文件: align.c 项目: rforge/gtdb
SEXP do_nw_align(SEXP gt1, SEXP gt2, SEXP sparam, SEXP sends)
	int n1, n2, i, j, n, k;
	const char *s1, *s2;
	char *a1, *a2, *eq;
	double gap, pm, mm, **score;
	int ends[4], **link;
	SEXP ans, ssc, sal, end;
	enum gap { GAP_NO = 0, GAP_S1, GAP_S2 };

	if (!isString(gt1) || (length(gt1) != 1))
		error(_("'gt1' argument should be a character string"));
	if (!isString(gt2) || (length(gt2) != 1))
		error(_("'gt2' argument should be a character string"));
	if (!isReal(sparam) || LENGTH(sparam) != 3)
		error(_("'param' should a numeric vector of length 3"));
	if (!isLogical(sends) || (length(sends) != 4))
		error(_("'ends' argument should be a logical vector of length 4"));
	s1 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt1,0));
	s2 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt2,0));
	n1 = strlen(s1)+1;
	n2 = strlen(s2)+1;
	gap = REAL(sparam)[0];
	pm = REAL(sparam)[1];
	mm = REAL(sparam)[2];
	memcpy(ends, LOGICAL(sends), 4*sizeof(int));

	score = (double **)R_alloc(n1, sizeof(double *));
	score[0] = (double *)R_alloc(n2*n1, sizeof(double));
	link = (int **)R_alloc(n1, sizeof(int *));
	link[0] = (int *)R_alloc(n2*n1, sizeof(int));
	for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) {
		score[i] = score[0] + i*n2;
		link[i] = link[0] + i*n2;

	/* initialize first rows of score, link matrices */
	if (ends[2]) {
		memset(score[0], 0, n2*sizeof(double));
	} else {
		score[0][0] = 0;
		for (j = 1; j < n2; j++)
			score[0][j] = j * gap;
	link[0][0] = GAP_NO;
	for (j = 1; j < n2; j++)
		link[0][j] = GAP_S1;
	/* dynamic programming loops */
	for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) {
		score[i][0] = ends[0] ? 0 : (i * gap);
		link[i][0] = GAP_S2;
		for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) {
			double sc1, sc2, scm;
			sc1 = score[i][j-1] + gap;
			sc2 = score[i-1][j] + gap;
			scm = score[i-1][j-1] + (s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] ? pm : mm);
			if (scm >= sc1) {
				if (scm > sc2) {
					link[i][j] = GAP_NO;
					score[i][j] = scm;
				} else {
					link[i][j] = GAP_S2;
					score[i][j] = sc2;
			} else {
				if (sc1 >= sc2) {
					link[i][j] = GAP_S1;
					score[i][j] = sc1;
				} else {
					link[i][j] = GAP_S2;
					score[i][j] = sc2;

	/* identify ends of best alignment */
	i = n1-1 ; j = n2-1;
	if (ends[3]) {
		for (n = n2-1; n > 0; n--) {
			if (score[i][n] >= score[i][j])
				j = n;
	if (ends[1]) {
		for (n = n1-1; n > 0; n--) {
			if (score[n][n2-1] >= score[i][j]) {
				i = n;
				j = n2-1;
	PROTECT(end = allocVector(INTSXP,4));
	INTEGER(end)[1] = i;
	INTEGER(end)[3] = j;

	PROTECT(ssc = ScalarReal(score[i][j]));

	/* these will receive the final alignment */
	k = n1+n2;
	a1 = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char));
	a2 = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char));
	eq = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char));
	a1[k] = a2[k] = eq[k] = '\0';

	/* backtrack to extract best alignment */
	while ((i && j) || (i && !ends[0]) || (j && !ends[2])) {
		n = link[i][j];
		a1[--k] = (n == GAP_S1) ? '-' : toupper(s1[--i]);
		a2[k]   = (n == GAP_S2) ? '-' : toupper(s2[--j]);
		eq[k]   = (a1[k] == a2[k]) ? '|' : ' ';
	INTEGER(end)[0] = i+1;
	INTEGER(end)[2] = j+1;

	PROTECT(sal = allocVector(STRSXP,3));

	PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP,3));
	return ans;
文件: cum.c 项目: Bgods/r-source
SEXP attribute_hidden do_cum(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP s, t, ans;
    R_xlen_t i, n;
    checkArity(op, args);
    if (DispatchGroup("Math", call, op, args, env, &ans))
	return ans;
    if (isComplex(CAR(args))) {
	t = CAR(args);
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(CPLXSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) return s;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].r = NA_REAL;
	    COMPLEX(s)[i].i = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return ccumsum(t, s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return ccumprod(t, s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    errorcall(call, _("'cummax' not defined for complex numbers"));
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    errorcall(call, _("'cummin' not defined for complex numbers"));
	    errorcall(call, "unknown cumxxx function");
    } else if( ( isInteger(CAR(args)) || isLogical(CAR(args)) ) &&
	       PRIMVAL(op) != 2) {
	PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP));
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) {
	    UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */
	    return s;
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) INTEGER(s)[i] = NA_INTEGER;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    ans = icumsum(t,s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    ans = icummax(t,s);
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    ans = icummin(t,s);
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
	    ans = R_NilValue;
	UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */
	return ans;
    } else {
	PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
	n = XLENGTH(t);
	PROTECT(s = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
	setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol));
	if(n == 0) return s;
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) REAL(s)[i] = NA_REAL;
	switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) {
	case 1:	/* cumsum */
	    return cumsum(t,s);
	case 2: /* cumprod */
	    return cumprod(t,s);
	case 3: /* cummax */
	    return cummax(t,s);
	case 4: /* cummin */
	    return cummin(t,s);
	    errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function"));
    return R_NilValue; /* for -Wall */
文件: align.c 项目: rforge/gtdb
SEXP do_nw_score(SEXP gt1, SEXP gt2, SEXP sparam, SEXP sends)
	int n1, n2, i, j, n;
	const char *s1, *s2;
	double gap, pm, mm, m, *score;
	int ends[4];

	if (!isString(gt1) || (length(gt1) != 1))
		error(_("'gt1' argument should be a character string"));
	if (!isString(gt2) || (length(gt2) != 1))
		error(_("'gt2' argument should be a character string"));
	if (!isReal(sparam) || LENGTH(sparam) != 3)
		error(_("'param' should a numeric vector of length 3"));
	if (!isLogical(sends) || (length(sends) != 4))
		error(_("'ends' argument should be a logical vector of length 4"));
	s1 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt1,0));
	s2 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt2,0));
	n1 = strlen(s1)+1;
	n2 = strlen(s2)+1;
	gap = REAL(sparam)[0];
	pm = REAL(sparam)[1];
	mm = REAL(sparam)[2];
	memcpy(ends, LOGICAL(sends), 4*sizeof(int));

	/* initialize first rows of score, link vectors */
	score = (double *)R_alloc(n2, sizeof(double));
	if (ends[2]) {
		memset(score, 0, n2*sizeof(double));
	} else {
		score[0] = 0;
		for (j = 1; j < n2; j++)
			score[j] = j * gap;
	/* dynamic programming loops */
	m = 0.0;
	for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) {
		double sc0, sc1, sc2, scm;
		sc0 = score[0];
		sc1 = score[0] = ends[0] ? 0 : (i * gap);
		for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) {
			scm = sc0 + (s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] ? pm : mm);
			sc0 = score[j];
			sc2 = sc0 + gap;
			if (scm > sc1) {
				score[j] = (scm > sc2) ? scm : sc2;
			} else {
				score[j] = (sc1 > sc2) ? sc1 : sc2;
			sc1 = score[j] + gap;
		if (ends[1]) {
			if (score[n2-1] > m) m = score[n2-1];

	/* identify end of best alignment */
	if (ends[3]) {
		for (n = n2-1; n > 0; n--)
			if (score[n] > m)
				m = score[n];
	} else {
		if (score[n2-1] > m) m = score[n2-1];
	return ScalarReal(m);
 *  call to nls_iter from R --- .Call("nls_iter", m, control, doTrace)
 *  where m and control are nlsModel and nlsControl objects
 *             doTrace is a logical value.
 *  m is modified; the return value is a "convergence-information" list.
nls_iter(SEXP m, SEXP control, SEXP doTraceArg)
    double dev, fac, minFac, tolerance, newDev, convNew = -1./*-Wall*/;
    int i, j, maxIter, hasConverged, nPars, doTrace, evaltotCnt = -1, warnOnly, printEval;
    SEXP tmp, conv, incr, deviance, setPars, getPars, pars, newPars, trace;

    doTrace = asLogical(doTraceArg);

	error(_("'control' must be a list"));
	error(_("'m' must be a list"));

