void do_pod(shiptype *ship) { reg int i; if(ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_STAR) { if (ship->special.pod.temperature >= POD_THRESHOLD) { i = int_rand(0,(int)Stars[ship->storbits]->numplanets - 1); sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s has warmed and exploded at %s\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); if(infect_planet((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->storbits, i)) { sprintf(buf,"\tmeta-colony established on %s.", Stars[ship->storbits]->pnames[i]); } else sprintf(buf,"\tno spores have survived."); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); push_telegram((int)(ship->owner), (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); kill_ship((int)(ship->owner), ship); } else ship->special.pod.temperature += round_rand((double)Stars[ship->storbits]->temperature/ (double)segments); } else if(ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN) { if(ship->special.pod.decay >= POD_DECAY) { sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s has decayed at %s\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); } else { ship->special.pod.decay += round_rand(1.0/(double)segments); } } }
void do_canister(shiptype *ship) { if (ship->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN && !landed(ship)) { if (++ship->special.timer.count < DISSIPATE) { if ( Stinfo[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits].temp_add < -90 ) Stinfo[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits].temp_add = -100; else Stinfo[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits].temp_add -= 10; } else { /* timer expired; destroy canister */ reg int j=0; kill_ship((int)(ship->owner), ship); sprintf(telegram_buf, "Canister of dust previously covering %s has dissipated.\n", prin_ship_orbits(ship)); for (j=1; j<=Num_races; j++) if (planets[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits]->info[j-1].numsectsowned) push_telegram(j, (int)Stars[ship->storbits]->governor[j-1], telegram_buf); } } }
void scrap(int playernum, int governor, int apcount) { planettype *planet; sectortype *sect; shiptype *s; shiptype *s2; int shipno; int nextshipno; int scrapval = 0; int destval = 0; int crewval = 0; int max_crew = 0; int xtalval = 0; int troopval = 0; int max_resource = 0; int max_mil = 0; int max_fuel = 0; int max_destruct = 0; int cost = 0; double fuelval = 0.0; racetype *race; if (argn < 2) { notify(playernum, governor, "Scrap what?\n"); return; } nextshipno = start_shiplist(playernum, governor, args[1]); race = races[playernum - 1]; if (race->Guest) { notify(playernum, governor, "Guest races cannot scrap ships\n"); return; } shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); while (shipno) { if (in_list(playernum, args[1], s, &nextshipno)) { #ifdef USE_VN if ((s->type == OTYPE_VN) || (s->type == OTYPE_BERS)) { notify(playernum, governor, "VNs will not scrap themselves.\n"); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } #endif if (s->max_crew && !s->popn) { notify(playernum, governor, "Can't scrap that ship - no crew.\n"); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } if (s->whatorbits == LEVEL_UNIV) { /* * Used to not allow scrapping at the UNIV level for * anything. However, I'm going to permit pods. This is so pod * races can clean up their messes. I'm not going to charge APs * at the UNIV scope either. -mfw */ if (s->type) { apcount = 0; } else { notify(playernum, governor, "Can't scrap at the ship's scope.\n"); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } } else if (!enufAP(playernum, governor, Stars[s->storbits]->AP[playernum - 1], apcount)) { notify(playernum, governor, "Not enough APs to scrap.\n"); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } /* HUTm (kse) wc's can't be scrapped inside of ship anymore */ if (inship(s) && (s->type == OTYPE_TOXIC)) { sprintf(buf, "Can't scrap waste canisters inside of other ship.\n"); notify(playernum, governor, buf); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } /* Ships that have other ships in the hangar can't scrap *mfw */ if (s->ships) { sprintf(buf, "There are other ships in the hangar; scrap those first.\n"); notify(playernum, governor, buf); free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } if ((s->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN) && (s->type == OTYPE_TOXIC)) { sprintf(buf, "WARNING: This releases %d toxin points back into the atmosphere!!!