FltExportVisitor::writeUVList( int numVerts, const osg::Geometry& geom )
    unsigned int numLayers( 0 );
    uint32 flags( 0 );
    unsigned int idx;
    for( idx=1; idx<8; idx++)
        if( isTextured( idx, geom ) )
            flags |= LAYER_1 >> (idx-1);
    if( numLayers == 0 )

    uint16 length( 8 + (8*numLayers*numVerts) );

    _records->writeInt16( (int16) UV_LIST_OP );
    _records->writeUInt16( length );
    _records->writeInt32( flags );

    osg::Vec2 defaultCoord( 0., 0. );
    // const osg::StateSet* ss = getCurrentStateSet();
    for( idx=1; idx<8; idx++)
        if( isTextured( idx, geom ) )
            osg::Array* t = const_cast<osg::Array*>( geom.getTexCoordArray( idx ) );
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> t2 = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec2Array*>( t );
            if (!t2.valid())
                std::ostringstream warning;
                warning << "fltexp: No Texture2D for unit " << idx;
                osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning.str() << std::endl;
                _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning.str() );
                t2 = new osg::Vec2Array;
            else if (static_cast<int>(t2->getNumElements()) != numVerts)
                std::ostringstream warning;
                warning << "fltexp: Invalid number of texture coordinates for unit " << idx;
                osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning.str() << std::endl;
                _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning.str() );

            const int size = t2->getNumElements();
            int vIdx;
            for( vIdx=0; vIdx<numVerts; vIdx++)
                osg::Vec2& tc( defaultCoord );
                if (vIdx < size)
                    tc = (*t2)[ vIdx ];
                _records->writeFloat32( tc[0] );
                _records->writeFloat32( tc[1] );
FltExportVisitor::writeMultitexture( const osg::Geometry& geom )
    unsigned int numLayers( 0 );
    uint32 flags( 0 );
    unsigned int idx;
    for( idx=1; idx<8; idx++)
        if( isTextured( idx, geom ) )
            flags |= LAYER_1 >> (idx-1);
    if( numLayers == 0 )

    uint16 length( 8 + (8*numLayers) );

    _records->writeInt16( (int16) MULTITEXTURE_OP );
    _records->writeUInt16( length );
    _records->writeInt32( flags );

    const osg::StateSet* ss = getCurrentStateSet();
    for( idx=1; idx<8; idx++)
        if( isTextured( idx, geom ) )
            int16 textureIndex( -1 );
            const osg::Texture2D* texture = static_cast<const osg::Texture2D*>(
                ss->getTextureAttribute( idx, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE )  );
            if (texture != NULL)
                textureIndex = _texturePalette->add( idx, texture );
                std::ostringstream warning;
                warning << "fltexp: No Texture2D for unit " << idx;
                osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning.str() << std::endl;
                _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning.str() );

            // texture index (this value is an unsigned int, but has a -1 default per oflt spec: ugh)
            _records->writeUInt16( static_cast< uint16 >( textureIndex ) );
            _records->writeUInt16( 0 ); // TBD effect
             // mapping index (this value is an unsigned int, but has a -1 default per oflt spec: ugh)
            _records->writeUInt16( static_cast< uint16 >( -1 ) );
            _records->writeUInt16( 0 ); // data
文件: Shape.cpp 项目: dboesel/libavg
void Shape::draw(const glm::mat4& transform, float opacity)
    bool bIsTextured = isTextured();
    GLContext* pContext = GLContext::getCurrent();
    StandardShaderPtr pShader = pContext->getStandardShader();
    if (bIsTextured) {
    } else {
FltExportVisitor::writeLocalVertexPool( const osg::Geometry& geom )
    // Attribute Mask
    static const unsigned int HAS_POSITION      = 0x80000000u >> 0;
    // static const unsigned int HAS_COLOR_INDEX   = 0x80000000u >> 1;
    static const unsigned int HAS_RGBA_COLOR    = 0x80000000u >> 2;
    static const unsigned int HAS_NORMAL        = 0x80000000u >> 3;
    static const unsigned int HAS_BASE_UV       = 0x80000000u >> 4;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER1     = 0x80000000u >> 5;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER2     = 0x80000000u >> 6;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER3     = 0x80000000u >> 7;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER4     = 0x80000000u >> 8;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER5     = 0x80000000u >> 9;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER6     = 0x80000000u >> 10;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER7     = 0x80000000u >> 11;

    const osg::Array* v = geom.getVertexArray();
    uint32 numVerts( v->getNumElements() );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec3dArray > v3 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec3dArray( v, numVerts );
    if (!v3)
        std::string warning( "fltexp: writeLocalVertexPool: VertexArray is not Vec3Array." );
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning << std::endl;
        _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning );

    // Compute attribute bits and vertex size.
    const osg::Array* c = geom.getColorArray();
    const osg::Array* n = geom.getNormalArray();
    const osg::Array* t = geom.getTexCoordArray( 0 );

    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec4Array > c4 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec4Array( c, numVerts );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec3Array > n3 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec3Array( n, numVerts );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec2Array > t2 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec2Array( t, numVerts );
    if (c && !c4)
    if (n && !n3)
    if (t && !t2)

    std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec2Array > > mtc;
    mtc.resize( 8 );
    int unit=1;
    for( ;unit<8; unit++)
        mtc[ unit ] = VertexPaletteManager::asVec2Array( geom.getTexCoordArray( unit ), numVerts );

    uint32 attr( HAS_POSITION );
    unsigned int vertSize( sizeof( float64 ) * 3 );

    if ( ( c4 != NULL ) && ( geom.getColorBinding() == osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) )
        attr |= HAS_RGBA_COLOR;
        vertSize += sizeof( unsigned int );
    if ( ( n3 != NULL ) && ( geom.getNormalBinding() == osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) )
        attr |= HAS_NORMAL;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 3 );
    if ( t2 != NULL )
        attr |= HAS_BASE_UV;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    // Add multitex
    if (isTextured( 1, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER1;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 2, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER2;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 3, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER3;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 4, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER4;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 5, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER5;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 6, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER6;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 7, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER7;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );

    unsigned int maxVerts = (0xffff - 12) / vertSize;
    unsigned int thisVertCount = (maxVerts > numVerts) ? numVerts : maxVerts;
    unsigned int currentIndexLimit = maxVerts;
    uint16 length( 12 + (vertSize * thisVertCount) );

    _records->writeInt16( (int16) LOCAL_VERTEX_POOL_OP );
    _records->writeUInt16( length );
    _records->writeUInt32( numVerts ); // number of vertices
    _records->writeUInt32( attr ); // attribute bits

    unsigned int idx;
    for( idx=0; idx<numVerts; idx++ )
        _records->writeVec3d( (*v3)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_RGBA_COLOR)
            osg::Vec4 color = (*c4)[ idx ];
            unsigned int packedColor = (int)(color[3]*255) << 24 |
                (int)(color[2]*255) << 16 | (int)(color[1]*255) << 8 |
            _records->writeUInt32( packedColor );

        if (attr & HAS_NORMAL)
            _records->writeVec3f( (*n3)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_BASE_UV)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*t2)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER1)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[1])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER2)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[2])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER3)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[3])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER4)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[4])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER5)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[5])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER6)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[6])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER7)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[7])[ idx ] );

        // Handle continuation record if necessary.
        if ( (idx+1 == currentIndexLimit) && (idx+1 < numVerts) )
            currentIndexLimit += maxVerts;
            unsigned int remaining( numVerts - (idx+1) );
            thisVertCount = (maxVerts > remaining) ? remaining : maxVerts;
            writeContinuationRecord( (vertSize * thisVertCount) );
FltExportVisitor::writeMesh( const osg::Geode& geode, const osg::Geometry& geom )
    enum DrawMode
        SOLID_BACKFACE = 0,
        SOLID_NO_BACKFACE = 1,
    enum TemplateMode