    PROTECT(tmp = getAttrib(control, R_NamesSymbol));

    conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "maxiter");
    if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$maxiter");
    maxIter = asInteger(conv);

    conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "tol");
    if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$tol");
    tolerance = asReal(conv);

    conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "minFactor");
    if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$minFactor");
    minFac = asReal(conv);

    conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "warnOnly");
    if(conv == NULL || !isLogical(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$warnOnly");
    warnOnly = asLogical(conv);

    conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "printEval");
    if(conv == NULL || !isLogical(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$printEval");
    printEval = asLogical(conv);

#define CONV_INFO_MSG(_STR_, _I_)					\
	ConvInfoMsg(_STR_, i, _I_, fac, minFac, maxIter, convNew)

#define NON_CONV_FINIS(_ID_, _MSG_)		\
    if(warnOnly) {				\
	warning(_MSG_);				\
	return CONV_INFO_MSG(_MSG_, _ID_);      \
    }						\
    else					\

#define NON_CONV_FINIS_1(_ID_, _MSG_, _A1_)	\
    if(warnOnly) {				\
	char msgbuf[1000];			\
	warning(_MSG_, _A1_);			\
	snprintf(msgbuf, 1000, _MSG_, _A1_);	\
	return CONV_INFO_MSG(msgbuf, _ID_);	\
    }						\
    else					\
	error(_MSG_, _A1_);

#define NON_CONV_FINIS_2(_ID_, _MSG_, _A1_, _A2_)	\
    if(warnOnly) {					\
	char msgbuf[1000];				\
	warning(_MSG_, _A1_, _A2_);			\
	snprintf(msgbuf, 1000, _MSG_, _A1_, _A2_);	\
	return CONV_INFO_MSG(msgbuf, _ID_);		\
    }							\
    else						\
	error(_MSG_, _A1_, _A2_);

    /* now get parts from 'm' */
    tmp = getAttrib(m, R_NamesSymbol);

    conv = getListElement(m, tmp, "conv");
    if(conv == NULL || !isFunction(conv))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$conv()");
    PROTECT(conv = lang1(conv));

    incr = getListElement(m, tmp, "incr");
    if(incr == NULL || !isFunction(incr))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$incr()");
    PROTECT(incr = lang1(incr));

    deviance = getListElement(m, tmp, "deviance");
    if(deviance == NULL || !isFunction(deviance))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$deviance()");
    PROTECT(deviance = lang1(deviance));

    trace = getListElement(m, tmp, "trace");
    if(trace == NULL || !isFunction(trace))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$trace()");
    PROTECT(trace = lang1(trace));

    setPars = getListElement(m, tmp, "setPars");
    if(setPars == NULL || !isFunction(setPars))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$setPars()");

    getPars = getListElement(m, tmp, "getPars");
    if(getPars == NULL || !isFunction(getPars))
	error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$getPars()");
    PROTECT(getPars = lang1(getPars));

    PROTECT(pars = eval(getPars, R_GlobalEnv));
    nPars = LENGTH(pars);

    dev = asReal(eval(deviance, R_GlobalEnv));
    if(doTrace) eval(trace,R_GlobalEnv);

    fac = 1.0;
    hasConverged = FALSE;

    PROTECT(newPars = allocVector(REALSXP, nPars));
	evaltotCnt = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < maxIter; i++) {
	SEXP newIncr;
	int evalCnt = -1;
	if((convNew = asReal(eval(conv, R_GlobalEnv))) < tolerance) {
	    hasConverged = TRUE;
	PROTECT(newIncr = eval(incr, R_GlobalEnv));

	    evalCnt = 1;

	while(fac >= minFac) {
	    if(printEval) {
		Rprintf("  It. %3d, fac= %11.6g, eval (no.,total): (%2d,%3d):",
			i+1, fac, evalCnt, evaltotCnt);
	    for(j = 0; j < nPars; j++)
		REAL(newPars)[j] = REAL(pars)[j] + fac * REAL(newIncr)[j];

	    PROTECT(tmp = lang2(setPars, newPars));
	    if (asLogical(eval(tmp, R_GlobalEnv))) { /* singular gradient */

		NON_CONV_FINIS(1, _("singular gradient"));

	    newDev = asReal(eval(deviance, R_GlobalEnv));
		Rprintf(" new dev = %g\n", newDev);
	    if(newDev <= dev) {
		dev = newDev;
		fac = MIN(2*fac, 1);
		tmp = newPars;
		newPars = pars;
		pars = tmp;
	    fac /= 2.;
	if( fac < minFac ) {
			     _("step factor %g reduced below 'minFactor' of %g"),
			     fac, minFac);
	if(doTrace) eval(trace, R_GlobalEnv);

    if(!hasConverged) {
			 _("number of iterations exceeded maximum of %d"),
    /* else */

    return CONV_INFO_MSG(_("converged"), 0);
SEXP expand_pair_links(SEXP anchor1, SEXP anchor2, SEXP querystarts1, SEXP queryends1, SEXP subject1, SEXP nsubjects1, 
        SEXP querystarts2, SEXP queryends2, SEXP subject2, SEXP nsubjects2, SEXP sameness, SEXP use_both) try {

    if (!isInteger(anchor1) || !isInteger(anchor2)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchors must be integer vectors"); }
    const int Npairs = LENGTH(anchor1);
    if (Npairs != LENGTH(anchor2)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchor vectors must be of equal length"); } 
    const int* a1ptr=INTEGER(anchor1), *a2ptr=INTEGER(anchor2);
    if (!isInteger(querystarts1) || !isInteger(queryends1)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (1) must be integer vectors"); }
    const int Nq = LENGTH(querystarts1);
    if (Nq != LENGTH(queryends1)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (1) must be of equal length"); }
    const int* qsptr1=INTEGER(querystarts1), *qeptr1=INTEGER(queryends1);
    if (!isInteger(subject1)) { throw std::runtime_error("subject indices (1) must be integer"); }
    const int Ns1 = LENGTH(subject1);
    const int *sjptr1=INTEGER(subject1);

    if (!isInteger(querystarts2) || !isInteger(queryends2)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (2) must be integer vectors"); }
    if (Nq != LENGTH(querystarts2) || Nq != LENGTH(queryends2)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (2) must be of equal length"); }
    const int* qsptr2=INTEGER(querystarts2), *qeptr2=INTEGER(queryends2);
    if (!isInteger(subject2)) { throw std::runtime_error("subject indices (2) must be integer"); }
    const int Ns2 = LENGTH(subject2);
    const int *sjptr2=INTEGER(subject2);

    if (!isInteger(nsubjects1) || LENGTH(nsubjects1)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("total number of subjects (1) must be an integer scalar"); }
    const int Ns_all1 = asInteger(nsubjects1);
    if (!isInteger(nsubjects2) || LENGTH(nsubjects2)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("total number of subjects (2) must be an integer scalar"); }
    const int Ns_all2 = asInteger(nsubjects2);

    int true_mode_start, true_mode_end;
    set_mode_values(use_both, true_mode_start, true_mode_end);           
    if (!isLogical(sameness) || LENGTH(sameness)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("same region indicator should be a logical scalar"); }
    const bool is_same=asLogical(sameness);
    if (is_same) { true_mode_end=true_mode_start+1; } // No point examining the flipped ones.
    // Check indices.
    check_indices(qsptr1, qeptr1, Nq, sjptr1, Ns1, Ns_all1);
    check_indices(qsptr2, qeptr2, Nq, sjptr2, Ns2, Ns_all2);

    // Setting up the set. 
    typedef std::pair<int, int> link;
    std::set<link> currently_active;
    std::set<link>::const_iterator itca;
    std::deque<link> stored_inactive;
    std::deque<int> interactions;

    int curpair=0, mode=0, maxmode, curq1=0, curq2=0, curindex1=0, curindex2=0;
    for (curpair=0; curpair<Npairs; ++curpair) {
        maxmode = (a1ptr[curpair] == a2ptr[curpair] ? true_mode_start+1 : true_mode_end);

