int isPawnSupported(S8 sq, S8 side) {
    int step;
    if (side == WHITE) step = SOUTH; else step = NORTH;
    if ( IS_SQ(sq+WEST) && isPiece(side,PAWN, sq + WEST) ) return 1;
    if ( IS_SQ(sq+EAST) && isPiece(side,PAWN, sq + EAST) ) return 1;
    if ( IS_SQ(sq+step+WEST) && isPiece(side,PAWN, sq + step+WEST ) ) return 1;
    if ( IS_SQ(sq+step+EAST) && isPiece(side,PAWN, sq + step+EAST ) ) return 1;
    return 0;
void EvalQueen(S8 sq, S8 side) {
    v.gamePhase += 4;
    int att = 0;
    int mob = 0;
    *  A queen should not be developed too early                    *
    if (side == WHITE && ROW(sq) > ROW_2) {
        if (isPiece(WHITE, KNIGHT, B1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(WHITE, BISHOP, C1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(WHITE, BISHOP, F1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(WHITE, KNIGHT, G1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] -= 2;
    if (side == BLACK && ROW(sq) < ROW_7) {
        if (isPiece(BLACK, KNIGHT, B8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(BLACK, BISHOP, C8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(BLACK, BISHOP, F8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] -= 2;
        if (isPiece(BLACK, KNIGHT, G8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] -= 2;
    *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks                 *
    for (char dir=0;dir<vectors[QUEEN];dir++) {
         for (char pos = sq;;) {
              pos = pos + vector[QUEEN][dir];
              if (! IS_SQ(pos)) break;
              if (b.pieces[pos] == PIECE_EMPTY) {
                 if ( e.sqNearK[!side] [b.KingLoc[!side] ] [pos] ) ++att;
              else if (b.color[pos] != side) {
                   if ( e.sqNearK[!side] [b.KingLoc[!side] ] [pos] ) ++att;
              else {
    v.mgMob[side] += 1 * (mob-14);
    v.egMob[side] += 2 * (mob-14);
    if (att) {
       v.attWeight[side] += 4*att;
int leaperAttack( char byColor, S8 sq, char byPiece ) {
    S8 nextSq;
    for ( int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++ ) {
        nextSq = sq + vector[byPiece][dir];
        if ( IS_SQ(nextSq) 
		&&  isPiece( byColor, byPiece, nextSq ) )
            return 1;
    return 0;
void blockedPieces() {
    // central pawn blocked, bishop hard to develop
    if (isPiece(WHITE, BISHOP, C1) && isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, D2) && b.color[D3] != COLOR_EMPTY)
        v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;
    if (isPiece(WHITE, BISHOP, F1) &&  isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, E2) && b.color[E3] != COLOR_EMPTY)
        v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;
    if (isPiece(BLACK, BISHOP, C8) &&  isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, D7) && b.color[D6] != COLOR_EMPTY)
        v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;
    if (isPiece(BLACK, BISHOP, F8) && isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, E7) && b.color[E6] != COLOR_EMPTY)
        v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;
    // uncastled king blocking own rook
    if ( ( isPiece(WHITE, KING, F1) || isPiece(WHITE, KING, G1 ) )&&
         ( isPiece(WHITE, ROOK, H1) || isPiece(WHITE, ROOK, G1 ) )
       v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;
    if ( ( isPiece(WHITE, KING, C1) || isPiece(WHITE, KING, B1 ) )&&
         ( isPiece(WHITE, ROOK, A1) || isPiece(WHITE, ROOK, B1 ) )
       v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;
    if ( ( isPiece(BLACK, KING, F8) || isPiece(BLACK, KING, G8 ) )&&
         ( isPiece(BLACK, ROOK, H8) || isPiece(BLACK, ROOK, G8 ) )
       v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;
    if ( ( isPiece(BLACK, KING, C8) || isPiece(BLACK, KING, B8 ) )&&
         ( isPiece(BLACK, ROOK, A8) || isPiece(BLACK, ROOK, B8 ) )
       v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;
int EvalPawn(S8 sq, S8 side) {
    int result = 0;
    int flagIsPassed = 1; // we will be trying to disprove that
    int flagIsWeak = 1;   // we will be trying to disprove that
    int flagIsOpposed = 0;
    int stepFwd, stepBck;
    if (side == WHITE) stepFwd = NORTH; else stepFwd = SOUTH;
    if (side == WHITE) stepBck = SOUTH; else stepBck = NORTH;
    S8 nextSq = sq + stepFwd;
    *   We have only very basic data structures that do not update informa-  *
    *   tion about pawns incrementally, so we have to calculate everything   *
    *   here.  The loop below detects doubled pawns, passed pawns and sets   *
    *   a flag on finding that our pawn is opposed by enemy pawn.            *
    while (IS_SQ(nextSq)) {
        if (b.pieces[nextSq] == PAWN) { // either opposed by enemy pawn or doubled
            flagIsPassed = 0;
            if (b.color[nextSq] == side)
                result -= 20;       // doubled pawn penalty
                flagIsOpposed = 1;  // flag our pawn as opposed
        if (IS_SQ(nextSq + WEST) && isPiece(!side, PAWN, nextSq + WEST))
            flagIsPassed = 0;
        if (IS_SQ(nextSq + EAST) && isPiece(!side, PAWN, nextSq + EAST))
            flagIsPassed = 0;
        nextSq += stepFwd;
    *   Another loop, going backwards and checking whether pawn has support. *
    *   Here we can at least break out of it for speed optimization.         *
    nextSq = sq;
    while (IS_SQ(nextSq)) {
        if (IS_SQ(nextSq + WEST) && isPiece(side, PAWN, nextSq + WEST)) {
            flagIsWeak = 0;
        if (IS_SQ(nextSq + EAST) && isPiece(side, PAWN, nextSq + EAST)) {
            flagIsWeak = 0;
        nextSq += stepBck;
    *  Evaluate passed pawns, scoring them higher if they are protected      *
    *  or if their advance is supported by friendly pawns                    *
    if ( flagIsPassed ) {
        if ( isPawnSupported(sq, side) ) result += e.protected_passer[side][sq];
        else                             result += e.passed_pawn[side][sq];
    *  Evaluate weak pawns, increasing the penalty if they are situated      *
    *  on a half-open file                                                   *
    if ( flagIsWeak ) {
        result += e.weak_pawn[side][sq];
        if (!flagIsOpposed)
            result -= 4;
    return result;
int bKingShield() {
    int result = 0;
  /* king on the kingside */
  if ( COL(b.KingLoc[BLACK]) > COL_E ) {
        if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, F7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
        else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, F6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
        if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, G7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
        else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, G6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
        if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, H7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
        else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, H6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
   /* king on the queenside */
   else if ( COL(b.KingLoc[BLACK]) < COL_D ) {
       if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, A7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, A6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, B7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, B6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, C7) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, C6) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
