static void iMatrixDrawFrameRectTitle(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, long framecolor, char* str)
    /* avoid drawing over the frame of the next cell */
    x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

    /* right line */
    iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(ih, lin, col, x2, y1, y2, framecolor, str);
    if (col==0)
        /* left line */
        cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, framecolor);
        iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y1, x1, y2);
    else if (col==1 && ih->data->columns.sizes[0] == 0)
        /* If does not have line titles then draw the >> left line << of the cell frame */
        iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(ih, lin, col-1, x1, y1, y2-1, framecolor, str);

    /* Titles have a white line near the frame, at left */
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_WHITE);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y1+1, x1, y2-1);

    /* bottom line */
    iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(ih, lin, col, x1, x2, y2, framecolor, str);
    if (lin==0)
        /* top line */
        cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, framecolor);
        iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y1, x2, y1);
    else if (lin==1 && ih->data->lines.sizes[0] == 0)
        /* If does not have column titles then draw the >> top line << of the cell frame */
        iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(ih, lin-1, col, x1, x2-1, y1, framecolor, str);

    /* Titles have a white line near the frame, at top */
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_WHITE);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y1, x2-1, y1);
static int iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x, int y1, int y2, long framecolor)
  int transp = iMatrixDrawGetFrameVertColor(ih, lin, col, &framecolor);
  if (transp)
    return 1;

  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, framecolor);
  iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x, y1, x, y2);    /* right vertical line */
  return 0;
static int iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x1, int x2, int y, long framecolor)
  int transp = iMatrixDrawGetFrameHorizColor(ih, lin, col, &framecolor);
  if (transp)
    return 1;

  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, framecolor);
  iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y, x2, y);   /* bottom horizontal line */
  return 0;
static int iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineHighlight(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x1, int x2, int y, long framecolor)
  if (lin > 0)
    int transp = iMatrixDrawGetFrameHorizColor(ih, lin-1, col, &framecolor);
    if (transp)
      return 1;

  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_WHITE);  
  iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y, x2, y);

  return 0;
static int iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineHighlight(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x, int y1, int y2, long framecolor)
  if (col > 0)
    int transp = iMatrixDrawGetFrameVertColor(ih, lin, col-1, &framecolor);
    if (transp)
      return 1;

  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_WHITE);  
  iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x, y1, x, y2);

  return 0;
static void iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x, int y1, int y2, long framecolor, char* str)
    if (ih->data->checkframecolor && (ih->data->callback_mode ||
                                      ih->data->cells[lin][col].flags & IMAT_HAS_FRAMEVCOLOR ||
                                      ih->data->columns.flags[col] & IMAT_HAS_FRAMEVCOLOR))
        char* color;
        unsigned char r,g,b;
        sprintf(str, "FRAMEVERTCOLOR%d:%d", lin, col);
        color = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
        if (!color)
            sprintf(str, "FRAMEVERTCOLOR*:%d", col);
            color = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
        if (iupStrEqual(color, "BGCOLOR"))
        if (iupStrToRGB(color, &r, &g, &b))
            framecolor = cdEncodeColor(r, g, b);

    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, framecolor);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x, y1, x, y2);    /* right vertical line */
static void iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int x1, int x2, int y, long framecolor, char* str)
    if (ih->data->checkframecolor && (ih->data->callback_mode ||
                                      ih->data->cells[lin][col].flags & IMAT_HAS_FRAMEHCOLOR ||
                                      ih->data->lines.flags[col] & IMAT_HAS_FRAMEHCOLOR))
        char* color;
        unsigned char r,g,b;
        sprintf(str, "FRAMEHORIZCOLOR%d:%d", lin, col);
        color = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
        if (!color)
            sprintf(str, "FRAMEHORIZCOLOR%d:*", lin);
            color = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
        if (iupStrEqual(color, "BGCOLOR"))
        if (iupStrToRGB(color, &r, &g, &b))
            framecolor = cdEncodeColor(r, g, b);

    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, framecolor);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1, y, x2, y);   /* bottom horizontal line */
static void iMatrixDrawToggle(Ihandle* ih, int x2, int y1, int y2, int lin, int col, int marked, int active)
  int x1;
  long bgcolor = ih->data->bgcolor_cd;

  /* toggle area */
  iupMatrixDrawSetToggleArea(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);

  /* toggle background */
  if (marked)
    unsigned char bg_r, bg_g, bg_b;
    cdDecodeColor(bgcolor, &bg_r, &bg_g, &bg_b);
    bg_r = IMAT_ATENUATION(bg_r);
    bg_g = IMAT_ATENUATION(bg_g);
    bg_b = IMAT_ATENUATION(bg_b);
    bgcolor = cdEncodeColor(bg_r, bg_g, bg_b);
  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, bgcolor);
  iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* toggle frame */
  iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
  iupMATRIX_RECT(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* toggle check */
  if (iupAttribGetIntId2(ih, "TOGGLEVALUE", lin, col))
    int half = IMAT_TOGGLE_SIZE/2;
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 2, x1 + half - 2 + 6, y2 - 2 - 6);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 3, x1 + half - 2 + 6, y2 - 3 - 6);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 4, x1 + half - 2 + 5, y2 - 4 - 5);

    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 2, x1 + half - 2 - 2, y2 - 2 - 2);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 3, x1 + half - 2 - 2, y2 - 3 - 2);
    iupMATRIX_LINE(ih, x1 + half - 2, y2 - 4, x1 + half - 2 - 1, y2 - 4 - 1);