    // const unsigned int TERRAIN_BIT      = 0x80000000u >> 0;
    //const unsigned int NO_COLOR_BIT     = 0x80000000u >> 1;
    //const unsigned int NO_ALT_COLOR_BIT = 0x80000000u >> 2;
    const unsigned int PACKED_COLOR_BIT = 0x80000000u >> 3;
    //const unsigned int FOOTPRINT_BIT    = 0x80000000u >> 4;    // Terrain culture cutout
    const unsigned int HIDDEN_BIT       = 0x80000000u >> 5;
    //const unsigned int ROOFLINE_BIT     = 0x80000000u >> 6;
    uint32 flags( PACKED_COLOR_BIT );
    if (geode.getNodeMask() == 0)
        flags |= HIDDEN_BIT;

    enum LightMode
        FACE_COLOR = 0,
        VERTEX_COLOR = 1,
    int8 lightMode;
    osg::Vec4 packedColorRaw( 1., 1., 1., 1. );
    uint16 transparency( 0 );
    if (geom.getColorBinding() == osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX)
        if (isLit( geom ))
            lightMode = VERTEX_COLOR_LIGHTING;
            lightMode = VERTEX_COLOR;
        const osg::Vec4Array* c = dynamic_cast<const osg::Vec4Array*>( geom.getColorArray() );
        if (c && (c->size() > 0))
            packedColorRaw = (*c)[0];
            transparency = flt::uint16((1. - packedColorRaw[3]) * (double)0xffff);

        if (isLit( geom ))
            lightMode = FACE_COLOR_LIGHTING;
            lightMode = FACE_COLOR;
    uint32 packedColor;
    packedColor = (int)(packedColorRaw[3]*255) << 24 |
        (int)(packedColorRaw[2]*255) << 16 | (int)(packedColorRaw[1]*255) << 8 |

    int8 drawType;
    osg::StateSet const* ss = getCurrentStateSet();

        // Default to no facet culling
        drawType = SOLID_NO_BACKFACE;

        // If facet-culling isn't *dis*abled, check whether the CullFace mode is BACK
        if (ss->getMode(GL_CULL_FACE) & osg::StateAttribute::ON)
            osg::CullFace const* cullFace = static_cast<osg::CullFace const*>(
                ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::CULLFACE) );
            if( cullFace->getMode() == osg::CullFace::BACK )
                drawType = SOLID_BACKFACE;

            // Note: OpenFlt can't handle FRONT or FRONT_AND_BACK settings, so ignore these(??)

    // Determine the material properties for the face
    int16 materialIndex( -1 );
    if (isLit( geom ))
        osg::Material const* currMaterial = static_cast<osg::Material const*>(
            ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL) );
        materialIndex = _materialPalette->add(currMaterial);

    // Get base texture
    int16 textureIndex( -1 );
    if (isTextured( 0, geom ))
        const osg::Texture2D* texture = static_cast<const osg::Texture2D*>(
            ss->getTextureAttribute( 0, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE )  );
        if (texture != NULL)
            textureIndex = _texturePalette->add( 0, texture );
            std::string warning( "fltexp: Mesh is textured, but Texture2D StateAttribute is NULL." );
            osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning << std::endl;
            _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning );

    // Set the appropriate template mode based
    // on blending or Billboarding.
    TemplateMode templateMode( FIXED_NO_ALPHA_BLENDING );
    const osg::Billboard* bb = dynamic_cast< const osg::Billboard* >( &geode );
    if (bb != NULL)
        if( bb->getMode() == osg::Billboard::AXIAL_ROT )
            templateMode = AXIAL_ROTATE_WITH_ALPHA_BLENDING;
            templateMode = POINT_ROTATE_WITH_ALPHA_BLENDING;
    else if ( ss->getMode( GL_BLEND ) & osg::StateAttribute::ON )
        const osg::BlendFunc* bf = static_cast<const osg::BlendFunc*>(
            ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::BLENDFUNC) );
        if( (bf->getSource() == osg::BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA) &&
            (bf->getDestination() == osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) )
            templateMode = FIXED_ALPHA_BLENDING;

    uint16 length( 84 );
    IdHelper id( *this, geode.getName() );