\n", s->special.waste.toxic); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } if (!s->docked) { sprintf(buf, "%s is not landed or docked.\nNo resources can be reclaimed.\n", Ship(s)); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } if (s->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN) { /* wc's release poison */ getplanet(&planet, (int)s->storbits, (int)s->pnumorbits); if (landed(s)) { if (!getsector(§, planet, (int)s->land_x, (int)s->land_y)) { notify(playernum, governor, "Error in sector database, notify deity.\n"); free(s); return; } } } if (docked(s) || inship(s)) { if (!getship(&s2, (int)s->destshipno)) { free(s); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } if ((!s2->docked || (s2->destshipno != s->number)) && (!s->whatorbits == LEVEL_SHIP)) { sprintf(buf, "Warning, other ship not docked...\n"); notify(playernum, governor, buf); free(s); free(s2); shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); continue; } } if (s->type == OTYPE_FACTORY) { cost = (2 * s->build_code * s->on) + Shipdata[s->type][ABIL_COST]; } else { cost = s->build_cost; } scrapval = (cost / 2) + s->resource; if (s->docked) { sprintf(buf, "%s: original cost: %ld\n", Ship(s), cost); notify(playernum, governor, buf); sprintf(buf, " scrap value%s: %d rp's.\n", s->resource ? "(with stockpile) " : "", scrapval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); /* New code by Kharush. check for STYPE_DHUTTLE added. */ /* I've removed it, Dhuttle was silly -mfw */ if (s2->type == OTYPE_FACTORY) { max_resource = Shipdata[s2->type][ABIL_CARGO]; max_fuel = Shipdata[s2->type][ABIL_FUELCAP]; max_destruct = Shipdata[s2->type][DESTCAP]; } else { max_resource = s2->max_resource; max_fuel = s2->max_fuel; max_destruct = s2->max_destruct; } if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->resource + scrapval) > max_resource) && (s2->type != STYPE_SHUTTLE)) { scrapval = max_resource - s2->resource; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %d resources.)\n", scrapval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } if (s->fuel) { sprintf(buf, "Fuel recover: %.0f.\n", s->fuel); notify(playernum, governor, buf); fuelval = s->fuel; if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->fuel + fuelval) > max_fuel)) { fuelval = max_fuel - s2->fuel; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %.2f fuel.)\n", fuelval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } } else { fuelval = 0.0; } if (s->destruct) { sprintf(buf, "Armament recovery: %d.\n", s->destruct); notify(playernum, governor, buf); destval = s->destruct; if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->destruct + destval) > max_destruct)) { destval = max_destruct - s2->destruct; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %d destruct.)\n", destval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } } else { destval = 0; } if (s->popn + s->troops) { if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_PLAN) && (sect->owner > 0) && (sect->owner != playernum)) { sprintf(buf, "You don't own this sector; no crew can be recovered.\n"); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } else { troopval = s->troops; if (s2->type == OTYPE_FACTORY) { max_mil = Shipdata[s2->type][ABIL_MAXCREW] - s->popn; } else { max_mil = s2->max_crew - s2->popn; } if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->troops + troopval) > max_mil)) { troopval = max_mil - s2->troops; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %d troops.)\n", troopval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } crewval = s->popn; if (s2->type == OTYPE_FACTORY) { max_crew = Shipdata[s2->type][ABIL_MAXCREW] - s2->troops; } else { max_crew = s2->max_crew - s2->troops; } if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->popn + crewval) > max_crew)) { crewval = max_crew - s2->popn; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %d crew.)\n", crewval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } sprintf(buf, "Population/Troops recover: %d/%d.\n", crewval, troopval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } } else { crewval = 0; troopval = 0; } if (s->crystals + s->mounted) { if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_PLAN) && (sect->owner > 0) && (sect->owner != playernum)) { sprintf(buf, "You don't own this sector; no crystals can be recovered.