文件: history.c 项目: olebole/iraf
/* PUT_LOGFILE -- Put a command into the logfile, if logging is enabled.
 * Otherwise check if the logfile is open and close it, in case user has
 * just turned logging off.  If the "share_logfile" switch is set the logfile
 * is opened and closed each time a record is appended to the file, allowing
 * other processes to access the same file.
put_logfile (char *command)
	FILE	*fp;

	if (keeplog()) {
	    if (logfp == NULL)
	        if (open_logfile (logfile()) == ERR)
		    /* Do not abort by calling cl_error().  We could be a
		     * background job accessing a shared logfile.  Also, we
		     * want to avoid error recursion when logging an error.

  	    if (share_logfile) {
		if ((fp = fopen (logfile(), "a"))) {
		    print_command (fp, command, "", "");
		    fclose (fp);
	    } else
	        print_command (logfp, command, "", "");

	} else if (logfp != NULL)
	    close_logfile (logfile());
文件: bkg.c 项目: geechee/iraf
/* BKG_CLOSE -- Close a bkg job.  Called after determining that the job has
 * terminated.
static void
bkg_close (
    int job,			/* job ordinal			*/
    int pmsg			/* print termination message	*/
	register struct	_bkgjob *bk = &jobtable[job-1];

	bk->b_clock = c_clktime (bk->b_clock);
	bk->b_exitcode = c_prcldpr (bk->b_jobno);
	bk->b_flags &= ~(J_RUNNING|J_SERVICE);

	if (bk->b_verbose && (pmsg > 1 || (pmsg == 1 && !notify()))) {
	    if (bk->b_exitcode != OK)
		eprintf ("[%d] exit %d\n", job, bk->b_exitcode);
		eprintf ("[%d] done\n", job);

	/* Make a logfile entry, saying the background job ended.
	if (keeplog() && log_background()) {
	    char  buf[SZ_LINE];
	    sprintf (buf, "Stop [%d]", job);
	    putlog (0, buf);
文件: history.c 项目: olebole/iraf
/* PUTLOG -- Format and write a message to the logfile.  This is called by
 * the putlog builtin (clputlog() in builtin.c) and in some places in the
 * CL (e.g., exec.c).
putlog (
  struct task  *tp,		/* pointer to task or NULL */
  char	*usermsg 
	register char	*ip, *op, *otop;
	register int	n;
	char	msg[SZ_LOGBUF], job[5];
	char	*pkg, *tname, *today();
	extern  int  bkgno;			/* job number if bkg job */

	if (!keeplog())

	/* If background job, format job number, but only if background
	 * logging is enabled.
	if (firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH) {
	    if (log_background())
	    	sprintf (job, "[%d] ", bkgno);
	} else
	    job[0] = EOS;

	/* If a valid task pointer is given, get the package and task name.
	 * Otherwise, assume it's an internal (cl) logging message.
	if (tp) {
	    pkg   = tp->t_ltp->lt_pkp->pk_name;
	    tname = tp->t_ltp->lt_lname;
	} else {
	    pkg   = "cl";
	    tname = "";

	/* Format the message.  Only use time, no day and date.  Break long
	 * messages into several lines.
	sprintf (msg, "# %8.8s %s%s%s %s- ",
		(today() + 4), pkg, (tp ? "." : ""), tname, job);
	otop = &msg[SZ_LOGBUF];
	for (op=msg, n=0;  *op && op < otop;  op++)
	for (ip=usermsg;  (*op++ = *ip++) && op < otop;  n++)
	    if (n + 2 >= MAXCOL) {
		*op++ = '\\';
		*op++ = '\n';
		n = 0;
	*(op-1) = '\n';
	*op = EOS;
	put_logfile (msg);
文件: post.c 项目: Fdhvdu/pttbbs
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *fp;

    if(argc != 5) {
	printf("usage: %s <board name> <title> <owner> <file>\n", argv[0]);
	return 0;
    if(strcmp(argv[4], "-") == 0)
	fp = stdin;
    else {
	fp = fopen(argv[4], "r");
	if(!fp) {
	    return 1;
    keeplog(fp, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
    return 0;
文件: bkg.c 项目: geechee/iraf
/* BKG_SPAWN -- Spawn a new background job.  Called by main() when we have
 * seen an '&'.
bkg_spawn (
    char *cmd		/* command entered by user to spawn job	*/
	register struct _bkgjob *bk;
	register int	jobno, stat;
	char	clprocess[SZ_PATHNAME];
	char	*wbkgfile();
	char	*bkgfile;

	/* Find first unused slot in a circular search.
	bkg_update (1);
	jobno = (lastjobno == NBKG) ? 1 : lastjobno + 1;
	while (jobno != lastjobno) {
	    if (!busy (jobno))
	    if (jobno++ >= NBKG)
		jobno = 1;
	if (jobno == lastjobno)
	    cl_error (E_UERR, "no more background job slots");

	/* Write bkgfile.  Delete any dreg bkg communication files.
	bkg_delfiles (jobno);
	bkgfile = wbkgfile (jobno, cmd, NULL);

