void *writer(void *unused) {
  jlog_ctx *ctx;
  int i;
  char foo[72];
  ctx = jlog_new(LOGNAME);
  memset(foo, 'X', sizeof(foo)-1);
  foo[sizeof(foo)-1] = '\0';
  if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(ctx) != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_open_writer failed: %d %s\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx));

  newsize = 1024*1024 + (((intptr_t)unused) % (1024 * 1024));
  fprintf(stderr, "writer setting new unit_limit to %d\n", (int)newsize);
  jlog_ctx_alter_journal_size(ctx, newsize);
  for(i=0;i<10000;i++) {
    int rv;
    rv = jlog_ctx_write(ctx, foo, strlen(foo));
    if(rv != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_write_message failed: %d %s\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx));
      /* abort(); */
  fprintf(stderr, "writer thinks unit_limit is %d\n", ctx->meta->unit_limit);
  writer_done = 1;
  return 0;
void jcreate(jlog_safety s) {
  jlog_ctx *ctx;
  const char *label = NULL;
  switch (s) {
    case JLOG_ALMOST_SAFE: label = "almost safe"; break;
    case JLOG_UNSAFE:      label = "unsafe"; break;
    case JLOG_SAFE:        label = "safe"; break;
  fprintf(stderr, "jcreate %s in %s mode\n", LOGNAME, label);
  ctx = jlog_new(LOGNAME);
  jlog_ctx_alter_journal_size(ctx, 102400);
  jlog_ctx_alter_safety(ctx, s);
  if(jlog_ctx_init(ctx) != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_init failed: %d %s\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx));
    if(jlog_ctx_err(ctx) != JLOG_ERR_CREATE_EXISTS) exit(0);
  } else {
    jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(ctx, MASTER, JLOG_BEGIN);
 * returns -1 when the incoming checkpoint is out of range of the log
 * returns -2 if there was an error actually setting the checkpoint
static int queue_log_add_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name, const fq_msgid *id)
  struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data;

  jlog_id jid = {
    .log = id->id.u32.p1,
    .marker = id->id.u32.p2

  /* ensure the checkpoint makes sense */
  jlog_id first = {
    .log = 0,
    .marker = 0
  jlog_id last = {
    .log = 0,
    .marker = 0
  jlog_ctx_first_log_id(d->reader, &first);
  jlog_ctx_last_log_id(d->reader, &last);

  if (! (jid.log >= first.log && jid.log <= last.log &&
         jid.marker >= first.marker && jid.marker <= last.marker)) {
    return -1;

  char **subs;
  int sub_count = jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(d->reader, &subs);

  int have_it = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) {
    have_it += strcmp(subs[i], name) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

  if (have_it == 0) {
    jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(d->reader, name, JLOG_BEGIN);

  if (jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(d->reader, &jid) == -1) {
       If we failed to checkpoint we are in a situation where the 'add_subscriber' call above put
       them at the beginning of the log so we have to remove the subscriber if we just added them

       However, if they already existed and had a previous good checkpoint, leave it alone
    if (have_it == 0) {
      jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(d->reader, name);
    return -2;
  return 0;

 * return -1 if the subscriber doesn't exist
 * return 0 on success
static int queue_log_remove_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name)
  struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data;

  if (jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(d->reader, name) == 0) {
    return -1;
  return 0;

 * return -1 if the subscriber doesn't exist
 * return -2 if we can't reset the checkpoint
 * return 0 on success
static int queue_log_reset_to_checkpoint(fqd_queue_impl_data data, const char *name)
  struct queue_jlog *d = (struct queue_jlog *)data;

  char **subs;
  int sub_count = jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(d->reader, &subs);

  int have_it = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) {
    have_it += strcmp(subs[i], name) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

  if (have_it == 0) {
    return -1;

  jlog_id checkpoint;
  if (jlog_get_checkpoint(d->reader, name, &checkpoint) == -1) {
    return -2;

  if (jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(d->reader, &checkpoint) == -1) {
    return -2;
  return 0;

static int write_sig(struct queue_jlog *d) {
  char sigfile[PATH_MAX];
  int fd;
  snprintf(sigfile, sizeof(sigfile), "%s/.sig", d->qpath);
  fd = open(sigfile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0640);
  if(fd < 0) return -1;
  write(fd, d->uuid, 16);
  return 0;
static int read_sig(struct queue_jlog *d, uuid_t out) {
  char sigfile[PATH_MAX];
  int fd, rv;
  snprintf(sigfile, sizeof(sigfile), "%s/.sig", d->qpath);
  fd = open(sigfile, O_RDONLY);
  if(fd < 0) return -1;
  rv = read(fd, out, 16);
  return (rv == 16) ? 0 : -1;
static fqd_queue_impl_data queue_jlog_setup(fq_rk *qname, uint32_t *count) {
  char qpath[PATH_MAX];
  jlog_id chkpt;
  struct queue_jlog *d;

  d = calloc(1, sizeof(*d));
  d->auto_chkpt = true;
  fqd_config_construct_queue_path(qpath, sizeof(qpath), qname);
  d->qpath = strdup(qpath);
  d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath);

  jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024);
  jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0);
  jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1);

  if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) {
    d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath);
    jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024);
    jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0);
    jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1);
    if(jlog_ctx_init(d->writer) != 0) {
      fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog init: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer));
      goto bail;
    d->writer = jlog_new(d->qpath);
    jlog_ctx_set_pre_commit_buffer_size(d->writer, 1024 * 1024);
    jlog_ctx_set_multi_process(d->writer, 0);
    jlog_ctx_set_use_compression(d->writer, 1);
    if(jlog_ctx_open_writer(d->writer) != 0) {
      fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog writer: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->writer));
      goto bail;

  /* 128MB journal chunks */
  jlog_ctx_alter_journal_size(d->writer, 128 * 1024 * 1024);

  d->reader = jlog_new(d->qpath);
  if(jlog_get_checkpoint(d->reader, "fq", &chkpt) != 0) {
    if(jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(d->reader, "fq", JLOG_BEGIN) != 0) {
      fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog add sub: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader));
      goto bail;
  if(jlog_ctx_open_reader(d->reader, "fq") != 0) {
    fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_IO, "jlog: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(d->reader));
    goto bail;
  *count = d->count = jlog_ctx_read_interval(d->reader, &d->start, &d->finish);
  return d;

  if(d->writer) jlog_ctx_close(d->writer);
  if(d->reader) jlog_ctx_close(d->reader);
  return NULL;