    _records->writeInt16( (int16) MESH_OP );
    _records->writeUInt16( length );
    _records->writeID( id );
    _records->writeInt32( 0 ); // Reserved
    _records->writeInt32( 0 ); // IR color code
    _records->writeInt16( 0 ); // Relative priority
    _records->writeInt8( drawType ); // Draw type
    _records->writeInt8( 0 ); // Texture white
    _records->writeInt16( -1 ); // Color name index
    _records->writeInt16( -1 ); // Alternate color name index
    _records->writeInt8( 0 ); // Reserved
    _records->writeInt8( templateMode ); // Template (billboard)
    _records->writeInt16( -1 ); // Detail texture pattern index
    _records->writeInt16( textureIndex ); // Texture pattern index
    _records->writeInt16( materialIndex ); // Material index
    _records->writeInt16( 0 ); // Surface material code
    _records->writeInt16( 0 ); // Feature ID
    _records->writeInt32( 0 ); // IR material code
    _records->writeUInt16( transparency ); // Transparency
    _records->writeInt8( 0 ); // LOD generation control
    _records->writeInt8( 0 ); // Line style index
    _records->writeUInt32( flags ); // Flags
    _records->writeInt8( lightMode ); // Light mode
    _records->writeFill( 7 ); // Reserved
    _records->writeUInt32( packedColor ); // Packed color, primary
    _records->writeUInt32( 0x00ffffff ); // Packed color, alternate
    _records->writeInt16( -1 ); // Texture mapping index
    _records->writeInt16( 0 ); // Reserved
    _records->writeInt32( -1 ); // Primary color index
    _records->writeInt32( -1 ); // Alternate color index
    // Next four bytes:
    //   15.8: two 2-byte "reserved" fields
    //   15.9: one 4-byte "reserved" field
    _records->writeInt16( 0 ); // Reserved
    _records->writeInt16( -1 ); // Shader index
void TerrainShader::SetObjectParameters( Kiwi::Scene* scene, Kiwi::RenderTarget* renderTarget, Kiwi::IRenderable* renderable )

	assert( scene != 0 );
	assert( renderTarget != 0 );
	assert( renderable != 0 );

	Kiwi::Renderer* renderer = scene->GetRenderer();
	Kiwi::Camera* camera = renderTarget->GetViewport( 0 )->GetCamera();
	Kiwi::Entity* entity = renderable->GetParentEntity();
	Kiwi::Transform* transform = entity->GetTransform();
	Kiwi::Mesh::Subset* meshSubset = renderable->GetCurrentMeshSubset();

	DirectX::XMMATRIX world;
	DirectX::XMMATRIX view;
	DirectX::XMMATRIX projection;
	Kiwi::Matrix4ToXMMATRIX( transform->GetWorldMatrix(), world );
	Kiwi::Matrix4ToXMMATRIX( camera->GetViewMatrix(), view );
	Kiwi::Matrix4ToXMMATRIX( camera->GetProjectionMatrix(), projection );

	//set the worldViewProject matrix
	DirectX::XMMATRIX wvp = world * view * projection;

	// lock the vertex object buffer so that it can be written to
	ID3D11Buffer* vobBuffer = m_vertexBuffers[0];
	if( vobBuffer )

		Vertex_ObjectBuffer vertexBuffer = { wvp,
			world };

		renderer->GetDeviceContext()->UpdateSubresource( vobBuffer,
														 0 );

	} else
		throw Kiwi::Exception( L"DefaultShader::SetEntityParameters", L"[" + m_shaderName + L"] The vertex object buffer is null" );

	Kiwi::Color kDiffuseColor = meshSubset->material.GetColor( L"Diffuse" );
	DirectX::XMFLOAT4 diffuseColor( kDiffuseColor.red, kDiffuseColor.green, kDiffuseColor.blue, kDiffuseColor.alpha );
	DirectX::XMFLOAT4 isTextured( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	static unsigned long lastTextureID = 0; //stores the ID of the last texture so we only switch textures when a new one needs to be set

	if( meshSubset->material.IsTextured() )
		isTextured.x = 1.0f;

		Kiwi::Texture* matTexture = meshSubset->material.GetTexture( L"Diffuse" );

		ID3D11ShaderResourceView* matSRV = matTexture->GetShaderResourceView();
		renderer->GetDeviceContext()->PSSetShaderResources( 0, 1, &matSRV );


	ID3D11Buffer* pobBuffer = m_pixelBuffers[0];
	if( pobBuffer )

		Pixel_ObjectBuffer pixelBuffer = { diffuseColor,
			isTextured };

		renderer->GetDeviceContext()->UpdateSubresource( pobBuffer,
														 0 );

	} else
		throw Kiwi::Exception( L"DefaultShader::SetEntityParameters", L"[" + m_shaderName + L"] The pixel object buffer is null" );