\n"); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } else { xtalval = s->crystals + s->mounted; if ((s->whatdest == LEVEL_SHIP) && ((s2->crystals + xtalval) > 127)) { xtalval = 127 - s2->crystals; sprintf(buf, "(There is only room for %d crystals.)\n", xtalval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } sprintf(buf, "Crystal recover: %d.\n", xtalval); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } } else { xtalval = 0; } } /* More adjustments needed here for hangar. Maarten */ if (s->whatorbits == LEVEL_SHIP) { s2->hangar -= (unsigned short)s->size; } if (s->whatorbits == LEVEL_UNIV) { deductAPs(playernum, governor, apcount, 0, 1); } else { deductAPs(playernum, governor, apcount, (int)s->storbits, 0); } if (docked(s) || inship(s)) { s2->crystals += xtalval; rcv_fuel(s2, (double)fuelval); rcv_destruct(s2, destval); rcv_resource(s2, scrapval); rcv_troops(s2, troopval, race->mass); rcv_popn(s2, crewval, race->mass); /* * Check for docking status in case scrapped ship is * landed. Maarten */ if (s->whatorbits != LEVEL_SHIP) { s2->docked = 0; /* Undock the surviving ship */ s2->whatdest = LEVEL_UNIV; s2->destshipno = 0; } putship(s2); free(s2); } if (s->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN) { free(planet); /* this has already been allocated */ getplanet(&planet, (int)s->storbits, (int)s->pnumorbits); if (landed(s) || inship(s)) { /* * If colonizing the sector, set sector owner and give a * message it's also nice to check if there is anyone to * colonize */ if ((sect->owner == 0) && ((troopval > 0) || (crewval > 0))) { sect->owner = playernum; ++planet->info[playernum - 1].numsectsowned; sprintf(buf, "Sector %d,%d Colonized.\n", s->land_x, s->land_y); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } /* Increase sector's crew and troop count */ sect->troops += troopval; sect->popn += crewval; /* * Increase planet's crew, troop, res, tec. count for this * player */ planet->info[playernum - 1].popn += crewval; planet->info[playernum - 1].troops += troopval; /* * New code by Kharush. Scrapping does not anymore overflow * stockpiles. */ if ((planet->info[playernum - 1].resource + scrapval) <= USHRT_MAX) { planet->info[playernum - 1].resource += scrapval; } else { planet->info[playernum - 1].resource = USHRT_MAX; sprintf(buf, "Planet has room for only %d resources.\n", USHRT_MAX - planet->info[playernum - 1].resource); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } if ((playernum->info[playernum - 1].fuel + fuelval) <= USHRT_MAX) { planet->info[playernum - 1].fuel += fuelval; } else { planet->info[playernum - 1].fuel = USHRT_MAX; sprintf(buf, "Planet has room for only %d fuel.\n", USHRT_MAX - planet->info[playernum - 1].fuel); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } if ((planet->info[playernum - 1].destruct + destval) <= USHRT_MAX) { planet->info[playernum - 1].destruct += destval; } else { planet->info[playernum - 1].destruct = USHRT_MAX; sprintf(buf, "Planet has room for only %d destruct.\n", USHRT_MAX - planet->info[playernum - 1].destruct); notify(playernum, governor, buf); } /* * Old code * * planet->info[playernum - 1].resource += scrapval; * planet->info[playernum - 1].destruct += destval; * planet->info[playernum - 1].fuel += (int)fuelval; */ plant->popn += crewval; planet->info[playernum - 1].crystals += (int)xtalval; putsector(sect, planet, (int)s->land_x, (int)s->land_y); free(sect); } putplanet(planet, (int)s->storbits, (int)s->pnumorbits); } kill_ship(playernum, s); putship(s); free(s); if (landed(s)) { sprintf(buf, "\nScrapped.\n"); } else { sprintf(buf, "\nDestroyed.\n"); } notify(playernum, governor, buf); } else { free(s); } shipno = do_shiplist(&s, &nextshipno); } }
void do_pod(shiptype *ship) { int starsys; int planetno; memset((char *)buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (ship->popn != 0) { if (ship->whatorbits == LEVEL_STAR) { if (ship->special.pod.temperature >= POD_THRESHOLD) { starsys = ship->storbits; planetno = int_rand(0, (int)Stars[starsys]->numplanets - 1); sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s has warmed and exploded at %\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); /* Seed passes through wormhole */ if (Stars[starsys]->wh_has_wormhole && (planetno == (Stars[starsys]->numplanets - 1))) { planets[starsys][planetno]->info[ship->owner - 1].explored = 1; starsys = Stars[starsys]->wh_dest_starnum; planetno = int_rand(0, (int)Stars[starsys]->numplanets - 2); sprintf(buf, " The spores traversed a wormhole to %s.