void follow_suffix_link(SUFFIX_TREE* tree, POS* pos)
   /* gama is the string between node and its father, in case node doesn't have
      a suffix link */
   PATH      gama;            
   /* dummy argument for trace_string function */
   DBL_WORD  chars_found = 0;   
   if(pos->node == tree->root)

   /* If node has no suffix link yet or in the middle of an edge - remember the
      edge between the node and its father (gama) and follow its father's suffix
      link (it must have one by Ukkonen's lemma). After following, trace down 
      gama - it must exist in the tree (and thus can use the skip trick - see 
      trace_string function description) */
   if(pos->node->suffix_link == 0 || is_last_char_in_edge(tree,pos->node,pos->edge_pos) == 0)
      /* If the node's father is the root, than no use following it's link (it 
         is linked to itself). Tracing from the root (like in the naive 
         algorithm) is required and is done by the calling function SEA uppon 
         recieving a return value of tree->root from this function */
      if(pos->node->father == tree->root)
         pos->node = tree->root;
      /* Store gama - the indices of node's incoming edge */
      gama.begin      = pos->node->edge_label_start;
      gama.end      = pos->node->edge_label_start + pos->edge_pos;
      /* Follow father's suffix link */
      pos->node      = pos->node->father->suffix_link;
      /* Down-walk gama back to suffix_link's son */
      pos->node      = trace_string(tree, pos->node, gama, &(pos->edge_pos), &chars_found, skip);
      /* If a suffix link exists - just follow it */
      pos->node      = pos->node->suffix_link;
      pos->edge_pos   = get_node_label_length(tree,pos->node)-1;
void SEA(
                      SUFFIX_TREE*   tree, 
                      POS*           pos,
                      PATH           str, 
                      DBL_WORD*      rule_applied,
                      char           after_rule_3)
   DBL_WORD   chars_found = 0 , path_pos = str.begin;
   NODE*      tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG   
   printf("extension: %lu  phase+1: %lu",str.begin, str.end);
   if(after_rule_3 == 0)
      printf("   followed from (%lu,%lu | %lu) ", pos->node->edge_label_start, get_node_label_end(tree,pos->node), pos->edge_pos);
      printf("   starting at (%lu,%lu | %lu) ", pos->node->edge_label_start, get_node_label_end(tree,pos->node), pos->edge_pos);


   /* Follow suffix link only if it's not the first extension after rule 3 was applied */
   if(after_rule_3 == 0)
      follow_suffix_link(tree, pos);

#ifdef DEBUG   
   if(after_rule_3 == 0)
      printf("to (%lu,%lu | %lu). counter: %lu\n", pos->node->edge_label_start, get_node_label_end(tree,pos->node),pos->edge_pos,counter);
      printf(". counter: %lu\n", counter);

   /* If node is root - trace whole string starting from the root, else - trace last character only */
   if(pos->node == tree->root)
      pos->node = trace_string(tree, tree->root, str, &(pos->edge_pos), &chars_found, no_skip);
      str.begin = str.end;
      chars_found = 0;

      /* Consider 2 cases:
         1. last character matched is the last of its edge */
         /* Trace only last symbol of str, search in the  NEXT edge (node) */
         tmp = find_son(tree, pos->node, tree->tree_string[str.end]);
         if(tmp != 0)
            pos->node      = tmp;
            pos->edge_pos   = 0;
            chars_found      = 1;
      /* 2. last character matched is NOT the last of its edge */
         /* Trace only last symbol of str, search in the CURRENT edge (node) */
         if(tree->tree_string[pos->node->edge_label_start+pos->edge_pos+1] == tree->tree_string[str.end])
            chars_found   = 1;

   /* If whole string was found - rule 3 applies */
   if(chars_found == str.end - str.begin + 1)
      *rule_applied = 3;
      /* If there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one may 
         exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the 
         current position in the tree (pos) */
      if(suffixless != 0)
         create_suffix_link(suffixless, pos->node->father);
         /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
         suffixless = 0;