	/* Spawn bkg job.
	sprintf (clprocess, "%s%s", CLDIR, CLPROCESS);
	jobtable[jobno-1].b_jobno = stat =
	    c_propdpr (findexe (firstask->t_curpack, clprocess),
		bkgfile, bkgmsg);

	if (stat == NULL) {
	    c_delete (bkgfile);
	    cl_error (E_IERR, "cannot spawn background CL");
	} else {
	    bk = &jobtable[jobno-1];
	    bk->b_flags = J_RUNNING;
	    bk->b_clock = c_clktime (0L);
            bk->b_verbose = 2;
	    strncpy (bk->b_cmd, cmd, SZ_CMD);
	    *(bk->b_cmd+SZ_CMD) = EOS;

	eprintf ("[%d]\n", lastjobno = jobno);

	/* Make a logfile entry, saying we started the background job.
	if (keeplog() && log_background()) {
	    char  buf[SZ_LINE];
	    sprintf (buf, "Start [%d]", jobno);
	    putlog (0, buf);
文件: errs.c 项目: geechee/iraf
cl_error (int errtype, char *diagstr, ...)
	va_list	args;
	register struct task *tp;
	static	int nfatal = 0;
	static	int break_locks = 1;

	va_start (args, diagstr);

        /* (Re)-initialize the error action.

	/* Safety measure, in the event of error recursion.
	if (err_abort) {
	    if (nfatal)

	    if (errlev++ > 2) {
	        eprintf ("Error recursion.  Cl dies.\n");

	/* The first setjmp(errenv) is not done until we start the main loop.
 	 * Set validerrenv when start the first interactive cl to indicate that
	 * we may safely longjmp back to main's loop on an error.  ERRENV is
	 * not set for bkg jobs since error restart is not permitted.
	if (!validerrenv && !(firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH)) {
            u_doprnt (diagstr, &args, currentask->t_stderr);
	    if (errtype & E_P)
	        perror ("\nOS errmsg");
		eprintf ("\n");
	    eprintf ("Fatal startup error.  CL dies.\n");

	/* Any error occurring during logout is fatal.
	if (loggingout || gologout) {
            u_doprnt (diagstr, &args, currentask->t_stderr);
	    if (errtype & E_P)
	        perror ("\nOS errmsg");
		eprintf ("\n");
	    eprintf ("Fatal logout error.  CL dies.\n");

	/* Perform any ONERROR error recovery in the vos first.  Initialize
	 * the error recovery mechanism (necessary since the iraf main is not
	 * being allowed to do error recovery).
	c_xonerr (1);
	XER_RESET();	/* TODO: move into LIBC interface */

	/* Clear terminal raw mode if still set. */
	c_fseti ((XINT)STDIN, F_RAW, NO);

	if (firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH)
	    eprintf ("\n[%d] ", bkgno);
	if (errtype & E_IERR)
	    eprintf ("INTERNAL ");
	if (errtype & E_FERR)
	    eprintf ("FATAL ");

	/* Disable error tracing if requested.
	if (err_trace == YES || (errtype & E_UERR)) {
	    if (currentask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT &&
	        currentask->t_flags & T_INTERACTIVE)
		    eprintf ("ERROR on line %d: ", errorline);
	        eprintf ("ERROR: ");

	    u_doprnt (diagstr, &args, currentask->t_stderr);
	    if (errtype & E_P)
	        perror ("\nOS errmsg");
	        eprintf ("\n");

	/* Log the error message if from a script or an executable.
	if (!errlog && keeplog() && log_errors()) {
	    if (currentask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT || currentask->t_pid != -1) {
	    	PKCHAR  buf[SZ_LINE+1];
		FILE	*fp;
		int     fd;

		fd = c_stropen (buf, SZ_LINE, NEW_FILE);
		fp = fdopen (fd, "w");

		fprintf (fp, "ERROR on line %d: ", errorline);
		u_doprnt (diagstr, &args, fp);

		fclose (fp);
		c_close (fd);
	    	putlog (currentask, c_strpak (buf, (char *)buf, SZ_LINE));
	errlog = 0;

	/* Initialize the current command block but do not log the command
	 * which aborted.  If we're only trapping errors and not fully 
  	 * recovering, don't reset the command block so we have the option
	 * to continue execution.
	if ((err_abort == YES && do_error == NO) || 
	    (do_error == YES || (errtype & E_UERR))) 
		yy_startblock (NOLOG);

	/* Delete all pipefiles.  Call iofinish() first as some OS's may
	 * require that the files be closed before they can be deleted.
	for (tp=currentask; !(tp->t_flags & T_INTERACTIVE); tp=next_task(tp)) {
	    iofinish (tp);
	    if (tp == firstask)
	delpipes (0);

	/* Do not go on if this is a fatal error or we are unattended.
	if (errtype & E_FERR) {
	    pr_dumpcache (0, break_locks);
	} else if (firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH)

