void  landuse_getInitBuildup(Project* project, TLandFactor* landFactor,  double* initBuildup,
                             double area, double curb)
//  Input:   landFactor = array of land use factors
//           initBuildup = total initial buildup of each pollutant
//           area = subcatchment's area (ft2)
//           curb = subcatchment's curb length (users units)
//  Output:  modifies each land use factor's initial pollutant buildup
//  Purpose: determines the initial buildup of each pollutant on
//           each land use for a given subcatchment.
//  Notes:   Contributions from co-pollutants to initial buildup are not
//           included since the co-pollutant mechanism only applies to
//           washoff.
    int i, p;
    double startDrySeconds;       // antecedent dry period (sec)
    double f;                     // faction of total land area
    double fArea;                 // area of land use (ft2)
    double fCurb;                 // curb length of land use
    double buildup;               // pollutant mass buildup

    // --- convert antecedent dry days into seconds
    startDrySeconds = project->StartDryDays*SECperDAY;

    // --- examine each land use
    for (i = 0; i < project->Nobjects[LANDUSE]; i++)
        // --- initialize date when last swept
        landFactor[i].lastSwept = project->StartDateTime - project->Landuse[i].sweepDays0;

        // --- determine area and curb length covered by land use
        f = landFactor[i].fraction;
        fArea = f * area * UCF(project,LANDAREA);
        fCurb = f * curb;

        // --- determine buildup of each pollutant
        for (p = 0; p < project->Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
            // --- if an initial loading was supplied, then use it to
            //     find the starting buildup over the land use
            buildup = 0.0;
            if ( initBuildup[p] > 0.0 ) buildup = initBuildup[p] * fArea;

            // --- otherwise use the land use's buildup function to
            //     compute a buildup over the antecedent dry period
            else buildup = landuse_getBuildup(project,i, p, fArea, fCurb, buildup,
            landFactor[i].buildup[p] = buildup;
void subcatch_getBuildup(int j, double tStep)
//  Input:   j = subcatchment index
//           tStep = time step (sec)
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds to pollutant buildup on subcatchment.
    int     i;                         // land use index
    int     p;                         // pollutant index
    double  f;                         // land use fraction
    double  area;                      // land use area (acres or hectares)
    double  curb;                      // land use curb length (user units)
    double  oldBuildup;                // buildup at start of time step
    double  newBuildup;                // buildup at end of time step

    // --- consider each landuse
    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[LANDUSE]; i++)
        // --- skip landuse if not in subcatch
        f = Subcatch[j].landFactor[i].fraction;
        if ( f == 0.0 ) continue;

        // --- get land area (in acres or hectares) & curb length
        area = f * Subcatch[j].area * UCF(LANDAREA);
        curb = f * Subcatch[j].curbLength;

        // --- examine each pollutant
        for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
            // --- see if snow-only buildup is in effect
            if (Pollut[p].snowOnly
                    && Subcatch[j].newSnowDepth < 0.001/12.0) continue;

            // --- use land use's buildup function to update buildup amount
            oldBuildup = Subcatch[j].landFactor[i].buildup[p];
            newBuildup = landuse_getBuildup(i, p, area, curb, oldBuildup,
            newBuildup = MAX(newBuildup, oldBuildup);
            Subcatch[j].landFactor[i].buildup[p] = newBuildup;
            massbal_updateLoadingTotals(BUILDUP_LOAD, p,
                                        (newBuildup - oldBuildup));