SEXP do_nw_align(SEXP gt1, SEXP gt2, SEXP sparam, SEXP sends) { int n1, n2, i, j, n, k; const char *s1, *s2; char *a1, *a2, *eq; double gap, pm, mm, **score; int ends[4], **link; SEXP ans, ssc, sal, end; enum gap { GAP_NO = 0, GAP_S1, GAP_S2 }; if (!isString(gt1) || (length(gt1) != 1)) error(_("'gt1' argument should be a character string")); if (!isString(gt2) || (length(gt2) != 1)) error(_("'gt2' argument should be a character string")); if (!isReal(sparam) || LENGTH(sparam) != 3) error(_("'param' should a numeric vector of length 3")); if (!isLogical(sends) || (length(sends) != 4)) error(_("'ends' argument should be a logical vector of length 4")); s1 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt1,0)); s2 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt2,0)); n1 = strlen(s1)+1; n2 = strlen(s2)+1; gap = REAL(sparam)[0]; pm = REAL(sparam)[1]; mm = REAL(sparam)[2]; memcpy(ends, LOGICAL(sends), 4*sizeof(int)); score = (double **)R_alloc(n1, sizeof(double *)); score[0] = (double *)R_alloc(n2*n1, sizeof(double)); link = (int **)R_alloc(n1, sizeof(int *)); link[0] = (int *)R_alloc(n2*n1, sizeof(int)); for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) { score[i] = score[0] + i*n2; link[i] = link[0] + i*n2; } /* initialize first rows of score, link matrices */ if (ends[2]) { memset(score[0], 0, n2*sizeof(double)); } else { score[0][0] = 0; for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) score[0][j] = j * gap; } link[0][0] = GAP_NO; for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) link[0][j] = GAP_S1; /* dynamic programming loops */ for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) { score[i][0] = ends[0] ? 0 : (i * gap); link[i][0] = GAP_S2; for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) { double sc1, sc2, scm; sc1 = score[i][j-1] + gap; sc2 = score[i-1][j] + gap; scm = score[i-1][j-1] + (s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] ? pm : mm); if (scm >= sc1) { if (scm > sc2) { link[i][j] = GAP_NO; score[i][j] = scm; } else { link[i][j] = GAP_S2; score[i][j] = sc2; } } else { if (sc1 >= sc2) { link[i][j] = GAP_S1; score[i][j] = sc1; } else { link[i][j] = GAP_S2; score[i][j] = sc2; } } } } /* identify ends of best alignment */ i = n1-1 ; j = n2-1; if (ends[3]) { for (n = n2-1; n > 0; n--) { if (score[i][n] >= score[i][j]) j = n; } } if (ends[1]) { for (n = n1-1; n > 0; n--) { if (score[n][n2-1] >= score[i][j]) { i = n; j = n2-1; } } } PROTECT(end = allocVector(INTSXP,4)); INTEGER(end)[1] = i; INTEGER(end)[3] = j; PROTECT(ssc = ScalarReal(score[i][j])); /* these will receive the final alignment */ k = n1+n2; a1 = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char)); a2 = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char)); eq = (char *)R_alloc(k+1, sizeof(char)); a1[k] = a2[k] = eq[k] = '\0'; /* backtrack to extract best alignment */ while ((i && j) || (i && !ends[0]) || (j && !ends[2])) { n = link[i][j]; a1[--k] = (n == GAP_S1) ? '-' : toupper(s1[--i]); a2[k] = (n == GAP_S2) ? '-' : toupper(s2[--j]); eq[k] = (a1[k] == a2[k]) ? '|' : ' '; } INTEGER(end)[0] = i+1; INTEGER(end)[2] = j+1; PROTECT(sal = allocVector(STRSXP,3)); SET_STRING_ELT(sal,0,mkChar(a1+k)); SET_STRING_ELT(sal,1,mkChar(eq+k)); SET_STRING_ELT(sal,2,mkChar(a2+k)); PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP,3)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,0,ssc); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,1,end); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,2,sal); UNPROTECT(4); return ans; }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_cum(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP s, t, ans; R_xlen_t i, n; checkArity(op, args); if (DispatchGroup("Math", call, op, args, env, &ans)) return ans; if (isComplex(CAR(args))) { t = CAR(args); n = XLENGTH(t); PROTECT(s = allocVector(CPLXSXP, n)); setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol)); UNPROTECT(1); if(n == 0) return s; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { COMPLEX(s)[i].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(s)[i].i = NA_REAL; } switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) { case 1: /* cumsum */ return ccumsum(t, s); break; case 2: /* cumprod */ return ccumprod(t, s); break; case 3: /* cummax */ errorcall(call, _("'cummax' not defined for complex numbers")); break; case 4: /* cummin */ errorcall(call, _("'cummin' not defined for complex numbers")); break; default: errorcall(call, "unknown cumxxx function"); } } else if( ( isInteger(CAR(args)) || isLogical(CAR(args)) ) && PRIMVAL(op) != 2) { PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP)); n = XLENGTH(t); PROTECT(s = allocVector(INTSXP, n)); setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol)); if(n == 0) { UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */ return s; } for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) INTEGER(s)[i] = NA_INTEGER; switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) { case 1: /* cumsum */ ans = icumsum(t,s); break; case 3: /* cummax */ ans = icummax(t,s); break; case 4: /* cummin */ ans = icummin(t,s); break; default: errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function")); ans = R_NilValue; } UNPROTECT(2); /* t, s */ return ans; } else { PROTECT(t = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); n = XLENGTH(t); PROTECT(s = allocVector(REALSXP, n)); setAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(t, R_NamesSymbol)); UNPROTECT(2); if(n == 0) return s; for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) REAL(s)[i] = NA_REAL; switch (PRIMVAL(op) ) { case 1: /* cumsum */ return cumsum(t,s); break; case 2: /* cumprod */ return cumprod(t,s); break; case 3: /* cummax */ return cummax(t,s); break; case 4: /* cummin */ return cummin(t,s); break; default: errorcall(call, _("unknown cumxxx function")); } } return R_NilValue; /* for -Wall */ }
SEXP do_nw_score(SEXP gt1, SEXP gt2, SEXP sparam, SEXP sends) { int n1, n2, i, j, n; const char *s1, *s2; double gap, pm, mm, m, *score; int ends[4]; if (!isString(gt1) || (length(gt1) != 1)) error(_("'gt1' argument should be a character string")); if (!isString(gt2) || (length(gt2) != 1)) error(_("'gt2' argument should be a character string")); if (!isReal(sparam) || LENGTH(sparam) != 3) error(_("'param' should a numeric vector of length 3")); if (!isLogical(sends) || (length(sends) != 4)) error(_("'ends' argument should be a logical vector of length 4")); s1 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt1,0)); s2 = CHAR(STRING_ELT(gt2,0)); n1 = strlen(s1)+1; n2 = strlen(s2)+1; gap = REAL(sparam)[0]; pm = REAL(sparam)[1]; mm = REAL(sparam)[2]; memcpy(ends, LOGICAL(sends), 4*sizeof(int)); /* initialize first rows of score, link vectors */ score = (double *)R_alloc(n2, sizeof(double)); if (ends[2]) { memset(score, 0, n2*sizeof(double)); } else { score[0] = 0; for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) score[j] = j * gap; } /* dynamic programming loops */ m = 0.0; for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) { double sc0, sc1, sc2, scm; sc0 = score[0]; sc1 = score[0] = ends[0] ? 0 : (i * gap); for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) { scm = sc0 + (s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] ? pm : mm); sc0 = score[j]; sc2 = sc0 + gap; if (scm > sc1) { score[j] = (scm > sc2) ? scm : sc2; } else { score[j] = (sc1 > sc2) ? sc1 : sc2; } sc1 = score[j] + gap; } if (ends[1]) { if (score[n2-1] > m) m = score[n2-1]; } } /* identify end of best alignment */ if (ends[3]) { for (n = n2-1; n > 0; n--) if (score[n] > m) m = score[n]; } else { if (score[n2-1] > m) m = score[n2-1]; } return ScalarReal(m); }
