template<typename PointT, typename NormalT> void
pcl::NormalSpaceSampling<PointT, NormalT>::applyFilter (PointCloud &output)
  // If sample size is 0 or if the sample size is greater then input cloud size
  //   then return entire copy of cloud
  if (sample_ >= input_->size ())
    output = *input_;

  // Resize output cloud to sample size
  output.points.resize (sample_);
  output.width = sample_;
  output.height = 1;
  // allocate memory for the histogram of normals.. Normals will then be sampled from each bin..
  unsigned int n_bins = binsx_ * binsy_ * binsz_;
  // list<int> holds the indices of points in that bin.. Using list to avoid repeated resizing of vectors.. Helps when the point cloud is
  // large..
  std::vector< std::list <int> > normals_hg;
  normals_hg.reserve (n_bins);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_bins; i++) 
    normals_hg.push_back (std::list<int> ());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_normals_->points.size (); i++)
    unsigned int bin_number = findBin (input_normals_->points[i].normal, n_bins);
    normals_hg[bin_number].push_back (i);

  // Setting up random access for the list created above.. Maintaining the iterators to individual elements of the list in a vector.. Using
  // vector now as the size of the list is known..
  std::vector< std::vector <std::list<int>::iterator> > random_access (normals_hg.size ());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < normals_hg.size (); i++)
    random_access.push_back (std::vector< std::list<int>::iterator> ());
    random_access[i].resize (normals_hg[i].size ());

    unsigned int j=0;
    for (std::list<int>::iterator itr = normals_hg[i].begin (); itr != normals_hg[i].end (); itr++, j++)
      random_access[i][j] = itr;
  unsigned int* start_index = new unsigned int[normals_hg.size ()];
  start_index[0] = 0;
  unsigned int prev_index = start_index[0];
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < normals_hg.size (); i++)
    start_index[i] = prev_index + normals_hg[i-1].size ();
    prev_index = start_index[i];

  // maintaining flags to check if a point is sampled
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> is_sampled_flag (input_normals_->points.size ());
  // maintaining flags to check if all points in the bin are sampled 
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> bin_empty_flag (normals_hg.size ());
  unsigned int i = 0;
  while (i < sample_)
    // iterating through every bin and picking one point at random, until the required number of points are sampled..
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < normals_hg.size (); j++)
      unsigned int M = normals_hg[j].size ();
      if (M == 0 || bin_empty_flag.test (j))// bin_empty_flag(i) is set if all points in that bin are sampled..
      unsigned int pos = 0;
      unsigned int random_index = 0;
      //picking up a sample at random from jth bin
        random_index = std::rand () % M;
        pos = start_index[j] + random_index;
      } while (is_sampled_flag.test (pos));

      is_sampled_flag.flip (start_index[j] + random_index);

      // checking if all points in bin j are sampled..
      if (isEntireBinSampled (is_sampled_flag, start_index[j], normals_hg[j].size ()))
        bin_empty_flag.flip (j);

      unsigned int index = *(random_access[j][random_index]);
      output.points[i] = input_->points[index];
      if (i == sample_)
  delete[] start_index;
template<typename PointT, typename NormalT> void
pcl::NormalSpaceSampling<PointT, NormalT>::applyFilter (std::vector<int> &indices)
  if (!initCompute ())
    indices = *indices_;

  unsigned int max_values = (std::min) (sample_, static_cast<unsigned int> (input_normals_->size ()));
  // Resize output indices to sample size
  indices.resize (max_values);
  removed_indices_->resize (max_values);
  // Allocate memory for the histogram of normals. Normals will then be sampled from each bin.
  unsigned int n_bins = binsx_ * binsy_ * binsz_;
  // list<int> holds the indices of points in that bin. Using list to avoid repeated resizing of vectors.
  // Helps when the point cloud is large.
  std::vector<std::list <int> > normals_hg;
  normals_hg.reserve (n_bins);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_bins; i++)

  for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = indices_->begin (); it != indices_->end (); ++it)
    unsigned int bin_number = findBin (input_normals_->points[*it].normal, n_bins);
    normals_hg[bin_number].push_back (*it);

  // Setting up random access for the list created above. Maintaining the iterators to individual elements of the list
  // in a vector. Using vector now as the size of the list is known.
  std::vector<std::vector<std::list<int>::iterator> > random_access (normals_hg.size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < normals_hg.size (); i++)
    random_access[i].resize (normals_hg[i].size ());

    size_t j = 0;
    for (std::list<int>::iterator itr = normals_hg[i].begin (); itr != normals_hg[i].end (); itr++, j++)
      random_access[i][j] = itr;
  std::vector<size_t> start_index (normals_hg.size ());
  start_index[0] = 0;
  size_t prev_index = 0;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < normals_hg.size (); i++)
    start_index[i] = prev_index + normals_hg[i-1].size ();
    prev_index = start_index[i];

  // Maintaining flags to check if a point is sampled
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> is_sampled_flag (input_normals_->points.size ());
  // Maintaining flags to check if all points in the bin are sampled
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> bin_empty_flag (normals_hg.size ());
  unsigned int i = 0;
  while (i < sample_)
    // Iterating through every bin and picking one point at random, until the required number of points are sampled.
    for (size_t j = 0; j < normals_hg.size (); j++)
      unsigned int M = static_cast<unsigned int> (normals_hg[j].size ());
      if (M == 0 || bin_empty_flag.test (j)) // bin_empty_flag(i) is set if all points in that bin are sampled..

      unsigned int pos = 0;
      unsigned int random_index = 0;

      // Picking up a sample at random from jth bin
        random_index = static_cast<unsigned int> ((*rng_uniform_distribution_) () % M);
        pos = start_index[j] + random_index;
      } while (is_sampled_flag.test (pos));

      is_sampled_flag.flip (start_index[j] + random_index);

      // Checking if all points in bin j are sampled.
      if (isEntireBinSampled (is_sampled_flag, start_index[j], static_cast<unsigned int> (normals_hg[j].size ()))) 
        bin_empty_flag.flip (j);

      unsigned int index = *(random_access[j][random_index]);
      indices[i] = index;
      if (i == sample_)
  // If we need to return the indices that we haven't sampled
  if (extract_removed_indices_)
    std::vector<int> indices_temp = indices;
    std::sort (indices_temp.begin (), indices_temp.end ());

    std::vector<int> all_indices_temp = *indices_;
    std::sort (all_indices_temp.begin (), all_indices_temp.end ());
    set_difference (all_indices_temp.begin (), all_indices_temp.end (), 
                    indices_temp.begin (), indices_temp.end (), 
                    inserter (*removed_indices_, removed_indices_->begin ()));