	/* Reset state variables. */
	/* Most of these probably needn't be reset, but we'll play
	 * it safe.
	nestlevel = 0;			/* set nesting to 0 		*/
	offsetmode (0);			/* offset mode to index 	*/
	ncaseval = 0;			/* number of case values 	*/
	n_indexes = 0;
	imloopset = 0;			/* in an implicit loop 		*/
	n_oarr = 0;			/* implicit loop indicators 	*/
	i_oarr = 0;
	maybeindex = 0;			/* sexagesimal/index range	*/
	parse_state = PARSE_FREE;
	if (last_parm) {		/* have we tried to add a param	*/
	    last_parm->p_np = NULL;
	    currentask->t_pfp->pf_lastpp = last_parm;
	    last_parm = NULL;

	/* Set the error flag.  */

	/* Get back to an interactive state.  We simply return if we're
	 * trapping errors except when processing a E_UERR.  These type
	 * messages come from the CL itself and require user attention to
	 * correct (e.g. task not found, parameter type/syntax errors, etc).
	 * The calling procedure is not expecting us to return, so we cannot
	 * properly trap without rewriting the calling code.
	if (cltrace) {
	    eprintf ("cl_error: abort=%d  beep=%d  trace=%d  flpr=%d\n", 
	        err_abort, err_beep, err_trace, err_flpr);
	    eprintf ("cl_error: code=%d do_err=%d errtype=%d/%d task='%s'\n", 
	        errcom.errcode, do_error, errtype, errtype&E_UERR, 
	if ((err_abort == YES && do_error == NO) || 
	    (do_error == YES || (errtype & E_UERR))) {
	        extern ErrCom errcom;
	        register struct param *pp;

	    	if (!errcom.errcode && (errtype & E_UERR)) {

                    errcom.errcode = errtype;
                    strcpy (errcom.errmsg, diagstr);
                    strcpy (errcom.task, currentask->t_ltp->lt_lname);

                    pp = paramfind (firstask->t_pfp, "$errno", 0, YES);
                    pp->p_val.v_i = errcom.errcode;
                    pp = paramfind (firstask->t_pfp, "$errmsg", 0, YES);
                    pp->p_val.v_s = errcom.errmsg;
                    pp = paramfind (firstask->t_pfp, "$errtask", 0, YES);
                    pp->p_val.v_s = errcom.task;

	    	/* If an abort occurs while interrupts are disabled they will 
	    	 * never get reenabled unless we do so here.

	    	/* Go back to main loop in main().
	    	va_end (args);
	    	longjmp (errenv, 1);

	} else {
	    va_end (args);
void rdcircsum(float *outpsf, osm_ds *head, int bin,
		float distance, float size, int tandem)
int 		Nxy,Nz,Nr;
int		ovrsmp;
int		symmetric;
FILE		*logfp,*infofp;

float		*pupil; 	/*   Pupil function and its Fourier transform */
fcomplex	*Cpupil;
float		*psfobj; 	/*   One (xy) plane of the objective's PSF    */
float		*psfbin1; 	/*   One plane (xy) of the intermediate PSF   */
float		*psfbin; 	/*   One plane (xy) of the final PSF          */
float		*psfcond; 	/*   One plane of the condenser PSF           */
fcomplex	*otfcond;
float		peak;		/*   Max. value of arrays (normalization)     */
float		illum; 		/*   One sample of the illumination patern    */
float		tmp;
float		alpha;
float		*radpsf; 	/*   PSF intensity image XY crossection       */
float		*psfxz;
float		Vxx, Vyx, 	/*   Elements of the sampling matrix          */
		Vxy, Vyy; 
int		iz, ir, ix, 	/*   indices for depth, radial distance,      */
		iy, jx, jy; 	/*    and the two lateral coordinates 	      */
int		n1, n2; 	/*   indices for periodic sampling in the PSF */
int		Maxn1, Maxn2, 
		Minn1, Minn2;
int		Maxir;

/* __Stuff to calculte min and max index values */
float		Sxmin, Sxmax, xmax, Maxxprime;
float		Symin, Symax, ymax, Maxyprime;
float		Maxrprime;
int		sMinn1, lMaxn1;
float		mytemp;

/*   Number of samples in (x, y), in z and radially (= Nxy*sqrt(2))*/
int		HalfNxy, Zup;
/*   Number of samples radially on the convolution of psfcond and pupil */
int		NetNr;
/*   Number of samples in (x,y) before binning  */
int		Lxy;
/*   Number of samples in (x,y) before binning and after 
     oversampling for the summation*/
int		Mxy, Halfway;
/*   Pupil function region of support */
int		Pxy;
/*   normalized radial or lateral sampling rate */
float		nrm_deltar, nrm_deltaxy=1.0;
/*   new lateral sampling rate based on oversampling */
float		deltaxy1;
/*   oversampling rate for the xy plane */
int		osamp;
/*   Floating point version of the above */
float		ratio;
/*   Weigth factors for apodization */
float		weight, appod;
/*   Distances in the detector plane (mm) */
float		rd, x, y, ysq;
/*   Shifted coordinates  */
float		xprime, yprime, rprime;
/*   Shifting of coodrinates */
float		dx, dy;
/*   Shifted radial coordinate normalized by deltar */
float		normRprime;
/*   ..To prompt for things */
char	temp_string[255];
char	answer[255];