/* * call to nls_iter from R --- .Call("nls_iter", m, control, doTrace) * where m and control are nlsModel and nlsControl objects * doTrace is a logical value. * m is modified; the return value is a "convergence-information" list. */ SEXP nls_iter(SEXP m, SEXP control, SEXP doTraceArg) { double dev, fac, minFac, tolerance, newDev, convNew = -1./*-Wall*/; int i, j, maxIter, hasConverged, nPars, doTrace, evaltotCnt = -1, warnOnly, printEval; SEXP tmp, conv, incr, deviance, setPars, getPars, pars, newPars, trace; doTrace = asLogical(doTraceArg); if(!isNewList(control)) error(_("'control' must be a list")); if(!isNewList(m)) error(_("'m' must be a list")); PROTECT(tmp = getAttrib(control, R_NamesSymbol)); conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "maxiter"); if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$maxiter"); maxIter = asInteger(conv); conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "tol"); if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$tol"); tolerance = asReal(conv); conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "minFactor"); if(conv == NULL || !isNumeric(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$minFactor"); minFac = asReal(conv); conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "warnOnly"); if(conv == NULL || !isLogical(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$warnOnly"); warnOnly = asLogical(conv); conv = getListElement(control, tmp, "printEval"); if(conv == NULL || !isLogical(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "control$printEval"); printEval = asLogical(conv); #define CONV_INFO_MSG(_STR_, _I_) \ ConvInfoMsg(_STR_, i, _I_, fac, minFac, maxIter, convNew) #define NON_CONV_FINIS(_ID_, _MSG_) \ if(warnOnly) { \ warning(_MSG_); \ return CONV_INFO_MSG(_MSG_, _ID_); \ } \ else \ error(_MSG_); #define NON_CONV_FINIS_1(_ID_, _MSG_, _A1_) \ if(warnOnly) { \ char msgbuf[1000]; \ warning(_MSG_, _A1_); \ snprintf(msgbuf, 1000, _MSG_, _A1_); \ return CONV_INFO_MSG(msgbuf, _ID_); \ } \ else \ error(_MSG_, _A1_); #define NON_CONV_FINIS_2(_ID_, _MSG_, _A1_, _A2_) \ if(warnOnly) { \ char msgbuf[1000]; \ warning(_MSG_, _A1_, _A2_); \ snprintf(msgbuf, 1000, _MSG_, _A1_, _A2_); \ return CONV_INFO_MSG(msgbuf, _ID_); \ } \ else \ error(_MSG_, _A1_, _A2_); /* now get parts from 'm' */ tmp = getAttrib(m, R_NamesSymbol); conv = getListElement(m, tmp, "conv"); if(conv == NULL || !isFunction(conv)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$conv()"); PROTECT(conv = lang1(conv)); incr = getListElement(m, tmp, "incr"); if(incr == NULL || !isFunction(incr)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$incr()"); PROTECT(incr = lang1(incr)); deviance = getListElement(m, tmp, "deviance"); if(deviance == NULL || !isFunction(deviance)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$deviance()"); PROTECT(deviance = lang1(deviance)); trace = getListElement(m, tmp, "trace"); if(trace == NULL || !isFunction(trace)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$trace()"); PROTECT(trace = lang1(trace)); setPars = getListElement(m, tmp, "setPars"); if(setPars == NULL || !isFunction(setPars)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$setPars()"); PROTECT(setPars); getPars = getListElement(m, tmp, "getPars"); if(getPars == NULL || !isFunction(getPars)) error(_("'%s' absent"), "m$getPars()"); PROTECT(getPars = lang1(getPars)); PROTECT(pars = eval(getPars, R_GlobalEnv)); nPars = LENGTH(pars); dev = asReal(eval(deviance, R_GlobalEnv)); if(doTrace) eval(trace,R_GlobalEnv); fac = 1.0; hasConverged = FALSE; PROTECT(newPars = allocVector(REALSXP, nPars)); if(printEval) evaltotCnt = 1; for (i = 0; i < maxIter; i++) { SEXP newIncr; int evalCnt = -1; if((convNew = asReal(eval(conv, R_GlobalEnv))) < tolerance) { hasConverged = TRUE; break; } PROTECT(newIncr = eval(incr, R_GlobalEnv)); if(printEval) evalCnt = 1; while(fac >= minFac) { if(printEval) { Rprintf(" It. %3d, fac= %11.6g, eval (no.,total): (%2d,%3d):", i+1, fac, evalCnt, evaltotCnt); evalCnt++; evaltotCnt++; } for(j = 0; j < nPars; j++) REAL(newPars)[j] = REAL(pars)[j] + fac * REAL(newIncr)[j]; PROTECT(tmp = lang2(setPars, newPars)); if (asLogical(eval(tmp, R_GlobalEnv))) { /* singular gradient */ UNPROTECT(11); NON_CONV_FINIS(1, _("singular gradient")); } UNPROTECT(1); newDev = asReal(eval(deviance, R_GlobalEnv)); if(printEval) Rprintf(" new dev = %g\n", newDev); if(newDev <= dev) { dev = newDev; fac = MIN(2*fac, 1); tmp = newPars; newPars = pars; pars = tmp; break; } fac /= 2.; } UNPROTECT(1); if( fac < minFac ) { UNPROTECT(9); NON_CONV_FINIS_2(2, _("step factor %g reduced below 'minFactor' of %g"), fac, minFac); } if(doTrace) eval(trace, R_GlobalEnv); } UNPROTECT(9); if(!hasConverged) { NON_CONV_FINIS_1(3, _("number of iterations exceeded maximum of %d"), maxIter); } /* else */ return CONV_INFO_MSG(_("converged"), 0); }
SEXP expand_pair_links(SEXP anchor1, SEXP anchor2, SEXP querystarts1, SEXP queryends1, SEXP subject1, SEXP nsubjects1, SEXP querystarts2, SEXP queryends2, SEXP subject2, SEXP nsubjects2, SEXP sameness, SEXP use_both) try { if (!isInteger(anchor1) || !isInteger(anchor2)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchors must be integer vectors"); } const int Npairs = LENGTH(anchor1); if (Npairs != LENGTH(anchor2)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchor vectors must be of equal length"); } const int* a1ptr=INTEGER(anchor1), *a2ptr=INTEGER(anchor2); if (!isInteger(querystarts1) || !isInteger(queryends1)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (1) must be integer vectors"); } const int Nq = LENGTH(querystarts1); if (Nq != LENGTH(queryends1)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (1) must be of equal length"); } const int* qsptr1=INTEGER(querystarts1), *qeptr1=INTEGER(queryends1); if (!isInteger(subject1)) { throw std::runtime_error("subject indices (1) must be integer"); } const int Ns1 = LENGTH(subject1); const int *sjptr1=INTEGER(subject1); if (!isInteger(querystarts2) || !isInteger(queryends2)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (2) must be integer vectors"); } if (Nq != LENGTH(querystarts2) || Nq != LENGTH(queryends2)) { throw std::runtime_error("query indices (2) must be of equal length"); } const int* qsptr2=INTEGER(querystarts2), *qeptr2=INTEGER(queryends2); if (!isInteger(subject2)) { throw std::runtime_error("subject indices (2) must be integer"); } const int Ns2 = LENGTH(subject2); const int *sjptr2=INTEGER(subject2); if (!isInteger(nsubjects1) || LENGTH(nsubjects1)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("total number of subjects (1) must be an integer scalar"); } const int Ns_all1 = asInteger(nsubjects1); if (!isInteger(nsubjects2) || LENGTH(nsubjects2)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("total number of subjects (2) must be an integer scalar"); } const int Ns_all2 = asInteger(nsubjects2); int true_mode_start, true_mode_end; set_mode_values(use_both, true_mode_start, true_mode_end); if (!isLogical(sameness) || LENGTH(sameness)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("same region indicator should be a logical scalar"); } const bool is_same=asLogical(sameness); if (is_same) { true_mode_end=true_mode_start+1; } // No point examining the flipped ones. // Check indices. check_indices(qsptr1, qeptr1, Nq, sjptr1, Ns1, Ns_all1); check_indices(qsptr2, qeptr2, Nq, sjptr2, Ns2, Ns_all2); // Setting up the set. typedef std::pair<int, int> link; std::set<link> currently_active; std::set<link>::const_iterator itca; std::deque<link> stored_inactive; std::deque<int> interactions; int curpair=0, mode=0, maxmode, curq1=0, curq2=0, curindex1=0, curindex2=0; for (curpair=0; curpair<Npairs; ++curpair) { maxmode = (a1ptr[curpair] == a2ptr[curpair] ? true_mode_start+1 : true_mode_end); // Repeating with switched anchors, if the query sets are not the same. for (mode=true_mode_start; mode<maxmode; ++mode) { if (mode==0) { curq1 = a1ptr[curpair]; curq2 = a2ptr[curpair]; if (curq1 >= Nq || curq1 < 0 || curq1==NA_INTEGER) { throw std::runtime_error("region index (1) out of bounds"); } if (curq2 >= Nq || curq2 < 0 || curq2==NA_INTEGER) { throw std::runtime_error("region index (2) out of bounds"); } } else { curq2 = a1ptr[curpair]; curq1 = a2ptr[curpair]; } /* Storing all combinations associated with this pair. Avoiding redundant combinations * for self-linking (we can't use a simple rule like curindex2 < curindex1 to restrict * the loop, as the second anchor can overlap regions above the first anchor if the * latter is nested within the former). */ for (curindex1=qsptr1[curq1]; curindex1<qeptr1[curq1]; ++curindex1) { for (curindex2=qsptr2[curq2]; curindex2<qeptr2[curq2]; ++curindex2) { if (is_same && sjptr1[curindex1] < sjptr2[curindex2]) { currently_active.insert(link(sjptr2[curindex2], sjptr1[curindex1])); } else { currently_active.insert(link(sjptr1[curindex1], sjptr2[curindex2])); } } } } // Relieving the set by storing all inactive entries (automatically sorted as well). for (itca=currently_active.begin(); itca!=currently_active.end(); ++itca) { stored_inactive.push_back(*itca); } interactions.resize(interactions.size() + currently_active.size(), curpair); currently_active.clear(); } // Popping back a list of information. SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3)); try { const int total_entries=interactions.size(); SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries)); int * oiptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 0)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries)); int * os1ptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 1)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, allocVector(INTSXP, total_entries)); int * os2ptr=INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(output, 2)); std::copy(interactions.begin(), interactions.end(), oiptr); for (int curdex=0; curdex < total_entries; ++curdex) { os1ptr[curdex]=stored_inactive[curdex].first; os2ptr[curdex]=stored_inactive[curdex].second; } } catch (std::exception& e) { UNPROTECT(1); throw; } UNPROTECT(1); return output; } catch (std::exception& e) { return mkString(e.what()); }
