void ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP(char const *attr_name,char const *old_expr_string,char **new_expr_string,Stream& s)
	*new_expr_string = NULL;

	if( !enable_convert_default_IP_to_socket_IP ) {

    if(!is_sender_ip_attr(attr_name)) {

	char const *my_default_ip = my_ip_string();
	char const *my_sock_ip = s.my_ip_str();
	if(!my_default_ip || !my_sock_ip) {
	if(strcmp(my_default_ip,my_sock_ip) == 0) {
	condor_sockaddr sock_addr;
	//if(is_loopback_net_str(my_sock_ip)) {
	if (sock_addr.from_ip_string(my_sock_ip) && sock_addr.is_loopback()) {
            // We must be talking to another daemon on the same
			// machine as us.  We don't want to replace the default IP
			// with this one, since nobody outside of this machine
			// will be able to contact us on that IP.
	if( !IPMatchesNetworkInterfaceSetting(my_sock_ip) ) {

	char const *ref = strstr(old_expr_string,my_default_ip);
	if(ref) {
			// the match must not be followed by any trailing digits
			// GOOD: <MMM.MMM.M.M:port?p>   (where M is a matching digit)
			// BAD:  <MMM.MMM.M.MN:port?p>  (where N is a non-matching digit)
		if( isdigit(ref[strlen(my_default_ip)]) ) {
			ref = NULL;
	if(ref) {
            // Replace the default IP address with the one I am actually using.

		int pos = ref-old_expr_string; // position of the reference
		int my_default_ip_len = strlen(my_default_ip);
		int my_sock_ip_len = strlen(my_sock_ip);

		*new_expr_string = (char *)malloc(strlen(old_expr_string) + my_sock_ip_len - my_default_ip_len + 1);

		strncpy(*new_expr_string, old_expr_string,pos);
		strcpy(*new_expr_string+pos, my_sock_ip);
		strcpy(*new_expr_string+pos+my_sock_ip_len, old_expr_string+pos+my_default_ip_len);

		dprintf(D_NETWORK,"Replaced default IP %s with connection IP %s "
				"in outgoing ClassAd attribute %s.\n",
void ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP(char const * attr_name, std::string & expr_string, Stream & s )
	static bool loggedNullDCMessage = false;
	static bool loggedConfigMessage = false;

	// We can't practically do a conversion if daemonCore isn't present; this
	// happens in standard universe.  We can't move this test into
	// ConfigConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP because it gets called before
	// daemonCore is created.
	if( daemonCore == NULL ) {
		if( ! loggedNullDCMessage ) {
			dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: disabled: no daemon core.\n" );
			loggedNullDCMessage = true;

	if( ! enable_convert_default_IP_to_socket_IP ) {
		if( ! loggedConfigMessage ) {
			dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: disabled: by configuration.\n" );
			loggedConfigMessage = true;

	if( ! is_sender_ip_attr( attr_name ) ) {
		// Reduce log spam.  Since all of our subsequent messages include the
		// attribute name, we don't have to print a message noting that we
		// tried to rewrite it.
		// dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: '%s' is not an attribute which might contain the sender's IP address.\n", attr_name );

	// Skip if Stream doesn't have address associated with it
	condor_sockaddr connectionSA;
	if( ! connectionSA.from_ip_string( s.my_ip_str() ) ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): failed to generate socket address from stream's IP string (%s).\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str(), s.my_ip_str() );

	// Skip if it's not a string literal.
	if( * ( expr_string.rbegin() ) != '"' ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): failed to parse. Missing closing double quotation mark.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );

	const char * delimiter = " = \"";
	size_t delimpos = expr_string.find( delimiter );
	// Skip if doesn't look like a string
	if( delimpos == std::string::npos ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): failed to parse. Missing assignment.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );

	size_t string_start_pos = delimpos + strlen( delimiter );
	// string_end_pos is one beyond last character of String literal.
	size_t string_end_pos = expr_string.length() - 1;
	size_t string_len = string_end_pos - string_start_pos;

	// Skip if it doesn't look like a Sinful
	if( expr_string[string_start_pos] != '<' ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): failed to parse. Missing opening <.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );
	if( expr_string[string_end_pos - 1] != '>' ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): failed to parse. Missing closing >.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );

	std::string adSinfulString = expr_string.substr( string_start_pos, string_len);
	std::string commandPortSinfulString = daemonCore->InfoCommandSinfulString();