/* --------------------- BEGIN EXECUTABLE CODE -------------------- */

/* __Initialize whatever paremeters here */
/*   ..Periodicity matrix */
Vxx = 1.0;
Vyx = 0.0;
Vxy = -0.5;
Vyy = (float)sqrt(3.0)*0.5;

/*   ..Prompt for all data */

Nr	  = head->nx;
Nz	  = head->ny;
psfxz     = (float*)head->data;
ovrsmp    = head->xstart;
Nxy       = head->ystart;
symmetric = head->zstart;
/* leave at 1.0
nrm_deltar    = head->xlength;
nrm_deltaxy   = head->ylength;

HalfNxy = Nxy/2;
Lxy = Nxy*bin; 			/* Number of pixels before binning */
Halfway = (HalfNxy+1)*bin; 
NetNr = Nr; 			/* Number of pixels in convolution of psfcond and pupil */

nrm_deltar = nrm_deltaxy/((float)ovrsmp);

/* oversampling rate    */
/* make it beat nyquist */
osamp = (int)(deltaxy/deltaxy_nyq) + 1;

if(osamp < 5) osamp = 5;

/* make odd */
if(!(osamp & 1)) osamp++;

/* New deltaxy for oversampling */
deltaxy1 = deltaxy/((float)osamp);
ratio = (float) deltaxy1 / deltar;

printf("DXY: %.4f DXY_NYQ: %.4f SAMP = %d NEW_DXY: %.4f\n",

Mxy = Lxy * osamp; /* number of pixels after oversampling */
Halfway = (HalfNxy+1)*bin*osamp; 
printf("ratio = %f Mxy = %d \n", ratio,Mxy);

/* check for single aperture */
if(distance <= 0.0) distance = 1E20;

distance = distance*nrm_deltaxy; 	/* Scale by pre-binning pixel size */

Zup = Nz; 			/* Limit for z index */
if (symmetric) Zup = (Nz/2) + 1;

/*   ..Maximum values for row sampling index 
	(NOTE: Assumes Vyy != 0 <--) */
Minn2 = ((float)-Mxy)/(Vyy*distance);
Maxn2 = ((float)(2*Mxy))/(Vyy*distance);

/* __Calculate a conservative extimate of the maximum value if the 'ir'
index that is expected to be used.  The estimate is calculated
with the following assumptions:
Vxx > 0, Vyy > 0 (strictly greater)
Vxy < 0 	 (Striclty less than)
Vyx = 0		 (exactly)
..Most negative value of n1 expected */

sMinn1 = ((float)-Mxy)/distance - (float)Minn2*Vxy/Vxx;
/*   ..Most positive value of n1 expected  */
lMaxn1 =  (((float)(2*Mxy))/distance - (float)Maxn2*Vxy)/Vxx;
/*   ..most negative value of term subtracted from xprime */
Sxmin = Vxx*(float)sMinn1 + Vyx*(float)Maxn2;
/*   ..Most positive value of term subtracted from xprime */
Sxmax = Vxx*(float)lMaxn1 + Vyx*(float)Minn2;
/*   ..Largest value of x */
xmax = (float)(Halfway-1) * nrm_deltaxy;
/*   ..Largest absolute value of xprime  */
Maxxprime = amax1(Sxmax*distance, xmax - Sxmin*distance);
/*   ..Most negative value of the term subtracted 
	from yprime (with Vyx=0,Vyy>0) */
Symin = Vyy*(float)Minn2;
/*   ..Most positive value of the term subtracted 
	from yprime (with Vyx=0,Vyy>0) */
/* In the original fortran code, Maxn1 is used in the next line
without being initialized first. I suspect it's a bug, and should
really be Maxn2. */
Symax = Vyy*(float)Maxn2;
/*   ..largest value of y  */
ymax = (float)(Halfway-1) * nrm_deltaxy;
/*   ..Largest absolute value of yprime */
/*   ..Largest value of rprime we can conservativelly expect */
Maxrprime = (float) sqrt (Maxxprime*Maxxprime + Maxyprime*Maxyprime);
/*   ..Largetst index ir expected */
Maxir = (int) ((Maxrprime + 1.0)/nrm_deltar);
/*   ..Factor to be used in linear interpolation used as apodization */
appod = 1.0;
if (Maxir > Nr) appod = 1.0/(float)(Maxir - Nr) ;

/*   ..Calculate size of pupil function array at the higher resolution*/
Pxy = Nxy*ovrsmp*bin;
/*   ..Calculate the least power of 2 that will fit */
Pxy = intlog2(Pxy-1);
Pxy = (int) pow(2.0 , Pxy+1);

