputLength == 0) { break; } if (isCompressed() == 1) { if (writeBuffer_.getAvailable() < outputLength || (int) outputLength >= control -> TransportFlushBufferSize) { #ifdef DEBUG *logofs << "handleWrite: Using scratch buffer for " << "generic data with size " << outputLength << " and " << writeBuffer_.getLength() << " bytes in buffer.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif outputMessage = writeBuffer_.addScratchMessage(outputLength); } else { outputMessage = writeBuffer_.addMessage(outputLength); } const unsigned char *compressedData = NULL; unsigned int compressedDataSize = 0; int decompressed = handleDecompress(decodeBuffer, outputOpcode, 0, outputMessage, outputLength, compressedData, compressedDataSize); if (decompressed < 0) { return -1; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG *logofs << "handleWrite: Using scratch buffer for " << "generic data with size " << outputLength << " and " << writeBuffer_.getLength() << " bytes in buffer.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif writeBuffer_.addScratchMessage((unsigned char *) decodeBuffer.decodeMemory(outputLength), outputLength); } #if defined(TEST) || defined(OPCODES) *logofs << "handleWrite: Handled generic data for FD#" << fd_ << ". " << outputLength << " bytes out.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif handleFlush(flush_if_needed); } // // Write any remaining data to socket. // if (handleFlush(flush_if_any) < 0) { return -1; } return 1; }
void GFXD3D11Cubemap::initDynamic(U32 texSize, GFXFormat faceFormat) { if(!mDynamic) GFXTextureManager::addEventDelegate(this, &GFXD3D11Cubemap::_onTextureEvent); mDynamic = true; mAutoGenMips = true; mTexSize = texSize; mFaceFormat = faceFormat; bool compressed = isCompressed(mFaceFormat); UINT bindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; UINT miscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE; if (!compressed) { bindFlags |= D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; miscFlags |= D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_GENERATE_MIPS; } D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc; desc.Width = mTexSize; desc.Height = mTexSize; desc.MipLevels = 0; desc.ArraySize = 6; desc.Format = GFXD3D11TextureFormat[mFaceFormat]; desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; desc.BindFlags = bindFlags; desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; desc.MiscFlags = miscFlags; HRESULT hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateTexture2D(&desc, NULL, &mTexture); D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC SMViewDesc; SMViewDesc.Format = GFXD3D11TextureFormat[mFaceFormat]; SMViewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBE; SMViewDesc.TextureCube.MipLevels = -1; SMViewDesc.TextureCube.MostDetailedMip = 0; hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateShaderResourceView(mTexture, &SMViewDesc, &mSRView); if(FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initDynamic - CreateTexture2D call failure"); } D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC viewDesc; viewDesc.Format = desc.Format; viewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY; viewDesc.Texture2DArray.ArraySize = 1; viewDesc.Texture2DArray.MipSlice = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < CubeFaces; i++) { viewDesc.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice = i; hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateRenderTargetView(mTexture, &viewDesc, &mRTView[i]); if(FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initDynamic - CreateRenderTargetView call failure"); } } D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC depthTexDesc; depthTexDesc.Width = mTexSize; depthTexDesc.Height = mTexSize; depthTexDesc.MipLevels = 1; depthTexDesc.ArraySize = 1; depthTexDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; depthTexDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; depthTexDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT; depthTexDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; depthTexDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL; depthTexDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; depthTexDesc.MiscFlags = 0; ID3D11Texture2D* depthTex = 0; hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateTexture2D(&depthTexDesc, 0, &depthTex); if(FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initDynamic - CreateTexture2D for depth stencil call failure"); } // Create the depth stencil view for the entire cube D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC dsvDesc; dsvDesc.Format = depthTexDesc.Format; //The format must match the depth texture we created above dsvDesc.Flags = 0; dsvDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; dsvDesc.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; hr = D3D11DEVICE->CreateDepthStencilView(depthTex, &dsvDesc, &mDSView); if(FAILED(hr)) { AssertFatal(false, "GFXD3D11Cubemap::initDynamic - CreateDepthStencilView call failure"); } SAFE_RELEASE(depthTex); }
bool NavMeshRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& in_File, const bool localized, const StringTable& table) { uint32_t readSize = 0; if (!loadSizeAndUnknownValues(in_File, readSize)) return false; if (isDeleted()) return true; uint32_t subRecName; uint16_t subLength; subRecName = subLength = 0; uint32_t bytesRead = 0; MWTP::BufferStream decompStream(NULL, 0); std::basic_istream<char>* actual_in = &in_File; if (isCompressed()) { uint32_t decompressedSize = 0; //read size of decompressed data*) &decompressedSize, 4); if (!in_File.good()) { std::cout << "Error while reading decompression size of NAVM!\n"; return false; } if (readSize<=4) { std::cout << "Error: size of compressed NAVM record is too small to contain any compressed data!\n"; return false; } //buffer to read compressed data uint8_t * stream_buffer = new uint8_t[readSize-4];*) stream_buffer, readSize-4); if (!in_File.good()) { std::cout << "Error while reading compressed data of NAVM!\n"; delete[] stream_buffer; return false; } //now decompress here uint8_t * decompBuffer = new uint8_t [decompressedSize]; if (!MWTP::zlibDecompress(stream_buffer, readSize-4, decompBuffer, decompressedSize)) { std::cout << "Error while executing decompression function!\n"; delete[] stream_buffer; stream_buffer = NULL; delete[] decompBuffer; decompBuffer = NULL; return false; } delete[] stream_buffer; stream_buffer = NULL; //set underlying buffer for decompressed stream decompStream.buffer((char*) decompBuffer, decompressedSize); actual_in = &decompStream; //update read size readSize = decompressedSize; }//if is compressed record unknownNVNM.setPresence(false); uint32_t sizeXXXX = 0; unknownONAM.setPresence(false); unknownNNAM.setPresence(false); unknownPNAM.setPresence(false); while (bytesRead<readSize) { //read next header actual_in->read((char*) &subRecName, 4); bytesRead += 4; switch (subRecName) { case cNVNM: if (unknownNVNM.isPresent()) { std::cout << "Error: NAVM seems to have more than one NVNM subrecord.\n"; return false; } //read NVNM if (0==sizeXXXX) { if (!unknownNVNM.loadFromStream(*actual_in, cNVNM, false)) { std::cout << "Error while reading subrecord NVNM of NAVM!\n"; return false; } } else { if (!unknownNVNM.loadFromStreamExtended(*actual_in, cNVNM, false, sizeXXXX)) { std::cout << "Error while reading subrecord NVNM of NAVM!\n"; return false; } sizeXXXX = 0; }//else - load extended version of subrecord bytesRead += (2 /*length value*/ +unknownNVNM.getSize() /*data size*/); break; case cXXXX: if (sizeXXXX!=0) { std::cout << "Error: NAVM seems to have more than one XXXX subrecord in a row.\n"; return false; } //read XXXX if (!loadUint32SubRecordFromStream(*actual_in, cXXXX, sizeXXXX, false)) return false; bytesRead += 6; if (0==sizeXXXX) { std::cout << "Error: subrecord XXXX of NAVM has value zero!\n"; return false; } break; case cONAM: if (unknownONAM.isPresent()) { std::cout << "Error: NAVM seems to have more than one ONAM subrecord.