	Sinful adSinful( adSinfulString.c_str() );
	condor_sockaddr adSA;
	adSA.from_sinful( adSinful.getSinful() );

	bool rewrite_port = true;
	if (commandPortSinfulString == adSinfulString)
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: refused for attribute %s (%s): clients now choose addresses.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );
	else if (param_boolean("SHARED_PORT_ADDRESS_REWRITING", false))
		// Wait a minute -- isn't this only supposed to happen in the collector?
		const std::vector<Sinful> &commandSinfuls = daemonCore->InfoCommandSinfulStringsMyself();
		dprintf(D_NETWORK|D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: considering %ld command socket sinfuls.\n", commandSinfuls.size());

		bool acceptableMatch = false;
		std::vector<Sinful>::const_iterator it;
		for (it = commandSinfuls.begin(); it!=commandSinfuls.end(); it++)
			commandPortSinfulString = it->getSinful();
			const Sinful &commandPortSinful = *it;
			// We assume that any sinful on the same shared port server
			// can also be rewritten.
			if ((adSinful.getSharedPortID() != NULL) && (strcmp(commandPortSinful.getHost(), adSinful.getHost()) == 0) && (commandPortSinful.getPortNum() == adSinful.getPortNum()))
				acceptableMatch = true;
			dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: refused for attribute %s (%s): the address isn't my default address. (Command socket considered: %s, found in ad: %s)\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str(), commandPortSinfulString.c_str(), adSinfulString.c_str());

		if (!acceptableMatch)
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: refused for attribute %s (%s): the address isn't my default address. (Default: %s, found in ad: %s)\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str(), commandPortSinfulString.c_str(), adSinfulString.c_str());

	// Although it's never useful to rewrite from a non-loopback to a loop-
	// back address, if there's more than one loopback address on a machine,
	// (generally but not always because the machine supports more than one
	// protocol), it's OK to rewrite from one to the other.
	// Doing this is any other situation breaks, among other things,
	// ssh-to-job.  (In a design hack, the starter sends its external
	// address to the startd over the job-update socket, as part of every
	// job update ClassAd.  This causes rewriting to happen, but as the
	// the startd explicity binds the job-update socket to the loopback
	// address -- presumambly to ensure that it always works -- we need
	// to make sure we don't rewrite ATTR_STARTER_IP_ADDR when sending
	// job updates.  *sigh*)
	if( (! adSA.is_loopback()) && connectionSA.is_loopback() ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: refused for attribute '%s' (%s): outbound interface is loopback but default interface is not.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );

	if( adSinful.getSharedPortID() != NULL ) {
		// We're using shared port, so "our" port is actually the
		// shared port daemon's. We shouldn't be messing with that.
		// We'll rewrite the host on the bold assumption that shared
		// port daemon and I both use the same IP addresses.
		rewrite_port = false;

	MyString my_sock_ip = connectionSA.to_ip_string( true );
	adSinful.setHost( my_sock_ip.Value() );
	if( rewrite_port ) {
		// connectionSA's port is whatever we happen to be using at the moment;
		// that will be meaningless if we established the connection.  What we
		// want is the port someone could contact us on.  Go rummage for one.
		int port = daemonCore->find_interface_command_port_do_not_use( connectionSA );

		// If port is 0, there is no matching listen socket. There is nothing
		// useful we can rewrite it do, so just give up and hope the default
		// is useful to someone.
		if( port == 0 ) {
			dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: failed for attribute '%s' (%s): unable to find command port for outbound interface '%s'.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str(), s.my_ip_str() );

		adSinful.setPort( port );

	if( adSinful.getSinful() == adSinfulString ) {
		dprintf( D_NETWORK | D_VERBOSE, "Address rewriting: refused for attribute '%s' (%s): socket is using same address as the default one; rewrite would do nothing.\n", attr_name, expr_string.c_str() );

	std::string new_expr = expr_string.substr( 0, string_start_pos );
	new_expr.append( adSinful.getSinful() );
	new_expr.append( expr_string.substr( string_end_pos ) );

	expr_string = new_expr;

	dprintf( D_NETWORK, "Address rewriting: Replaced default IP %s with "
			"connection IP %s in outgoing ClassAd attribute %s.\n",
			adSinfulString.c_str(), adSinful.getSinful(), attr_name );