SEXP iterative_correction(SEXP avecount, SEXP anchor, SEXP target, SEXP local, SEXP nfrags, SEXP iter, SEXP exlocal, SEXP lowdiscard, SEXP winsorhigh) try { // Checking vector type and length. if (!isNumeric(avecount)) { throw std::runtime_error("average counts must be supplied as a double-precision vector"); } if (!isInteger(anchor) || !isInteger(target)) { throw std::runtime_error("anchor/target indices must be supplied as an integer vector"); } if (!isLogical(local)) { throw std::runtime_error("local specifier should be a logical vector"); } const int npairs=LENGTH(avecount); if (npairs!=LENGTH(anchor) || npairs!=LENGTH(target) || npairs!=LENGTH(local)) { throw std::runtime_error("lengths of vectors are not equal"); } const double* acptr=REAL(avecount); const int* aptr=INTEGER(anchor), * tptr=INTEGER(target), * lptr=LOGICAL(local); // Checking scalar type. if (!isInteger(nfrags) || LENGTH(nfrags)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("number of fragments should be an integer scalar"); } if (!isInteger(iter) || LENGTH(iter)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("number of iterations should be an integer scalar"); } if (!isInteger(exlocal) || LENGTH(exlocal)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("exclusion specifier should be an integer scalar"); } const int numfrags=asInteger(nfrags), iterations=asInteger(iter), excluded=asInteger(exlocal); if (!isNumeric(lowdiscard) || LENGTH(lowdiscard)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("proportion to discard should be a double-precision scalar"); } const double discarded=asReal(lowdiscard); if (!isNumeric(winsorhigh) || LENGTH(winsorhigh)!=1) { throw std::runtime_error("proportion to winsorize should be a double-precision scalar"); } const double winsorized=asReal(winsorhigh); SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3)); try { // Setting up a SEXP to hold the working probabilities (ultimately the truth). SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(REALSXP, npairs)); double* wptr=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 0)); std::copy(acptr, acptr+npairs, wptr); // Excluding highly local interactions. int num_values=npairs; bool drop_intras=(excluded==NA_INTEGER); if (drop_intras || excluded >= 0) { for (int j=0; j<npairs; ++j) { if (lptr[j] && (drop_intras || aptr[j]-tptr[j] <= excluded)) { wptr[j]=R_NaReal; --num_values; } } } /************************************************** * Getting rid of unstable or extreme elements. **************************************************/ // Winsorizing for the most abundant interactions. const int todrop=int(double(num_values)*winsorized); if (todrop>0) { int* ordered=new int[npairs]; try { for (int i=0; i<npairs; ++i) { ordered[i]=i; } orderer current(acptr); std::sort(ordered, ordered+npairs, current); // Identifying the winsorizing value. int curcount=0; double winsor_val=R_NaReal; for (int i=npairs-1; i>=0; --i) { const int& curo=ordered[i]; if (ISNA(wptr[curo])) { continue; } ++curcount; if (curcount > todrop) { winsor_val=wptr[curo]; break; } } // Applying said value to all high-abundance interactions. if (ISNA(winsor_val)) { throw std::runtime_error("specified winsorizing proportion censors all data"); } curcount=0; for (int i=npairs-1; i>=0; --i) { const int& curo=ordered[i]; if (ISNA(wptr[curo])) { continue; } wptr[curo]=winsor_val; ++curcount; if (curcount > todrop) { break; } } } catch (std::exception& e){ delete [] ordered; throw; } delete[] ordered; } // Bias and coverage vectors. SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(REALSXP, numfrags)); double* bias=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 1)), * biaptr=bias-1; for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { bias[i]=R_NaReal; } for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { biaptr[aptr[pr]]=biaptr[tptr[pr]]=1; } } double* coverage=(double*)R_alloc(numfrags, sizeof(double)); for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { coverage[i]=0; } double* covptr=coverage-1; // To deal with 1-based indices. // Removing low-abundance fragments. if (discarded > 0) { for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { // Computing the coverage. if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; } covptr[aptr[pr]]+=wptr[pr]; covptr[tptr[pr]]+=wptr[pr]; } int* ordering=new int [numfrags]; try { for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { ordering[i]=i; } orderer current(coverage); std::sort(ordering, ordering+numfrags, current); // Ignoring empty rows. int counter=0; while (counter < numfrags && ISNA(bias[ordering[counter]])){ ++counter; } // Filtering out low-abundance rows. const int leftover=int(discarded*double(numfrags-counter))+counter; while (counter < leftover) { bias[ordering[counter]]=R_NaReal; ++counter; } // Setting everything else back to zero. while (counter < numfrags) { coverage[ordering[counter]]=0; ++counter; } } catch (std::exception& e) { delete [] ordering; throw; } delete [] ordering; // Propogating the filters through the interactions to remove anything with an anchor in the removed fragments. for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; } if (ISNA(biaptr[aptr[pr]]) || ISNA(biaptr[tptr[pr]])) { wptr[pr]=R_NaReal; } } for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { bias[i]=R_NaReal; } for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { biaptr[aptr[pr]]=biaptr[tptr[pr]]=1; } } } // Something to hold a diagnostic (i.e., the maximum step). SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, allocVector(REALSXP, iterations)); double* optr=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(output, 2)); /******************************************************** * Now, actually performing the iterative correction. *** ********************************************************/ for (int it=0; it<iterations; ++it) { for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { // Computing the coverage (ignoring locals, if necessary). if (ISNA(wptr[pr])) { continue; } covptr[aptr[pr]]+=wptr[pr]; covptr[tptr[pr]]+=wptr[pr]; } /* Computing the 'aditional bias' vector, to take the mean across all fragments. * The exact value of the mean doesn't really matter, it just serves to slow down * the algorithm to avoid overshooting the mark and lack of convergence. Everything * ends up being the same so long as the column sums approach 1. */ // double mean_of_all=0; // for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(coverage[i])) { mean_of_all+=coverage[i]; } } // mean_of_all/=numfrags; // for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(coverage[i])) { coverage[i]/=mean_of_all; } } /* Okay, that didn't really work. The strategy that is described in the paper fails to * give me contact probabilities that sum to 1. So instead, I'm using the coverage * itself to divide the working probabilities. Square rooting is necessary to avoid * instability during iteration. */ for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(bias[i])) { coverage[i]=std::sqrt(coverage[i]); } } // Dividing the working matrix with the (geometric mean of the) additional biases. for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr){ if (!ISNA(wptr[pr])) { wptr[pr]/=covptr[aptr[pr]]*covptr[tptr[pr]]; } } // Multiplying the biases by additional biases, and cleaning out coverage. We store // the maximum step to see how far off convergence it is. double& maxed=(optr[it]=0); for (int i=0; i<numfrags; ++i) { if (!ISNA(bias[i])) { double& cur_cov=coverage[i]; if (cur_cov > maxed) { maxed=cur_cov; } else if (1/cur_cov > maxed) { maxed=1/cur_cov; } bias[i]*=cur_cov; cur_cov=0; } } } /* Recalculating the contact probabilities, using the estimated biases, * to get normalized values for Winsorized or discarded bin pairs. * Discarded bins can't be salvaged, though. */ for (int pr=0; pr<npairs; ++pr) { if (ISNA(biaptr[aptr[pr]]) || ISNA(biaptr[tptr[pr]])) { continue; } wptr[pr] = acptr[pr]/biaptr[aptr[pr]]/biaptr[tptr[pr]]; } } catch (std::exception& e) { UNPROTECT(1); throw; } UNPROTECT(1); return output; } catch (std::exception& e) { return mkString(e.what()); }