        // Repeating with switched anchors, if the query sets are not the same.
        for (mode=true_mode_start; mode<maxmode; ++mode) { 
            if (mode==0) { 
                curq1 = a1ptr[curpair];
                curq2 = a2ptr[curpair];
                if (curq1 >= Nq || curq1 < 0 || curq1==NA_INTEGER) { throw std::runtime_error("region index (1) out of bounds"); }
                if (curq2 >= Nq || curq2 < 0 || curq2==NA_INTEGER) { throw std::runtime_error("region index (2) out of bounds"); }
            } else {
                curq2 = a1ptr[curpair];
                curq1 = a2ptr[curpair];

            /* Storing all combinations associated with this pair. Avoiding redundant combinations
             * for self-linking (we can't use a simple rule like curindex2 < curindex1 to restrict 
             * the loop, as the second anchor can overlap regions above the first anchor if the 
             * latter is nested within the former).
            for (curindex1=qsptr1[curq1]; curindex1<qeptr1[curq1]; ++curindex1) {
                for (curindex2=qsptr2[curq2]; curindex2<qeptr2[curq2]; ++curindex2) {
                    if (is_same && sjptr1[curindex1] < sjptr2[curindex2]) {
                        currently_active.insert(link(sjptr2[curindex2], sjptr1[curindex1]));
                    } else {
                        currently_active.insert(link(sjptr1[curindex1], sjptr2[curindex2]));

        // Relieving the set by storing all inactive entries (automatically sorted as well).
        for (itca=currently_active.begin(); itca!=currently_active.end(); ++itca) {
        interactions.resize(interactions.size() + currently_active.size(), curpair);

    // Popping back a list of information.
    SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
    try {
        const int total_entries=interactions.size();
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries));
        int * oiptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 0));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries));
        int * os1ptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 1));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries));
        int * os2ptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 2));
        std::copy(interactions.begin(), interactions.end(), oiptr);
        for (int curdex=0; curdex < total_entries; ++curdex) {
    } catch (std::exception& e) {

    return output;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
    return mkString(e.what());
SEXP iterative_correction(SEXP avecount, SEXP anchor, SEXP target, SEXP local, 
		SEXP nfrags, SEXP iter, SEXP exlocal, SEXP lowdiscard, SEXP winsorhigh) try {

	// Checking vector type and length.
	if (!isNumeric(avecount)) { throw std::runtime_error("average counts must be supplied as a double-precision vector"); }
	if (!isInteger(anchor) || !isInteger(target)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchor/target indices must be supplied as an integer vector"); }
	if (!isLogical(local)) { throw std::runtime_error("local specifier should be a logical vector"); }
	const int npairs=LENGTH(avecount);
	if (npairs!=LENGTH(anchor) || npairs!=LENGTH(target) || npairs!=LENGTH(local)) { throw std::runtime_error("lengths of vectors are not equal"); }
	const double* acptr=REAL(avecount);
	const int* aptr=INTEGER(anchor),
		  * tptr=INTEGER(target),
		  * lptr=LOGICAL(local);

	// Checking scalar type.
	if (!isInteger(nfrags) || LENGTH(nfrags)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("number of fragments should be an integer scalar"); }
	if (!isInteger(iter) || LENGTH(iter)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("number of iterations should be an integer scalar"); }
	if (!isInteger(exlocal) || LENGTH(exlocal)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("exclusion specifier should be an integer scalar"); }
	const int numfrags=asInteger(nfrags),
	if (!isNumeric(lowdiscard) || LENGTH(lowdiscard)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("proportion to discard should be a double-precision scalar"); }
	const double discarded=asReal(lowdiscard);
	if (!isNumeric(winsorhigh) || LENGTH(winsorhigh)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("proportion to winsorize should be a double-precision scalar"); }
	const double winsorized=asReal(winsorhigh);
	SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
try {
	// Setting up a SEXP to hold the working probabilities (ultimately the truth).
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(REALSXP, npairs));
	double* wptr=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 0));
	std::copy(acptr, acptr+npairs, wptr);

	// Excluding highly local interactions.
	int num_values=npairs;
	bool drop_intras=(excluded==NA_INTEGER);
	if (drop_intras || excluded >= 0) {
		for (int j=0; j<npairs; ++j) {
			if (lptr[j] && (drop_intras || aptr[j]-tptr[j] <= excluded)) { 

 	 * Getting rid of unstable or extreme elements.

	// Winsorizing for the most abundant interactions.
	const int todrop=int(double(num_values)*winsorized);
	if (todrop>0) {
		int* ordered=new int[npairs];
		try {
			for (int i=0; i<npairs; ++i) { ordered[i]=i; }
			orderer current(acptr);
			std::sort(ordered, ordered+npairs, current);
			// Identifying the winsorizing value.		
			int curcount=0;
 		   	double winsor_val=R_NaReal;
			for (int i=npairs-1; i>=0; --i) { 
				const int& curo=ordered[i];
				if (ISNA(wptr[curo])) { continue; }
				if (curcount > todrop) { 

			// Applying said value to all high-abundance interactions.
			if (ISNA(winsor_val)) { throw std::runtime_error("specified winsorizing proportion censors all data"); }
			for (int i=npairs-1; i>=0; --i) { 
				const int& curo=ordered[i];
				if (ISNA(wptr[curo])) { continue; }
				if (curcount > todrop) { break; }
		} catch (std::exception& e){
			delete [] ordered;
		delete[] ordered;

	// Bias and coverage vectors.
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(REALSXP, numfrags));
	double* bias=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 1)),
		* biaptr=bias-1;
	for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { bias[i]=R_NaReal; }
	for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { 
		if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { biaptr[aptr[pr]]=biaptr[tptr[pr]]=1; }
	double* coverage=(double*)R_alloc(numfrags, sizeof(double));
	for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { coverage[i]=0; }
	double* covptr=coverage-1; // To deal with 1-based indices.

	// Removing low-abundance fragments.
	if (discarded > 0) {
		for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) {  // Computing the coverage.
			if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; }

		int* ordering=new int [numfrags];
		try {
			for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { ordering[i]=i; }
			orderer current(coverage);
			std::sort(ordering, ordering+numfrags, current);
			// Ignoring empty rows.
			int counter=0;
			while (counter < numfrags && ISNA(bias[ordering[counter]])){ ++counter; }
			// Filtering out low-abundance rows.
			const int leftover=int(discarded*double(numfrags-counter))+counter;
			while (counter < leftover) { 

			// Setting everything else back to zero.
			while (counter < numfrags) { 
		} catch (std::exception& e) { 
			delete [] ordering;
		delete [] ordering;
		// Propogating the filters through the interactions to remove anything with an anchor in the removed fragments.
		for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) {
			if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; }
			if (ISNA(biaptr[aptr[pr]]) || ISNA(biaptr[tptr[pr]])) { wptr[pr]=R_NaReal; }  
		for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { bias[i]=R_NaReal; }
		for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { 
			if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { biaptr[aptr[pr]]=biaptr[tptr[pr]]=1; }
	// Something to hold a diagnostic (i.e., the maximum step).
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, allocVector(REALSXP, iterations));
	double* optr=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 2));

 	 * Now, actually performing the iterative correction. ***

	for (int it=0; it<iterations; ++it) {
		for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) {  // Computing the coverage (ignoring locals, if necessary).
			if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; }
		/* Computing the 'aditional bias' vector, to take the mean across all fragments.
		 * The exact value of the mean doesn't really matter, it just serves to slow down 
		 * the algorithm to avoid overshooting the mark and lack of convergence. Everything
		 * ends up being the same so long as the column sums approach 1.
//		double mean_of_all=0;
//		for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(coverage[i])) { mean_of_all+=coverage[i]; } }
//		mean_of_all/=numfrags;
//		for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(coverage[i])) { coverage[i]/=mean_of_all; } }

		/* Okay, that didn't really work. The strategy that is described in the paper fails to
 		 * give me contact probabilities that sum to 1. So instead, I'm using the coverage
 		 * itself to divide the working probabilities. Square rooting is necessary to avoid
 		 * instability during iteration.
		for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(bias[i])) { coverage[i]=std::sqrt(coverage[i]); } }

