lsmash_summary_t *lsmash_get_summary( lsmash_root_t *root, uint32_t track_ID, uint32_t description_number )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0 || track_ID == 0 || description_number == 0 )
        return NULL;
    isom_trak_t *trak = isom_get_trak( root->file->initializer, track_ID );
    if( !trak
     || !trak->mdia
     || !trak->mdia->mdhd
     || !trak->mdia->hdlr
     || !trak->mdia->minf
     || !trak->mdia->minf->stbl
     || !trak->mdia->minf->stbl->stsd )
        return NULL;
    isom_minf_t *minf = trak->mdia->minf;
    isom_stsd_t *stsd = minf->stbl->stsd;
    uint32_t i = 1;
    for( lsmash_entry_t *entry = stsd->list.head; entry; entry = entry->next )
        if( i != description_number )
        isom_sample_entry_t *sample_entry = entry->data;
        if( !sample_entry )
            return NULL;
        if( minf->vmhd )
            return isom_create_video_summary_from_description( sample_entry );
        else if( minf->smhd )
            return isom_create_audio_summary_from_description( sample_entry );
            return NULL;
    return NULL;
uint32_t lsmash_count_summary( lsmash_root_t *root, uint32_t track_ID )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0 || track_ID == 0 )
        return 0;
    isom_trak_t *trak = isom_get_trak( root->file->initializer, track_ID );
    if( !trak
     || !trak->mdia
     || !trak->mdia->mdhd
     || !trak->mdia->hdlr
     || !trak->mdia->minf
     || !trak->mdia->minf->stbl
     || !trak->mdia->minf->stbl->stsd )
        return 0;
    return trak->mdia->minf->stbl->stsd->list.entry_count;
int lsmash_create_reference_chapter_track( lsmash_root_t *root, uint32_t track_ID, char *file_name )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0 )
        goto error_message;
    lsmash_file_t *file = root->file;
    if( !file
     || !file->moov
     || !file->moov->mvhd )
        goto error_message;
    if( file->forbid_tref || (!file->qt_compatible && !file->itunes_movie) )
        lsmash_log( NULL, LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "reference chapter is not available for this file.\n" );
        goto error_message;
    FILE *chapter = NULL;       /* shut up 'uninitialized' warning */
    /* Create a Track Reference Box. */
    isom_trak_t *trak = isom_get_trak( file, track_ID );
    if( !trak )
        lsmash_log( NULL, LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "the specified track ID to apply the chapter doesn't exist.\n" );
        goto error_message;
    if( !trak->tref && !isom_add_tref( trak ) )
        goto error_message;
    /* Create a track_ID for a new chapter track. */
    uint32_t *id = (uint32_t *)lsmash_malloc( sizeof(uint32_t) );
    if( !id )
        goto error_message;
    uint32_t chapter_track_ID = *id = file->moov->mvhd->next_track_ID;
    /* Create a Track Reference Type Box. */
    isom_tref_type_t *chap = isom_add_track_reference_type( trak->tref, QT_TREF_TYPE_CHAP );
    if( !chap )
        lsmash_free( id );
        goto error_message;
    chap->ref_count = 1;
    chap->track_ID  = id;
    /* Create a reference chapter track. */
    if( chapter_track_ID != lsmash_create_track( root, ISOM_MEDIA_HANDLER_TYPE_TEXT_TRACK ) )
        goto error_message;
    /* Set track parameters. */
    lsmash_track_parameters_t track_param;
    lsmash_initialize_track_parameters( &track_param );
    if( lsmash_set_track_parameters( root, chapter_track_ID, &track_param ) < 0 )
        goto fail;
    /* Set media parameters. */
    uint64_t media_timescale = lsmash_get_media_timescale( root, track_ID );
    if( !media_timescale )
        goto fail;
    lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
    lsmash_initialize_media_parameters( &media_param );
    media_param.timescale    = media_timescale;
    media_param.ISO_language = file->max_3gpp_version >= 6 || file->itunes_movie ? ISOM_LANGUAGE_CODE_UNDEFINED : 0;
    media_param.MAC_language = 0;
    if( lsmash_set_media_parameters( root, chapter_track_ID, &media_param ) < 0 )
        goto fail;
    /* Create a sample description. */
    lsmash_codec_type_t sample_type = file->max_3gpp_version >= 6 || file->itunes_movie