/*   ..Make sure that the log file exists */
if((logfp=fopen(lognm,"a"))==(FILE *)NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: (rotdiskcirc) can't open logfile `%s' for write.\n",lognm);
   logfp = stderr;
fprintf(logfp,"         Number of slices or planes: %d\n", Nz);
fprintf(logfp," Number of xy-samples after binning: %d\n", Nxy);
fprintf(logfp," Number of radial samples available: %d\n", Nr);
fprintf(logfp,"   Oversampling (before binning) by: %d\n", ovrsmp);
fprintf(logfp,"                     binning factor: %d\n", bin);
fprintf(logfp,"         distance between apertures: %E\n", distance);
fprintf(logfp,"   aperture size(prebin,oversmpled): %f\n", size);
fprintf(logfp,"   pupil support(prebin,oversmpled): %d\n", Pxy);
fprintf(logfp,"                      sample matrix:\n");
fprintf(logfp,"                                Vxx: %f\n",Vxx);
fprintf(logfp,"                                Vxy: %f\n",Vxy);
fprintf(logfp,"                                Vyx: %f\n",Vyx);
fprintf(logfp,"                                Vyy: %f\n",Vyy);
fprintf(logfp,"even symmetry in z is %s assumed.\n", symmetric ? "":"NOT");

   if((infofp=fopen(temp_string,"a"))==(FILE *)NULL) 
      fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: can't open info file %s for write.\n",temp_string);
   else {
        fprintf(infofp,"                    binning factor: %d\n", bin);
        fprintf(infofp,"        Distance between apertures: %E\n", distance);
        fprintf(infofp,"aperture diameter(prebin,oversamp): %f\n", size);
        fprintf(infofp,"                     sample matrix:\n");
        fprintf(infofp,"                               Vxx: %f\n",Vxx);
        fprintf(infofp,"                               Vxy: %f\n",Vxy);
        fprintf(infofp,"                               Vyx: %f\n",Vyx);
        fprintf(infofp,"                               Vyy: %f\n",Vyy);

fprintf(stderr,"check file %s for progress report.\n",lognm);

if (size >= 1.0) {
   keeplog (logfp, "sampling pupil function ");

   /* first allocate memory for array pupil */
   if((pupil=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),((Pxy+2)*Pxy)))==
      (float *)NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);

   /* Get pupil function */
   getpupil(pupil, size, Pxy, Pxy);

   /* Fourier transform pupil function */
   Cpupil=(fcomplex *)pupil;

   /* If tandem scanning, the equivalent pinhole function is the
      convolution of the pinhole with itself */
   if (tandem) mult3dcm (Cpupil, Cpupil, (Pxy+2)*Pxy/2);

   /* Normalize Cpupil array to avoid handling very small numbers */
   peak = 0.0;
   norm3dcm (Cpupil, &peak, Pxy*(Pxy+2)/2);
/* allocate memory for psfobj. Notice size of array   */
if((psfobj=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),Mxy*Mxy))==(float *)NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);

printf("Mxy = %d and Pxy=%d\n",Mxy,Pxy);
/* allocate memory for psfcond. Notice size of array   */
if (Mxy > Pxy){  /* when ovrsmp < 5 then this is true */
  printf("Mxy >Pxy\n");
  if((psfcond=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(Mxy+2)*Mxy))==(float *)NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);
  if((psfcond=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(Pxy+2)*Pxy))==(float *)NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);

otfcond=(fcomplex *)psfcond;

/* allocate memory for psfbin. Notice size of array   */
if((psfbin=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),Nxy*Nxy))==(float *)NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);

/* allocate memory for psfbi1. Notice size of array */
if((psfbin1=(float *)calloc(sizeof(float),Lxy*Lxy))==(float *)NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr,"out of memory in %s\n",prognm);

   if ( (iz-1)%1 == 0) {
      sprintf(temp_string,"iz = %d",iz);
      keeplog(logfp, temp_string);

   /*      ..Read on row of the rz or xz cross-section */
   /* first have to go to the right place in file */

   radpsf = (psfxz + (iz-1)*Nr);

   /* Calculate the objective PSF (iterpolate rz section into xyz sect)*/
   r2xy(psfobj, radpsf, Mxy, Mxy, Nr, ratio);

   if (size >= 1.0) {
      /* Convolve condenser PSF and aperture */
      /* interpolate w/o subsampling */
      r2xy(psfcond, radpsf, Pxy, Pxy, Nr, 1.0);

      /*  Fourier transform, multiply, inverse Fourier transform */
      mult3dcm(otfcond, Cpupil, (Pxy+2)*Pxy/2);

      /* Copy first line of convolution to radpsf to use for illumination */
      NetNr = Pxy/2+1;
      cp3dr(radpsf, psfcond, NetNr);

   /* The following loops are based on the PSF's even symmetry 
       in x and y */
   /* Calculate the illumination distribution */

      y = (float)(iy-1)*nrm_deltaxy;
         x = (float)(ix-1)*nrm_deltaxy;
         /*Initialize to use as accumulator */
	 illum = 0.0;
         /*  ..Index n2 is for columns  */
            dx = Vxy*n2;
            dy = Vyy*n2;
            /* ..These two lines assume Vxx is not zero */

            /*  ..Index n1 involves rows and columns */
               xprime = x - distance*(Vxx*(float)n1+dx);
               yprime = y - distance*(Vyx*(float)n1+dy);

               /* Rectangular sampling to check what's going on here */
                          xprime = x - distance*float(n2)
                          yprime = y - distance*float(n1)
               rprime = (float)sqrt((double)(xprime*xprime) + (double)(yprime*yprime));
               /*  ..Normalize to the subsampled grid */
               normRprime = rprime*ratio;
               ir = (int)normRprime + 1;