		// Dividing the working matrix with the (geometric mean of the) additional biases.	
		for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr){ 
			if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { wptr[pr]/=covptr[aptr[pr]]*covptr[tptr[pr]]; }
		// Multiplying the biases by additional biases, and cleaning out coverage. We store
		// the maximum step to see how far off convergence it is.
		double& maxed=(optr[it]=0);
		for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) {			
			if (!ISNA(bias[i])) {
				double& cur_cov=coverage[i];
				if (cur_cov > maxed) { maxed=cur_cov; }
				else if (1/cur_cov > maxed) { maxed=1/cur_cov; }

	/* Recalculating the contact probabilities, using the estimated biases, 
	 * to get normalized values for Winsorized or discarded bin pairs.
	 * Discarded bins can't be salvaged, though.
	for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) {  
		if (ISNA(biaptr[aptr[pr]]) || ISNA(biaptr[tptr[pr]])) { continue; }
		wptr[pr] = acptr[pr]/biaptr[aptr[pr]]/biaptr[tptr[pr]];
} catch (std::exception& e) {
	return output;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
	return mkString(e.what());
   cairo(filename, type, width, height, pointsize, bg, res, antialias, 
         quality, family)
SEXP in_Cairo(SEXP args)
    pGEDevDesc gdd;
    SEXP sc;
    const char *filename, *family;
    int type, quality, width, height, pointsize, bgcolor, res, antialias;
    const void *vmax = vmaxget();

    args = CDR(args); /* skip entry point name */
    if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "filename");
    filename = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0));
    args = CDR(args);
    type = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(type == NA_INTEGER || type <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type");
    args = CDR(args);
    width = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(width == NA_INTEGER || width <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width");
    args = CDR(args);
    height = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(height == NA_INTEGER || height <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "height");
    args = CDR(args);
    pointsize = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(pointsize == NA_INTEGER || pointsize <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "pointsize");
    args = CDR(args);
    sc = CAR(args);
    if (!isString(sc) && !isInteger(sc) && !isLogical(sc) && !isReal(sc))
	error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "bg");
    bgcolor = RGBpar(sc, 0);
    args = CDR(args);
    res = asInteger(CAR(args));
    args = CDR(args);
    antialias = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(antialias == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "antialias");
    args = CDR(args);
    quality = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(quality == NA_INTEGER || quality < 0 || quality > 100)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "quality");
    args = CDR(args);
    if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "family");
    family = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0));

	pDevDesc dev;
	/* Allocate and initialize the device driver data */
	if (!(dev = (pDevDesc) calloc(1, sizeof(DevDesc)))) return 0;
	if (!BMDeviceDriver(dev, devtable[type].gtype, filename, quality,
			    width, height, pointsize,
			    bgcolor, res, antialias, family)) {
	    error(_("unable to start device '%s'"), devtable[type].name);
	gdd = GEcreateDevDesc(dev);
	GEaddDevice2f(gdd, devtable[type].name, filename);

    return R_NilValue;
文件: relop.c 项目: SensePlatform/R
SEXP attribute_hidden do_relop_dflt(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP x, SEXP y)
    SEXP klass = R_NilValue, dims, tsp=R_NilValue, xnames, ynames;
    int nx, ny, xarray, yarray, xts, yts;
    Rboolean mismatch = FALSE, iS;
    PROTECT_INDEX xpi, ypi;

    PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(x, &xpi);
    PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(y, &ypi);
    nx = length(x);
    ny = length(y);

    /* pre-test to handle the most common case quickly.
       Used to skip warning too ....
    if (ATTRIB(x) == R_NilValue && ATTRIB(y) == R_NilValue &&
	LENGTH(x) > 0 && LENGTH(y) > 0) {
	SEXP ans = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
	if (nx > 0 && ny > 0)
	    mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0;
	if (mismatch) {
	    warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length"));
	return ans;

    /* That symbols and calls were allowed was undocumented prior to
       R 2.5.0.  We deparse them as deparse() would, minus attributes */
    if ((iS = isSymbol(x)) || TYPEOF(x) == LANGSXP) {
	SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1);
	SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(x) :
		       STRING_ELT(deparse1(x, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0));
	REPROTECT(x = tmp, xpi);
    if ((iS = isSymbol(y)) || TYPEOF(y) == LANGSXP) {
	SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1);
	SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(y) :
		       STRING_ELT(deparse1(y, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0));
	REPROTECT(y = tmp, ypi);

    if (!isVector(x) || !isVector(y)) {
	if (isNull(x) || isNull(y)) {
	    return allocVector(LGLSXP,0);
		  _("comparison (%d) is possible only for atomic and list types"),

    if (TYPEOF(x) == EXPRSXP || TYPEOF(y) == EXPRSXP)
	errorcall(call, _("comparison is not allowed for expressions"));

    /* ELSE :  x and y are both atomic or list */

    if (LENGTH(x) <= 0 || LENGTH(y) <= 0) {
	return allocVector(LGLSXP,0);

    mismatch = FALSE;
    xarray = isArray(x);
    yarray = isArray(y);
    xts = isTs(x);
    yts = isTs(y);
    if (nx > 0 && ny > 0)
	mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0;

    if (xarray || yarray) {
	if (xarray && yarray) {
	    if (!conformable(x, y))
		errorcall(call, _("non-conformable arrays"));
	    PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol));
	else if (xarray) {
	    PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol));
	else /*(yarray)*/ {
	    PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol));
	PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol));
	PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol));
    else {
	PROTECT(dims = R_NilValue);
	PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol));
	PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol));
    if (xts || yts) {
	if (xts && yts) {
	    if (!tsConform(x, y))
		errorcall(call, _("non-conformable time series"));
	    PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol));
	    PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol));
	else if (xts) {
	    if (length(x) < length(y))
		ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH);
	    PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol));
	    PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol));
	else /*(yts)*/ {
	    if (length(y) < length(x))
		ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH);
	    PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(y, R_TspSymbol));
	    PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(y, R_ClassSymbol));
    if (mismatch)
	warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length"));

    if (isString(x) || isString(y)) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, STRSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, STRSXP), ypi);
	x = string_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
    else if (isComplex(x) || isComplex(y)) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, CPLXSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, CPLXSXP), ypi);
	x = complex_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y, call);
    else if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP), ypi);
	x = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
    else if (isInteger(x) || isInteger(y)) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, INTSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, INTSXP), ypi);
	x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
    else if (isLogical(x) || isLogical(y)) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, LGLSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, LGLSXP), ypi);
	x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
    else if (TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP || TYPEOF(y) == RAWSXP) {
	REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, RAWSXP), xpi);
	REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, RAWSXP), ypi);
	x = raw_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y);
    } else errorcall(call, _("comparison of these types is not implemented"));

    if (dims != R_NilValue) {
	setAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol, dims);
	if (xnames != R_NilValue)
	    setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, xnames);
	else if (ynames != R_NilValue)
	    setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, ynames);
    else {
	if (length(x) == length(xnames))
	    setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, xnames);
	else if (length(x) == length(ynames))
	    setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, ynames);
    if (xts || yts) {
	setAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol, tsp);
	setAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol, klass);

    return x;
SEXP bmerge(SEXP iArg, SEXP xArg, SEXP icolsArg, SEXP xcolsArg, SEXP isorted, SEXP rollarg, SEXP rollendsArg, SEXP nomatch, SEXP retFirstArg, SEXP retLengthArg, SEXP allLen1Arg)
    int xN, iN, protecti=0;
    roll = 0.0;
    nearest = FALSE;
    enc_warn = TRUE;
    if (isString(rollarg)) {
        if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rollarg,0)),"nearest") != 0) error("roll is character but not 'nearest'");
        nearest=TRUE;       // the 1.0 here is just any non-0.0, so roll!=0.0 can be used later
    } else {
        if (!isReal(rollarg)) error("Internal error: roll is not character or double");
        roll = REAL(rollarg)[0];   // more common case (rolling forwards or backwards) or no roll when 0.0
    rollabs = fabs(roll);