  return result;
int wKingShield() {
    int result = 0;
    /* king on the kingside */
    if ( COL(b.KingLoc[WHITE]) > COL_E ) {
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, F2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, F3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, G2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, G3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, H2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, H3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
   /* king on the queenside */
   else if ( COL(b.KingLoc[WHITE]) < COL_D ) {
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, A2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, A3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, B2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, B3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
       if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, C2) )  result += e.SHIELD_1;
       else if ( isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, C3) )  result += e.SHIELD_2;
return result;
void EvalBishop(S8 sq, S8 side) {
     int att = 0;
     int mob = 0;
     v.gamePhase += 1;
     if (side == WHITE) {
         switch (sq) {
         case A7: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, B6)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case H7: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, G6)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case B8: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, C7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case G8: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, F7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case A6: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, B5)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6; break;
         case H6: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, G5)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6; break;
         case F1: if (isPiece(WHITE, KING, G1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] += e.RETURNING_BISHOP; break;
         case C1: if (isPiece(WHITE, KING, B1)) v.PositionalThemes[WHITE] += e.RETURNING_BISHOP; break;
     else {
         switch (sq) {
         case A2: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, B3)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case H2: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, G3)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case B1: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, C2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case G1: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, F2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case A3: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, B4)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6; break;
         case H3: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, G4)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6; break;
         case F8: if (isPiece(BLACK, KING, G8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] += e.RETURNING_BISHOP; break;
         case C8: if (isPiece(BLACK, KING, B8)) v.PositionalThemes[BLACK] += e.RETURNING_BISHOP; break;
    *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks                 *
    for (char dir=0;dir<vectors[BISHOP];dir++) {
         for (char pos = sq;;) {
              pos = pos + vector[BISHOP][dir];
              if (! IS_SQ(pos)) break;
              if (b.pieces[pos] == PIECE_EMPTY) {
                 if ( e.sqNearK[!side] [b.KingLoc[!side] ] [pos] ) ++att;
              else if (b.color[pos] != side) {
                   if ( e.sqNearK[!side] [b.KingLoc[!side] ] [pos] ) ++att;
              else {
    v.mgMob[side] += 3 * (mob-7);
    v.egMob[side] += 3 * (mob-7);
    if (att) {
       v.attWeight[side] += 2*att;
void EvalKnight(S8 sq, S8 side) {
     int att = 0;
     int mob = 0;
     int pos;
      v.gamePhase += 1;
     if (side == WHITE) {
         switch (sq) {
         case A8: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, A7) || isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, C7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8; break;
         case H8: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, H7) || isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, F7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8; break;
         case A7: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, A6) && isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, B7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case H7: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, H6) && isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, G7)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case C3: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, C2) && isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, D4) && !isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, E4)) v.Blockages[WHITE] -= e.P_C3_KNIGHT; break;
         switch (sq) {
         case A1: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, A2) || isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, C2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8; break;
         case H1: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, H2) || isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, F2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8; break;
         case A2: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, A3) && isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, B2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case H2: if (isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, H3) && isPiece(WHITE, PAWN, G2)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7; break;
         case C6: if (isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, C7) && isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, D5) && !isPiece(BLACK, PAWN, E5)) v.Blockages[BLACK] -= e.P_C3_KNIGHT; break;
     *  Material value adjustement based on the no. of own pawns.   *
     *  Knights lose value as pawns disappear.                      *
     v.MaterialAdjustement[side] += knight_adj[b.PieceCount[side][PAWN]];
    *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks. This resembles *
    *  move generation code, except that we are just incrementing   *
    *  the counters instead of adding actual moves.                 *
    for (U8 dir=0;dir<8;dir++) {
        pos = sq + vector[KNIGHT][dir];
        if ( IS_SQ(pos) && b.color[pos] != side ) {
           if ( e.sqNearK[!side] [b.KingLoc[!side] ] [pos] )
               ++att; // this knight is attacking zone around enemy king
    *  Evaluate mobility. We try to do it in such a way             *
    *  that  zero represents average mobility, but  our             *
    *  formula of doing so is a puer guess.                         *
    v.mgMob[side] += 4 * (mob-4);
    v.egMob[side] += 4 * (mob-4);
    *  Save data about king attacks                                 *
    if (att) {
       v.attWeight[side] += 2 * att;
void Board8x8::generateBlackPawnMoves(uint row, uint col, MoveList & moveList)
  static const PieceType promotedPieceTypes[] =
  { BlackQueen, BlackRook, BlackBishop, BlackKnight };