/* cairo(filename, type, width, height, pointsize, bg, res, antialias, quality, family) */ SEXP in_Cairo(SEXP args) { pGEDevDesc gdd; SEXP sc; const char *filename, *family; int type, quality, width, height, pointsize, bgcolor, res, antialias; const void *vmax = vmaxget(); args = CDR(args); /* skip entry point name */ if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "filename"); filename = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0)); args = CDR(args); type = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(type == NA_INTEGER || type <= 0) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type"); args = CDR(args); width = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(width == NA_INTEGER || width <= 0) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width"); args = CDR(args); height = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(height == NA_INTEGER || height <= 0) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "height"); args = CDR(args); pointsize = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(pointsize == NA_INTEGER || pointsize <= 0) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "pointsize"); args = CDR(args); sc = CAR(args); if (!isString(sc) && !isInteger(sc) && !isLogical(sc) && !isReal(sc)) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "bg"); bgcolor = RGBpar(sc, 0); args = CDR(args); res = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args); antialias = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(antialias == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "antialias"); args = CDR(args); quality = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(quality == NA_INTEGER || quality < 0 || quality > 100) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "quality"); args = CDR(args); if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "family"); family = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0)); R_GE_checkVersionOrDie(R_GE_version); R_CheckDeviceAvailable(); BEGIN_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS { pDevDesc dev; /* Allocate and initialize the device driver data */ if (!(dev = (pDevDesc) calloc(1, sizeof(DevDesc)))) return 0; if (!BMDeviceDriver(dev, devtable[type].gtype, filename, quality, width, height, pointsize, bgcolor, res, antialias, family)) { free(dev); error(_("unable to start device '%s'"), devtable[type].name); } gdd = GEcreateDevDesc(dev); GEaddDevice2f(gdd, devtable[type].name, filename); } END_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS; vmaxset(vmax); return R_NilValue; }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_relop_dflt(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP x, SEXP y) { SEXP klass = R_NilValue, dims, tsp=R_NilValue, xnames, ynames; int nx, ny, xarray, yarray, xts, yts; Rboolean mismatch = FALSE, iS; PROTECT_INDEX xpi, ypi; PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(x, &xpi); PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(y, &ypi); nx = length(x); ny = length(y); /* pre-test to handle the most common case quickly. Used to skip warning too .... */ if (ATTRIB(x) == R_NilValue && ATTRIB(y) == R_NilValue && TYPEOF(x) == REALSXP && TYPEOF(y) == REALSXP && LENGTH(x) > 0 && LENGTH(y) > 0) { SEXP ans = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); if (nx > 0 && ny > 0) mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0; if (mismatch) { PROTECT(ans); warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")); UNPROTECT(1); } UNPROTECT(2); return ans; } /* That symbols and calls were allowed was undocumented prior to R 2.5.0. We deparse them as deparse() would, minus attributes */ if ((iS = isSymbol(x)) || TYPEOF(x) == LANGSXP) { SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1); PROTECT(tmp); SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(x) : STRING_ELT(deparse1(x, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0)); REPROTECT(x = tmp, xpi); UNPROTECT(1); } if ((iS = isSymbol(y)) || TYPEOF(y) == LANGSXP) { SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1); PROTECT(tmp); SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(y) : STRING_ELT(deparse1(y, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0)); REPROTECT(y = tmp, ypi); UNPROTECT(1); } if (!isVector(x) || !isVector(y)) { if (isNull(x) || isNull(y)) { UNPROTECT(2); return allocVector(LGLSXP,0); } errorcall(call, _("comparison (%d) is possible only for atomic and list types"), PRIMVAL(op)); } if (TYPEOF(x) == EXPRSXP || TYPEOF(y) == EXPRSXP) errorcall(call, _("comparison is not allowed for expressions")); /* ELSE : x and y are both atomic or list */ if (LENGTH(x) <= 0 || LENGTH(y) <= 0) { UNPROTECT(2); return allocVector(LGLSXP,0); } mismatch = FALSE; xarray = isArray(x); yarray = isArray(y); xts = isTs(x); yts = isTs(y); if (nx > 0 && ny > 0) mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0; if (xarray || yarray) { if (xarray && yarray) { if (!conformable(x, y)) errorcall(call, _("non-conformable arrays")); PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)); } else if (xarray) { PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)); } else /*(yarray)*/ { PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol)); } PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)); PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol)); } else { PROTECT(dims = R_NilValue); PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)); PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol)); } if (xts || yts) { if (xts && yts) { if (!tsConform(x, y)) errorcall(call, _("non-conformable time series")); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)); } else if (xts) { if (length(x) < length(y)) ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)); } else /*(yts)*/ { if (length(y) < length(x)) ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(y, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(y, R_ClassSymbol)); } } if (mismatch) warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")); if (isString(x) || isString(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, STRSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, STRSXP), ypi); x = string_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isComplex(x) || isComplex(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, CPLXSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, CPLXSXP), ypi); x = complex_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y, call); } else if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP), ypi); x = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isInteger(x) || isInteger(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, INTSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, INTSXP), ypi); x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isLogical(x) || isLogical(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, LGLSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, LGLSXP), ypi); x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP || TYPEOF(y) == RAWSXP) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, RAWSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, RAWSXP), ypi); x = raw_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else errorcall(call, _("comparison of these types is not implemented")); PROTECT(x); if (dims != R_NilValue) { setAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol, dims); if (xnames != R_NilValue) setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, xnames); else if (ynames != R_NilValue) setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, ynames); } else { if (length(x) == length(xnames)) setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, xnames); else if (length(x) == length(ynames)) setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, ynames); } if (xts || yts) { setAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol, tsp); setAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol, klass); UNPROTECT(2); } UNPROTECT(6); return x; }