\n", Stars[starsys]->name); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); } if (infect_planet((int)ship->type, (int)ship->owner, starsys, planetno)) { sprintf(buf, " Meta-colony established on %s.", Stars[starsys]->pnames[planetno]); } else { sprintf(buf, " No spores have survived."); } strcat(telegram_buf, buf); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); } else { /* pod.temp >= POD_THRESHOLD */ ship->special.pod.temperature += round_rand((double)Stars[ship->storbits]->temperature / (double)segments); } } else if (ship->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN) { if (ship->special.pod.decay >= POD_DECAY) { starsys = ship->storbits; planetno = ship->pnumorbits; sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s has decayed at %s\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); /* Seed passes through wormhole */ if (Stars[starsys]->wh_has_wormhole && (planetno == (Stars[starsys]->numplanets - 1))) { starsys = Stars[starsys]->wh_dest_starnum; planetno = int_rand(0, (int)Stars[starsys]->numplanets - 2); sprintf(buf, " The spores traversed a wormhole to %s.\n", Stars[starsys]->name); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); } if (infect_planet((int)ship->type, (int)ship->owner, starsys, planetno)) { sprintf(buf, " Meta-colony established on %s.", Stars[starsys]->pnames[planetno]); } else { sprintf(buf, " No spores have survived."); } strcat(telegram_buf, buf); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); } else { /* decay > POD_DECAY */ ship->special.pod.decay += round_rand(1.0 / (double) segments); } } } else { /* If no population on board, don't infect! --jpd-- */ /* Don't decay if military on board. */ if (!ship->troops) { sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s has no population and has decayed at %s\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); } } /* If ship->popn != 0 --jpd -- */ }
void do_mirror(shiptype *ship) { switch (ship->special.aimed_at.level) { case LEVEL_SHIP: /* ship aimed at is a legal ship now */ /* if in the same system */ if ( (ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_STAR || ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN) && (ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]!=NULL) && (ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]->whatorbits==LEVEL_STAR || ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN) && ship->storbits == ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]->storbits && ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]->alive ) { shiptype *s; reg int i; double range; s = ships[ship->special.aimed_at.shipno]; range = sqrt(Distsq(ship->xpos, ship->ypos,s->xpos,s->ypos)); i = int_rand(0,round_rand((2./((double)(Body(s)))) *(double)(ship->special.aimed_at.intensity)/(range/PLORBITSIZE+1.0))); sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s aimed at %s\n", Ship(ship), Ship(s)); s->damage += i; if(i) { sprintf(buf, "%d%% damage done.\n",i); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); } if (s->damage >= 100) { sprintf(buf, "%s DESTROYED!!!\n",Ship(s)); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); kill_ship((int)(ship->owner), s); } push_telegram((int)s->owner, (int)s->governor, telegram_buf); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); } break; case LEVEL_PLAN: { reg int i; double range; range = sqrt(Distsq(ship->xpos, ship->ypos, Stars[ship->storbits]->xpos +planets[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits]->xpos, Stars[ship->storbits]->ypos +planets[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits]->ypos)); if ( range > PLORBITSIZE ) i = PLORBITSIZE * ship->special.aimed_at.intensity/range; else i = ship->special.aimed_at.intensity; i = round_rand(.01*(100.0-(double)(ship->damage))*(double)i); Stinfo[ship->storbits][ship->special.aimed_at.pnum].temp_add += i; } break; case LEVEL_STAR: { /* have to be in the same system as the star; otherwise it's not too fair.. */ if (ship->special.aimed_at.snum>0 && ship->special.aimed_at.snum < Sdata.numstars && ship->whatorbits > LEVEL_UNIV && ship->special.aimed_at.snum == ship->storbits) Stars[ship->special.aimed_at.snum]->stability += random()&01; } break; case LEVEL_UNIV: break; } }
