int janssonmod_get(struct sip_msg* msg, char* path_in, char* src_in, char* dst) { str src_s; str path_s; pv_spec_t *dst_pv; pv_value_t dst_val; if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)src_in, &src_s) != 0) { ERR("cannot get json string value\n"); return -1; } if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)path_in, &path_s) != 0) { ERR("cannot get path string value\n"); return -1; } dst_pv = (pv_spec_t *)dst; json_t* json = NULL; json_error_t parsing_error; json = json_loads(src_s.s, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &parsing_error); if(!json) { ERR("failed to parse: %.*s\n", src_s.len, src_s.s); ERR("json error at line %d: %s\n", parsing_error.line, parsing_error.text); goto fail; } char* path = path_s.s; json_t* v = json_path_get(json, path); if(!v) { goto fail; } char* freeme = NULL; if(jansson_to_val(&dst_val, &freeme, v)<0) goto fail; dst_pv->setf(msg, &dst_pv->pvp, (int)EQ_T, &dst_val); if(freeme!=NULL) { free(freeme); } json_decref(json); return 1; fail: json_decref(json); return -1; }
int janssonmod_get_helper(sip_msg_t* msg, str *path_s, str *src_s, pv_spec_t *dst_pv) { pv_value_t dst_val; json_t* json = NULL; json_error_t parsing_error; json = json_loads(src_s->s, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &parsing_error); if(!json) { ERR("failed to parse: %.*s\n", src_s->len, src_s->s); ERR("json error at line %d: %s\n", parsing_error.line, parsing_error.text); goto fail; } char* path = path_s->s; json_t* v = json_path_get(json, path); if(!v) { goto fail; } char* freeme = NULL; if(jansson_to_val(&dst_val, &freeme, v)<0) goto fail; dst_pv->setf(msg, &dst_pv->pvp, (int)EQ_T, &dst_val); if(freeme!=NULL) { free(freeme); } json_decref(json); return 1; fail: json_decref(json); return -1; }
int janssonmod_set(unsigned int append, struct sip_msg* msg, char* type_in, char* path_in, char* value_in, char* result_in) { str type_s; str value_s; str path_s; pv_spec_t* result_pv; pv_value_t result_val; if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)type_in, &type_s) != 0){ ERR("cannot get type string value\n"); return -1; } if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)value_in, &value_s) != 0){ ERR("cannot get value string\n"); return -1; } if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)path_in, &path_s) != 0){ ERR("cannot get path string value\n"); return -1; } result_pv = (pv_spec_t *)result_in; if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, result_pv, &result_val)!=0 || result_val.flags != PV_VAL_STR) { result_val.flags = PV_VAL_STR; = "{}"; = strlen("{}"); } /* ALERT("type is: %.*s\n", type_s.len, type_s.s); ALERT("path is: %.*s\n", path_s.len, path_s.s); ALERT("value is: %.*s\n", value_s.len, value_s.s); ALERT("result is: %.*s\n",,; */ char* result =; json_t* result_json = NULL; json_t* value = NULL; char* freeme = NULL; json_error_t parsing_error = {0}; char* endptr; /* check the type */ if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "object") || STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "obj")){ value = json_loads(value_s.s, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &parsing_error); if(value && !json_is_object(value)) { ERR("value to add is not an object - \"%s\"\n", path_s.s); goto fail; } }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "array")) { value = json_loads(value_s.s, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &parsing_error); if(value && !json_is_array(value)) { ERR("value to add is not an array - \"%s\"\n", path_s.s); goto fail; } }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "string") || STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "str")) { value = json_string(value_s.s); if(!value || !json_is_string(value)) { ERR("value to add is not a string - \"%s\"\n", path_s.s); goto fail; } }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "integer") || STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "int")) { long long i = strtoll(value_s.s, &endptr, 10); if(*endptr != '\0') { ERR("parsing int failed for \"%s\" - \"%s\"\n", path_s.s, value_s.s); goto fail; } value = json_integer(i); if(!value || !json_is_integer(value)) { ERR("value to add is not an integer \"%s\"\n", path_s.s); goto fail; } }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "real")) { double d = strtod(value_s.s, &endptr); if(*endptr != '\0') { ERR("parsing real failed for \"%s\" - \"%s\"\n", path_s.s, value_s.s); goto fail; } value = json_real(d); if(!value || !json_is_real(value)) { ERR("value to add is not a real \"%s\"\n", path_s.s); goto fail; } }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "true")) { value = json_true(); }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "false")) { value = json_false(); }else if(STR_EQ_STATIC(type_s, "null")) { value = json_null(); } else { ERR("unrecognized input type\n"); goto fail; } if(!value) { ERR("parsing failed for \"%s\"\n", value_s.s); ERR("value error at line %d: %s\n", parsing_error.line, parsing_error.text); goto fail; } char* path = path_s.s; result_json = json_loads(result, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &parsing_error); if(!result_json) { ERR("result has json error at line %d: %s\n", parsing_error.line, parsing_error.text); goto fail; } if(json_path_set(result_json, path, value, append)<0) { goto fail; } if(jansson_to_val(&result_val, &freeme, result_json)<0) goto fail; result_pv->setf(msg, &result_pv->pvp, (int)EQ_T, &result_val); if(freeme) free(freeme); json_decref(result_json); return 1; fail: if(freeme) free(freeme); json_decref(result_json); return -1; }