SEXP bmerge(SEXP iArg, SEXP xArg, SEXP icolsArg, SEXP xcolsArg, SEXP isorted, SEXP rollarg, SEXP rollendsArg, SEXP nomatch, SEXP retFirstArg, SEXP retLengthArg, SEXP allLen1Arg) { int xN, iN, protecti=0; roll = 0.0; nearest = FALSE; enc_warn = TRUE; if (isString(rollarg)) { if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rollarg,0)),"nearest") != 0) error("roll is character but not 'nearest'"); roll=1.0; nearest=TRUE; // the 1.0 here is just any non-0.0, so roll!=0.0 can be used later } else { if (!isReal(rollarg)) error("Internal error: roll is not character or double"); roll = REAL(rollarg)[0]; // more common case (rolling forwards or backwards) or no roll when 0.0 } rollabs = fabs(roll); i = iArg; x = xArg; // set globals so bmerge_r can see them. if (!isInteger(icolsArg)) error("Internal error: icols is not integer vector"); if (!isInteger(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: xcols is not integer vector"); if (LENGTH(icolsArg) > LENGTH(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: length(icols) [%d] > length(xcols) [%d]", LENGTH(icolsArg), LENGTH(xcolsArg)); icols = INTEGER(icolsArg); xcols = INTEGER(xcolsArg); xN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(x,0)); iN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(i,0)); ncol = LENGTH(icolsArg); // there may be more sorted columns in x than involved in the join for(int col=0; col<ncol; col++) { if (icols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. icols[%d] is NA", col); if (xcols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. xcols[%d] is NA", col); if (icols[col]>LENGTH(i) || icols[col]<1) error("icols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(i)=%d]", col, icols[col], LENGTH(i)); if (xcols[col]>LENGTH(x) || xcols[col]<1) error("xcols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(x)=%d]", col, xcols[col], LENGTH(x)); int it = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[col]-1)); int xt = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(x, xcols[col]-1)); if (it != xt) error("typeof x.%s (%s) != typeof i.%s (%s)", CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(x,R_NamesSymbol),xcols[col]-1)), type2char(xt), CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(i,R_NamesSymbol),icols[col]-1)), type2char(it)); } if (!isInteger(retFirstArg) || LENGTH(retFirstArg)!=iN) error("retFirst must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)"); retFirst = INTEGER(retFirstArg); if (!isInteger(retLengthArg) || LENGTH(retLengthArg)!=iN) error("retLength must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)"); retLength = INTEGER(retLengthArg); if (!isLogical(allLen1Arg) || LENGTH(allLen1Arg) != 1) error("allLen1 must be a length 1 logical vector"); allLen1 = LOGICAL(allLen1Arg); if (!isLogical(rollendsArg) || LENGTH(rollendsArg) != 2) error("rollends must be a length 2 logical vector"); rollends = LOGICAL(rollendsArg); if (nearest && TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[ncol-1]-1))==STRSXP) error("roll='nearest' can't be applied to a character column, yet."); for (int j=0; j<iN; j++) { // defaults need to populated here as bmerge_r may well not touch many locations, say if the last row of i is before the first row of x. retFirst[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0]; // default to no match for NA goto below // retLength[j] = 0; // TO DO: do this to save the branch below and later branches at R level to set .N to 0 retLength[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0]==0 ? 0 : 1; } allLen1[0] = TRUE; // All-0 and All-NA are considered all length 1 according to R code currently. Really, it means any(length>1). o = NULL; if (!LOGICAL(isorted)[0]) { SEXP order = PROTECT(vec_init(length(icolsArg), ScalarInteger(1))); // rep(1, length(icolsArg)) SEXP oSxp = PROTECT(forder(i, icolsArg, ScalarLogical(FALSE), ScalarLogical(TRUE), order, ScalarLogical(FALSE))); protecti += 2; if (!LENGTH(oSxp)) o = NULL; else o = INTEGER(oSxp); } if (iN) bmerge_r(-1,xN,-1,iN,0,1,1); UNPROTECT(protecti); return(R_NilValue); }
SEXP seqlib_generate_oligos(SEXP seqs, SEXP parameters) { const char *pname; int i,j; oligoDesignParms *parms; parms = NewOligoDesignParmRec(); SEXP res,elm; for (i=0; i< length(parameters); i++) { pname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(parameters,R_NamesSymbol), i)); elm = VECTOR_ELT(parameters,i); if ((strcmp(pname,"t.melt")==0) && isReal(elm) && (length(elm) == 2)) { parms->tm_min = REAL(elm)[0]; parms->tm_max = REAL(elm)[1]; } else if ((strcmp(pname,"cg.content")==0) && isReal(elm) && (length(elm) == 2)) { parms->cg_min = REAL(elm)[0]; parms->cg_max = REAL(elm)[1]; } else if ((strcmp(pname,"oligo.len")==0) && isInteger(elm) && (length(elm) == 1)) { parms->oligo_len = (INTEGER)(elm)[0]; } else if ((strcmp(pname,"nimblegen.passes")==0) && isInteger(elm) && (length(elm) == 1)) { parms->NimbleGenMaxPass = (INTEGER)(elm)[0]; } else if ((strcmp(pname,"forbidden.sequences") == 0) && isString(elm) && (length(elm) >= 1)) { parms->forbidden_seqs = (sequence_tp**)malloc(sizeof(sequence_tp*)*(length(elm)+1)); for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++) parms->forbidden_seqs[j] = sequence_from_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(elm,j))); parms->forbidden_seqs[length(elm)] = NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG else { fprintf(stderr,"Skipping unknown parameter %s : \n",pname); if (isString(elm)) { for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++) fprintf(stderr,"String Value[%d] = %s\n",j,CHAR(STRING_ELT(elm, j))); } if (isReal(elm)) { for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++) fprintf(stderr," Real Value[%d] = %f\n",j,REAL(elm)[j]); } if (isInteger(elm)) { for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++) fprintf(stderr,"Int Value[%d] = %d\n",j,INTEGER(elm)[j]); } if (isLogical(elm)) { for (j=0; j<length(elm); j++) fprintf(stderr,"Logical Value[%d] = %d\n",j,LOGICAL(elm)[j]); } } #endif } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr," ----Generate oligos ----- \n"); fprintf(stderr,"cg : %f -%f \n",parms->cg_min,parms->cg_max); fprintf(stderr,"tm : %f -%f \n",parms->tm_min,parms->tm_max); fprintf(stderr,"oligo-len : %d \n",parms->oligo_len); #endif PROTECT(res = mkString("Done gen olis")); UNPROTECT(1); return res; }
SEXP rgeos_geosring2Polygon(SEXP env, GEOSGeom lr, int hole) { GEOSContextHandle_t GEOShandle = getContextHandle(env); int pc=0; GEOSCoordSeq s = (GEOSCoordSequence *) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq_r(GEOShandle, lr); if (s == NULL) error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure"); unsigned int n; if (GEOSCoordSeq_getSize_r(GEOShandle, s, &n) == 0) error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure"); // Get coordinates SEXP crd; PROTECT(crd = rgeos_crdMatFixDir(PROTECT(rgeos_CoordSeq2crdMat(env, s, FALSE, hole)), hole)); pc += 2; // Calculate area GEOSGeom p = GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(GEOShandle,GEOSGeom_clone_r(GEOShandle,lr),NULL,0); if (p == NULL) error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: unable to create polygon"); SEXP area; PROTECT(area = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); pc++; NUMERIC_POINTER(area)[0] = 0.0; if (!GEOSArea_r(GEOShandle, p, NUMERIC_POINTER(area))) error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: area calculation failure"); // Calculate label position SEXP labpt; PROTECT(labpt = NEW_NUMERIC(2)); pc++; GEOSGeom centroid = GEOSGetCentroid_r(GEOShandle, p); double xc, yc; rgeos_Pt2xy(env, centroid, &xc, &yc); if (!R_FINITE(xc) || !R_FINITE(yc)) { xc = 0.0; yc = 0.0; for(int i=0; i != n; i++) { xc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[i]; yc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[(int) (n) +i]; } xc /= n; yc /= n; } NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[0] = xc; NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[1] = yc; GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, centroid); GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, p); // Get ring direction SEXP ringDir; PROTECT(ringDir = NEW_INTEGER(1)); pc++; INTEGER_POINTER(ringDir)[0] = hole ? -1 : 1; // Get hole status SEXP Hole; PROTECT(Hole = NEW_LOGICAL(1)); pc++; LOGICAL_POINTER(Hole)[0] = hole; SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("Polygon"))); pc++; SET_SLOT(ans, install("ringDir"), ringDir); SET_SLOT(ans, install("labpt"), labpt); SET_SLOT(ans, install("area"), area); SET_SLOT(ans, install("hole"), Hole); SET_SLOT(ans, install("coords"), crd); SEXP valid; PROTECT(valid = SP_PREFIX(Polygon_validate_c)(ans)); pc++; if (!isLogical(valid)) { UNPROTECT(pc); if (isString(valid)) error(CHAR(STRING_ELT(valid, 0))); else error("invalid Polygon object"); } UNPROTECT(pc); return(ans); }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_cat(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { cat_info ci; RCNTXT cntxt; SEXP objs, file, fill, sepr, labs, s; int