    i = iArg;
    x = xArg;  // set globals so bmerge_r can see them.
    if (!isInteger(icolsArg)) error("Internal error: icols is not integer vector");
    if (!isInteger(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: xcols is not integer vector");
    if (LENGTH(icolsArg) > LENGTH(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: length(icols) [%d] > length(xcols) [%d]", LENGTH(icolsArg), LENGTH(xcolsArg));
    icols = INTEGER(icolsArg);
    xcols = INTEGER(xcolsArg);
    xN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(x,0));
    iN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(i,0));
    ncol = LENGTH(icolsArg);    // there may be more sorted columns in x than involved in the join
    for(int col=0; col<ncol; col++) {
        if (icols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. icols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (xcols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. xcols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (icols[col]>LENGTH(i) || icols[col]<1) error("icols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(i)=%d]", col, icols[col], LENGTH(i));
        if (xcols[col]>LENGTH(x) || xcols[col]<1) error("xcols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(x)=%d]", col, xcols[col], LENGTH(x));
        int it = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[col]-1));
        int xt = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(x, xcols[col]-1));
        if (it != xt) error("typeof x.%s (%s) != typeof i.%s (%s)", CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(x,R_NamesSymbol),xcols[col]-1)), type2char(xt), CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(i,R_NamesSymbol),icols[col]-1)), type2char(it));
    if (!isInteger(retFirstArg) || LENGTH(retFirstArg)!=iN) error("retFirst must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)");
    retFirst = INTEGER(retFirstArg);
    if (!isInteger(retLengthArg) || LENGTH(retLengthArg)!=iN) error("retLength must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)");
    retLength = INTEGER(retLengthArg);
    if (!isLogical(allLen1Arg) || LENGTH(allLen1Arg) != 1) error("allLen1 must be a length 1 logical vector");
    allLen1 = LOGICAL(allLen1Arg);
    if (!isLogical(rollendsArg) || LENGTH(rollendsArg) != 2) error("rollends must be a length 2 logical vector");
    rollends = LOGICAL(rollendsArg);

    if (nearest && TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[ncol-1]-1))==STRSXP) error("roll='nearest' can't be applied to a character column, yet.");

    for (int j=0; j<iN; j++) {
        // defaults need to populated here as bmerge_r may well not touch many locations, say if the last row of i is before the first row of x.
        retFirst[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0];   // default to no match for NA goto below
        // retLength[j] = 0;   // TO DO: do this to save the branch below and later branches at R level to set .N to 0
        retLength[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0]==0 ? 0 : 1;
    allLen1[0] = TRUE;  // All-0 and All-NA are considered all length 1 according to R code currently. Really, it means any(length>1).

    o = NULL;
    if (!LOGICAL(isorted)[0]) {
        SEXP order = PROTECT(vec_init(length(icolsArg), ScalarInteger(1))); // rep(1, length(icolsArg))
        SEXP oSxp = PROTECT(forder(i, icolsArg, ScalarLogical(FALSE), ScalarLogical(TRUE), order, ScalarLogical(FALSE)));
        protecti += 2;
        if (!LENGTH(oSxp)) o = NULL;
        else o = INTEGER(oSxp);

    if (iN) bmerge_r(-1,xN,-1,iN,0,1,1);

文件: SeqLibR.c 项目: UvA-MAD/SeqLibR
SEXP seqlib_generate_oligos(SEXP seqs, SEXP parameters)
	const char *pname;
	int i,j;
	oligoDesignParms *parms;
	parms = NewOligoDesignParmRec();
	SEXP res,elm;
	for (i=0; i< length(parameters); i++)
		pname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(parameters,R_NamesSymbol), i));
		elm = VECTOR_ELT(parameters,i);
		if ((strcmp(pname,"t.melt")==0) && isReal(elm) && (length(elm) == 2))
			parms->tm_min = REAL(elm)[0];
			parms->tm_max = REAL(elm)[1];
		else if ((strcmp(pname,"cg.content")==0) && isReal(elm) && (length(elm) == 2))
			parms->cg_min = REAL(elm)[0];
			parms->cg_max = REAL(elm)[1];
		else if ((strcmp(pname,"oligo.len")==0) && isInteger(elm) && (length(elm) == 1))
			parms->oligo_len = (INTEGER)(elm)[0];
		else if ((strcmp(pname,"nimblegen.passes")==0) && isInteger(elm) && (length(elm) == 1))
			parms->NimbleGenMaxPass = (INTEGER)(elm)[0];
		else if ((strcmp(pname,"forbidden.sequences") == 0) && isString(elm) && (length(elm) >= 1))
			parms->forbidden_seqs = (sequence_tp**)malloc(sizeof(sequence_tp*)*(length(elm)+1));
			for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++)
				parms->forbidden_seqs[j] = sequence_from_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(elm,j)));
			parms->forbidden_seqs[length(elm)] = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr,"Skipping  unknown parameter %s : \n",pname);
		if (isString(elm))
			for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++)
				fprintf(stderr,"String Value[%d] = %s\n",j,CHAR(STRING_ELT(elm, j)));
		if (isReal(elm))
			for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++)
				fprintf(stderr," Real Value[%d] = %f\n",j,REAL(elm)[j]);
		if (isInteger(elm))
			for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++)
				fprintf(stderr,"Int Value[%d] = %d\n",j,INTEGER(elm)[j]);
		if (isLogical(elm))
			for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++)
				fprintf(stderr,"Logical Value[%d] = %d\n",j,LOGICAL(elm)[j]);
#ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr," ----Generate oligos ----- \n");
		fprintf(stderr,"cg	 : %f -%f \n",parms->cg_min,parms->cg_max);
		fprintf(stderr,"tm	 : %f -%f \n",parms->tm_min,parms->tm_max);
		fprintf(stderr,"oligo-len  : %d \n",parms->oligo_len);
	PROTECT(res = mkString("Done gen olis"));
	return res;
SEXP rgeos_geosring2Polygon(SEXP env, GEOSGeom lr, int hole) {
    GEOSContextHandle_t GEOShandle = getContextHandle(env);
    int pc=0;
    GEOSCoordSeq s = (GEOSCoordSequence *) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq_r(GEOShandle, lr);
    if (s == NULL) 
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure");
    unsigned int n;
    if (GEOSCoordSeq_getSize_r(GEOShandle, s, &n) == 0)
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure");
    // Get coordinates
    SEXP crd;
    PROTECT(crd = rgeos_crdMatFixDir(PROTECT(rgeos_CoordSeq2crdMat(env, s, FALSE, hole)), hole)); pc += 2;
    // Calculate area
    GEOSGeom p = GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(GEOShandle,GEOSGeom_clone_r(GEOShandle,lr),NULL,0);
    if (p == NULL) 
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: unable to create polygon");
    SEXP area;
    PROTECT(area = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); pc++;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(area)[0] = 0.0;
    if (!GEOSArea_r(GEOShandle, p, NUMERIC_POINTER(area)))
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: area calculation failure");
    // Calculate label position
    SEXP labpt;
    PROTECT(labpt = NEW_NUMERIC(2)); pc++;
    GEOSGeom centroid = GEOSGetCentroid_r(GEOShandle, p);
    double xc, yc;
    rgeos_Pt2xy(env, centroid, &xc, &yc);
    if (!R_FINITE(xc) || !R_FINITE(yc)) {
        xc = 0.0;
        yc = 0.0;
        for(int i=0; i != n; i++) {
            xc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[i];
            yc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[(int) (n) +i];
        xc /= n;
        yc /= n;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[0] = xc;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[1] = yc;
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, centroid);
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, p);
    // Get ring direction
    SEXP ringDir;
    PROTECT(ringDir = NEW_INTEGER(1)); pc++;
    INTEGER_POINTER(ringDir)[0] = hole ? -1 : 1;
    // Get hole status
    SEXP Hole;
    PROTECT(Hole = NEW_LOGICAL(1)); pc++;
    LOGICAL_POINTER(Hole)[0] = hole;
    SEXP ans;
    PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("Polygon"))); pc++;    
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("ringDir"), ringDir);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("labpt"), labpt);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("area"), area);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("hole"), Hole);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("coords"), crd);
    SEXP valid;
    PROTECT(valid = SP_PREFIX(Polygon_validate_c)(ans)); pc++;
    if (!isLogical(valid)) {
        if (isString(valid)) 
            error(CHAR(STRING_ELT(valid, 0)));
            error("invalid Polygon object");
文件: builtin.c 项目: o-/Rexperiments
SEXP attribute_hidden do_cat(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    cat_info ci;
    RCNTXT cntxt;
    SEXP objs, file, fill, sepr, labs, s;
    int ifile;
    Rconnection con;
    int append;
    int i, iobj, n, nobjs, pwidth, width, sepw, lablen, ntot, nlsep, nlines;
    char buf[512];
    const char *p = "";

    checkArity(op, args);