\n"; return false; } //read ONAM if (!unknownONAM.loadFromStream(*actual_in, cONAM, false)) { std::cout << "Error while reading subrecord ONAM of NAVM!\n"; return false; } bytesRead += (2 + unknownONAM.getSize()); break; case cNNAM: if (unknownNNAM.isPresent()) { std::cout << "Error: NAVM seems to have more than one NNAM subrecord.\n"; return false; } //read NNAM if (!unknownNNAM.loadFromStream(*actual_in, cNNAM, false)) { std::cout << "Error while reading subrecord NNAM of NAVM!\n"; return false; } bytesRead += (2 + unknownNNAM.getSize()); break; case cPNAM: if (unknownPNAM.isPresent()) { std::cout << "Error: NAVM seems to have more than one PNAM subrecord.\n"; return false; } //read PNAM if (!unknownPNAM.loadFromStream(*actual_in, cPNAM, false)) { std::cout << "Error while reading subrecord PNAM of NAVM!\n"; return false; } bytesRead += (2 + unknownPNAM.getSize()); break; default: std::cout << "Error: found unexpected subrecord \""<<IntTo4Char(subRecName) << "\", but only NVNM, ONAM, NNAM, PNAM or XXXX are allowed here!\n"; return false; }//swi }//while //presence check if (!unknownNVNM.isPresent()) { std::cout << "Error: while reading NAVM record: subrecord NVNM is missing!\n"; return false; }//if return in_File.good(); }
void MCF::dlHeaderFromWeb() { if (m_bStopped) return; if (m_vProviderList.size() == 0) throw gcException(ERR_ZEROFILE); gcException lastE; bool successful = false; OutBuffer out(MCF_HEADERSIZE_V2); MCFCore::Misc::MCFServerCon msc; for (size_t x=0; x<m_vProviderList.size(); x++) { try { msc.disconnect(); msc.connect(m_vProviderList[x]->getUrl(), m_pFileAuth); msc.downloadRange(0, 5, &out); //4 id bytes and 1 version byte if (out.m_uiTotalSize != 5) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER, "Did not get any data from mcf server."); const char* data = out.m_szBuffer; if ( !(data[0] == 'L' && data[1] == 'M' && data[2] == 'C' && data[3] == 'F') ) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER, "Failed magic check."); size_t headerSize = MCF_HEADERSIZE_V1; if (data[4] == 0x01) headerSize = MCF_HEADERSIZE_V1; else if (data[4] == 0x02) headerSize = MCF_HEADERSIZE_V2; else throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER, "Bad version number"); out.reset(); msc.downloadRange(0, headerSize, &out); if (out.m_uiTotalSize != headerSize) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER, "Did not get correct ammount of data from server."); MCFCore::MCFHeader webHeader((uint8*)out.m_szBuffer); if (!webHeader.isValid()) throw gcException(ERR_BADHEADER, "Mcf header was not valid."); uint32 ths = webHeader.getXmlSize(); out = ths; msc.downloadRange(webHeader.getXmlStart(), webHeader.getXmlSize(), &out); if (out.m_uiTotalSize == 0 || out.m_uiTotalSize != webHeader.getXmlSize()) throw gcException(ERR_WEBDL_FAILED, "Failed to download MCF xml from web (size is ether zero or didnt match header size)"); data = out.m_szBuffer; if (data[0] == 'L' && data[1] == 'M' && data[2] == 'C' && data[3] == 'F') throw gcException(ERR_WEBDL_FAILED, "Server failed 4gb seek."); setHeader(&webHeader); successful = true; break; } catch (gcException &e) { lastE = e; Warning(gcString("Failed to download MCF Header from {1}: {0}\n", e, m_vProviderList[x]->getUrl())); } } if (!successful) throw lastE; uint32 bz2BuffLen = getHeader()->getXmlSize()*25; char* bz2Buff = NULL; if ( isCompressed() ) { bz2Buff = new char[bz2BuffLen]; UTIL::STRING::zeroBuffer(bz2Buff, bz2BuffLen); try { UTIL::BZIP::BZ2DBuff((char*)bz2Buff, &bz2BuffLen, out.m_szBuffer, out.m_uiTotalSize); parseXml(bz2Buff, bz2BuffLen); safe_delete(bz2Buff); } catch (gcException &) { safe_delete(bz2Buff); throw; } } else { parseXml(out.m_szBuffer, out.m_uiTotalSize); } //we remove the complete flag due to the files not existing in the MCF for (size_t x=0; x< m_pFileList.size(); x++) { m_pFileList[x]->delFlag(MCFCore::MCFFileI::FLAG_COMPLETE); } if (m_szFile != "") saveMCF_Header(); }
uint32_t TankFile::FileEntry::getChunkSize() const { return isCompressed() ? getCompressedHeader().chunkSize : 0; }
