void fillGraph_(Graph & graph, const Node & a, const Node & b, double slowness, SIndex leftID){
    if (a.id() == b.id()) return;

    double dist = a.pos().distance(b.pos());

    // ensure connection between 3d boundaries
    dist = max(1e-8, dist);

    double newTime = dist * slowness;
    double oldTime = graph[a.id()][b.id()].time();
    // if (V_){
    //     __MS("a:" << a.id() << " b:"  << b.id() << " L:" << leftID << " t:" << " " << newTime << " " << oldTime)
    // }

    if (oldTime > 0.0) {
        newTime = std::min(newTime, oldTime);

        // way pair already exist so set time to min and add leftID

        NodeDistMap::iterator ita(graph[a.id()].find(b.id()));
        NodeDistMap::iterator itb(graph[b.id()].find(a.id()));
    } else {
        // first time fill
        graph[a.id()][b.id()] = GraphDistInfo(newTime, dist, leftID);   
        graph[b.id()][a.id()] = GraphDistInfo(newTime, dist, leftID);    
PotentialValue operator-(const PotentialValue& a, const PotentialValue& b) {
	PotentialValue res ;
	for(PotentialValue::Iterator ita(a); ita; ita++)
		for(PotentialValue::Iterator itb(b); itb; itb++)
			res.insert(*ita - *itb ) ;
	return res ;
// This is called from the AnalyserQueue thread
bool AnalyserQueue::isLoadedTrackWaiting(TrackPointer analysingTrack) {
    const PlayerInfo& info = PlayerInfo::instance();
    TrackPointer pTrack;
    bool trackWaiting = false;
    QList<TrackPointer> progress100List;
    QList<TrackPointer> progress0List;

    QMutableListIterator<TrackPointer> it(m_tioq);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        TrackPointer& pTrack = it.next();
        if (!pTrack) {
        if (!trackWaiting) {
            trackWaiting = info.isTrackLoaded(pTrack);
        // try to load waveforms for all new tracks first
        // and remove them from queue if already analysed
        // This avoids waiting for a running analysis for those tracks.
        int progress = pTrack->getAnalyserProgress();
        if (progress < 0) {
            // Load stored analysis
            QListIterator<Analyser*> ita(m_aq);
            bool processTrack = false;
            while (ita.hasNext()) {
                if (!ita.next()->loadStored(pTrack)) {
                    processTrack = true;
            if (!processTrack) {
                it.remove(); // since pTrack is a reference it is invalid now.
            } else {
        } else if (progress == 1000) {


    // update progress after unlock to avoid a deadlock
    foreach (TrackPointer pTrack, progress100List) {
        emitUpdateProgress(pTrack, 1000);
// This is called from the AnalyserQueue thread
bool AnalyserQueue::isLoadedTrackWaiting(TrackPointer tio) {
    QMutexLocker queueLocker(&m_qm);

    const PlayerInfo& info = PlayerInfo::instance();
    TrackPointer pTrack;
    bool trackWaiting = false;
    QMutableListIterator<TrackPointer> it(m_tioq);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        TrackPointer& pTrack = it.next();
        if (!pTrack) {
        if (!trackWaiting) {
            trackWaiting = info.isTrackLoaded(pTrack);
        // try to load waveforms for all new tracks first
        // and remove them from queue if already analysed
        // This avoids waiting for a running analysis for those tracks.
        int progress = pTrack->getAnalyserProgress();
        if (progress < 0) {
            // Load stored analysis
            QListIterator<Analyser*> ita(m_aq);
            bool processTrack = false;
            while (ita.hasNext()) {
                if (!ita.next()->loadStored(pTrack)) {
                    processTrack = true;
            if (!processTrack) {
                emitUpdateProgress(pTrack, 1000);
            } else {
                emitUpdateProgress(pTrack, 0);
        } else if (progress == 1000) {
    if (info.isTrackLoaded(tio)) {
        return false;
    return trackWaiting;
bool ClassData::reference(BrowserClass * target) const {
  if ((base_type.type == target) || (switch_type.type == target))
    return TRUE;
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i != nformals; i += 1)
    if ((formals[i].get_default_value().type == target) ||
	(formals[i].get_extends().type == target))
      return TRUE;
  QListIterator<ActualParamData> ita(actuals);

