static  char * check_test() {
	printf("Running check_test\n");
	char fen[] = "rnbqk1nr/pppp1Bpp/8/2b1p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - 0 1";
	//black king is in check from white bishop

	assert( isInCheck(BLACK));
	assert( !isInCheck(WHITE));
	return 0;
int main()
	int n = 1;

	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
			board[i][j] = 'z';

	while (!feof(stdin))
		int reiPX = -1, reiPY = -1, reiWX = -1, reiWY = -1;
		bool bcheck = false, wcheck = false;
		bool vazio = true;
		char lixo;

		for (int i = 3; i < 11; i++)
			for (int j = 3; j < 11; j++)
				scanf("%c", &board[i][j]);
				if (board[i][j] == 'k') { reiPX = i; reiPY = j; }
				if (board[i][j] == 'K') { reiWX = i; reiWY = j; }

				if (board[i][j] != '.') vazio = false; 
			scanf("%c", &lixo);

		scanf("%c", &lixo);

		if (vazio) break;

		bcheck = isInCheck(reiPX, reiPY, 0);
		wcheck = isInCheck(reiWX, reiWY, 1);

		if (wcheck) printf("Game #%d: white king is in check.\n", n);
		else if (bcheck) printf("Game #%d: black king is in check.\n", n);
		else printf("Game #%d: no king is in check.\n", n);
	return 0;
 * Function to check if a final stage has been reached
bool Board::finalReached() {
    if (!isInCheck() && isInCheckmate()) {
        Stats *s = s->getInstance();
#pragma omp atomic
        winner = 2;
        decision = calculateHeuristic(turn);
        bestBoard = nullptr;
        return true;

    whiteKing = nullptr;
    whiteKing = getWhiteKing();
    if (isInCheckmateWithPieces(whiteKing, blackPieces)) {
        winner = BLACK;
        decision = calculateHeuristic(BLACK) * 2;
        Stats *s = s->getInstance();
#pragma omp atomic
        bestBoard = nullptr;
        return true;

    blackKing = nullptr;
    blackKing = getBlackKing();
    if (isInCheckmateWithPieces(blackKing, whitePieces)) {
        winner = WHITE;
        decision = calculateHeuristic(WHITE) * 2;
        Stats *s = s->getInstance();
#pragma omp atomic
        bestBoard = nullptr;
        return true;

    if (turnsLeft == 0) {
        winner = 2;
        decision = calculateHeuristic(turn);
        Stats *s = s->getInstance();
#pragma omp atomic
        bestBoard = nullptr;
        return true;
    return false;
 * A function to execute all the posible movements for a piece, and creating all the new posible boards
void Board::execute() {

    matrix = getMatrix();

    if (finalReached()) {

    bool incheck = isInCheck();

    std::vector<Piece *> pieces;
    if (turn == WHITE) {
        pieces = whitePieces;
    } else {
        pieces = blackPieces;

    for (std::vector<Piece *>::iterator pieceIt = pieces.begin(); pieceIt != pieces.end(); ++pieceIt) {
        std::vector<Move *> *moves = (*pieceIt)->makeMove(matrix);
        removeInvalidMoves(*pieceIt, moves);

        std::vector<Board *> child_boards;
#pragma omp task untied
            for (std::vector<Move *>::iterator moveIt = moves->begin(); moveIt != moves->end(); ++moveIt) {
                Board *board = createBoard(*pieceIt, *moveIt, incheck, turnsLeft - 1);
                if (board != nullptr) {
                delete (*moveIt);

            for (std::vector<Board *>::iterator child = child_boards.begin(); child != child_boards.end(); ++child) {
                if ((*child) != bestBoard)
                    delete (*child);

        delete moves;
#pragma omp taskwait
文件: moves.c 项目: kervinck/floyd
 *  Pseudo-legal move generator
extern int generateMoves(Board_t self, int moveList[maxMoves])
        int side = sideToMove(self);

        self->movePtr = moveList;

        for (int from=0; from<boardSize; from++) {
                int piece = self->squares[from];
                if (piece == empty || pieceColor(piece) != sideToMove(self))