                                    ? ISOM_CODEC_TYPE_TX3G_TEXT
                                    : QT_CODEC_TYPE_TEXT_TEXT;
    lsmash_summary_t summary = { .sample_type = sample_type, .data_ref_index = 1 };
    uint32_t sample_entry = lsmash_add_sample_entry( root, chapter_track_ID, &summary );
    if( !sample_entry )
        goto fail;
    /* Check each line format. */
    fn_get_chapter_data fnc = isom_check_chap_line( file_name );
    if( !fnc )
        goto fail;
    /* Open chapter format file. */
    chapter = lsmash_fopen( file_name, "rb" );
    if( !chapter )
        lsmash_log( NULL, LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "failed to open the chapter file \"%s\".\n", file_name );
        goto fail;
    /* Parse the file and write text samples. */
    isom_chapter_entry_t data;
    while( !fnc( chapter, &data ) )
        /* set start_time */
        data.start_time = data.start_time * 1e-9 * media_timescale + 0.5;
        /* write a text sample here */
        int is_qt_text = lsmash_check_codec_type_identical( sample_type, QT_CODEC_TYPE_TEXT_TEXT );
        uint16_t name_length = strlen( data.chapter_name );
        lsmash_sample_t *sample = lsmash_create_sample( 2 + name_length + 12 * is_qt_text );
        if( !sample )
            lsmash_free( data.chapter_name );
            goto fail;
        sample->data[0] = (name_length >> 8) & 0xff;
        sample->data[1] =  name_length       & 0xff;
        memcpy( sample->data + 2, data.chapter_name, name_length );
        if( is_qt_text )
            /* QuickTime Player requires Text Encoding Attribute Box ('encd') if media language is ISO language codes : undefined.
             * Also this box can avoid garbling if the QuickTime text sample is encoded by Unicode characters.
             * Note: 3GPP Timed Text supports only UTF-8 or UTF-16, so this box isn't needed. */
            static const uint8_t encd[12] =
                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C,     /* size: 12 */
                    0x65, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x64,     /* type: 'encd' */
                    0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00      /* Unicode Encoding */
            memcpy( sample->data + 2 + name_length, encd, 12 );
        sample->dts           = data.start_time;
        sample->cts           = data.start_time;
        sample->prop.ra_flags = ISOM_SAMPLE_RANDOM_ACCESS_FLAG_SYNC;
        sample->index         = sample_entry;
        if( lsmash_append_sample( root, chapter_track_ID, sample ) < 0 )
            lsmash_free( data.chapter_name );
            goto fail;
        lsmash_freep( &data.chapter_name );
    if( lsmash_flush_pooled_samples( root, chapter_track_ID, 0 ) < 0 )
        goto fail;
    isom_trak_t *chapter_trak = isom_get_trak( file, chapter_track_ID );
    if( !chapter_trak )
        goto fail;
    fclose( chapter );
    chapter_trak->is_chapter       = 1;
    chapter_trak->related_track_ID = track_ID;
    return 0;
    if( chapter )
        fclose( chapter );
    /* Remove chapter track reference. */
    if( trak->tref->ref_list.tail )
        isom_remove_box_by_itself( trak->tref->ref_list.tail->data );
    if( trak->tref->ref_list.entry_count == 0 )
        isom_remove_box_by_itself( trak->tref );
    /* Remove the reference chapter track attached at tail of the list. */
    if( file->moov->trak_list.tail )
        isom_remove_box_by_itself( file->moov->trak_list.tail->data );
    lsmash_log( NULL, LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set reference chapter.\n" );

uint32_t lsmash_count_tyrant_chapter( lsmash_root_t *root )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0
     && root->file->initializer->moov
     && root->file->initializer->moov->udta
     && root->file->initializer->moov->udta->chpl
     && root->file->initializer->moov->udta->chpl->list )
        return root->file->initializer->moov->udta->chpl->list->entry_count;
    return 0;

char *lsmash_get_tyrant_chapter( lsmash_root_t *root, uint32_t index, double *timestamp )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0 )
