void joyCB(const sensor_msgs::JoyConstPtr& joyMsg)
     useHomog = false;
     useMocap = false;
     if (joyMsg->buttons[1]) // b - reset
     else if (joyMsg->buttons[0]) // a - land
     else if (joyMsg->buttons[3]) // y - takeoff
     else if (!wallOverride)
         if (joyMsg->buttons[4]) // LB - use homog
             useHomog = true;
         else if (joyMsg->buttons[5]) // RB - use mocap
             useMocap = true;
             desLinVel = tf::Vector3(-1*joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[4]), joy_deadband(-1*joyMsg->axes[3]), joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[1]));
             desAngVel = tf::Vector3(0,0, joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[0]));
 void joyCB(const sensor_msgs::JoyConstPtr& joyMsg)
     autonomy = false;
     if (joyMsg->buttons[1]) // b - reset
     else if (joyMsg->buttons[0]) // a - land
     else if (joyMsg->buttons[3]) // y - takeoff
         joyLinVel = tf::Vector3(joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[4]), joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[3]), joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[1]));
         joyAngVel = tf::Vector3(0,0, joy_deadband(joyMsg->axes[0]));
          // autonomy
         if (joyMsg->buttons[4]) // LB - UGV0
             target = "ugv0";
             autonomy = true;
         else if (joyMsg->buttons[5]) // RB - UGV0
             target = "ugv1";
             autonomy = true;
		/********** callback for the controller **********/
		void joy_callback(const sensor_msgs::Joy& msg)
			command_from_xbox = geometry_msgs::Twist();// cleaning the xbox twist message
			a_button = msg.buttons[0];// a button lands
			if (a_button > 0)
			x_button = msg.buttons[2];// x button sends constant
			if (x_button > 0)
				send_0 = true;
			b_button = msg.buttons[1];// b button kills motors
			if (b_button > 0)
			y_button = msg.buttons[3];// y button takes off
			if (y_button > 0)
			dpad_l = msg.buttons[11];//dpad left value, fine adjustment of tilt angle negatively
			dpad_r = msg.buttons[12];//dpad right value, fine adjustment of tilt angle positively
			dpad_u = msg.buttons[13];//dpad up value, coarse adjustment of tilt angle positively
			dpad_d = msg.buttons[14];//dpad down value, coarse adjustment of tilt angle negatively
			int tilt_neg = -1*dpad_l - 10*dpad_d;// tilt negatively
			int tilt_pos = 1*dpad_r + 10*dpad_u;// tilt positively
			gimbal_state_desired.angular.y = gimbal_state_desired.angular.y + tilt_neg + tilt_pos;// adjust the gimbal
			camera_state_pub.publish(gimbal_state_desired);// update the angle
			left_bumper = msg.buttons[4];// left bumper for using the tracking as the controller output
			right_bumper = msg.buttons[5];// right bumper for using the mocap as the controller output
			start_autonomous = (left_bumper > 0) || (right_bumper > 0);// start the autonomous if either are greater than 0
			right_stick_vert = joy_deadband(msg.axes[4]);// right thumbstick vert controls linear x
			command_from_xbox.linear.x = joy_gain*right_stick_vert;
			right_stick_horz = joy_deadband(msg.axes[3]);// right thumbstick horz controls linear y
			command_from_xbox.linear.y = joy_gain*right_stick_horz;
			left_stick_vert = joy_deadband(msg.axes[1]);// left thumbstick vert controls linear z
			command_from_xbox.linear.z = joy_gain*left_stick_vert;
			left_stick_horz = joy_deadband(msg.axes[0]);// left thumbstick horz controls angular z
			command_from_xbox.angular.z = -1*joy_gain*left_stick_horz;
			if (!start_autonomous)// if not using the autonomous velocities as output will indicate recieved a new control input
				if (send_0)
					//command_from_xbox.linear.x = 0;
					//command_from_xbox.linear.y = 0;
					//command_from_xbox.linear.z = 0;
					//command_from_xbox.angular.z = 0;
					send_0 = false;
				recieved_command_from_xbox = true;