                 *  Generate moves for this piece
                int to;
                switch (piece) {
                        int dir, dirs;

                case whiteKing: case blackKing:
                        dirs = kingDirections[from];
                        dir = 0;
                        do {
                                dir = (dir - dirs) & dirs; // pick next
                                to = from + kingStep[dir];
                                if (self->squares[to] == empty
                                 || pieceColor(self->squares[to]) != sideToMove(self))
                                        if (self->sides[other(side)].attacks[to] == 0)
                                                pushMove(self, from, to);
                        } while (dirs -= dir); // remove and go to next

                case whiteQueen: case blackQueen:
                        generateSlides(self, from, dirsQueen);

                case whiteRook: case blackRook:
                        generateSlides(self, from, dirsRook);

                case whiteBishop: case blackBishop:
                        generateSlides(self, from, dirsBishop);

                case whiteKnight: case blackKnight:
                        dirs = knightDirections[from];
                        dir = 0;
                        do {
                                dir = (dir - dirs) & dirs; // pick next
                                to = from + knightJump[dir];
                                if (self->squares[to] == empty
                                 || pieceColor(self->squares[to]) != sideToMove(self))
                                        pushMove(self, from, to);
                        } while (dirs -= dir); // remove and go to next

                case whitePawn:
                        if (file(from) != fileH) {
                                to = from + stepNE;
                                if (self->squares[to] != empty
                                 && pieceColor(self->squares[to]) == black)
                                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        if (file(from) != fileA) {
                                to = from + stepNW;
                                if (self->squares[to] != empty
                                 && pieceColor(self->squares[to]) == black)
                                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        to = from + stepN;
                        if (self->squares[to] != empty)

                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        if (rank(from) == rank2) {
                                to += stepN;
                                if (self->squares[to] == empty) {
                                        pushMove(self, from, to);
                                        if (self->sides[black].attacks[to+stepS])
                                                self->movePtr[-1] |= specialMoveFlag;

                case blackPawn:
                        if (file(from) != fileH) {
                                to = from + stepSE;
                                if (self->squares[to] != empty
                                 && pieceColor(self->squares[to]) == white)
                                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        if (file(from) != fileA) {
                                to = from + stepSW;
                                if (self->squares[to] != empty
                                 && pieceColor(self->squares[to]) == white)
                                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        to = from + stepS;
                        if (self->squares[to] != empty)

                        pushPawnMove(self, from, to);
                        if (rank(from) == rank7) {
                                to += stepS;
                                if (self->squares[to] == empty) {
                                        pushMove(self, from, to);
                                        if (self->sides[white].attacks[to+stepN])
                                                self->movePtr[-1] |= specialMoveFlag;

         *  Generate castling moves
        if (self->castleFlags && !isInCheck(self)) {
                static const int flags[2][2] = {
                        { castleFlagWhiteKside, castleFlagWhiteQside },
                        { castleFlagBlackKside, castleFlagBlackQside }

                int side = sideToMove(self);
                int sq = self->sides[side].king;

                if ((self->castleFlags & flags[side][0])
                 && self->squares[sq+stepE] == empty
                 && self->squares[sq+2*stepE] == empty
                 && self->sides[other(side)].attacks[sq+stepE] == 0
                 && self->sides[other(side)].attacks[sq+2*stepE] == 0)
                        pushSpecialMove(self, sq, sq + 2*stepE);

                if ((self->castleFlags & flags[side][1])
                 && self->squares[sq+stepW] == empty
                 && self->squares[sq+2*stepW] == empty
                 && self->squares[sq+3*stepW] == empty
                 && self->sides[other(side)].attacks[sq+stepW] == 0
                 && self->sides[other(side)].attacks[sq+2*stepW] == 0)
                        pushSpecialMove(self, sq, sq + 2*stepW);

         *  Generate en passant captures
        if (self->enPassantPawn) {
                static const int steps[] = { stepN, stepS };
                static const int pawns[] = { whitePawn, blackPawn };

                int step = steps[sideToMove(self)];
                int pawn = pawns[sideToMove(self)];
                int ep = self->enPassantPawn;

                if (file(ep) != fileA && self->squares[ep+stepW] == pawn)
                        pushSpecialMove(self, ep + stepW, ep + step);

                if (file(ep) != fileH && self->squares[ep+stepE] == pawn)
                        pushSpecialMove(self, ep + stepE, ep + step);

        return self->movePtr - moveList; // nrMoves