               /*     ..Interpolate and accumulate */
               if (ir < NetNr) {

                  /*  ..Interpolate between adjacent samples */
                  alpha = ir - normRprime;

                  /*tmp = radpsf(ir)*alpha + radpsf(ir+1)*(1.0-alpha)*/
                  tmp = *(radpsf+ir-1) * ((float)ir-normRprime)
                        + *(radpsf+ir+1-1) * (normRprime+1.0-(float)ir);
               else {
                  /*This should disapear when we become confident
                    that the conservative guess for Maxir is OK */
                  if (ir > Maxir) {
                     Maxir = ir;
                     fprintf(stderr,"Found an ir > Maxir. \n");
                     fprintf(stderr,"Maxir set to %d\n",ir);
                     fprintf(stderr,"check the code that guesses Maxir again.\n");
	             appod = 1.0/(Maxir-Nr);

                  /*..Apodize from last available sample to zero 
            		to avoid sharp edges in the PSF */
                  /* ..Apodize by linear interpolation to zero at ir = Maxir */
                  weight = (Maxir-(float)ir)*appod;

                  tmp = *(radpsf+NetNr-1) * weight;

               illum = illum + tmp;
            }   /*           end loop for n1 */
         }   /*           end loop for n2 */

         /* IMPORTANT
            The dimension of the array psfcond is now Mxy by Mxy,
            instead of (Pxy+2) by Pxy. */

         /* psfcond(ix,iy) = illum */
         *(psfcond+(ix-1)+(iy-1)*Mxy) = illum;

      } /*         end loop for ix */
   } /*         end loop for iy */

   /* ..Even symmetric replication into the other three quadrants */

      The dimension of the array psfcond is now Mxy by Mxy,
      instead of (Pxy+2) by Pxy. 

   evenrepr(psfcond, Mxy, Mxy);

   /*  ..Multiply illumination and objective psf (into psfobj) */
   mult3drm(psfobj, psfcond, Mxy*Mxy);
   /* sum neighboring pixels to downsample the BIG PSF */
   /* note dimension goes from Mxy to Lxy = Nxy*bin */
   Sum4N4NToNN(psfobj,psfbin1,Lxy,osamp); /* routine is in rotsum.c */

   /* Bin here */
   /* If binning by 1 copy psf to psfbin  */
   if (bin == 1) /* Lxy = Nxy */
     cp3dr (psfbin, psfbin1, Nxy*Nxy);
   else {
      /* Add pixels together */
      /* Clean psfbin array to use as accumulator */
      init3dr(psfbin, 0.0, Nxy*Nxy);

      /* binning  */
         jx = ((ix-1)/bin) + 1;
            jy = ((iy-1)/bin) + 1;
	    *(psfbin+(jx-1)+(jy-1)*Nxy) += *(psfbin1+(ix-1)+(iy-1)*Lxy);

   if(symmetric && (iz > 1))

}  /* end of "for(iz=1;iz<=Zup;iz++)" */

keeplog (logfp, "DONE");
if(logfp != stderr) fclose(logfp);

printf("don't free up the memory\n");

文件: exec.c 项目: geechee/iraf
/* IOFINISH -- Flush out and wrap up all pending io for given task.
 *   Called when the task is dying and it wants to close all files it opened.
 *   This includes a pipe if it used one, a file if it was a script and io
 *   redirections as indicated by the T_MYXXX flags.  The T_MYXXX flags are
 *   set only when the redirections were done for this task, ie, they were
 *   not simply inherited.
 * Just as a fail-safe measure, always check that a real stdio file is
 *   not being closed.
 * Don't call error() because in trying to restor to an interactive task
 *   it might call us again and cause an inf. loop.
iofinish (
  register struct task *tp
	register FILE *fp;
	int	flags;

	flags = tp->t_flags;

	/* Make sure we do not close files more than once.
	if (flags & T_RUNNING)
	    tp->t_flags &= ~T_RUNNING;

	if (cldebug)
	    eprintf ("flushing io for task `%s'\n", tp->t_ltp->lt_lname);

	if (flags & T_MYIN) {
	    fp = tp->t_stdin;
	    if (fp != stdin)
		fclose (fp);
	if (flags & T_MYOUT) {
	    fflush (fp = tp->t_stdout);
	    if (fp != stdout)
		fclose (fp);
	if (flags & T_MYERR) {
	    fflush (fp = tp->t_stderr);
	    if (fp != stderr)
		fclose (fp);

	/* Close any redirected graphics output streams.
	    if (flags & T_MYSTDGRAPH)
		if (tp->t_stdgraph != tp->t_stdimage &&
		    tp->t_stdgraph != tp->t_stdplot)
		    fclose (tp->t_stdgraph);
	    if (flags & T_MYSTDIMAGE)
		if (tp->t_stdimage != tp->t_stdplot)
		    fclose (tp->t_stdimage);
	    if (flags & T_MYSTDPLOT)
		fclose (tp->t_stdplot);

	/* If task i/o is redirected to a subprocess send the done message.
	if (flags & T_IPCIO)
	    fputs (IPCDONEMSG, tp->t_out);
	fflush (tp->t_out);

