void EditorFileSystem::reimport_files(const Vector<String> &p_files) { importing = true; EditorProgress pr("reimport", TTR("(Re)Importing Assets"), p_files.size()); Vector<ImportFile> files; for (int i = 0; i < p_files.size(); i++) { ImportFile ifile; ifile.path = p_files[i]; ifile.order = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_import_order(p_files[i]); files.push_back(ifile); } files.sort(); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { pr.step(files[i].path.get_file(), i); _reimport_file(files[i].path); } _save_filesystem_cache(); importing = false; if (!is_scanning()) { emit_signal("filesystem_changed"); } emit_signal("resources_reimported", p_files); }
void EditorFileSystem::reimport_files(const Vector<String> &p_files) { importing = true; EditorProgress pr("reimport", TTR("(Re)Importing Assets"), p_files.size()); for (int i = 0; i < p_files.size(); i++) { pr.step(p_files[i].get_file(), i); _reimport_file(p_files[i]); } _save_filesystem_cache(); importing = false; if (!is_scanning()) { emit_signal("filesystem_changed"); } }
bool is_convergent_beam_wave() const { return is_scanning() || is_CBED_CBEI() || (is_EWFS_EWRS() && ew_fr.convergent_beam) || (is_EWSFS_EWSRS() && ew_fr.convergent_beam); }
void validate_parameters() { cpu_nthread = max(1, cpu_nthread); gpu_nstream = max(1, gpu_nstream); nstream = (is_host())?cpu_nthread:gpu_nstream; if(!is_float() && !is_double()) precision = eP_float; if(!is_host() && !is_device()) device = e_host; if(!is_gpu_available()) { device = e_host; } fp_seed = max(0, fp_seed); fp_nconf = (!is_frozen_phonon())?1:max(1, fp_nconf); fp_iconf_0 = (!is_frozen_phonon() || !fp_single_conf)?1:fp_single_conf; tm_nrot = max(1, tm_nrot); tm_irot = max(0, tm_irot); tm_nrot = max(1, tm_nrot); norm_Pos_3d(tm_u0); if(tm_rot_point_type == eRPT_geometric_center) { tm_p0 = Pos_3d<T>(atoms.x_mean, atoms.y_mean, atoms.z_mean); } if(is_tomography()) { thickness_type = eTT_Whole_Specimen; if(potential_slicing == ePS_Planes) { potential_slicing = ePS_dz_Proj; } } islice = max(0, islice); gpu_device = max(0, gpu_device); if(isZero(Vrl)) { Vrl = c_Vrl; } if(isZero(nR)) { nR = c_nR; } dp_Shift = (is_PED())?true:false; if(!is_scanning()) { scanning.set_default(); } scanning.set_grid(); lens.set_input_data(E_0, grid); det_cir.set_input_data(E_0); theta = set_incident_angle(theta); nrot = max(1, nrot); if(!is_PED_HCI()) { nrot = 1; } //Set beam type if(is_user_define_wave()) { beam_type = eBT_User_Define; } else if(is_convergent_beam_wave()) { beam_type = eBT_Convergent; if(is_CBED_CBEI()) { set_beam_position(cbe_fr.x0, cbe_fr.y0); } else if(is_EWFS_EWRS()) { set_beam_position(ew_fr.x0, ew_fr.y0); } } else if(is_plane_wave()) { beam_type = eBT_Plane_Wave; } if(is_EELS() || is_EFTEM()) { coherent_contribution = false; interaction_model = multem::eESIM_Multislice; } if(is_EWFS_EWRS()) { coherent_contribution = true; } slice_storage = false; if(is_PED_HCI() || is_EELS_EFTEM()|| is_ISTEM() ||(is_STEM() && !coherent_contribution)) { slice_storage = true; } if(!is_multislice()) { islice = 0; fp_dim.z = false; potential_slicing = ePS_Planes; thickness_type = eTT_Through_Thickness; slice_storage = slice_storage || !is_whole_specimen(); } if(is_subslicing()) { thickness_type = eTT_Whole_Specimen; } if(is_whole_specimen() || thickness.empty()) { thickness_type = eTT_Whole_Specimen; thickness.resize(1); thickness[0] = atoms.z_max; } else if(is_through_thickness()) { // for amorphous specimen it has to be modified thickness_type = eTT_Through_Thickness; std::sort(thickness.begin(), thickness.end()); fp_dim.z = false; atoms.Sort_by_z(); atoms.get_z_layer(); multem::match_vectors(atoms.z_layer.begin(), atoms.z_layer.end(), thickness); } else if(is_through_slices()) { std::sort(thickness.begin(), thickness.end()); atoms.Sort_by_z(); atoms.get_z_layer(); Vector<T, e_host> z_slice; atoms.get_z_slice(potential_slicing, grid.dz, atoms, z_slice); vector<T> z_slicet; z_slicet.assign(z_slice.begin(), z_slice.end()); multem::match_vectors(z_slice.begin()+1, z_slice.end(), thickness); } }