ifile; Rconnection con; int append; int i, iobj, n, nobjs, pwidth, width, sepw, lablen, ntot, nlsep, nlines; char buf[512]; const char *p = ""; checkArity(op, args); /* Use standard printing defaults */ PrintDefaults(); objs = CAR(args); args = CDR(args); file = CAR(args); ifile = asInteger(file); con = getConnection(ifile); if(!con->canwrite) /* if it is not open, we may not know yet */ error(_("cannot write to this connection")); args = CDR(args); sepr = CAR(args); if (!isString(sepr)) error(_("invalid '%s' specification"), "sep"); nlsep = 0; for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(sepr); i++) if (strstr(CHAR(STRING_ELT(sepr, i)), "\n")) nlsep = 1; /* ASCII */ args = CDR(args); fill = CAR(args); if ((!isNumeric(fill) && !isLogical(fill)) || (length(fill) != 1)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "fill"); if (isLogical(fill)) { if (asLogical(fill) == 1) pwidth = R_print.width; else pwidth = INT_MAX; } else pwidth = asInteger(fill); if(pwidth <= 0) { warning(_("non-positive 'fill' argument will be ignored")); pwidth = INT_MAX; } args = CDR(args); labs = CAR(args); if (!isString(labs) && labs != R_NilValue) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "labels"); lablen = length(labs); args = CDR(args); append = asLogical(CAR(args)); if (append == NA_LOGICAL) error(_("invalid '%s' specification"), "append"); ci.wasopen = con->isopen; ci.changedcon = switch_stdout(ifile, 0); /* will open new connection if required, and check for writeable */ #ifdef Win32 /* do this after re-sinking output */ WinCheckUTF8(); #endif ci.con = con; /* set up a context which will close the connection if there is an error */ begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv, R_NilValue, R_NilValue); cntxt.cend = &cat_cleanup; cntxt.cenddata = &ci; nobjs = length(objs); width = 0; ntot = 0; nlines = 0; for (iobj = 0; iobj < nobjs; iobj++) { s = VECTOR_ELT(objs, iobj); if (iobj != 0 && !isNull(s)) cat_printsep(sepr, ntot++); n = length(s); /* 0-length objects are ignored */ if (n > 0) { if (labs != R_NilValue && (iobj == 0) && (asInteger(fill) > 0)) { Rprintf("%s ", trChar(STRING_ELT(labs, nlines % lablen))); /* FIXME -- Rstrlen allows for double-width chars */ width += Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(labs, nlines % lablen), 0) + 1; nlines++; } if (isString(s)) p = trChar(STRING_ELT(s, 0)); else if (isSymbol(s)) /* length 1 */ p = CHAR(PRINTNAME(s)); else if (isVectorAtomic(s)) { /* Not a string, as that is covered above. Thus the maximum size is about 60. The copy is needed as cat_newline might reuse the buffer. Use strncpy is in case these assumptions change. */ p = EncodeElement0(s, 0, 0, OutDec); strncpy(buf, p, 512); buf[511] = '\0'; p = buf; } #ifdef fixed_cat else if (isVectorList(s)) { /* FIXME: call EncodeElement() for every element of s. Real Problem: `s' can be large; should do line breaking etc.. (buf is of limited size) */ } #endif else errorcall(call, _("argument %d (type '%s') cannot be handled by 'cat'"), 1+iobj, type2char(TYPEOF(s))); /* FIXME : cat(...) should handle ANYTHING */ size_t w = strlen(p); cat_sepwidth(sepr, &sepw, ntot); if ((iobj > 0) && (width + w + sepw > pwidth)) { cat_newline(labs, &width, lablen, nlines); nlines++; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++, ntot++) { Rprintf("%s", p); width += (int)(w + sepw); if (i < (n - 1)) { cat_printsep(sepr, ntot); if (isString(s)) p = trChar(STRING_ELT(s, i+1)); else { p = EncodeElement0(s, i+1, 0, OutDec); strncpy(buf, p, 512); buf[511] = '\0'; p = buf; } w = (int) strlen(p); cat_sepwidth(sepr, &sepw, ntot); /* This is inconsistent with the version above. As from R 2.3.0, fill <= 0 is ignored. */ if ((width + w + sepw > pwidth) && pwidth) { cat_newline(labs, &width, lablen, nlines); nlines++; } } else ntot--; /* we don't print sep after last, so don't advance */ } } } if ((pwidth != INT_MAX) || nlsep) Rprintf("\n"); /* end the context after anything that could raise an error but before doing the cleanup so the cleanup doesn't get done twice */ endcontext(&cntxt); cat_cleanup(&ci); return R_NilValue; }
/* format.default(x, trim, digits, nsmall, width, justify, na.encode, scientific) */ SEXP attribute_hidden do_format(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP l, x, y, swd; int il, digits, trim = 0, nsmall = 0, wd = 0, adj = -1, na, sci = 0; int w, d, e; int wi, di, ei, scikeep; const char *strp; R_xlen_t i, n; checkArity(op, args); PrintDefaults(); scikeep = R_print.scipen; if (isEnvironment(x = CAR(args))) { return mkString(EncodeEnvironment(x)); } else if (!isVector(x)) error(_("first argument must be atomic")); args = CDR(args); trim = asLogical(CAR(args)); if (trim == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "trim"); args = CDR(args); if (!isNull(CAR(args))) { digits = asInteger(CAR(args)); if (digits == NA_INTEGER || digits < R_MIN_DIGITS_OPT || digits > R_MAX_DIGITS_OPT) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "digits"); R_print.digits = digits; } args = CDR(args); nsmall = asInteger(CAR(args)); if (nsmall == NA_INTEGER || nsmall < 0 || nsmall > 20) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nsmall"); args = CDR(args); if (isNull(swd = CAR(args))) wd = 0; else wd = asInteger(swd); if(wd == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width"); args = CDR(args); adj = asInteger(CAR(args)); if(adj == NA_INTEGER || adj < 0 || adj > 3) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "justify"); args = CDR(args); na = asLogical(CAR(args)); if(na == NA_LOGICAL) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na.encode"); args = CDR(args); if(LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific"); if(isLogical(CAR(args))) { int tmp = LOGICAL(CAR(args))[0]; if(tmp == NA_LOGICAL) sci = NA_INTEGER; else sci = tmp > 0 ?-100 : 100; } else if (isNumeric(CAR(args))) { sci = asInteger(CAR(args)); } else error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific"); if(sci != NA_INTEGER) R_print.scipen = sci; if ((n = XLENGTH(x)) <= 0) { PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, 0)); } else { switch (TYPEOF(x)) { case LGLSXP: PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); if (trim) w = 0; else formatLogical(LOGICAL(x), n, &w); w = imax2(w, wd); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strp = EncodeLogical(LOGICAL(x)[i], w); SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp)); } break; case INTSXP: PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); if (trim) w = 0; else formatInteger(INTEGER(x), n, &w); w = imax2(w, wd); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strp = EncodeInteger(INTEGER(x)[i], w); SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp)); } break; case REALSXP: formatReal(REAL(x), n, &w, &d, &e, nsmall); if (trim) w = 0; w = imax2(w, wd); PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strp = EncodeReal0(REAL(x)[i], w, d, e, OutDec); SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp)); } break; case CPLXSXP: formatComplex(COMPLEX(x), n, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, nsmall); if (trim) wi = w = 0; w = imax2(w, wd); wi = imax2(wi, wd); PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strp = EncodeComplex(COMPLEX(x)[i], w, d, e, wi, di, ei, OutDec); SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp)); } break; case STRSXP: { /* this has to be different from formatString/EncodeString as we don't actually want to encode here */ const char *s; char *q; int b, b0, cnt = 0, j; SEXP s0, xx; /* This is clumsy, but it saves rewriting and re-testing this complex code */ PROTECT(xx = duplicate(x)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { SEXP tmp = STRING_ELT(xx, i); if(IS_BYTES(tmp)) { const char *p = CHAR(tmp), *q; char *pp = R_alloc(4*strlen(p)+1, 1), *qq = pp, buf[5]; for (q = p; *q; q++) { unsigned char k = (unsigned char) *q; if (k >= 0x20 && k < 0x80) { *qq++ = *q; } else { snprintf(buf, 5, "\\x%02x", k); for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) *qq++ = buf[j]; } } *qq = '\0'; s = pp; } else s = translateChar(tmp); if(s != CHAR(tmp)) SET_STRING_ELT(xx, i, mkChar(s)); } w = wd; if (adj != Rprt_adj_none) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING) w = imax2(w, Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0)); else if (na) w = imax2(w, R_print.na_width); } else w = 0; /* now calculate the buffer size needed, in bytes */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING) { il = Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0); cnt = imax2(cnt, LENGTH(STRING_ELT(xx, i)) + imax2(0, w-il)); } else