    /* Use standard printing defaults */

    objs = CAR(args);
    args = CDR(args);

    file = CAR(args);
    ifile = asInteger(file);
    con = getConnection(ifile);
    if(!con->canwrite) /* if it is not open, we may not know yet */
	error(_("cannot write to this connection"));
    args = CDR(args);

    sepr = CAR(args);
    if (!isString(sepr))
	error(_("invalid '%s' specification"), "sep");
    nlsep = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(sepr); i++)
	if (strstr(CHAR(STRING_ELT(sepr, i)), "\n")) nlsep = 1; /* ASCII */
    args = CDR(args);

    fill = CAR(args);
    if ((!isNumeric(fill) && !isLogical(fill)) || (length(fill) != 1))
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "fill");
    if (isLogical(fill)) {
	if (asLogical(fill) == 1)
	    pwidth = R_print.width;
	    pwidth = INT_MAX;
    else pwidth = asInteger(fill);
    if(pwidth <= 0) {
	warning(_("non-positive 'fill' argument will be ignored"));
	pwidth = INT_MAX;
    args = CDR(args);

    labs = CAR(args);
    if (!isString(labs) && labs != R_NilValue)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "labels");
    lablen = length(labs);
    args = CDR(args);

    append = asLogical(CAR(args));
    if (append == NA_LOGICAL)
	error(_("invalid '%s' specification"), "append");

    ci.wasopen = con->isopen;

    ci.changedcon = switch_stdout(ifile, 0);
    /* will open new connection if required, and check for writeable */
#ifdef Win32
    /* do this after re-sinking output */

    ci.con = con;

    /* set up a context which will close the connection if there is an error */
    begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
		 R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
    cntxt.cend = &cat_cleanup;
    cntxt.cenddata = &ci;

    nobjs = length(objs);
    width = 0;
    ntot = 0;
    nlines = 0;
    for (iobj = 0; iobj < nobjs; iobj++) {
	s = VECTOR_ELT(objs, iobj);
	if (iobj != 0 && !isNull(s))
	    cat_printsep(sepr, ntot++);
	n = length(s);
	/* 0-length objects are ignored */
	if (n > 0) {
	    if (labs != R_NilValue && (iobj == 0)
		&& (asInteger(fill) > 0)) {
		Rprintf("%s ", trChar(STRING_ELT(labs, nlines % lablen)));
		/* FIXME -- Rstrlen allows for double-width chars */
		width += Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(labs, nlines % lablen), 0) + 1;
	    if (isString(s))
		p = trChar(STRING_ELT(s, 0));
	    else if (isSymbol(s)) /* length 1 */
	    else if (isVectorAtomic(s)) {
		/* Not a string, as that is covered above.
		   Thus the maximum size is about 60.
		   The copy is needed as cat_newline might reuse the buffer.
		   Use strncpy is in case these assumptions change.
		p = EncodeElement0(s, 0, 0, OutDec);
		strncpy(buf, p, 512); buf[511] = '\0';
		p = buf;
#ifdef fixed_cat
	    else if (isVectorList(s)) {
	      /* FIXME:	 call EncodeElement() for every element of  s.

		 Real Problem: `s' can be large;
		 should do line breaking etc.. (buf is of limited size)
			  _("argument %d (type '%s') cannot be handled by 'cat'"),
			  1+iobj, type2char(TYPEOF(s)));
	    /* FIXME : cat(...) should handle ANYTHING */
	    size_t w = strlen(p);
	    cat_sepwidth(sepr, &sepw, ntot);
	    if ((iobj > 0) && (width + w + sepw > pwidth)) {
		cat_newline(labs, &width, lablen, nlines);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++, ntot++) {
		Rprintf("%s", p);
		width += (int)(w + sepw);
		if (i < (n - 1)) {
		    cat_printsep(sepr, ntot);
		    if (isString(s))
			p = trChar(STRING_ELT(s, i+1));
		    else {
			p = EncodeElement0(s, i+1, 0, OutDec);
			strncpy(buf, p, 512); buf[511] = '\0';
			p = buf;
		    w = (int) strlen(p);
		    cat_sepwidth(sepr, &sepw, ntot);
		    /* This is inconsistent with the version above.
		       As from R 2.3.0, fill <= 0 is ignored. */
		    if ((width + w + sepw > pwidth) && pwidth) {
			cat_newline(labs, &width, lablen, nlines);
		} else ntot--; /* we don't print sep after last, so don't advance */
    if ((pwidth != INT_MAX) || nlsep)

    /* end the context after anything that could raise an error but before
       doing the cleanup so the cleanup doesn't get done twice */


    return R_NilValue;
文件: paste.c 项目: jagdeesh109/RRO
/* format.default(x, trim, digits, nsmall, width, justify, na.encode,
		  scientific) */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_format(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP l, x, y, swd;
    int il, digits, trim = 0, nsmall = 0, wd = 0, adj = -1, na, sci = 0;
    int w, d, e;
    int wi, di, ei, scikeep;
    const char *strp;
    R_xlen_t i, n;

    checkArity(op, args);
    scikeep = R_print.scipen;

    if (isEnvironment(x = CAR(args))) {
	return mkString(EncodeEnvironment(x));
    else if (!isVector(x))
	error(_("first argument must be atomic"));
    args = CDR(args);

    trim = asLogical(CAR(args));
    if (trim == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "trim");
    args = CDR(args);

    if (!isNull(CAR(args))) {
	digits = asInteger(CAR(args));
	if (digits == NA_INTEGER || digits < R_MIN_DIGITS_OPT
	    || digits > R_MAX_DIGITS_OPT)
	    error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "digits");
	R_print.digits = digits;
    args = CDR(args);

    nsmall = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if (nsmall == NA_INTEGER || nsmall < 0 || nsmall > 20)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nsmall");
    args = CDR(args);

    if (isNull(swd = CAR(args))) wd = 0; else wd = asInteger(swd);
    if(wd == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width");
    args = CDR(args);

    adj = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(adj == NA_INTEGER || adj < 0 || adj > 3)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "justify");
    args = CDR(args);

    na = asLogical(CAR(args));
    if(na == NA_LOGICAL)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na.encode");
    args = CDR(args);
    if(LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific");
    if(isLogical(CAR(args))) {
	int tmp = LOGICAL(CAR(args))[0];
	if(tmp == NA_LOGICAL) sci = NA_INTEGER;
	else sci = tmp > 0 ?-100 : 100;
    } else if (isNumeric(CAR(args))) {
	sci = asInteger(CAR(args));
    } else
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific");
    if(sci != NA_INTEGER) R_print.scipen = sci;

    if ((n = XLENGTH(x)) <= 0) {
	PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, 0));
    } else {
	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {

	case LGLSXP:
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    if (trim) w = 0; else formatLogical(LOGICAL(x), n, &w);
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeLogical(LOGICAL(x)[i], w);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case INTSXP:
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    if (trim) w = 0;
	    else formatInteger(INTEGER(x), n, &w);
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeInteger(INTEGER(x)[i], w);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case REALSXP:
	    formatReal(REAL(x), n, &w, &d, &e, nsmall);
	    if (trim) w = 0;
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeReal0(REAL(x)[i], w, d, e, OutDec);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case CPLXSXP:
	    formatComplex(COMPLEX(x), n, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, nsmall);
	    if (trim) wi = w = 0;
	    w = imax2(w, wd); wi = imax2(wi, wd);
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeComplex(COMPLEX(x)[i], w, d, e, wi, di, ei, OutDec);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case STRSXP:
	    /* this has to be different from formatString/EncodeString as
	       we don't actually want to encode here */
	    const char *s;
	    char *q;
	    int b, b0, cnt = 0, j;
	    SEXP s0, xx;