void doship(shiptype *ship, int update) { racetype *Race; shiptype *ship2; /*ship is active */ ship->active = 1; if(!ship->owner) ship->alive = 0; if (ship->alive) { /* repair radiation */ if (ship->rad) { ship->active = 1; /* irradiated ships are immobile.. */ /* kill off some people */ /* check to see if ship is active */ if(success(ship->rad)) ship->active = 0; if(update) { ship->popn = round_rand(ship->popn * .80); ship->troops = round_rand(ship->troops * .80); if (ship->rad >= (int)REPAIR_RATE) ship->rad -= int_rand(0,(int)REPAIR_RATE); else ship->rad -= int_rand(0,(int)ship->rad); } } else ship->active = 1; if(!ship->popn && Max_crew(ship) && !ship->docked) ship->whatdest = LEVEL_UNIV; if (ship->whatorbits != LEVEL_UNIV && Stars[ship->storbits]->nova_stage>0) { /* damage ships from supernovae */ /* Maarten: modified to take into account MOVES_PER_UPDATE */ ship->damage += 5 * Stars[ship->storbits]->nova_stage / ((Armor(ship)+1) * segments); if (ship->damage >= 100) { kill_ship((int)(ship->owner), ship); return; } } if(ship->type==OTYPE_FACTORY && !ship->on) { Race = races[ship->owner-1]; ship->tech = Race->tech; } if(ship->active) Moveship(ship, update, 1, 0); ship->size = ship_size(ship); /* for debugging */ if(ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_SHIP) { (void)getship(&ship2, (int)ship->destshipno); if(ship2->owner != ship->owner) { ship2->owner = ship->owner; ship2->governor = ship->governor; putship(ship2); } free(ship2); /* just making sure */ } else if(ship->whatorbits != LEVEL_UNIV && (ship->popn || ship->type == OTYPE_PROBE)) { /* Though I have often used TWCs for exploring, I don't think it is right */ /* to be able to map out worlds with this type of junk. Either a manned ship, */ /* or a probe, which is designed for this kind of work. Maarten */ StarsInhab[ship->storbits] = 1; setbit(Stars[ship->storbits]->inhabited, ship->owner); setbit(Stars[ship->storbits]->explored, ship->owner); if(ship->whatorbits == LEVEL_PLAN) { planets[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits]->info[ship->owner-1].explored = 1; } } /* add ships, popn to total count to add AP's */ if(update) { Power[ship->owner-1].ships_owned++; Power[ship->owner-1].resource += ship->resource; Power[ship->owner-1].fuel += ship->fuel; Power[ship->owner-1].destruct += ship->destruct; Power[ship->owner-1].popn += ship->popn; Power[ship->owner-1].troops += ship->troops; } if (ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_UNIV) { Sdatanumships[ship->owner-1]++; Sdatapopns[ship->owner] += ship->popn; } else { starnumships[ship->storbits][ship->owner-1]++; /* add popn of ships to popn */ starpopns[ship->storbits][ship->owner-1] += ship->popn; /* set inhabited for ship */ /* only if manned or probe. Maarten */ if (ship->popn || ship->type==OTYPE_PROBE) { StarsInhab[ship->storbits] = 1; setbit(Stars[ship->storbits]->inhabited, ship->owner); setbit(Stars[ship->storbits]->explored, ship->owner); } } if (ship->active) { /* bombard the planet */ if (can_bombard(ship) && ship->bombard && ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN && ship->whatdest==LEVEL_PLAN && ship->deststar== ship->storbits && ship->destpnum== ship->pnumorbits) { /* ship bombards planet */ Stinfo[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits].inhab = 1; } /* repair ship by the amount of crew it has */ /* industrial complexes can repair (robot ships and offline factories can't repair) */ if(ship->damage && Repair(ship)) do_repair(ship); if(update) switch (ship->type) { /* do this stuff during updates only*/ case OTYPE_CANIST: do_canister(ship); break; case OTYPE_GREEN: do_greenhouse(ship); break; case STYPE_MIRROR: do_mirror(ship); break; case STYPE_GOD: do_god(ship); break; case OTYPE_AP: do_ap(ship); break; case OTYPE_VN: /* Von Neumann machine */ case OTYPE_BERS: if(!ship->special.mind.progenitor) ship->special.mind.progenitor = 1; do_VN(ship); break; case STYPE_OAP: do_oap(ship); break; case STYPE_HABITAT: do_habitat(ship); break; default: break; } if(ship->type==STYPE_POD) do_pod(ship); } } }