  for (; ita.current(); ++ita)
    if (ita.current()->get_value().type == target)
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
void ClassData::save(QTextStream & st, QString & warning) const {
  if (is_abstract)
    st << "abstract ";
  if (is_active)
    st << "active ";
  st << "visibility " << stringify(uml_visibility) << ' ';
  if (!stereotype.isEmpty()) {
    st << "stereotype ";
    save_string(stereotype, st);
    if (stereotype == "typedef")
      base_type.save(st, warning, " base_type ", " explicit_base_type ");
  if (nformals != 0) {
    st << "nformals " << nformals;
    for (int i = 0; i!= nformals; i += 1)
      formals[i].save(st, warning);
  if (actuals.count() != 0) {
    st << "nactuals " << actuals.count();
    QListIterator<ActualParamData> ita(actuals);
    for (; ita.current(); ++ita)
      ita.current()->save(st, warning);
  if (!constraint.isEmpty()) {
    st << "constraint ";
    save_string(constraint, st);
  if (cpp_external)
    st << "cpp_external ";
  if (cpp_visibility != UmlDefaultVisibility)
    st << "cpp_visibility " << stringify(cpp_visibility) << " ";
  st << "cpp_decl ";
  save_string(cpp_decl, st);
  if (java_external)
    st << "java_external ";
  if (java_final)
    st << "final ";
  st << "java_decl ";
  save_string(java_decl, st);
  if (! java_annotation.isEmpty()) {
    st << "java_annotation ";
    save_string(java_annotation, st);
  if (php_external)
    st << "php_external ";
  if (php_final)
    st << "php_final ";
  st << "php_decl ";
  save_string(php_decl, st);

  if (python_external)
    st << "python_external ";
  if (python_2_2)
    st << "python_2_2 ";
  st << "python_decl ";
  save_string(python_decl, st);

  if (idl_external)
    st << "idl_external ";
  if (idl_local)
    st << "local ";
  if (idl_custom)
    st << "custom ";
  st << "idl_decl ";
  save_string(idl_decl, st);
  switch_type.save(st, warning, "switch_type ", "explicit_switch_type ");
void UcUseCaseCanvas::send(ToolCom * com, Q3CanvasItemList & all)
  Q3PtrList<UcUseCaseCanvas> lu;
  Q3PtrList<UcClassCanvas> la;
  Q3CanvasItemList::Iterator cit;