uint32_t TankFile::FileEntry::getCompressedSize() const { return isCompressed() ? getCompressedHeader().compressedSize : size; }
// slightly refactored original heplug.c logic here... int he_install_bios(const char *he_bios_path) { // dumpComressedHeBios(); // tmp utility if ( !bios_get_imagesize() ) { // if ((he_bios_path == 0) || !strlen(he_bios_path)) { #ifdef BUILTIN_HEBIOS // use built-in hebios void * he_bios = malloc( HEBIOS_SIZE ); long hebios_size= HEBIOS_SIZE; if (Z_OK != uncompress(he_bios, &hebios_size, zhebios, zhebios_size)) { trace( "he: BIOS uncompress error\n" ); return -1; } if (hebios_size != HEBIOS_SIZE) { trace( "he: BIOS uncompress mismatch\n" ); return -1; } bios_set_image( he_bios, hebios_size ); trace( "he: using built-in hebios\n" ); #else // } else { // install specific bios if ( !*he_bios_path ) { trace( "he: no BIOS set\n" ); return -1; } FILE * f = psf_file_fopen( he_bios_path ); if ( !f ) { trace( "he: failed to open bios %s\n", he_bios_path ); return -1; } void * ps2_bios = malloc( 0x400000 ); if ( !ps2_bios ) { psf_file_fclose( f ); trace( "he: out of memory\n" ); return -1; } int compressionEnabled= 1; size_t ps2_bios_size= 0; if (compressionEnabled && isCompressed(he_bios_path)) { size_t compressed_size = em_fgetlength( f ); if (tmp_bios_buffer) { free(tmp_bios_buffer);} tmp_bios_buffer= malloc( compressed_size ); if ( psf_file_fread( tmp_bios_buffer, 1, compressed_size, f ) < compressed_size ) { free( tmp_bios_buffer ); psf_file_fclose( f ); trace( "he: error reading compressed bios\n" ); return -1; } ps2_bios_size= inflate2(tmp_bios_buffer, compressed_size, ps2_bios, 0x400000); if (ps2_bios_size < 0x400000) { free( ps2_bios ); psf_file_fclose( f ); trace( "he: could not uncompress bios\n" ); return -1; } } else { size_t ps2_bios_size = em_fgetlength( f ); if ( ps2_bios_size != 0x400000 ) { psf_file_fclose( f ); trace( "he: bios is wrong size\n" ); return -1; } if ( psf_file_fread( ps2_bios, 1, 0x400000, f ) < 0x400000 ) { free( ps2_bios ); psf_file_fclose( f ); trace( "he: error reading bios\n" ); return -1; } psf_file_fclose( f ); } int bios_size = 0x400000; void * he_bios = mkhebios_create( ps2_bios, &bios_size ); trace( "he: fucko - %p, %p, %u\n", ps2_bios, he_bios, bios_size ); free( ps2_bios ); if ( !he_bios ) { trace( "he: error processing bios\n" ); return -1; } bios_set_image( he_bios, bios_size ); // } #endif } return 0; }
/** * Initialize the game */ Common::ErrorCode TonyEngine::init() { // Load DAT file (used by font manager) if (!loadTonyDat()) return Common::kUnknownError; if (isCompressed()) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(""); if (!stream) error("Failed to open"); Common::Archive *cabinet = Common::makeInstallShieldArchive(stream); if (!cabinet) error("Failed to parse"); SearchMan.add("", cabinet); } _hEndOfFrame = CoroScheduler.createEvent(false, false); _bPaused = false; _bDrawLocation = true; _startTime = g_system->getMillis(); // Init static class fields RMText::initStatics(); RMTony::initStatics(); // Reset the scheduler CoroScheduler.reset(); // Initialize the graphics window _window.init(); // Initialize the function list Common::fill(_funcList, _funcList + 300, (LPCUSTOMFUNCTION)NULL); initCustomFunctionMap(); // Initializes MPAL system, passing the custom functions list Common::File f; if (!"ROASTED.MPC")) return Common::kReadingFailed; f.close(); if (!mpalInit("ROASTED.MPC", "ROASTED.MPR", _funcList, _funcListStrings)) return Common::kUnknownError; // Initialize the update resources _resUpdate.init("ROASTED.MPU"); // Initialize the music initMusic(); // Initialize the voices database if (!openVoiceDatabase()) return Common::kReadingFailed; // Initialize the boxes _theBoxes.init(); // Link to the custom graphics engine _theEngine.initCustomDll(); _theEngine.init(); // Allocate space for thumbnails when saving the game _curThumbnail = new uint16[160 * 120]; _bQuitNow = false; return Common::kNoError; }