      #ifdef DEBUG   
         printf("rule 3 (%lu,%lu)\n",str.begin,str.end);
   /* If last char found is the last char of an edge - add a character at the 
      next edge */
   if(is_last_char_in_edge(tree,pos->node,pos->edge_pos) || pos->node == tree->root)
      /* Decide whether to apply rule 2 (new_son) or rule 1 */
      if(pos->node->sons != 0)
         /* Apply extension rule 2 new son - a new leaf is created and returned 
            by apply_extension_rule_2 */
         apply_extension_rule_2(pos->node, str.begin+chars_found, str.end, path_pos, 0, new_son);
         *rule_applied = 2;
         /* If there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one 
            may exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the 
            current position in the tree (pos) */
         if(suffixless != 0)
            create_suffix_link(suffixless, pos->node);
            /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
            suffixless = 0;
      /* Apply extension rule 2 split - a new node is created and returned by 
         apply_extension_rule_2 */
      tmp = apply_extension_rule_2(pos->node, str.begin+chars_found, str.end, path_pos, pos->edge_pos, split);
      if(suffixless != 0)
         create_suffix_link(suffixless, tmp);
      /* Link root's sons with a single character to the root */
      if(get_node_label_length(tree,tmp) == 1 && tmp->father == tree->root)
         tmp->suffix_link = tree->root;
         /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
         suffixless = 0;
         /* Mark tmp as waiting for a link */
         suffixless = tmp;
      /* Prepare pos for the next extension */
      pos->node = tmp;
      *rule_applied = 2;
int SEA(SuffixTree_T tree, struct SuffixTreePos* pos,
         struct SuffixTreePath str, SuffixTreeIndex_T* rule_applied,
         char after_rule_3)
   SuffixTreeIndex_T   chars_found = 0 , path_pos = str.begin;
   Node_T tmp = NULL;
   /* Follow suffix link only if it's not the first extension after rule 3 was applied */
   if(after_rule_3 == 0)
      follow_suffix_link(tree, pos);

   /* If node is root - trace whole string starting from the root, else - trace last character only */
   if(pos->node == tree->root)
      pos->node = trace_string(tree, tree->root, str, &(pos->edge_pos), &chars_found, no_skip);
      str.begin = str.end;
      chars_found = 0;

      /* Consider 2 cases:
         1. last character matched is the last of its edge */
         /* Trace only last symbol of str, search in the  NEXT edge (node) */
         tmp = find_son(tree, pos->node, tree->tree_string[str.end]);
         if(tmp != NULL)
            pos->node      = tmp;
            pos->edge_pos   = 0;
            chars_found      = 1;
      /* 2. last character matched is NOT the last of its edge */
         /* Trace only last symbol of str, search in the CURRENT edge (node) */
         if(tree->tree_string[pos->node->edge_label_start+pos->edge_pos+1] == tree->tree_string[str.end])
            chars_found   = 1;

   /* If whole string was found - rule 3 applies */
   if(chars_found == str.end - str.begin + 1)
      *rule_applied = 3;
      /* If there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one may 
         exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the 
         current position in the tree (pos) */
      if(suffixless != NULL)
         create_suffix_link(suffixless, pos->node->father);
         /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
         suffixless = NULL;

      #ifdef DEBUG   
         printf("rule 3 (%zu,%zu)\n",str.begin,str.end);
      return 0;
   /* If last char found is the last char of an edge - add a character at the 
      next edge */
   if(is_last_char_in_edge(tree,pos->node,pos->edge_pos) || pos->node == tree->root)
      /* Decide whether to apply rule 2 (new_son) or rule 1 */
      if(pos->node->left_son != NULL)
         /* Apply extension rule 2 new son - a new leaf is created and returned 
            by apply_extension_rule_2 */
         tmp = apply_extension_rule_2(pos->node, str.begin+chars_found, str.end, path_pos, 0, new_son);
         check(tmp, "Could not apply extension rule 2.");
         *rule_applied = 2;
         /* If there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one 
            may exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the 
            current position in the tree (pos) */
         if(suffixless != NULL)
            create_suffix_link(suffixless, pos->node);
            /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
            suffixless = NULL;
      /* Apply extension rule 2 split - a new node is created and returned by 
         apply_extension_rule_2 */
      tmp = apply_extension_rule_2(pos->node, str.begin+chars_found, str.end, path_pos, pos->edge_pos, split);
      check(tmp, "Could not apply extension rule 2.");
      if(suffixless != NULL)
         create_suffix_link(suffixless, tmp);
      /* Link root's sons with a single character to the root */
      if(get_node_label_length(tree,tmp) == 1 && tmp->father == tree->root)
         tmp->suffix_link = tree->root;
         /* Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists */
         suffixless = NULL;
         /* Mark tmp as waiting for a link */
         suffixless = tmp;
      /* Prepare pos for the next extension */
      pos->node = tmp;
      *rule_applied = 2;
   return 0;

   return 1;