        return NULL;
    lsmash_file_t *file = root->file->initializer;
    if( !file->moov
     || !file->moov->mvhd
     || !file->moov->udta
     || !file->moov->udta->chpl )
        return NULL;
    isom_chpl_t *chpl = file->moov->udta->chpl;
    isom_chpl_entry_t *data = (isom_chpl_entry_t *)lsmash_get_entry_data( chpl->list, index );
    if( !data )
        return NULL;
    double timescale = chpl->version ? 10000000.0 : file->moov->mvhd->timescale;
    *timestamp = data->start_time / timescale;
    if( !memcmp( data->chapter_name, UTF8_BOM, UTF8_BOM_LENGTH ) )
        return data->chapter_name + UTF8_BOM_LENGTH;
    return data->chapter_name;

int lsmash_print_chapter_list( lsmash_root_t *root )
    if( isom_check_initializer_present( root ) < 0
     || !(root->file->initializer->flags & LSMASH_FILE_MODE_READ) )
    lsmash_file_t *file = root->file->initializer;
    if( file->moov
     && file->moov->udta
     && file->moov->udta->chpl )
        isom_chpl_t *chpl = file->moov->udta->chpl;
        uint32_t timescale;
        if( !chpl->version )
            if( !file->moov
             && !file->moov->mvhd )
                return LSMASH_ERR_NAMELESS;
            timescale = file->moov->mvhd->timescale;
            timescale = 10000000;
        uint32_t i = 1;
        for( lsmash_entry_t *entry = chpl->list->head; entry; entry = entry->next )
            isom_chpl_entry_t *data = (isom_chpl_entry_t *)entry->data;
            int64_t start_time = data->start_time / timescale;
            int hh =  start_time / 3600;
            int mm = (start_time /   60) % 60;
            int ss =  start_time         % 60;
            int ms = ((data->start_time / (double)timescale) - hh * 3600 - mm * 60 - ss) * 1e3 + 0.5;
            if( !memcmp( data->chapter_name, UTF8_BOM, UTF8_BOM_LENGTH ) )    /* detect BOM */
                data->chapter_name += UTF8_BOM_LENGTH;
#ifdef _WIN32
                if( i == 1 )
                    printf( UTF8_BOM );    /* add BOM on Windows */
            printf( "CHAPTER%02"PRIu32"=%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n", i, hh, mm, ss, ms );
            printf( "CHAPTER%02"PRIu32"NAME=%s\n", i++, data->chapter_name );
        return 0;
    lsmash_log( NULL, LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "this file doesn't have a chapter list.\n" );
文件: chapter.c 项目: jeeb/L-SMASH
int lsmash_create_reference_chapter_track( lsmash_root_t *root, uint32_t track_ID, char *file_name )
    if( !root || !root->moov || !root->moov->mvhd || !root->moov->trak_list )
        goto error_message;
    if( !root->qt_compatible && !root->itunes_movie )
        lsmash_log( LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "reference chapter is not available for this file.\n" );
        goto error_message;
    FILE *chapter = NULL;       /* shut up 'uninitialized' warning */
    /* Create a Track Reference Box. */
    isom_trak_entry_t *trak = isom_get_trak( root, track_ID );
    if( !trak )
        lsmash_log( LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "the specified track ID to apply the chapter doesn't exist.\n" );
        goto error_message;
    if( isom_add_tref( trak ) )
        goto error_message;
    /* Create a track_ID for a new chapter track. */
    uint32_t *id = (uint32_t *)malloc( sizeof(uint32_t) );
    if( !id )
        goto error_message;
    uint32_t chapter_track_ID = *id = root->moov->mvhd->next_track_ID;
    /* Create a Track Reference Type Box. */
    isom_tref_type_t *chap = isom_add_track_reference_type( trak->tref, QT_TREF_TYPE_CHAP, 1, id );
    if( !chap )
        goto error_message;      /* no need to free id */
    /* Create a reference chapter track. */
    if( chapter_track_ID != lsmash_create_track( root, ISOM_MEDIA_HANDLER_TYPE_TEXT_TRACK ) )
        goto error_message;
    /* Set track parameters. */
    lsmash_track_parameters_t track_param;
    lsmash_initialize_track_parameters( &track_param );
    if( lsmash_set_track_parameters( root, chapter_track_ID, &track_param ) )
        goto fail;
    /* Set media parameters. */
    uint64_t media_timescale = lsmash_get_media_timescale( root, track_ID );