  uint sourceIndex = getIndex(row, col);
  std::list<uint> listMoves = mBlackPawnMoves[sourceIndex];
  for (std::list<uint>::iterator itr = listMoves.begin(); itr != listMoves.end(); ++itr) {
    uint destIndex(*itr);
    uint destRow = destIndex >> 3;
    uint destCol = destIndex & 7;

    if (row == 1) {
      if (col == destCol) {
        if (mPieceType[(row-1)*8+col] == NoPiece) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Move promoMove(row, col, destRow, destCol, NoPiece, promotedPieceTypes[i]);
      else {
        PieceType otherPiece = mPieceType[destIndex];
        if (isPiece(otherPiece) && isWhitePiece(otherPiece)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Move promoMove(row, col, destRow, destCol, otherPiece, promotedPieceTypes[i]);
    else {
      if (col == destCol) {
        bool doublePush = false;
        bool singlePush = mPieceType[(row-1)*8+col] == NoPiece;
        if (singlePush)
          doublePush = mPieceType[(row-2)*8+col] == NoPiece;

        if ( (row-destRow) == 1 && singlePush) {
          Move newMove(row, col, destRow, destCol);

        if ( (row-destRow) == 2 && doublePush) {
          Move newMove(row, col, destRow, destCol);
      else {
        PieceType otherPiece = mPieceType[destIndex];
        if (isPiece(otherPiece) && isWhitePiece(otherPiece)) {
          Move newMove(row, col, destRow, destCol, otherPiece);

  // Check en-passant
  if (mBlackEnPassant && row == 3) {
    if (col != 7) {
      PieceType pieceType = getPieceType(row, col+1);
      if (mEnPassantCaptureCol == col + 1 && pieceType == WhitePawn) {
        Move newMove(row, col, row-1, col+1, WhitePawn);

    if (col != 0) {
      PieceType pieceType = getPieceType(row, col-1);
      if (mEnPassantCaptureCol == col - 1 && pieceType == WhitePawn) {
        Move newMove(row, col, row-1, col-1, WhitePawn);