void ising_run(int L)
    std::cout << "starting fsc experiment with L = " << L << std::endl;
    boost::timer::cpu_timer timer;

     * parameters
    int Tsteps, nsteps;
    double Tbegin, Tend;

    Tbegin = 4.5;
    Tend = 5;
    Tsteps = 100;
    nsteps = 200;

     * setup
    drng rdg;
    irng rig(0, L);

    Lattice lattice(L, 1, rig);
    csp::ising::Ising<Lattice, drng> ising(lattice, Tbegin, rdg);

    if(Tbegin > 0)
        for(int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++i)

     * run and plot
    std::stringstream fname;
    fname << "ising" << L << ".dat";
    std::ofstream file(fname.str().c_str());
    csp::algorithm::print_ plot(file);

    typedef boost::multi_array<double, 2> plot_type;
    plot_type plot_array = ising.T_run(Tbegin, Tend, Tsteps, nsteps);
    csp::iterate::stencil_iterate<2>(plot_array, plot);
    std::cout << "L = " << L 
        << " spin flips: " 
        << (double) (1.0 * Tsteps * nsteps * L*L*L + (Tbegin ? nsteps*L*L*L : 0))
        << " t = " << timer.format() 
        << std::endl;
double MainWindow::energy(int i, int j, double beta){
    return beta * gamma * gaussian(i, j) + beta * ising(i, j);