	/* Close files only for script task, not for a cl, a builtin, or
	 * a process.  Do call disconnect if the task lives in a process.
	if (flags & T_SCRIPT) {
	    fp = tp->t_in;
	    if (fp != stdin)
		fclose (fp);
	} else if (flags & (T_CL|T_BUILTIN)) {
	} else if (tp->t_pid != -1)
	    pr_disconnect (tp->t_pid);

	/* Log a stop message for script and executable tasks.
	if (keeplog() && log_trace())
	    if (tp->t_flags & T_SCRIPT || tp->t_pid != -1)
	    	putlog (tp, "Stop");
文件: exec.c 项目: geechee/iraf
/* EXECNEWTASK -- Called from the EXEC instruction after all param and stdio
 * processing for the new task is complete.  Here we actually run the new task,
 * either directly in the case of a builtin function, or as a new case for
 * main()'s loop.  Do not set newtask to NULL so that run() can tell what it
 * exec'd.
execnewtask (void)
	/* VMS C V2.1 cannot handle this (see below).
	 * register struct pfile *pfp;
	static	struct pfile *pfp;

	struct	param *pp;
	FILE	*fopen();

	if (newtask == NULL)
	    /* if this ever happens, i don't want to know about it. */
	currentask->t_pc = pc;		/* instruction after EXEC	*/

	if (cldebug)
	    eprintf ("execnewtask: pc = %d\n", pc);

	if (newtask->t_flags & T_BUILTIN) {
	    /* set yyin in case a builtin reads someday; none do now.
	     * unlink newtask's fake param file and reset top of dictionary
	     *   to what it was before the fake param file was added; it is
	     *   still there, however, for the builtin to use. this is done
	     *   since some builtins (eg task) want to add things that are
	     *   to stay on the dictionary and the tools all start at topd.
	     * the return is back to run(); it will continue since it will
	     *   see that newtask was just a builtin.
	     * note that we do not reset pf_n, as with other fake pfiles,
	     *   as this is the way builtins get their number of arguments
	     *   (it's faster than building them a $nargs).
	    yyin = newtask->t_in = currentask->t_in;	/* inherit pipe */
	    newtask->t_out = currentask->t_out;
	    newtask->t_modep = currentask->t_modep;	/* inherit mode */

	    /* VMS C 2.1 Optimizer cannot handle this.
	     * parhead = dereference (reference (pfile, parhead)->pf_npf);
	    pfp = reference (pfile, parhead);
	    parhead = dereference (pfp->pf_npf);

	    topd = currentask->t_topd;
	    currentask = newtask;
	    newtask->t_flags |= T_RUNNING;

	    if (cldebug)
		eprintf ("execnewtask: calling new task@%x\n", newtask);
	    if (cltrace)
		eprintf ("\t----- exec %s %s -----\n",
		    (newtask->t_flags & T_FOREIGN) ? "foreign" : "builtin",

	    oneof();		/* proceed as though this task saw eof	  */

	pfp = newtask->t_pfp;

	/* If the new task is a cl, we are not running in background and
	 * its t_in is stdin, it is interactive.  Note that when a package
	 * is loaded by a script task rather than interactively by the user,
	 * the t_in of the cl() in the package script task will be reading
	 * from the calling script task rather than from the original stdin
	 * (the user terminal), hence is not interactive.  If this task is
	 * flagged interactive, taskunwind() may elect to restart it on an
	 * error so save present state for restor().
	if (newtask->t_flags & T_CL) {
	    if (cldebug)
		eprintf ("execnewtask: new task is the CL\n");
	    if (cltrace)
		eprintf ("\t----- exec cl -----\n");

	    /* Call set_clio to set the command input and output streams
	     * t_in and t_out for a cl() or package_name() command.
	    set_clio (newtask);

	    /* This code is a temporary patch to allow packages to be 
	     * loaded from within scripts regardless of whether there 
	     * are enclosing brackets.  If a CL statement is executed
	     * within a script which is itself called within another
	     * script, then we will do an implicit keep before the CL.
	    if (topcs + 2*TASKSIZ <= STACKSIZ)
		if ((strcmp (newtask->t_ltp->lt_lname, "cl") == 0) ||
 		    (strcmp (newtask->t_ltp->lt_lname, "clbye") == 0))
		    if ((currentask->t_flags &  T_SCRIPT) &&
		        (prevtask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT))

	    /* If newtask is cleof(), close the input stream of the current
	     * task (the task whose input contained the cleof), and reopen
	     * as the null file.
	    if (newtask->t_flags & T_CLEOF) {
		if (currentask->t_in != stdin)
		    fclose (currentask->t_in);
		if (currentask != firstask)
		    currentask->t_in = fopen ("dev$null", "r");

	    if (!(firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH) &&
		 (newtask->t_in == stdin) && (newtask->t_out == stdout)) {
		newtask->t_flags |= T_INTERACTIVE;
		newtask->t_topd = topd;
		newtask->t_topos = topos;
		newtask->t_topcs = topcs;
		newtask->t_curpack = curpack;

