QuviError l_exec_scan_script_parse(gpointer p, gpointer _qss,
                                   const gchar *data)
  _quvi_script_t qss;
  _quvi_scan_t qs;
  lua_State *l;

  qss = (_quvi_script_t) _qss;
  qs = (_quvi_scan_t) p;

  l = qs->handle.quvi->handle.lua;

  if (luaL_dofile(l, qss->fpath->str))
    luaL_error(l, "%s", lua_tostring(l, -1));

  lua_getglobal(l, script_func);

  if (!lua_isfunction(l, -1))
      luaL_error(l, "%s: the function `%s' was not found",
                 qss->fpath->str, script_func);

  l_set_reg_userdata(l, USERDATA_QUVI_T, (gpointer) qs->handle.quvi);
  l_setfield_s(l, SS_INPUT_URL, qs->url.input->str, -1);
  l_setfield_s(l, SS_CONTENT, data, -1);

  if (lua_pcall(l, 1, 1, 0))
      g_string_assign(qs->handle.quvi->status.errmsg, lua_tostring(l, -1));
      return (QUVI_ERROR_SCRIPT);

  if (!lua_istable(l, -1))
      static const gchar *_E =
        "%s: %s: must return a dictionary, this is typically the `qargs'";

      luaL_error(l, _E, qss->fpath->str, script_func);

  _chk_media_url(l, qs, qss->fpath->str);
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  return (QUVI_OK);
文件: cookie.c 项目: OpenHMR/libquvi
static gint _ret(lua_State *l, const _quvi_t q)
  lua_newtable(l); /* Return a table of results. */
  l_setfield_s(l, QO_ERROR_MESSAGE, q->status.errmsg->str, -1);
  l_setfield_n(l, QO_QUVI_CODE, q->status.rc);
  return (1); /* no. of returned values (a table) */
文件: header.c 项目: Bredun/libquvi
gint l_quvi_http_header(lua_State *l)
  gboolean croak_if_error;
  const gchar *s;
  GSList *opts;
  CURLcode cc;
  _quvi_t q;

  /* quvi handle */

  q = (_quvi_t) l_get_reg_userdata(l, USERDATA_QUVI_T);
  g_assert(q != NULL);

  /* arg1 */

  s = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  /* options */

  opts = l_quvi_object_opts_new(l, 2);
  croak_if_error = l_quvi_object_opts_croak_if_error(l, opts);

  /* apply */

  if (strlen(s) >0)
      CURL *c = q->handle.curl;
      q->http.headers = curl_slist_append(q->http.headers, s);
      cc = curl_easy_setopt(c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, q->http.headers);
    cc = c_reset_headers(q);

  if (cc != CURLE_OK)
      g_string_printf(q->status.errmsg, "%s", curl_easy_strerror(cc));
      q->status.rc = QUVI_ERROR_CALLBACK;

      if (croak_if_error == TRUE)
        luaL_error(l, "%s", q->status.errmsg->str);

  /* Return a table of results. */

  l_setfield_s(l, QO_ERROR_MESSAGE, q->status.errmsg->str, -1);
  l_setfield_n(l, QO_QUVI_CODE, q->status.rc);

  return (1); /* no. of returned values (a table) */
/* Resolve URL redirections with exception rules. */
gchar *l_exec_util_resolve_redirections(_quvi_t q, const gchar *url)
  lua_State *l;
  gchar *r;

  q->status.rc = l_load_util_script(q, script_fname, script_func);

  if (quvi_ok(q) == QUVI_FALSE)
    return (NULL);

  l = q->handle.lua;
  l_setfield_s(l, US_INPUT_URL, url, -1); /* Set as qargs.input_url */

   * 1=qargs [qargs: set in l_load_util_script]
   * 1=returns a string
  if (lua_pcall(l, 1, 1, 0))
      g_string_assign(q->status.errmsg, lua_tostring(l, -1));

      /* Keep error code if it was set by a callback: quvi.resolve
       * calling the network callback responsible for resolving URL
       * redirections. The error is most likely a network error. */
      if (q->status.rc != QUVI_ERROR_CALLBACK)
        q->status.rc = QUVI_ERROR_SCRIPT;

      return (NULL);

  r = NULL;

  if (lua_isstring(l, -1))
      const gchar *s = lua_tostring(l, -1);
      if (g_strcmp0(s, url) != 0) /* Ignore, unless it is different. */
        r = g_strdup(s);
    luaL_error(l, "%s: did not return a string", script_func);

  lua_pop(l, 1);

  /* quvi.resolve which is called from the script sets q->status.rc . */
  return (r);