  for (cit = all.begin(); cit != all.end(); ++cit) {
    DiagramItem *di = QCanvasItemToDiagramItem(*cit);
    if ((di != 0) && (*cit)->visible()) {
      switch (di->type()) {
      case UmlUseCase:
	lu.append((UcUseCaseCanvas *) di);
      case UmlClass:
	la.append((UcClassCanvas *) di);
  // send UC
  Q3PtrListIterator<UcUseCaseCanvas> itu(lu);
  for (; itu.current(); ++itu) {
    com->write_unsigned((unsigned) itu.current()->get_ident());
  // send Actors
  Q3PtrListIterator<UcClassCanvas> ita(la);
  for (; ita.current(); ++ita)
  // send rels
  Q3PtrList<ArrowCanvas> lr;
  for (itu.toFirst(); itu.current(); ++itu) {
    Q3PtrListIterator<ArrowCanvas> itl(itu.current()->lines);
    for (; itl.current(); ++itl) {
      ArrowCanvas * r = itl.current();
      DiagramItem * from = r->get_start();
      DiagramItem * to = r->get_end();
      if ((from->type() == UmlUseCase)
	  ? (to->type() == UmlClass)
	  : (from->type() == UmlClass))
  Q3PtrListIterator<ArrowCanvas> itr(lr);
  for (; itr.current(); ++itr)
			static libmaus2::aio::SynchronousGenericInput<uint64_t>::unique_ptr_type openWordPairFile(
				std::istream & CIS, uint64_t const n, uint64_t const offset
				libmaus2::suffixsort::GapArrayByteOverflowKeyAccessor acc(CIS);
				libmaus2::util::ConstIterator<libmaus2::suffixsort::GapArrayByteOverflowKeyAccessor,uint64_t> ita(&acc,0);
				libmaus2::util::ConstIterator<libmaus2::suffixsort::GapArrayByteOverflowKeyAccessor,uint64_t> ite(&acc,n);
				libmaus2::util::ConstIterator<libmaus2::suffixsort::GapArrayByteOverflowKeyAccessor,uint64_t> itc = std::lower_bound(ita,ite,offset);
				uint64_t const el = itc-ita;
				uint64_t const restel = n - el;
				CIS.seekg( el * 2 * sizeof(uint64_t), std::ios::beg );
				libmaus2::aio::SynchronousGenericInput<uint64_t>::unique_ptr_type tSGI(
					new libmaus2::aio::SynchronousGenericInput<uint64_t>(CIS,1024,2*restel)
				return UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tSGI);
region<int> getDiffer( trackDocument * doc, int areaIndex, int start, int end, int time )
	boundaryArea & area = doc->areas[areaIndex];
	boundaryCurve & curve = area.divisions.first();
	boundaryCurveIndex index;
	index.curve = 0;
	index.size = curve.points.size;
	index.start = start;
	index.end = end;
	static array2<bool> flag;
	flag.allocate( doc->width, doc->height );
	region<int> result;
	if ( ! time ) return result;
	area.update( time - 1 );
	area.update( time );
	region<int> prevShape, nowShape;
		list< point2<int> > segments;
		bool checkStart = true;
		for ( boundaryCurveIndex::iterator iti( index ); iti; ++iti ) {
			curve.segment( segments, iti(), time - 1 );
		memset( flag.data, 0, sizeof( bool ) * flag.size );
		for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( segments ); itp; ++itp ) {
			flag( clamp( 0, itp->x, doc->width - 1 ), clamp( 0, itp->y, doc->height - 1 ) ) = true;
		prevShape.set( flag, 0, 0 );
		list< point2<int> > segments;
		bool checkStart = true;
		for ( boundaryCurveIndex::iterator iti( index ); iti; ++iti ) {
			curve.segment( segments, iti(), time );
		memset( flag.data, 0, sizeof( bool ) * flag.size );
		for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( segments ); itp; ++itp ) {
			flag( clamp( 0, itp->x, doc->width - 1 ), clamp( 0, itp->y, doc->height - 1 ) ) = true;
		nowShape.set( flag, 0, 0 );
	region<int> round;
	round = nowShape | prevShape;
		region<int> line;
		point2<int> p1 = curve.points[start]( time - 1 );
		point2<int> p2 = curve.points[start]( time );
		line.line( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y );
		round |= line;
		region<int> line;
		point2<int> p1 = curve.points[end]( time - 1 );
		point2<int> p2 = curve.points[end]( time );
		line.line( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y );
		round |= line;
	round.fill( result );
	return result;
void stateDocument::paint()
	trackDocument * doc = trackDocument::get();
	trackView * view = trackView::get();
	if ( ! doc ) return;
	if ( ! view ) return;
	static image viewImage;//画面表示用画像
	viewImage.topdown = false;
	double maxValue = doc->maxValues[doc->currentViewImageIndex];
	double windowLevel = windowLevelBar->get();
	double windowSize = windowSizeBar->get();
	decimal rate = 255.0 / windowSize;
	decimal offset = windowLevel - windowSize / 2;

