void PickUserView::AddUserList(ColumnListView* listView)
	DIR *users;
	struct dirent *user;

	users = OpenUsers();
	if (users)
		while ((user = ReadUser(users)) != NULL)
			if (!isUserInGroup(user->d_name, excludedGroup))
				char desc[64];
				getUserFullName(user->d_name, desc, sizeof(desc));
				listView->AddItem(new PickUserItem(this, user->d_name, desc));

int main(void) {
	char username[TEMP_MAX_LEN+1];
	char *sn, *sfn, *userstart, *userend, *args[2];
	int sn_len, sfn_len, userlen;
	struct passwd *userpw;
	struct group *grp;
	struct stat sst;
	// Recover desired environment variables
	sn = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
	if (!sn) return error(__LINE__,"SCRIPT_NAME undefined.");
	sn_len = strlen(sn);
	sfn = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
	if (!sfn) return error(__LINE__,"SCRIPT_FILENAME undefined.");
	sfn_len = strlen(sfn);
	// Minimum name: "/~U/s"
	if (sn_len < 5  ) return error(__LINE__,"SCRIPT_NAME malformed.");
	if (sn[0] != '/') return error(__LINE__,"SCRIPT_NAME malformed.");
	if (sn[1] != '~') return error(__LINE__,"SCRIPT_NAME malformed.");
	// Recover status info for the file
	if (stat(sfn, &sst)) return error(__LINE__,"Script not found.");
	// Check if it is a regular file (not simlinks, dir, or other)
	if (!S_ISREG(sst.st_mode))
		return error(__LINE__,"Script is not a regular file.");
	// Look for the username
	userstart = sn + 2;
	userend   = strchr(sn+2, '/');
	if (!userend) return error(__LINE__,"Bad user name or URL.");

	// Copy to a new string
	userlen = userend - userstart;
	if (userlen > TEMP_MAX_LEN) return error(__LINE__,"Bad user name.");
	strncpy(username, userstart, userlen);
	username[userlen] = 0;
	// Require the user to exist
	userpw = getpwnam(username);
	if (!userpw) return error(__LINE__,"User not found.");
	// Require the suphp group to exist
	grp = getgrnam(SUPHP_GROUP_NAME);
	if (!grp) return error(__LINE__,"Missing " SUPHP_GROUP_NAME " group.");
	// Require the user to be in the suphp group
	if (!isUserInGroup(username, grp->gr_mem))
		return error(__LINE__,"User not allowed to use scripts.");
	// Require the script to be inside the user's home
	if (strncmp(sfn, userpw->pw_dir, strlen(userpw->pw_dir)))
		return error(__LINE__,"Invalid script directory.");
	// Require user to own the script
	if (userpw->pw_uid != sst.st_uid)
		return error(__LINE__,"Unsafe script.");
	// Require user read permission to the file
		return error(__LINE__,"Can not read script.");
	// Refuse scripts writable by group/other
	if(sst.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH))
		return error(__LINE__,"Unsafe script.");
	// Change to the user
	if (setuid(userpw->pw_uid))
		return error(__LINE__,"User switching failed.");
	// Run the script
	args[0] = sfn;
	args[1] = 0;
	execv("/usr/bin/php-cgi", args);
	return 0;