	/* Standardize the pfile.
	 * Set (or create if necessary) `$nargs', number of command line args,
	 *   based on pf_n which is set for each command line argument by
	 *   posargset, et al.
	 * If this ltask had no paramfile and we built one up from the
	 *   command line, then we need to add a `mode' param.  If it did have
	 *   a paramfile, then pfileload has already added it for us.
	 *   Point t_modep to the mode param for newtask.
	pp = paramfind (pfp, "$nargs", 0, YES);
	if (pp == NULL || (XINT)pp == ERR) {
	    char nabuf[FAKEPARAMLEN];
	    sprintf (nabuf, "$nargs,i,h,%d\n", pfp->pf_n);
	    pp = addparam (pfp, nabuf, NULL);
	    pp->p_mode |= M_FAKE;		/* never flush out $nargs */
	} else
	    pp->p_val.v_i = pfp->pf_n;

	if (pfp->pf_flags & PF_FAKE) {
	    newtask->t_modep = addparam (pfp, "mode,s,h,q\n", NULL);
	    /* pf_n will be used by paramsrch() to count positional arg
	     * matches; see it and param.h.
	    pfp->pf_n = 0;
	} else {
	    newtask->t_modep = paramfind (pfp, "mode", 0, YES);

	if (newtask->t_modep == NULL)
	    cl_error (E_IERR, "no mode param for task `%s'",

	/* If task is being run in menu mode, call up eparam so that the user
	 * can edit/inspect the parameters.  If eparam is exited with ctrl/c
	 * do not run the task or update the pfile.  The parameter editor
	 * will make a copy of the task's pfile(s), edit it, and if necessary
	 * update the incore version created earlier by callnewtask().
	if ((taskmode(newtask) & M_MENU) || (newtask->t_flags & T_PSET)) {
	    if (epset (newtask->t_ltp->lt_lname) == ERR) {
		if (newtask->t_flags & T_PSET)
		    cl_error (E_UERR, "parameter file not updated");
		    cl_error (E_UERR, "menu mode task execution aborted");

	/* Set up bascode so new task has a good place to start building
	 * code.  See how the pc is set up before each call to the parser in
	 * main() loop.
	newtask->t_bascode = topos + 1;

	/* Set up io paths.  If the new task is cl(), it's command input
	 * and output streams are connected to those of the task which
	 * called currentask.  If the currentask is the firstask, there
	 * was no caller (no prevtask), so we must watch out for that.
	 * In the case of a script, commands are read from the script.
	 * In the case of a process, commands are read from the process.
	if (newtask->t_flags & T_PSET) {
	    newtask->t_in = fopen ("dev$null", "r");
	    newtask->t_out = newtask->t_stdout;

	} else if (newtask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT) {
	    if (cltrace)
		eprintf ("\t----- exec script %s (%s) -----\n",
		    newtask->t_ltp->lt_lname, newtask->t_ltp->lt_pname);

	    newtask->t_in = fopen (newtask->t_ltp->lt_pname, "r");
	    if (newtask->t_in == NULL)
		cl_error (E_UERR|E_P, "can not open script file `%s'",
	    newtask->t_out = newtask->t_stdout;

	} else if (newtask->t_flags & T_CL) {
	    /* The command streams t_in and t_out have already been
	     * set up above by set_clio() in the test for T_INTERACTIVE.
	    /* Do nothing */

	} else {
	    char    startup_msg[SZ_STARTUPMSG+1];
	    int     timeit;

	    /* Connect to an executable process.
	    mk_startupmsg (newtask, startup_msg, SZ_STARTUPMSG);
	    timeit = (newtask->t_flags & T_TIMEIT) != 0;
	    if (cltrace)
		eprintf ("\t----- exec external task %s -----\n",
	    newtask->t_pid = pr_connect (
		findexe (newtask->t_ltp->lt_pkp, newtask->t_ltp->lt_pname),
		&newtask->t_in, &newtask->t_out,
		newtask->t_stdin, newtask->t_stdout, newtask->t_stderr,
		newtask->t_stdgraph, newtask->t_stdimage, newtask->t_stdplot,

	yyin = newtask->t_in;	/* set the input for the parser	*/

	/* Tell parser what to expect.
	parse_state = PARSE_FREE;
	if (newtask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT) {
	    proc_script = (newtask->t_flags & T_PSET) ? NO : procscript(yyin);

	    if (proc_script) {
		parse_state = PARSE_BODY;
		/* Skip to the BEGIN statement */
		newtask->t_scriptln = skip_to (yyin, "begin");
		if (newtask->t_scriptln == ERR)
		    cl_error (E_UERR, "No BEGIN statement in procedure script");

		/* Reset pointer here.
		proc_script = NO;

	/* Log a start message for script and executable tasks.
	if (keeplog() && log_trace())
	    if (newtask->t_flags & T_SCRIPT || newtask->t_pid != -1) {
	    	char  logmsg[SZ_LINE];
	    	sprintf (logmsg, "Start (%s)", newtask->t_ltp->lt_pname);
	    	putlog (newtask, logmsg);

	newtask->t_flags |= T_RUNNING;
	currentask = newtask;	/* continue as new the new task; at last. */

	if (cldebug)
	    eprintf ("Returning from execnewtask.yyin, ct_in, nt_in:%d %d %d\n",
		yyin, currentask->t_in, newtask->t_in);