	imageInterface< pixelLuminance<int16> > * img = & doc->originalImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex];
	switch ( view->mode & trackView::baseImageMask ) {
	case trackView::original:
	case trackView::vertEdge: 
		img = & doc->verticalEdgeImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; 
	case trackView::horzEdge: 
		img = & doc->horizontalEdgeImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; 
		offset = 0;
		rate = 0;
	viewImage.create( img->width, img->height );
	pixel p( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
	if ( rate ) {
		for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) {
			for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) {
				p.r = p.g = p.b = static_cast<int8>( clamp<decimal>( 0, 
					( img->getInternal( x, y ).y - offset ) * rate, 255.0 ) );
				viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p );
	} else {
		for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) {
			for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) {
				viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p );
	pixel colorV( 0, 0, 255, 255 );
	pixel colorH( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
	pixel colorA( 255, 255, 0, 255 );
	pixel colorD( 255, 0, 255, 255 );
	if ( false && ( ( view->mode & trackView::baseImageMask ) == trackView::none ) ) {
		p.r = p.g = p.b = 0;
		for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) {
			for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) {
				viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p );
		for ( int t = 0; t < doc->sizeTime(); ++t ) {
			pixel c;
			if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) {
				for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
					for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
						c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 );
						int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx;
						int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by;
						viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
			if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) {
				for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
					for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
						c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 );
						int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx;
						int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by;
						viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
			if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) {
				for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
					for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
						c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 );
						int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx;
						int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by;
						viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
			if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) {
				for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
					for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
						c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 );
						int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx;
						int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by;
						viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
	} else
	if ( view->mode != trackView::original ) {
		if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) {
			checkMaximum<double> mx;
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					mx( it->intensity );
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorV;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) {
			checkMaximum<double> mx;
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					mx( it->intensity );
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorH;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) {
			checkMaximum<double> mx;
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					mx( it->intensity );
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorA;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) {
			checkMaximum<double> mx;
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					mx( it->intensity );
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorD;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );

		if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) {
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorV;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) {
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorH;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) {
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorA;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
		if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) {
			for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) {
				for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) {
					pixel c = colorD;
					c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 );
					int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx;
					int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by;
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
		for ( array2<flicker>::iterator it( doc->flickers[i] ); it; ++it ) {
			if ( it->value < 0.25 ) continue;
			pixel c( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
			c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->value, 128 );
			const point2<int> & pos = it->lnk.position( doc->currentViewImageIndex, doc->wave );
			int x = pos.x, y = pos.y;
			viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
	for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) {
		it->update( doc->currentViewImageIndex );
	list< point2<int> > points;
	pixel linecolor( 255, 255, 0, 128 );
	pixel pointcolor( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
	pixel itnitialpointcolor( 0, 0, 255, 255 );
	pixel editedpointcolor( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
	for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) {
		boundaryArea & area = it();
		if ( ! area.enable ) continue;
		pixel areacolor( 0, 0, 0, 64 );
		for ( list< boundaryPart >::iterator ita( area.parts ); ita; ++ita ) {
			areacolor.r = rand() % 256;
			areacolor.g = rand() % 256;
			areacolor.b = rand() % 256;
			areacolor.a = 128;
			boundaryPart & part = ita();
			for ( region<int>::iterator itp( part.shapes[doc->currentViewImageIndex] ); itp; ++itp ) {
				int x = itp->x;
				int y = itp->y;
				viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), areacolor ) );
	for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) {
		if ( doc->show_curve )
			for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( it->boundaryCurves[doc->currentViewImageIndex] ); itp; ++itp ) {
				const point2<int> & p = itp();
				int x = p.x;
				int y = p.y;
				viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), linecolor ) );
		for ( list<boundaryPoint*>::iterator itc( it->controlPoints ); itc; ++itc ) {
			boundaryPoint & bp = *itc();
			const point2<int> & p = bp( doc->currentViewImageIndex );
			pixel c;
			switch ( bp.type( doc->currentViewImageIndex ) ) {
			case boundaryPointFrame::typeInitial: c = itnitialpointcolor; break;
			case boundaryPointFrame::typeEdited: c = editedpointcolor; break;
			case boundaryPointFrame::typeInterpolated: c = pointcolor; break;
			default: c = pointcolor; break;
			for ( int y = p.y - 1; y <= p.y + 1; ++y ) {
				for ( int x = p.x - 1; x <= p.x + 1; ++x ) {
					viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) );
	paint( viewImage );
PotentialValue& PotentialValue::operator=(const PotentialValue& a) {
	clear() ;
	for (PotentialValue::Iterator ita(a); ita; ita++)
		insert(*ita) ;
	return *this ;