static int idaapi notify(processor_t::idp_notify msgid, ...)
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, msgid);

// A well behaving processor module should call invoke_callbacks()
// in his notify() function. If this function returns 0, then
// the processor module should process the notification itself
// Otherwise the code should be returned to the caller:

  int code = invoke_callbacks(HT_IDP, msgid, va);
  if ( code ) return code;

  switch ( msgid )
    case processor_t::init:
//      __emit__(0xCC);   // debugger trap
      helper.create("$ h8");
      helper.supval(0, device, sizeof(device));
      inf.mf = 1;

    // see module/{i960,hppa}/reg.cpp starting on line 253
    // Decorate/undecorate a C symbol name
    // Arguments:
    // const til_t *ti    - pointer to til
    // const char *name   - name of symbol
    // const type_t *type - type of symbol. If NULL then it will try to guess.
    // char *outbuf       - output buffer
    // size_t bufsize     - size of the output buffer
    // bool mangle        - true-mangle, false-unmangle
    // cm_t cc            - real calling convention for VOIDARG functions
    // returns: true if success
    case processor_t::decorate_name:
        const til_t *ti    = va_arg(va, const til_t *);
        const char *name   = va_arg(va, const char *);
        const type_t *type = va_arg(va, const type_t *);
        char *outbuf       = va_arg(va, char *);
        size_t bufsize     = va_arg(va, size_t);
        bool mangle        = va_argi(va, bool);
        cm_t real_cc       = va_argi(va, cm_t);
        return gen_decorate_name(ti, name, type, outbuf, bufsize, mangle, real_cc);

    // Setup default type libraries (called after loading a new file into the database)
    // The processor module may load tils, setup memory model and perform other actions
    // required to set up the type system.
    // args:    none
    // returns: nothing
    case processor_t::setup_til:

    // Purpose: get prefix and size of 'segment based' ptr type (something like
    // char _ss *ptr). See description in typeinf.hpp.
    // Other modules simply set the pointer to NULL and return 0
    // Ilfak confirmed that this approach is correct for the H8.
    // Used only for BTMT_CLOSURE types, doubtful you will encounter them for H8.
    // Arguments:
    // unsigned int ptrt    - ...
    // const char **ptrname - output arg
    // returns: size of type
    case processor_t::based_ptr:
        /*unsigned int ptrt =*/ va_arg(va, unsigned int);
        char **ptrname    = va_arg(va, char **);
        *ptrname = NULL;
        return 0;

    // The H8 supports normal (64KB addressing, 16 bits) and advanced mode
    // (16MB addressing, 24 bits).  However, according to the Renesas technical
    // documentation, certain instructions accept 32-bit pointer values where
    // the upper 8 bits are "reserved".  Ilfak confirms that "4+1" is fine.
    // Used only for BTMT_CLOSURE types, doubtful you will encounter them for H8.
    case processor_t::max_ptr_size:
        return 4+1;

    // get default enum size
    // args:  cm_t cm
    // returns: sizeof(enum)
    case processor_t::get_default_enum_size:
        // cm_t cm        =  va_argi(va, cm_t);
        return inf.cc.size_e;

    case processor_t::use_stkarg_type:
        ea_t ea            = va_arg(va, ea_t);
        const type_t *type = va_arg(va, const type_t *);
        const char *name   = va_arg(va, const char *);
        return h8_use_stkvar_type(ea, type, name);

    // calculate number of purged bytes by the given function type
    // For cdecl functions, 'purged bytes' is always zero
    // See the IDA Pro Book, 2e, at the end of pp. 107 for details
    // args: type_t *type - must be function type
    // returns: number of bytes purged from the stack + 2
    case processor_t::calc_purged_bytes:
        //e.g. const type_t t_int[] = { BT_INT, 0 };
        //const type_t *type = va_arg(va, const type_t *); // must be BT_FUNC
        return 0+2;

    case processor_t::calc_arglocs2:
        const type_t *type = va_arg(va, const type_t *);
        cm_t cc            = va_argi(va, cm_t);
        varloc_t *arglocs  = va_arg(va, varloc_t *);
        return h8_calc_arglocs(type, cc, arglocs);