if (na) cnt = imax2(cnt, R_print.na_width + imax2(0, w-R_print.na_width)); R_CheckStack2(cnt+1); char buff[cnt+1]; PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(!na && STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) { SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, NA_STRING); } else { q = buff; if(STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) s0 = R_print.na_string; else s0 = STRING_ELT(xx, i) ; s = CHAR(s0); il = Rstrlen(s0, 0); b = w - il; if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_left) { b0 = (adj == Rprt_adj_centre) ? b/2 : b; for(j = 0 ; j < b0 ; j++) *q++ = ' '; b -= b0; } for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(s0); j++) *q++ = *s++; if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_right) for(j = 0 ; j < b ; j++) *q++ = ' '; *q = '\0'; SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(buff)); } } } UNPROTECT(2); /* xx , y */ PROTECT(y); break; default: error(_("Impossible mode ( x )")); y = R_NilValue;/* -Wall */ } } if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)) != R_NilValue) { setAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol, l); if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue) setAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol, l); } else if((l = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue) setAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol, l); /* In case something else forgets to set PrintDefaults(), PR#14477 */ R_print.scipen = scikeep; UNPROTECT(1); /* y */ return y; }
SEXP hitrun(SEXP alpha, SEXP initial, SEXP nbatch, SEXP blen, SEXP nspac, SEXP origin, SEXP basis, SEXP amat, SEXP bvec, SEXP outmat, SEXP debug) { if (! isReal(alpha)) error("argument \"alpha\" must be type double"); if (! isReal(initial)) error("argument \"initial\" must be type double"); if (! isInteger(nbatch)) error("argument \"nbatch\" must be type integer"); if (! isInteger(blen)) error("argument \"blen\" must be type integer"); if (! isInteger(nspac)) error("argument \"nspac\" must be type integer"); if (! isReal(origin)) error("argument \"origin\" must be type double"); if (! isReal(basis)) error("argument \"basis\" must be type double"); if (! isReal(amat)) error("argument \"amat\" must be type double"); if (! isReal(bvec)) error("argument \"bvec\" must be type double"); if (! (isNull(outmat) | isReal(outmat))) error("argument \"outmat\" must be type double or NULL"); if (! isLogical(debug)) error("argument \"debug\" must be logical"); if (! isMatrix(basis)) error("argument \"basis\" must be matrix"); if (! isMatrix(amat)) error("argument \"amat\" must be matrix"); if (! (isNull(outmat) | isMatrix(outmat))) error("argument \"outmat\" must be matrix or NULL"); int dim_oc = LENGTH(alpha); int dim_nc = LENGTH(initial); int ncons = nrows(amat); if (LENGTH(nbatch) != 1) error("argument \"nbatch\" must be scalar"); if (LENGTH(blen) != 1) error("argument \"blen\" must be scalar"); if (LENGTH(nspac) != 1) error("argument \"nspac\" must be scalar"); if (LENGTH(origin) != dim_oc) error("length(origin) != length(alpha)"); if (nrows(basis) != dim_oc) error("nrow(basis) != length(alpha)"); if (ncols(basis) != dim_nc) error("ncol(basis) != length(initial)"); if (ncols(amat) != dim_nc) error("ncol(amat) != length(initial)"); if (LENGTH(bvec) != ncons) error("length(bvec) != nrow(amat)"); if (LENGTH(debug) != 1) error("argument \"debug\" must be scalar"); int dim_out = dim_oc; if (! isNull(outmat)) { dim_out = nrows(outmat); if (ncols(outmat) != dim_oc) error("ncol(outmat) != length(alpha)"); } int int_nbatch = INTEGER(nbatch)[0]; int int_blen = INTEGER(blen)[0]; int int_nspac = INTEGER(nspac)[0]; int int_debug = LOGICAL(debug)[0]; double *dbl_star_alpha = REAL(alpha); double *dbl_star_initial = REAL(initial); double *dbl_star_origin = REAL(origin); double *dbl_star_basis = REAL(basis); double *dbl_star_amat = REAL(amat); double *dbl_star_bvec = REAL(bvec); int has_outmat = isMatrix(outmat); double *dbl_star_outmat = 0; if (has_outmat) dbl_star_outmat = REAL(outmat); if (int_nbatch <= 0) error("argument \"nbatch\" must be positive"); if (int_blen <= 0) error("argument \"blen\" must be positive"); if (int_nspac <= 0) error("argument \"nspac\" must be positive"); check_finite(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha"); check_positive(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha"); check_finite(dbl_star_initial, dim_nc, "initial"); check_finite(dbl_star_origin, dim_oc, "origin"); check_finite(dbl_star_basis, dim_oc * dim_nc, "basis"); check_finite(dbl_star_amat, ncons * dim_nc, "amat"); check_finite(dbl_star_bvec, ncons, "bvec"); if (has_outmat) check_finite(dbl_star_outmat, dim_out * dim_oc, "outmat"); double *state = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double)); double *proposal = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double)); double *batch_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double)); double *out_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double)); memcpy(state, dbl_star_initial, dim_nc * sizeof(double)); logh_setup(dbl_star_alpha, dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dim_oc, dim_nc); double current_log_dens = logh(state); out_setup(dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dbl_star_outmat, dim_oc, dim_nc, dim_out, has_outmat); SEXP result, resultnames, path, save_initial, save_final; if (! int_debug) { PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 3)); PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 3)); } else { PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 11)); PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 11)); } PROTECT(path = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_out, int_nbatch)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, path); PROTECT(save_initial = duplicate(initial)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, save_initial); UNPROTECT(2); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 0, mkChar("batch")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 1, mkChar("initial")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 2, mkChar("final")); if (int_debug) { SEXP spath, ppath, zpath, u1path, u2path, s1path, s2path, gpath; int nn = int_nbatch * int_blen * int_nspac; PROTECT(spath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, spath); PROTECT(ppath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 4, ppath); PROTECT(zpath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 5, zpath); PROTECT(u1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 6, u1path); PROTECT(u2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 7, u2path); PROTECT(s1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 8, s1path); PROTECT(s2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 9, s2path); PROTECT(gpath = allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 10, gpath); UNPROTECT(8); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 3, mkChar("current")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 4, mkChar("proposal")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 5, mkChar("z")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 6, mkChar("u1")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 7, mkChar("u2")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 8, mkChar("s1")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 9, mkChar("s2")); SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 10, mkChar("")); } namesgets(result, resultnames); UNPROTECT(1); GetRNGstate(); if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf) error("log unnormalized density -Inf at initial state"); for (int ibatch = 0, k = 0; ibatch < int_nbatch; ibatch++) { for (int i = 0; i < dim_out; i++) batch_buffer[i] = 0.0; for (int jbatch = 0; jbatch < int_blen; jbatch++) { double proposal_log_dens; for (int ispac = 0; ispac < int_nspac; ispac++) { /* Note: should never happen! */ if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf) error("log density -Inf at current state"); double u1 = R_NaReal; double u2 = R_NaReal; double smax = R_NaReal; double smin = R_NaReal; double z[dim_nc]; propose(state, proposal, dbl_star_amat, dbl_star_bvec, dim_nc, ncons, z, &smax, &smin, &u1); proposal_log_dens = logh(proposal); int accept = FALSE; if (proposal_log_dens != R_NegInf) { if (proposal_log_dens >= current_log_dens) { accept = TRUE; } else { double green = exp(proposal_log_dens - current_log_dens); u2 = unif_rand(); accept = u2 < green; } } if (int_debug) { int l = ispac + int_nspac * (jbatch + int_blen * ibatch); int lbase = l * dim_nc; SEXP spath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 3); SEXP ppath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 4); SEXP zpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 5); SEXP u1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 6); SEXP u2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 7); SEXP s1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 8); SEXP s2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 9); SEXP gpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 10); for (int lj = 0; lj < dim_nc; lj++) { REAL(spath)[lbase + lj] = state[lj]; REAL(ppath)[lbase + lj] = proposal[lj]; REAL(zpath)[lbase + lj] = z[lj]; } REAL(u1path)[l] = u1; REAL(u2path)[l] = u2; REAL(s1path)[l] = smin; REAL(s2path)[l] = smax; REAL(gpath)[l] = proposal_log_dens - current_log_dens; } if (accept) { memcpy(state, proposal, dim_nc * sizeof(double)); current_log_dens = proposal_log_dens; } } /* end of inner loop (one iteration) */ outfun(state, out_buffer); for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++) batch_buffer[j] += out_buffer[j]; } /* end of middle loop (one batch) */ for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++, k++) REAL(path)[k] = batch_buffer[j] / int_blen; } /* end of outer loop */ PutRNGstate(); PROTECT(save_final = allocVector(REALSXP, dim_nc)); memcpy(REAL(save_final), state, dim_nc * sizeof(double)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, save_final); UNPROTECT(5); return result; }
SEXP impliedLinearity(SEXP m, SEXP h) { GetRNGstate(); if (! isMatrix(m)) error("'m' must be matrix"); if (! isLogical(h)) error("'h' must be logical"); if (LENGTH(h) != 1) error("'h' must be scalar"); if (! isString(m)) error("'m' must be character"); SEXP m_dim; PROTECT(m_dim = getAttrib(m, R_DimSymbol)); int nrow = INTEGER(m_dim)[0]; int ncol = INTEGER(m_dim)[1]; UNPROTECT(1); if (nrow <= 1) error("no use if only one row"); if (ncol <= 3) error("no use if only one col"); for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) { const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i)); if (strlen(foo) != 1) error("column one of 'm' not zero-or-one valued"); if (! (foo[0] == '0' || foo[0] == '1')) error("column one of 'm' not zero-or-one valued"); } if (! LOGICAL(h)[0]) for (int i = nrow; i < 2 * nrow; i++) { const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i)); if (strlen(foo) != 1) error("column two of 'm' not zero-or-one valued"); if (! (foo[0] == '0' || foo[0] == '1')) error("column two of 'm' not zero-or-one valued"); } dd_set_global_constants(); /* note actual type of "value" is mpq_t (defined in cddmp.h) */ mytype value; dd_init(value); dd_MatrixPtr mf = dd_CreateMatrix(nrow, ncol - 1); /* note our matrix has one more column than Fukuda's */ /* representation */ if(LOGICAL(h)[0]) mf->representation = dd_Inequality; else mf->representation = dd_Generator; mf->numbtype = dd_Rational; /* linearity */ for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) { const char *foo = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, i)); if (foo[0] == '1') set_addelem(mf->linset, i + 1); /* note conversion from zero-origin to one-origin indexing */ } /* matrix */ for (int j = 1, k = nrow; j < ncol; j++) for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++, k++) { const char *rat_str = CHAR(STRING_ELT(m, k)); if (mpq_set_str(value, rat_str, 10) == -1) { dd_FreeMatrix(mf); dd_clear(value); dd_free_global_constants(); error("error converting string to GMP rational"); } mpq_canonicalize(value); dd_set(mf->matrix[i][j - 1], value); /* note our matrix has one more column than Fukuda's */ } dd_ErrorType err = dd_NoError; dd_rowset out = dd_ImplicitLinearityRows(mf, &err); if (err != dd_NoError) { rr_WriteErrorMessages(err); set_free(out); dd_FreeMatrix(mf); dd_clear(value); dd_free_global_constants(); error("failed"); } SEXP foo; PROTECT(foo = rr_set_fwrite(out)); set_free(out); dd_FreeMatrix(mf); dd_clear(value); dd_free_global_constants(); PutRNGstate(); UNPROTECT(1); return foo; }
SEXP bmerge(SEXP iArg, SEXP xArg, SEXP icolsArg, SEXP xcolsArg, SEXP isorted, SEXP xoArg, SEXP rollarg, SEXP rollendsArg, SEXP nomatchArg, SEXP multArg, SEXP opArg, SEXP nqgrpArg, SEXP nqmaxgrpArg) { int xN, iN, protecti=0; ctr=0; // needed for non-equi join case SEXP retFirstArg, retLengthArg, retIndexArg, allLen1Arg, allGrp1Arg; retFirstArg = retLengthArg = retIndexArg = R_NilValue; // suppress gcc msg // iArg, xArg, icolsArg and xcolsArg i = iArg; x = xArg; // set globals so bmerge_r can see them. if (!isInteger(icolsArg)) error("Internal error: icols is not integer vector"); if (!isInteger(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: xcols is not integer vector"); if (LENGTH(icolsArg) > LENGTH(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: length(icols) [%d] > length(xcols) [%d]", LENGTH(icolsArg), LENGTH(xcolsArg)); icols = INTEGER(icolsArg); xcols = INTEGER(xcolsArg); xN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(x,0)); iN = ilen = anslen = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(i,0)); ncol = LENGTH(icolsArg); // there may be more sorted columns in x than involved in the join for(int col=0; col<ncol; col++) { if (icols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. icols[%d] is NA", col); if (xcols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. xcols[%d] is NA", col); if (icols[col]>LENGTH(i) || icols[col]<1) error("icols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(i)=%d]", col, icols[col], LENGTH(i)); if (xcols[col]>LENGTH(x) || xcols[col]<1) error("xcols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(x)=%d]", col, xcols[col], LENGTH(x)); int it = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[col]-1)); int xt = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(x, xcols[col]-1)); if (it != xt) error("typeof x.%s (%s) != typeof i.%s (%s)", CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(x,R_NamesSymbol),xcols[col]-1)), type2char(xt), CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(i,R_NamesSymbol),icols[col]-1)), type2char(it)); } // raise(SIGINT); // rollArg, rollendsArg roll = 0.0; rollToNearest = FALSE; if (isString(rollarg)) { if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rollarg,0)),"nearest") != 0) error("roll is character but not 'nearest'"); roll=1.0; rollToNearest=TRUE; // the 1.0 here is just any non-0.0, so roll!=0.0 can be used later } else { if (!isReal(rollarg)) error("Internal error: roll is not character or double"); roll = REAL(rollarg)[0]; // more common case (rolling forwards or backwards) or no roll when 0.0 } rollabs = fabs(roll); if (!isLogical(rollendsArg) || LENGTH(rollendsArg) != 2) error("rollends must be a length 2 logical vector"); rollends = LOGICAL(rollendsArg); if (rollToNearest && TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[ncol-1]-1))==STRSXP) error("roll='nearest' can't be applied to a character column, yet."); // nomatch arg nomatch = INTEGER(nomatchArg)[0]; // mult arg if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "all")) mult = ALL; else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "first")) mult = FIRST; else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(multArg, 0)), "last")) mult = LAST; else error("Internal error: invalid value for 'mult'. Please report to datatable-help"); // opArg if (!isInteger(opArg) || length(opArg) != ncol) error("Internal error: opArg is not an integer vector of length equal to length(on)"); op = INTEGER(opArg); if (!isInteger(nqgrpArg)) error("Internal error: nqgrpArg must be an integer vector"); nqgrp = nqgrpArg; // set global for bmerge_r scols = (!length(nqgrpArg)) ? 0 : -1; // starting col index, -1 is external group column for non-equi join case // nqmaxgrpArg if (!isInteger(nqmaxgrpArg) || length(nqmaxgrpArg) != 1 || INTEGER(nqmaxgrpArg)[0] <= 0) error("Intrnal error: nqmaxgrpArg is not a positive length-1 integer vector"); nqmaxgrp = INTEGER(nqmaxgrpArg)[0]; if (nqmaxgrp>1 && mult == ALL) { // non-equi case with mult=ALL, may need reallocation anslen = 1.1 * ((iN > 1000) ? iN : 1000); retFirst = Calloc(anslen, int); // anslen is set above retLength = Calloc(anslen, int); retIndex = Calloc(anslen, int); if (retFirst==NULL || retLength==NULL || retIndex==NULL) error("Internal error in allocating memory for non-equi join"); // initialise retIndex here directly, as next loop is meant for both equi and non-equi joins for (int j=0; j<anslen; j++) retIndex[j] = j+1; } else { // equi joins (or) non-equi join but no multiple matches