    if( !media_timescale )
        goto fail;
    lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
    lsmash_initialize_media_parameters( &media_param );
    media_param.timescale = media_timescale;
    media_param.ISO_language = root->max_3gpp_version >= 6 || root->itunes_movie ? ISOM_LANGUAGE_CODE_UNDEFINED : 0;
    media_param.MAC_language = 0;
    if( lsmash_set_media_parameters( root, chapter_track_ID, &media_param ) )
        goto fail;
    /* Create a sample description. */
    lsmash_codec_type_t sample_type = root->max_3gpp_version >= 6 || root->itunes_movie
                                    ? ISOM_CODEC_TYPE_TX3G_TEXT
                                    : QT_CODEC_TYPE_TEXT_TEXT;
    lsmash_summary_t summary = { .sample_type = sample_type };
    uint32_t sample_entry = lsmash_add_sample_entry( root, chapter_track_ID, &summary );
    if( !sample_entry )
        goto fail;
    /* Check each line format. */
    fn_get_chapter_data fnc = isom_check_chap_line( file_name );
    if( !fnc )
        goto fail;
    /* Open chapter format file. */
    chapter = fopen( file_name, "rb" );
    if( !chapter )
        lsmash_log( LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "failed to open the chapter file \"%s\".\n", file_name );
        goto fail;
    /* Parse the file and write text samples. */
    isom_chapter_entry_t data;
    while( !fnc( chapter, &data ) )
        /* set start_time */
        data.start_time = data.start_time * 1e-9 * media_timescale + 0.5;
        /* write a text sample here */
        int is_qt_text = lsmash_check_codec_type_identical( sample_type, QT_CODEC_TYPE_TEXT_TEXT );
        uint16_t name_length = strlen( data.chapter_name );
        lsmash_sample_t *sample = lsmash_create_sample( 2 + name_length + 12 * is_qt_text );
        if( !sample )
            free( data.chapter_name );
            goto fail;
        sample->data[0] = (name_length >> 8) & 0xff;
        sample->data[1] =  name_length       & 0xff;
        memcpy( sample->data + 2, data.chapter_name, name_length );
        if( is_qt_text )
            /* QuickTime Player requires Text Encoding Attribute Box ('encd') if media language is ISO language codes : undefined.
             * Also this box can avoid garbling if the QuickTime text sample is encoded by Unicode characters.
             * Note: 3GPP Timed Text supports only UTF-8 or UTF-16, so this box isn't needed. */
            static const uint8_t encd[12] =
                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C,     /* size: 12 */
                    0x65, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x64,     /* type: 'encd' */
                    0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00      /* Unicode Encoding */
            memcpy( sample->data + 2 + name_length, encd, 12 );
        sample->dts = sample->cts = data.start_time;
        sample->prop.ra_flags = ISOM_SAMPLE_RANDOM_ACCESS_FLAG_SYNC;
        sample->index = sample_entry;
        if( lsmash_append_sample( root, chapter_track_ID, sample ) )
            free( data.chapter_name );
            goto fail;
        free( data.chapter_name );
        data.chapter_name = NULL;
    if( lsmash_flush_pooled_samples( root, chapter_track_ID, 0 ) )
        goto fail;
    isom_trak_entry_t *chapter_trak = isom_get_trak( root, chapter_track_ID );
    if( !chapter_trak )
        goto fail;
    fclose( chapter );
    chapter_trak->is_chapter = 1;
    chapter_trak->related_track_ID = track_ID;
    return 0;
    if( chapter )
        fclose( chapter );
    /* Remove chapter track reference. */
    lsmash_remove_entry_direct( trak->tref->ref_list, trak->tref->ref_list->tail, isom_remove_track_reference_type );
    if( trak->tref->ref_list->entry_count == 0 )
        isom_remove_tref( trak->tref );
    /* Remove the reference chapter track attached at tail of the list. */
    lsmash_remove_entry_direct( root->moov->trak_list, root->moov->trak_list->tail, isom_remove_trak );
    lsmash_log( LSMASH_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set reference chapter.\n" );
    return -1;