void textmode(int mode)
    union REGS regs;
    int mode_to_set = mode;
    if (mode == LASTMODE)
        mode = mode_to_set = txinfo.currmode;
    if (mode == C4350)
         * just set mode 3 and load 8x8 font, idea taken
         * (and code translated from Assembler to C)
         * form Csaba Biegels stdvga.asm
        mode_to_set = 0x03;
    regs.h.ah = 0x00; /* set mode */
    regs.h.al = mode_to_set;
    int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
    if (mode == C80 || mode == BW80 || mode == C4350)
        if (isEGA())
             * enable cursor size emulation, see Ralf Browns
             * interrupt list
            regs.h.ah = 0x12;
            regs.h.bl = 0x34;
            regs.h.al = 0x00; /* 0: enable (1: disable) */
            int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
    if (mode == C4350)
        if (!isEGA())
        /* load 8x8 font */
        regs.x.ax = 0x1112;
        regs.x.bx = 0;
        int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
/*    _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); */
    /* reinitialize txinfo structure to take into account new mode */
#if 0
     * For mode C4350 the screen is not cleared on my OAK-VGA.
     * Should we clear it here? TURBOC doesn't so we don't bother either.
文件: gob.cpp 项目: 86400/scummvm
Common::Error GobEngine::initGameParts() {
	_resourceSizeWorkaround = false;

	// just detect some devices some of which will be always there if the music is not disabled
	_noMusic = MidiDriver::getMusicType(MidiDriver::detectDevice(MDT_PCSPK | MDT_MIDI | MDT_ADLIB)) == MT_NULL ? true : false;

	_endiannessMethod = kEndiannessMethodSystem;

	_global    = new Global(this);
	_util      = new Util(this);
	_dataIO    = new DataIO();
	_palAnim   = new PalAnim(this);
	_vidPlayer = new VideoPlayer(this);
	_sound     = new Sound(this);
	_game      = new Game(this);

	switch (_gameType) {
	case kGameTypeGob1:
		_init     = new Init_v1(this);
		_video    = new Video_v1(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v1(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v1(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v1(this);
		_map      = new Map_v1(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v1(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v1(this);

		// WORKAROUND: The EGA version of Gobliiins claims a few resources are
		//             larger than they actually are. The original happily reads
		//             past the resource structure boundary, but we don't.
		//             To make sure we don't throw an error like we normally do
		//             (which leads to these resources not loading), we enable
		//             this workaround that automatically fixes the resources
		//             sizes.
		//             This glitch is visible in levels
		//             - 03 (ICIGCAA)
		//             - 09 (ICVGCGT)
		//             - 16 (TCVQRPM)
		//             - 20 (NNGWTTO)
		//             See also ScummVM bug report #7162.
		if (isEGA())
			_resourceSizeWorkaround = true;

	case kGameTypeGeisha:
		_init     = new Init_Geisha(this);
		_video    = new Video_v1(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_Geisha(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v1(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v1(this);
		_map      = new Map_v1(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v1(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v1(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_Geisha(this, _targetName.c_str());

		_endiannessMethod = kEndiannessMethodAltFile;

	case kGameTypeFascination:
		_init     = new Init_Fascination(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_Fascination(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_Fascination(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_Fascination(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeWeen:
	case kGameTypeGob2:
	case kGameTypeCrousti:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v2(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeBargon:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_Bargon(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_Bargon(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v2(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeLittleRed:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_LittleRed(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);

		// WORKAROUND: Little Red Riding Hood has a small resource size glitch in the
		//             screen where Little Red needs to find the animals' homes.
		_resourceSizeWorkaround = true;

	case kGameTypeAJWorld:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_AJWorld(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeGob3:
		_init     = new Init_v3(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v3(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v3(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v3(this, _targetName.c_str(), SaveLoad_v3::kScreenshotTypeGob3);

	case kGameTypeInca2:
		_init     = new Init_v3(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_Inca2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v3(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_Inca2(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeLostInTime:
		_init     = new Init_v3(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v3(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v3(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v3(this, _targetName.c_str(), SaveLoad_v3::kScreenshotTypeLost);

	case kGameTypeWoodruff:
		_init     = new Init_v4(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v4(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v4(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v4(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeDynasty:
		_init     = new Init_v3(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v5(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v4(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad(this);

	case kGameTypeUrban:
		_init     = new Init_v6(this);
		_video    = new Video_v6(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v6(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v4(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v6(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypePlaytoons:
	case kGameTypeBambou:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v6(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_Playtoons(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_Playtoons(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v4(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_Playtoons(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeAdibou2:
	case kGameTypeAdi2:
	case kGameTypeAdi4:
		_init     = new Init_v7(this);
		_video    = new Video_v6(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v7(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v4(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v7(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeAdibou1:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_inter    = new Inter_v2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_saveLoad = new SaveLoad_v2(this, _targetName.c_str());

	case kGameTypeAbracadabra:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_preGob   = new OnceUpon::Abracadabra(this);

	case kGameTypeBabaYaga:
		_init     = new Init_v2(this);
		_video    = new Video_v2(this);
		_mult     = new Mult_v2(this);
		_draw     = new Draw_v2(this);
		_map      = new Map_v2(this);
		_goblin   = new Goblin_v2(this);
		_scenery  = new Scenery_v2(this);
		_preGob   = new OnceUpon::BabaYaga(this);

		return Common::kUnsupportedGameidError;

	// Setup mixer

	if (_inter)

	return Common::kNoError;