    /* +++ END TYPEINFO CALLBACKS +++ */

    case processor_t::term:
      free_ioports(ports, numports);

    case processor_t::newfile:   // new file loaded

    case processor_t::oldfile:   // old file loaded

    case processor_t::closebase:
    case processor_t::savebase:
      helper.supset(0, device);

    case processor_t::newprc:    // new processor type
      ptype = ptypes[va_arg(va, int)];
      setflag(ph.flag, PR_DEFSEG32, ptype & ADV);

    case processor_t::newasm:    // new assembler type

    case processor_t::newseg:    // new segment

    case processor_t::is_jump_func:
        const func_t *pfn = va_arg(va, const func_t *);
        ea_t *jump_target = va_arg(va, ea_t *);
        return is_jump_func(pfn, jump_target);

    case processor_t::is_sane_insn:
      return is_sane_insn(va_arg(va, int));

    case processor_t::may_be_func:
                                // can a function start here?
                                // arg: none, the instruction is in 'cmd'
                                // returns: probability 0..100
                                // 'cmd' structure is filled upon the entrace
                                // the idp module is allowed to modify 'cmd'
      return may_be_func();

  return 1;
static int notify(processor_t::idp_notify msgid, ...)
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, msgid);

// A well behaving processor module should call invoke_callbacks()
// in his notify() function. If this function returns 0, then
// the processor module should process the notification itself
// Otherwise the code should be returned to the caller:

  int code = invoke_callbacks(HT_IDP, msgid, va);
  if ( code ) return code;

  switch ( msgid )
    case processor_t::init:
//      __emit__(0xCC);   // debugger trap
      helper.create("$ h8/500");
      inf.mf = 1;

    case processor_t::term:

    case processor_t::oldfile:   // old file loaded
      idpflags = ushort(helper.altval(-1) + 1);
      // no break
    case processor_t::newfile:   // new file loaded
      inf.mf = 1;

    case processor_t::closebase:
    case processor_t::savebase:
      helper.altset(-1, idpflags - 1);

    case processor_t::newseg:    // new segment
        segment_t *sptr = va_arg(va, segment_t *);
        sptr->defsr[BR-ph.regFirstSreg] = 0;
        sptr->defsr[DP-ph.regFirstSreg] = 0;

    case processor_t::is_jump_func:
        const func_t *pfn = va_arg(va, const func_t *);
        ea_t *jump_target = va_arg(va, ea_t *);
        return is_jump_func(pfn, jump_target);

    case processor_t::is_sane_insn:
      return is_sane_insn(va_arg(va, int));

    case processor_t::may_be_func:
                                // can a function start here?
                                // arg: none, the instruction is in 'cmd'
                                // returns: probability 0..100
                                // 'cmd' structure is filled upon the entrace
                                // the idp module is allowed to modify 'cmd'
      return may_be_func();

  return 1;
static int idaapi notify(processor_t::idp_notify msgid, ...)
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, msgid);

// A well behaving processor module should call invoke_callbacks()
// in his notify() function. If this function returns 0, then
// the processor module should process the notification itself
// Otherwise the code should be returned to the caller:

  int code = invoke_callbacks(HT_IDP, msgid, va);
  if ( code ) return code;

  switch ( msgid )
    case processor_t::init:
      helper.create("$ st20");
      helper.supval(0, device, sizeof(device));

    case processor_t::term:
      free_ioports(ports, numports);

    case processor_t::newfile:  // new file loaded
    case processor_t::oldfile:  // old file loaded

    case processor_t::savebase:
    case processor_t::closebase:
      helper.supset(0, device);

    case processor_t::newprc:   // new processor type
      procnum = va_arg(va, int);
      if ( isc4() ) ph.retcodes = retcodes4;

    case processor_t::is_jump_func:
        const func_t *pfn = va_arg(va, const func_t *);
        ea_t *jump_target = va_arg(va, ea_t *);
        return is_jump_func(pfn, jump_target);

    case processor_t::is_sane_insn:
      return is_sane_insn(va_arg(va, int));

    case processor_t::may_be_func:
                                // can a function start here?
                                // arg: none, the instruction is in 'cmd'
                                // returns: probability 0..100
                                // 'cmd' structure is filled upon the entrace
                                // the idp module is allowed to modify 'cmd'
      return may_be_func();

  return 1;