static void partialvis_update_bmesh_verts(BMesh *bm, GSet *verts, PartialVisAction action, PartialVisArea area, float planes[4][4], bool *any_changed, bool *any_visible) { GSetIterator gs_iter; GSET_ITER (gs_iter, verts) { BMVert *v = BLI_gsetIterator_getKey(&gs_iter); float *vmask = CustomData_bmesh_get(&bm->vdata, v->, CD_PAINT_MASK); /* hide vertex if in the hide volume */ if (is_effected(area, planes, v->co, *vmask)) { if (action == PARTIALVIS_HIDE) BM_elem_flag_enable(v, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN); else BM_elem_flag_disable(v, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN); (*any_changed) = true; } if (!BM_elem_flag_test(v, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) (*any_visible) = true; }
static void partialvis_update_mesh(Object *ob, PBVH *pbvh, PBVHNode *node, PartialVisAction action, PartialVisArea area, float planes[4][4]) { Mesh *me = ob->data; MVert *mvert; float *paint_mask; int *vert_indices; int totvert, i; bool any_changed = false, any_visible = false; BKE_pbvh_node_num_verts(pbvh, node, NULL, &totvert); BKE_pbvh_node_get_verts(pbvh, node, &vert_indices, &mvert); paint_mask = CustomData_get_layer(&me->vdata, CD_PAINT_MASK); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, node, SCULPT_UNDO_HIDDEN); for (i = 0; i < totvert; i++) { MVert *v = &mvert[vert_indices[i]]; float vmask = paint_mask ? paint_mask[vert_indices[i]] : 0; /* hide vertex if in the hide volume */ if (is_effected(area, planes, v->co, vmask)) { if (action == PARTIALVIS_HIDE) v->flag |= ME_HIDE; else v->flag &= ~ME_HIDE; any_changed = true; } if (!(v->flag & ME_HIDE)) any_visible = true; } if (any_changed) { BKE_pbvh_node_mark_rebuild_draw(node); BKE_pbvh_node_fully_hidden_set(node, !any_visible); } }
static void partialvis_update_mesh(Object *ob, PBVH *pbvh, PBVHNode *node, PartialVisAction action, PartialVisArea area, float planes[4][4]) { MVert *mvert; int *vert_indices; int any_changed = 0, any_visible = 0, totvert, i; BLI_pbvh_node_num_verts(pbvh, node, NULL, &totvert); BLI_pbvh_node_get_verts(pbvh, node, &vert_indices, &mvert); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, node, SCULPT_UNDO_HIDDEN); for (i = 0; i < totvert; i++) { MVert *v = &mvert[vert_indices[i]]; /* hide vertex if in the hide volume */ if (is_effected(area, planes, v->co)) { if (action == PARTIALVIS_HIDE) v->flag |= ME_HIDE; else v->flag &= ~ME_HIDE; any_changed = 1; } if (!(v->flag & ME_HIDE)) any_visible = 1; } if (any_changed) { BLI_pbvh_node_mark_rebuild_draw(node); BLI_pbvh_node_fully_hidden_set(node, !any_visible); } }
/* Hide or show elements in multires grids with a special GridFlags * customdata layer. */ static void partialvis_update_grids(Object *ob, PBVH *pbvh, PBVHNode *node, PartialVisAction action, PartialVisArea area, float planes[4][4]) { CCGElem **grids; CCGKey key; BLI_bitmap **grid_hidden; int *grid_indices, totgrid, i; bool any_changed = false, any_visible = false; /* get PBVH data */ BKE_pbvh_node_get_grids(pbvh, node, &grid_indices, &totgrid, NULL, NULL, &grids, NULL); grid_hidden = BKE_pbvh_grid_hidden(pbvh); BKE_pbvh_get_grid_key(pbvh, &key); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, node, SCULPT_UNDO_HIDDEN); for (i = 0; i < totgrid; i++) { int any_hidden = 0; int g = grid_indices[i], x, y; BLI_bitmap *gh = grid_hidden[g]; if (!gh) { switch (action) { case PARTIALVIS_HIDE: /* create grid flags data */ gh = grid_hidden[g] = BLI_BITMAP_NEW(key.grid_area, "partialvis_update_grids"); break; case PARTIALVIS_SHOW: /* entire grid is visible, nothing to show */ continue; } } else if (action == PARTIALVIS_SHOW && area == PARTIALVIS_ALL) { /* special case if we're showing all, just free the * grid */ MEM_freeN(gh); grid_hidden[g] = NULL; any_changed = true; any_visible = true; continue; } for (y = 0; y < key.grid_size; y++) { for (x = 0; x < key.grid_size; x++) { CCGElem *elem = CCG_grid_elem(&key, grids[g], x, y); const float *co = CCG_elem_co(&key, elem); float mask = key.has_mask ? *CCG_elem_mask(&key, elem) : 0.0f; /* skip grid element if not in the effected area */ if (is_effected(area, planes, co, mask)) { /* set or clear the hide flag */ BLI_BITMAP_MODIFY(gh, y * key.grid_size + x, action == PARTIALVIS_HIDE); any_changed = true; } /* keep track of whether any elements are still hidden */ if (BLI_BITMAP_GET(gh, y * key.grid_size + x)) any_hidden = true; else any_visible = true; } } /* if everything in the grid is now visible, free the grid * flags */ if (!any_hidden) { MEM_freeN(gh); grid_hidden[g] = NULL; } } /* mark updates if anything was hidden/shown */ if (any_changed) { BKE_pbvh_node_mark_rebuild_draw(node); BKE_pbvh_node_fully_hidden_set(node, !any_visible); multires_mark_as_modified(ob, MULTIRES_HIDDEN_MODIFIED); } }