	    /* This is clumsy, but it saves rewriting and re-testing
	       this complex code */
	    PROTECT(xx = duplicate(x));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		SEXP tmp =  STRING_ELT(xx, i);
		if(IS_BYTES(tmp)) {
		    const char *p = CHAR(tmp), *q;
		    char *pp = R_alloc(4*strlen(p)+1, 1), *qq = pp, buf[5];
		    for (q = p; *q; q++) {
			unsigned char k = (unsigned char) *q;
			if (k >= 0x20 && k < 0x80) {
			    *qq++ = *q;
			} else {
			    snprintf(buf, 5, "\\x%02x", k);
			    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) *qq++ = buf[j];
		    *qq = '\0';
		    s = pp;
		} else s = translateChar(tmp);
		if(s != CHAR(tmp)) SET_STRING_ELT(xx, i, mkChar(s));

	    w = wd;
	    if (adj != Rprt_adj_none) {
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		    if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING)
			w = imax2(w, Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0));
		    else if (na) w = imax2(w, R_print.na_width);
	    } else w = 0;
	    /* now calculate the buffer size needed, in bytes */
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING) {
		    il = Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0);
		    cnt = imax2(cnt, LENGTH(STRING_ELT(xx, i)) + imax2(0, w-il));
		} else if (na) cnt  = imax2(cnt, R_print.na_width + imax2(0, w-R_print.na_width));
	    char buff[cnt+1];
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if(!na && STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) {
		} else {
		    q = buff;
		    if(STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) s0 = R_print.na_string;
		    else s0 = STRING_ELT(xx, i) ;
		    s = CHAR(s0);
		    il = Rstrlen(s0, 0);
		    b = w - il;
		    if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_left) {
			b0 = (adj == Rprt_adj_centre) ? b/2 : b;
			for(j = 0 ; j < b0 ; j++) *q++ = ' ';
			b -= b0;
		    for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(s0); j++) *q++ = *s++;
		    if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_right)
			for(j = 0 ; j < b ; j++) *q++ = ' ';
		    *q = '\0';
		    SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(buff));
	UNPROTECT(2); /* xx , y */
	    error(_("Impossible mode ( x )")); y = R_NilValue;/* -Wall */
    if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)) != R_NilValue) {
	setAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol, l);
	if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue)
	    setAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol, l);
    } else if((l = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue)
	setAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol, l);

    /* In case something else forgets to set PrintDefaults(), PR#14477 */
    R_print.scipen = scikeep;

    UNPROTECT(1); /* y */
    return y;
SEXP hitrun(SEXP alpha, SEXP initial, SEXP nbatch, SEXP blen, SEXP nspac,
    SEXP origin, SEXP basis, SEXP amat, SEXP bvec, SEXP outmat, SEXP debug)
    if (! isReal(alpha))
        error("argument \"alpha\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(initial))
        error("argument \"initial\" must be type double");
    if (! isInteger(nbatch))
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be type integer");
    if (! isInteger(blen))
        error("argument \"blen\" must be type integer");
    if (! isInteger(nspac))
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be type integer");
    if (! isReal(origin))
        error("argument \"origin\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(basis))
        error("argument \"basis\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(amat))
        error("argument \"amat\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(bvec))
        error("argument \"bvec\" must be type double");
    if (! (isNull(outmat) | isReal(outmat)))
        error("argument \"outmat\" must be type double or NULL");
    if (! isLogical(debug))
        error("argument \"debug\" must be logical");

    if (! isMatrix(basis))
        error("argument \"basis\" must be matrix");
    if (! isMatrix(amat))
        error("argument \"amat\" must be matrix");
    if (! (isNull(outmat) | isMatrix(outmat)))
        error("argument \"outmat\" must be matrix or NULL");

    int dim_oc = LENGTH(alpha);
    int dim_nc = LENGTH(initial);
    int ncons = nrows(amat);
    if (LENGTH(nbatch) != 1)
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(blen) != 1)
        error("argument \"blen\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(nspac) != 1)
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(origin) != dim_oc)
        error("length(origin) != length(alpha)");
    if (nrows(basis) != dim_oc)
        error("nrow(basis) != length(alpha)");
    if (ncols(basis) != dim_nc)
        error("ncol(basis) != length(initial)");
    if (ncols(amat) != dim_nc)
        error("ncol(amat) != length(initial)");
    if (LENGTH(bvec) != ncons)
        error("length(bvec) != nrow(amat)");
    if (LENGTH(debug) != 1)
        error("argument \"debug\" must be scalar");

    int dim_out = dim_oc;
    if (! isNull(outmat)) {
        dim_out = nrows(outmat);
        if (ncols(outmat) != dim_oc)
            error("ncol(outmat) != length(alpha)");

    int int_nbatch = INTEGER(nbatch)[0];
    int int_blen = INTEGER(blen)[0];
    int int_nspac = INTEGER(nspac)[0];
    int int_debug = LOGICAL(debug)[0];
    double *dbl_star_alpha = REAL(alpha);
    double *dbl_star_initial = REAL(initial);
    double *dbl_star_origin = REAL(origin);
    double *dbl_star_basis = REAL(basis);
    double *dbl_star_amat = REAL(amat);
    double *dbl_star_bvec = REAL(bvec);
    int has_outmat = isMatrix(outmat);
    double *dbl_star_outmat = 0;
    if (has_outmat)
        dbl_star_outmat = REAL(outmat);

    if (int_nbatch <= 0)
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be positive");
    if (int_blen <= 0)
        error("argument \"blen\" must be positive");
    if (int_nspac <= 0)
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be positive");
    check_finite(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha");
    check_positive(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha");
    check_finite(dbl_star_initial, dim_nc, "initial");
    check_finite(dbl_star_origin, dim_oc, "origin");
    check_finite(dbl_star_basis, dim_oc * dim_nc, "basis");
    check_finite(dbl_star_amat, ncons * dim_nc, "amat");
    check_finite(dbl_star_bvec, ncons, "bvec");
    if (has_outmat)
        check_finite(dbl_star_outmat, dim_out * dim_oc, "outmat");

    double *state = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double));
    double *proposal = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double));
    double *batch_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double));
    double *out_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double));

    memcpy(state, dbl_star_initial, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
    logh_setup(dbl_star_alpha, dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dim_oc, dim_nc);
    double current_log_dens = logh(state);

    out_setup(dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dbl_star_outmat, dim_oc, dim_nc,
        dim_out, has_outmat);

    SEXP result, resultnames, path, save_initial, save_final;

    if (! int_debug) {
        PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
        PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 3));
    } else {
        PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 11));
        PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 11));
    PROTECT(path = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_out, int_nbatch));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, path);
    PROTECT(save_initial = duplicate(initial));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, save_initial);
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 0, mkChar("batch"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 1, mkChar("initial"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 2, mkChar("final"));
    if (int_debug) {
        SEXP spath, ppath, zpath, u1path, u2path, s1path, s2path, gpath;
        int nn = int_nbatch * int_blen * int_nspac;
        PROTECT(spath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, spath);
        PROTECT(ppath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 4, ppath);
        PROTECT(zpath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 5, zpath);
        PROTECT(u1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 6, u1path);
        PROTECT(u2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 7, u2path);
        PROTECT(s1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 8, s1path);
        PROTECT(s2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 9, s2path);
        PROTECT(gpath = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 10, gpath);
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 3, mkChar("current"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 4, mkChar("proposal"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 5, mkChar("z"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 6, mkChar("u1"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 7, mkChar("u2"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 8, mkChar("s1"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 9, mkChar("s2"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 10, mkChar("log.green"));
    namesgets(result, resultnames);


    if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf)
        error("log unnormalized density -Inf at initial state");

    for (int ibatch = 0, k = 0; ibatch < int_nbatch; ibatch++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < dim_out; i++)
            batch_buffer[i] = 0.0;

        for (int jbatch = 0; jbatch < int_blen; jbatch++) {

            double proposal_log_dens;

            for (int ispac = 0; ispac < int_nspac; ispac++) {

                /* Note: should never happen! */
                if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf)
                    error("log density -Inf at current state");

                double u1 = R_NaReal;
                double u2 = R_NaReal;
                double smax = R_NaReal;
                double smin = R_NaReal;
                double z[dim_nc];

                propose(state, proposal, dbl_star_amat, dbl_star_bvec,
                    dim_nc, ncons, z, &smax, &smin, &u1);

                proposal_log_dens = logh(proposal);

                int accept = FALSE;
                if (proposal_log_dens != R_NegInf) {
                    if (proposal_log_dens >= current_log_dens) {
                        accept = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        double green = exp(proposal_log_dens
                            - current_log_dens);
                        u2 = unif_rand();
                        accept = u2 < green;

                if (int_debug) {
                    int l = ispac + int_nspac * (jbatch + int_blen * ibatch);
                    int lbase = l * dim_nc;
                    SEXP spath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 3);
                    SEXP ppath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 4);
                    SEXP zpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 5);
                    SEXP u1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 6);
                    SEXP u2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 7);
                    SEXP s1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 8);
                    SEXP s2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 9);
                    SEXP gpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 10);
                    for (int lj = 0; lj < dim_nc; lj++) {
                        REAL(spath)[lbase + lj] = state[lj];
                        REAL(ppath)[lbase + lj] = proposal[lj];
                        REAL(zpath)[lbase + lj] = z[lj];
                    REAL(u1path)[l] = u1;
                    REAL(u2path)[l] = u2;
                    REAL(s1path)[l] = smin;
                    REAL(s2path)[l] = smax;
                    REAL(gpath)[l] = proposal_log_dens - current_log_dens;

                if (accept) {
                    memcpy(state, proposal, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
                    current_log_dens = proposal_log_dens;
            } /* end of inner loop (one iteration) */

            outfun(state, out_buffer);
            for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++)
                batch_buffer[j] += out_buffer[j];

