static void start_element(void* ud, const char* name, const char** atts) { P("start element %s", name); lxp* lxpp = (lxp*) ud; lua_State* L = lxpp->L; STACK_DUMP(); lua_getuservalue(L, 1); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); iterate_table(L, 4); STACK_DUMP(); //lua_getfield(L, -1, "startElement"); lua_pushstring(L, "startElement"); STACK_DUMP(); lua_gettable(L, -2); lua_pushvalue(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, name); lua_newtable(L); for(;*atts;atts+=2) { lua_pushstring(L, *(atts+1)); lua_setfield(L, -2, *atts); } STACK_DUMP(); lua_pcall(L, 3, 0, 0); STACK_DUMP(); P("start element done"); }
static struct convtable * use_both_charmaps (struct charmap_t *from_charmap, struct charmap_t *to_charmap) { /* In this case we iterate over all the entries in the from_charmap, determine the internal name, and find an appropriate entry in the to_charmap (if it exists). */ struct convtable *rettbl = allocate_table (); void *ptr = NULL; const void *key; size_t keylen; void *data; while (iterate_table (&from_charmap->char_table, &ptr, &key, &keylen, &data) >= 0) { struct charseq *in = (struct charseq *) data; struct charseq *out = charmap_find_value (to_charmap, key, keylen); if (out != NULL) add_bytes (rettbl, in, out); } return rettbl; }
static struct convtable * use_from_charmap (struct charmap_t *from_charmap, const char *to_code) { /* We iterate over all entries in the from_charmap and for those which have a known UCS4 representation we use an iconv() call to determine the mapping to the to_code charset. */ struct convtable *rettbl; iconv_t cd; void *ptr = NULL; const void *key; size_t keylen; void *data; cd = iconv_open (to_code, "WCHAR_T"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) /* We cannot do anything. */ return NULL; rettbl = allocate_table (); while (iterate_table (&from_charmap->char_table, &ptr, &key, &keylen, &data) >= 0) { struct charseq *in = data; struct charseq *newp = convert_charseq (cd, in); if (newp != NULL) add_bytes (rettbl, in, newp); } iconv_close (cd); return rettbl; }
int cbson_encode(lua_State *L) { bson_t bson = BSON_INITIALIZER; luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); iterate_table(L, 1, &bson, 1, 0, NULL); const uint8_t* data=bson_get_data(&bson); lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*)data, bson.len); return 1; }
static struct convtable * use_to_charmap (const char *from_code, struct charmap_t *to_charmap) { /* We iterate over all entries in the to_charmap and for those which have a known UCS4 representation we use an iconv() call to determine the mapping to the from_code charset. */ struct convtable *rettbl; iconv_t cd; void *ptr = NULL; const void *key; size_t keylen; void *data; /* Note that the conversion we use here is the reverse direction. Without exhaustive search we cannot figure out which input yields the UCS4 character we are looking for. Therefore we determine it the other way round. */ cd = iconv_open (from_code, "WCHAR_T"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) /* We cannot do anything. */ return NULL; rettbl = allocate_table (); while (iterate_table (&to_charmap->char_table, &ptr, &key, &keylen, &data) >= 0) { struct charseq *out = data; struct charseq *newp = convert_charseq (cd, out); if (newp != NULL) { add_bytes (rettbl, newp, out); free (newp); } } iconv_close (cd); return rettbl; }
void switch_value(lua_State *L, int index, bson_t* bson, int level, const char* key) { switch(lua_type(L, index)) { case LUA_TTABLE: { int is_a=is_array(L, index); if (is_a) { bson_t child; //start array BSON_APPEND_ARRAY_BEGIN(bson, key, &child); iterate_table(L, index, &child, 0, level+1, NULL); bson_append_array_end(bson, &child); } else { bson_t child; //start map BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN(bson, key, &child); iterate_table(L, index, &child, 1, level+1, NULL); bson_append_document_end(bson, &child); } break; } case LUA_TNIL: { BSON_APPEND_NULL(bson, key); break; } case LUA_TNUMBER: { BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE(bson, key, lua_tonumber(L, index)); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { BSON_APPEND_BOOL(bson, key, lua_toboolean(L, index)); break; } case LUA_TSTRING: { BSON_APPEND_UTF8(bson, key, lua_tostring(L, index)); break; } case LUA_TUSERDATA: { // switch userdata type if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, REGEX_METATABLE)) { cbson_regex_t* regex = check_cbson_regex(L, index); BSON_APPEND_REGEX (bson, key, regex->regex, regex->options); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, OID_METATABLE)) { cbson_oid_t* oid = check_cbson_oid(L, index); bson_oid_t boid; bson_oid_init_from_string (&boid, oid->oid); BSON_APPEND_OID (bson, key, &boid); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, BINARY_METATABLE)) { cbson_binary_t* bin = check_cbson_binary(L, index); size_t binary_len = b64_pton (bin->data, NULL, 0); unsigned char* buf=malloc(binary_len+1); b64_pton(bin->data, buf, binary_len+1); BSON_APPEND_BINARY(bson, key, bin->type, buf, binary_len); free(buf); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, SYMBOL_METATABLE)) { cbson_symbol_t* sym = check_cbson_symbol(L, index); BSON_APPEND_SYMBOL(bson, key, sym->symbol); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, REF_METATABLE)) { cbson_ref_t* ref = check_cbson_ref(L, index); bson_oid_t boid; bson_oid_init_from_string (&boid, ref->id); BSON_APPEND_DBPOINTER(bson, key, ref->ref, &boid); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, MINKEY_METATABLE)) { check_cbson_minkey(L, index); BSON_APPEND_MINKEY(bson, key); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, MAXKEY_METATABLE)) { check_cbson_maxkey(L, index); BSON_APPEND_MAXKEY(bson, key); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, TIMESTAMP_METATABLE)) { cbson_timestamp_t* time = check_cbson_timestamp(L, index); BSON_APPEND_TIMESTAMP(bson, key, time->timestamp, time->increment); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, INT64_METATABLE) || luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, UINT64_METATABLE)) { cbson_int64_t i = cbson_int64_check(L, index); if (i < INT32_MIN || i > INT32_MAX) { BSON_APPEND_INT64(bson, key, i); } else { BSON_APPEND_INT32(bson, key, (int32_t)i); } } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, CODE_METATABLE)) { cbson_code_t* code = check_cbson_code(L, index); BSON_APPEND_CODE(bson, key, code->code); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, CODEWSCOPE_METATABLE)) { cbson_codewscope_t* code = check_cbson_codewscope(L, index); BSON_APPEND_CODE_WITH_SCOPE(bson, key, code->code, NULL); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, UNDEFINED_METATABLE)) { check_cbson_undefined(L, index); BSON_APPEND_UNDEFINED(bson, key); } else if (luaL_checkudata_ex(L, index, DATE_METATABLE)) { BSON_APPEND_DATE_TIME(bson, key, cbson_date_check(L, index)); } break; } case LUA_TFUNCTION: case LUA_TTHREAD: case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: default: break; // or bail out? } }