bool doSpreadsheetStuff(int socket)
   // int numBytes;
   char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
   char formula[IN_BUF_LIMIT] = "";
   FormulaType formulaType = SUM;
   FormulaType *formulaTypePtr = &formulaType;
   size_t addr = 0;
   size_t *addressPtr = &addr;
   char response[IN_BUF_LIMIT] = "";
   char value[IN_BUF_LIMIT] = "";
   Cell spreadsheet[GRID];

   memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
   if (!isFirstRun())
      SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "Do you want to load last spreadsheet? y/n: ", 0);
      read(socket, response, 3);
      printf("%s\n", response);
      if (toupper(response[0]) == 'Y')
         if (loadLastSpreadSheet(spreadsheet, socket) != true)
            SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "Could not load last SpreadSheet\n", MSG_DONTWAIT);
            SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "Last spreadSheet loaded\n", MSG_DONTWAIT);
            recoveredSpreadSheet = true;
   run(response, spreadsheet, value, addressPtr, formula, formulaTypePtr, socket); //runs program until user quits
   SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "Session saved\n", MSG_DONTWAIT);
   return false;
 : m_settingsMain( new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "KDE", "Installer") )

    m_settings = new QSettings(installDir()+"/etc/installer.ini",QSettings::IniFormat);
    QString version = m_settings->value("version", "").toString();
    // update to current version
    if (version.isEmpty()) // version 1
        m_settings->setValue("version", SETTINGS_VERSION);
    else if (version != SETTINGS_VERSION)
        qCritical() << "unknown settings version" << version << "found"; 

#ifdef DEBUG
    qDebug() << "installDir:" << installDir();
    qDebug() << "downloadDir:" << downloadDir();
    qDebug() << "showTitlePage:" << showTitlePage();
    qDebug() << "createStartMenuEntries:" << createStartMenuEntries();
    qDebug() << "isFirstRun" << isFirstRun();
    qDebug() << "proxyMode" << proxyMode();
    qDebug() << "proxyHost" << proxyHost();
    qDebug() << "proxyPort" << proxyPort();
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
//     setProxyMode(Environment);
float ShapeResultSpacing::computeSpacing(const TextRun& run,
        size_t index,
        float& offset) {
    UChar32 character = run[index];
    bool treatAsSpace =
        (Character::treatAsSpace(character) ||
         (m_normalizeSpace &&
          Character::isNormalizedCanvasSpaceCharacter(character))) &&
        (character != '\t' || !m_allowTabs);
    if (treatAsSpace && character != noBreakSpaceCharacter)
        character = spaceCharacter;

    float spacing = 0;
    if (m_letterSpacing && !Character::treatAsZeroWidthSpace(character))
        spacing += m_letterSpacing;

    if (treatAsSpace &&
            (index || !isFirstRun(run) || character == noBreakSpaceCharacter))
        spacing += m_wordSpacing;

    if (!hasExpansion())
        return spacing;

    if (treatAsSpace)
        return spacing + nextExpansion();

    if (run.is8Bit() || m_textJustify != TextJustify::TextJustifyAuto)
        return spacing;

    // isCJKIdeographOrSymbol() has expansion opportunities both before and
    // after each character.
    // http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#line_adjustment
    if (U16_IS_LEAD(character) && index + 1 < run.length() &&
            U16_IS_TRAIL(run[index + 1]))
        character = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, run[index + 1]);
    if (!Character::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(character)) {
        m_isAfterExpansion = false;
        return spacing;

    if (!m_isAfterExpansion) {
        // Take the expansion opportunity before this ideograph.
        float expandBefore = nextExpansion();
        if (expandBefore) {
            offset += expandBefore;
            spacing += expandBefore;
        if (!hasExpansion())
            return spacing;

    return spacing + nextExpansion();
ULONGLONG CpuUsage::getUsageEx()
    ULONGLONG nCpuCopy = m_nCpuUsage;

    if (::InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRunCount) == 1)
        if (!enoughTimePassed())
            return nCpuCopy;

        ULONGLONG ullSysNonIdleTime = getSystemNonIdleTimes();
        ULONGLONG ullProcNonIdleTime = getProcessNonIdleTimes();

        if (!isFirstRun())
            ULONGLONG ullTotalSys = ullSysNonIdleTime - m_ullPrevSysNonIdleTime;

            if (ullTotalSys == 0)
                return nCpuCopy;

            m_nCpuUsage = ULONGLONG((ullProcNonIdleTime - m_ullPrevProcNonIdleTime) * 100.0 / (ullTotalSys));
            m_ullPrevSysNonIdleTime = ullSysNonIdleTime;
            m_ullPrevProcNonIdleTime = ullProcNonIdleTime;

        m_dwLastRun = (ULONGLONG)GetTickCount();
        nCpuCopy = m_nCpuUsage;


    return nCpuCopy;