void domine(int shipno, int detonate) { int sh,sh2,i; shiptype *s, *ship; planettype *planet; racetype *r; (void)getship(&ship, shipno); if(ship->type!=STYPE_MINE || !ship->alive || !ship->owner) { free(ship); return; } /* check around and see if we should explode. */ if (ship->on || detonate) { int rad=0; double xd,yd,range; switch(ship->whatorbits) { case LEVEL_STAR: sh = Stars[ship->storbits]->ships; break; case LEVEL_PLAN: getplanet(&planet, (int)ship->storbits, (int)ship->pnumorbits); sh=planet->ships; free(planet); break; default: free(ship); return; } sh2 = sh; /* traverse the list, look for ships that are closer than the trigger radius... */ rad = 0; if(!detonate) { r = races[ship->owner-1]; while (sh && !rad) { (void)getship(&s, sh); xd = s->xpos - ship->xpos; yd = s->ypos - ship->ypos; range = sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd); if( !isset(r->allied, s->owner) && (s->owner != ship->owner) && ( (int)range <= ship->special.trigger.radius) ) rad = 1; else sh = s->nextship; free(s); } } else rad = 1; if (rad) { sprintf(buf, "%s detonated at %s\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); post(buf, COMBAT); notify_star((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, 0, (int)ship->storbits, buf); sh = sh2 ; while (sh) { (void)getship(&s, sh); if (sh != shipno && s->alive && (s->type != OTYPE_CANIST) && (s->type!=OTYPE_GREEN)) { rad = shoot_ship_to_ship(ship, s, (int)(ship->destruct), 0, 0, long_buf, short_buf); if(rad>0) { post(short_buf, COMBAT); warn((int)s->owner, (int)s->governor, long_buf); putship(s); } } sh = s->nextship; free(s); } /* if the mine is in orbit around a planet, nuke the planet too! */ if(ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN) { /* pick a random sector to nuke */ reg int x,y,numdest; getplanet(&planet, (int)ship->storbits, (int)ship->pnumorbits); if(landed(ship)) { x = ship->land_x; y = ship->land_y; } else { x=int_rand(0, (int)planet->Maxx-1); y=int_rand(0, (int)planet->Maxy-1); } numdest=shoot_ship_to_planet(ship, planet, (int)(ship->destruct), x, y, 1, 0, LIGHT, long_buf, short_buf); putplanet(planet, (int)ship->storbits, (int)ship->pnumorbits); sprintf(telegram_buf, "%s", buf); if(numdest>0) { sprintf(buf, " - %d sectors destroyed.",numdest); strcat(telegram_buf, buf); } strcat(telegram_buf, "\n"); for(i=1; i<=Num_races; i++) if(Nuked[i-1]) warn(i, (int)Stars[ship->storbits]->governor[i-1], telegram_buf); notify((int)(ship->owner), (int)ship->governor, telegram_buf); free(planet); } kill_ship((int)(ship->owner), ship); } putship(ship); } free(ship); }
void domissile(shiptype *ship) { int sh2; int bombx, bomby, numdest, pdn, i; planettype *p; double dist; placetype where; if(!ship->alive || !ship->owner) return; if(!ship->on || ship->docked) return; /* check to see if it has arrived at it's destination */ if(ship->whatdest==LEVEL_PLAN && ship->whatorbits==LEVEL_PLAN && ship->destpnum==ship->pnumorbits) { p=planets[ship->storbits][ship->pnumorbits]; /* check to see if PDNs are present */ pdn = 0; sh2 = p->ships; while(sh2 && !pdn) { if(ships[sh2]->alive && ships[sh2]->type==OTYPE_PLANDEF) { /* attack the PDN instead */ ship->whatdest=LEVEL_SHIP; /* move missile to PDN for attack */ ship->xpos=ships[sh2]->xpos; ship->ypos=ships[sh2]->ypos; ship->destshipno = sh2; pdn = sh2; } sh2 = ships[sh2]->nextship; } if(!pdn) { if(ship->special.impact.scatter) { bombx = int_rand(1,(int)p->Maxx)-1; bomby = int_rand(1,(int)p->Maxy)-1; } else { bombx = ship->special.impact.x % p->Maxx; bomby = ship->special.impact.y % p->Maxy; } sprintf(buf, "%s dropped on sector %d,%d at planet %s.\n", Ship(ship), bombx, bomby, prin_ship_orbits(ship)); where.level = LEVEL_PLAN; where.snum = ship->storbits; where.pnum = ship->pnumorbits; numdest = shoot_ship_to_planet(ship, p, (int)ship->destruct, bombx, bomby, 1, 0, HEAVY, long_buf, short_buf); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, long_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); sprintf(buf, "%s dropped on %s.\n\t%d sectors destroyed.\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship), numdest); for (i=1; i<=Num_races; i++) if(p->info[i-1].numsectsowned && i!=ship->owner) push_telegram(i, Stars[ship->storbits]->governor[i-1], buf); if(numdest) { sprintf(buf, "%s dropped on %s.\n", Ship(ship), prin_ship_orbits(ship)); post(buf, COMBAT); } } } else if(ship->whatdest==LEVEL_SHIP) { sh2=ship->destshipno; dist=sqrt(Distsq(ship->xpos, ship->ypos, ships[sh2]->xpos, ships[sh2]->ypos)); if(dist<=((double)ship->speed*STRIKE_DISTANCE_FACTOR *(100.0-(double)ship->damage)/100.0)) { /* do the attack */ (void)shoot_ship_to_ship(ship, ships[sh2], (int)ship->destruct, 0, 0, long_buf, short_buf); push_telegram((int)ship->owner, (int)ship->governor, long_buf); push_telegram((int)ships[sh2]->owner, (int)ships[sh2]->governor, long_buf); kill_ship((int)ship->owner, ship); post(short_buf, COMBAT); } } }