/* >>>>>>>>>> EXA_2  <<<<<<<<<< */
void exa_2 (void)
{ int n = 300, m = 10, i;
  double f = 3.1415926 / 180., step, a;
  float x2[10], y2[10];
  step = 360. / (n - 1);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  { a = i * step * f;
    yray[i] = (float) a;
    xray[i] = (float) sin (5 * a);

  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
  { x2[i] = i + 1;
    y2[i] = i + 1;

  setpag ("da4p");
  disini ();
  pagera ();
  hwfont ();
  axspos (450,1800);

  titlin ("Polar Plots", 2);
  ticks  (3, "Y");
  axends ("NOENDS", "X");
  labdig (-1, "Y");
  axslen (1000, 1000);
  axsorg (1050, 900);

  grafp  (1.f ,0.f, 0.2f, 0.f, 30.f);
  curve  (xray, yray, n);
  htitle (50);
  title  ();
  endgrf ();

  labdig (-1, "X");
  axsorg (1050, 2250);
  labtyp ("VERT", "Y");
  grafp  (10.f, 0.f, 2.f, 0.f, 30.f);
  barwth (-5.f);
  polcrv ("FBARS");
  curve  (x2, y2, m);
  disfin ();
/* >>>>>>>>>> EXA_4  <<<<<<<<<< */
void exa_4 (void)
{ int nya, i;
  static char    ctit[]  = "Logarithmic Scaling", cstr[60],
                *clab[3] = {"LOG", "FLOAT", "ELOG"};

  setpag ("da4p");
  disini ();
  pagera ();
  hwfont ();

  axslen (1400, 500);
  name   ("X-axis", "x");
  name   ("Y-axis", "y");
  axsscl ("log", "xy");

  titlin (ctit, 2);

  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
  { nya = 2650 - (i - 1) * 800;
    labdig (-1, "xy");
    if (i == 2)
    { labdig (1, "y");
      name   (" ", "x");

    axspos (500, nya);
    color  ("yellow");
    strcpy (cstr, "Labels: ");
    strcat (cstr, clab[i-1]);
    messag (cstr,600,nya-400);
    color  ("fore");
    labels (clab[i-1],"xy");
    graf   (0.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 2.f, -1.f, 1.f);

    if (i == 3)
    { height (50);
      title  ();

    endgrf ();
  disfin ();
文件: dislin.c 项目: galadri3l/code
int main ()
{ int n = 100, i, ic;
  double fpi = 3.1415926 / 180.0, step, x;
  float  xray[100], y1ray[100], y2ray[100];

  step = 360. / (n - 1);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  { xray[i] = (float) (i * step);
    x = xray[i] * fpi;
    y1ray[i] = (float) sin (x);
    y2ray[i] = (float) cos (x);

  metafl ("cons");
  scrmod ("revers");
  disini ();
  pagera ();
  complx ();
  axspos (450, 1800);
  axslen (2200, 1200);

  name   ("X-axis", "x");
  name   ("Y-axis", "y");

  labdig (-1, "x");
  ticks  (9, "x");
  ticks  (10, "y");

  titlin ("Demonstration of CURVE", 1);
  titlin ("SIN(X), COS(X)", 3);

  ic =   intrgb (0.95,0.95,0.95);
  axsbgd (ic);

  graf   (0.0, 360.0, 0.0, 90.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.5);
  setrgb (0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
  grid   (1, 1);

  color  ("fore");
  height (50);
  title  ();

  color  ("red");
  curve  (xray, y1ray, n);
  color  ("green");
  curve  (xray, y2ray, n);
  disfin ();
  return 0;
/* >>>>>>>>>> EXA_7  <<<<<<<<<< */
void exa_7 (void)
{ int n = 100, i, nx, ny;
  double fpi = 3.1415926/180., step, x;
  char   cbuf[20];

  step = 360. / (n - 1);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  { xray[i] = (float) (i * step);
    x=xray[i] * fpi;
    y1ray[i] = (float) sin (x);
    y2ray[i] = (float) cos (x);

  disini ();
  hwfont ();
  pagera ();

  axspos (450, 1800);
  axslen (2200, 1200);

  name   ("X-axis", "x");
  name   ("Y-axis", "y");
  labdig (-1, "x");
  ticks  (10, "xy");

  titlin ("Demonstration of Curve", 1);
  titlin ("Legend", 3);

  graf   (0.f, 360.f, 0.f, 90.f, -1.f, 1.f, -1.f, 0.5f);
  title  ();
  xaxgit ();

  chncrv ("both");
  curve  (xray, y1ray, n);
  curve  (xray, y2ray, n);

  legini (cbuf, 2, 7);
  nx = nxposn (190.f);
  ny = nyposn (0.75f);
  legpos (nx, ny);
  leglin (cbuf, "sin (x)", 1);
  leglin (cbuf, "cos (x)", 2);
  legtit ("Legend");
  legend (cbuf, 3);
  disfin ();
/* >>>>>>>>>> EXA_12 <<<<<<<<<< */
void exa_12 (void)
{ int i, nxp, nyp;
  float  xp, yp;
  static float   xc[9] = {-22.f,18.f,37.5f,0.f,2.5f,12.5f,23.5f,-3.75f,14.25f},
                 yc[9] = {64.f,59.6f,56.f,51.5f,48.5f,42.f,38.f,40.3f,50.1f};
  static char *cstr[9] = {"REYKJAVIK", "STOCKHOLM", "MOSKAU", "LONDON",
                          "PARIS", "ROM", "ATHEN", "MADRID", "PRAG"};

  disini ();
  pagera ();
  hwfont ();

  axspos (500, 1850);
  axslen (2200, 1400);

  labdig (-1, "xy");
  ticks  (1, "xy");
  name   ("Longitude", "x");
  name   ("Latitude", "y");

  titlin ("Map Plot", 3);
  incmrk (-1);

  labels ("map", "xy");
  projct ("lambert");
  frame  (3);
  grafmp (-40.f, 60.f, -40.f, 20.f, 35.f, 70.f, 40.f, 10.f);

  color  ("green");
  world  ();
  color  ("fore");
  curvmp (xc, yc, 9);

  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  { pos2pt (xc[i], yc[i], &xp, &yp);
    nxp = (int) (xp + 30);
    nyp = (int) yp;
    messag (cstr[i], nxp, nyp);

  gridmp (1, 1);
  height (50);
  title  ();
  disfin ();
/* >>>>>>>>>> EXA_1  <<<<<<<<<< */
void exa_1 (void)
{ int n = 100, i;
  double fpi = 3.1415926 / 180., step, x;

  step = 360. / (n-1);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  { xray[i] = (float) (i * step);
    x = xray[i] * fpi;
    y1ray[i] = (float) sin (x);
    y2ray[i] = (float) cos (x);

  disini ();
  pagera ();
  hwfont ();
  axspos (450, 1800);
  axslen (2200, 1200);

  name   ("X-axis", "x");
  name   ("Y-axis", "y");

  labdig (-1, "x");
  ticks  (10, "xy");

  titlin ("Demonstration of CURVE", 1);
  titlin ("SIN(X), COS(X)", 3);

  graf   (0.f, 360.f, 0.f, 90.f, -1.f, 1.f, -1.f, 0.5f);
  title  ();

  color  ("red");
  curve  (xray, y1ray, n);
  color  ("green");
  curve  (xray, y2ray, n);

  color  ("fore");
  dash   ();
  xaxgit ();
  disfin ();