        } /* end of middle loop (one batch) */

        for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++, k++)
            REAL(path)[k] = batch_buffer[j] / int_blen;

    } /* end of outer loop */


    PROTECT(save_final = allocVector(REALSXP, dim_nc));
    memcpy(REAL(save_final), state, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, save_final);

    return result;
文件: linearity.c 项目: cjgeyer/rcdd
SEXP impliedLinearity(SEXP m, SEXP h)
    if (! isMatrix(m))
        error("'m' must be matrix");
    if (! isLogical(h))
        error("'h' must be logical");

    if (LENGTH(h) != 1)
        error("'h' must be scalar");

    if (! isString(m))
        error("'m' must be character");

    SEXP m_dim;
    PROTECT(m_dim = getAttrib(m, R_DimSymbol));
    int nrow = INTEGER(m_dim)[0];
    int ncol = INTEGER(m_dim)[1];

    if (nrow <= 1)
        error("no use if only one row");
    if (ncol <= 3)
        error("no use if only one col");

    for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
        const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i));
        if (strlen(foo) != 1)
            error("column one of 'm' not zero-or-one valued");
        if (! (foo[0] == '0' || foo[0] == '1'))
            error("column one of 'm' not zero-or-one valued");
    if (! LOGICAL(h)[0])
        for (int i = nrow; i < 2 * nrow; i++) {
            const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i));
            if (strlen(foo) != 1)
                error("column two of 'm' not zero-or-one valued");
            if (! (foo[0] == '0' || foo[0] == '1'))
                error("column two of 'm' not zero-or-one valued");


    /* note actual type of "value" is mpq_t (defined in cddmp.h) */
    mytype value;

    dd_MatrixPtr mf = dd_CreateMatrix(nrow, ncol - 1);
    /* note our matrix has one more column than Fukuda's */

    /* representation */
        mf->representation = dd_Inequality;
        mf->representation = dd_Generator;

    mf->numbtype = dd_Rational;

    /* linearity */
    for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
        const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i));
        if (foo[0] == '1')
            set_addelem(mf->linset, i + 1);
        /* note conversion from zero-origin to one-origin indexing */

    /* matrix */
    for (int j = 1, k = nrow; j < ncol; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++, k++) {
            const char *rat_str = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, k));
            if (mpq_set_str(value, rat_str, 10) == -1) {
                error("error converting string to GMP rational");
            dd_set(mf->matrix[i][j - 1], value);
            /* note our matrix has one more column than Fukuda's */

    dd_ErrorType err = dd_NoError;
    dd_rowset out = dd_ImplicitLinearityRows(mf, &err);

    if (err != dd_NoError) {

    SEXP foo;
    PROTECT(foo = rr_set_fwrite(out));



    return foo;
SEXP bmerge(SEXP iArg, SEXP xArg, SEXP icolsArg, SEXP xcolsArg, SEXP isorted, SEXP xoArg, SEXP rollarg, SEXP rollendsArg, SEXP nomatchArg, SEXP multArg, SEXP opArg, SEXP nqgrpArg, SEXP nqmaxgrpArg) {
    int xN, iN, protecti=0;
    ctr=0; // needed for non-equi join case
    SEXP retFirstArg, retLengthArg, retIndexArg, allLen1Arg, allGrp1Arg;
    retFirstArg = retLengthArg = retIndexArg = R_NilValue; // suppress gcc msg

    // iArg, xArg, icolsArg and xcolsArg
    i = iArg; x = xArg;  // set globals so bmerge_r can see them.
    if (!isInteger(icolsArg)) error("Internal error: icols is not integer vector");
    if (!isInteger(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: xcols is not integer vector");
    if (LENGTH(icolsArg) > LENGTH(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: length(icols) [%d] > length(xcols) [%d]", LENGTH(icolsArg), LENGTH(xcolsArg)); 
    icols = INTEGER(icolsArg);
    xcols = INTEGER(xcolsArg);
    xN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(x,0));
    iN = ilen = anslen = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(i,0));
    ncol = LENGTH(icolsArg);    // there may be more sorted columns in x than involved in the join
    for(int col=0; col<ncol; col++) {
        if (icols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. icols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (xcols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. xcols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (icols[col]>LENGTH(i) || icols[col]<1) error("icols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(i)=%d]", col, icols[col], LENGTH(i));
        if (xcols[col]>LENGTH(x) || xcols[col]<1) error("xcols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(x)=%d]", col, xcols[col], LENGTH(x));
        int it = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[col]-1));
        int xt = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(x, xcols[col]-1));
        if (it != xt) error("typeof x.%s (%s) != typeof i.%s (%s)", CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(x,R_NamesSymbol),xcols[col]-1)), type2char(xt), CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(i,R_NamesSymbol),icols[col]-1)), type2char(it));
    // raise(SIGINT);

    // rollArg, rollendsArg
    roll = 0.0; rollToNearest = FALSE;
    if (isString(rollarg)) {
        if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rollarg,0)),"nearest") != 0) error("roll is character but not 'nearest'");
        roll=1.0; rollToNearest=TRUE;       // the 1.0 here is just any non-0.0, so roll!=0.0 can be used later
    } else {
        if (!isReal(rollarg)) error("Internal error: roll is not character or double");
        roll = REAL(rollarg)[0];   // more common case (rolling forwards or backwards) or no roll when 0.0
    rollabs = fabs(roll);
    if (!isLogical(rollendsArg) || LENGTH(rollendsArg) != 2)
        error("rollends must be a length 2 logical vector");
    rollends = LOGICAL(rollendsArg);
    if (rollToNearest && TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[ncol-1]-1))==STRSXP)
        error("roll='nearest' can't be applied to a character column, yet.");

    // nomatch arg
    nomatch = INTEGER(nomatchArg)[0];

    // mult arg
    if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "all")) mult = ALL;
    else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "first")) mult = FIRST;
    else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "last")) mult = LAST;
    else error("Internal error: invalid value for 'mult'. Please report to datatable-help");

    // opArg
    if (!isInteger(opArg) || length(opArg) != ncol)
        error("Internal error: opArg is not an integer vector of length equal to length(on)");
    op = INTEGER(opArg);
    if (!isInteger(nqgrpArg))
        error("Internal error: nqgrpArg must be an integer vector");
    nqgrp = nqgrpArg; // set global for bmerge_r
    scols = (!length(nqgrpArg)) ? 0 : -1; // starting col index, -1 is external group column for non-equi join case

    // nqmaxgrpArg
    if (!isInteger(nqmaxgrpArg) || length(nqmaxgrpArg) != 1 || INTEGER(nqmaxgrpArg)[0] <= 0)
        error("Intrnal error: nqmaxgrpArg is not a positive length-1 integer vector");
    nqmaxgrp = INTEGER(nqmaxgrpArg)[0];
    if (nqmaxgrp>1 && mult == ALL) {
        // non-equi case with mult=ALL, may need reallocation
        anslen = 1.1 * ((iN > 1000) ? iN : 1000);
        retFirst = Calloc(anslen, int); // anslen is set above
        retLength = Calloc(anslen, int);
        retIndex = Calloc(anslen, int);
        if (retFirst==NULL || retLength==NULL || retIndex==NULL)
            error("Internal error in allocating memory for non-equi join");
        // initialise retIndex here directly, as next loop is meant for both equi and non-equi joins
        for (int j=0; j<anslen; j++) retIndex[j] = j+1;
    } else { // equi joins (or) non-equi join but no multiple matches