void layout_list_sync_path(LayoutWindow *lw, const gchar *path) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->vfl) vflist_select_by_path(lw->vfl, path); if (lw->vfi) vficon_select_by_path(lw->vfi, path); }
static void layout_list_sync_sort(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->vfl) vflist_sort_set(lw->vfl, lw->sort_method, lw->sort_ascend); if (lw->vfi) vficon_sort_set(lw->vfi, lw->sort_method, lw->sort_ascend); }
void layout_select_none(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->vfl) vflist_select_none(lw->vfl); if (lw->vfi) vficon_select_none(lw->vfi); }
void layout_status_update_image(LayoutWindow *lw) { gchar *text; gchar *b; if (!layout_valid(&lw) || !lw->image) return; text = image_zoom_get_as_text(lw->image); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(lw->info_zoom), text); g_free(text); b = text_from_size(lw->image->size); if (lw->image->unknown) { if (image_get_path(lw->image) && !access_file(image_get_path(lw->image), R_OK)) { text = g_strdup_printf(_("(no read permission) %s bytes"), b); } else { text = g_strdup_printf(_("( ? x ? ) %s bytes"), b); } } else { text = g_strdup_printf(_("( %d x %d ) %s bytes"), lw->image->image_width, lw->image->image_height, b); } gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(lw->info_details), text); g_free(b); g_free(text); }
gint layout_geometry_get_tools(LayoutWindow *lw, gint *x, gint *y, gint *w, gint *h, gint *divider_pos) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; if (!lw->tools || !GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(lw->tools)) { /* use the stored values (sort of breaks success return value) */ *divider_pos = lw->div_float; return FALSE; } gdk_window_get_root_origin(lw->tools->window, x, y); gdk_drawable_get_size(lw->tools->window, w, h); if (GTK_IS_VPANED(lw->tools_pane)) { *divider_pos = GTK_PANED(lw->tools_pane)->child1->allocation.height; } else { *divider_pos = GTK_PANED(lw->tools_pane)->child1->allocation.width; } return TRUE; }
void layout_status_update_progress(LayoutWindow *lw, gdouble val, const gchar *text) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (!lw->info_progress_bar) return; gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(lw->info_progress_bar), val); gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(lw->info_progress_bar), (text) ? text : " "); }
gint layout_tools_float_get(LayoutWindow *lw, gint *popped, gint *hidden) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; *popped = lw->tools_float; *hidden = lw->tools_hidden; return TRUE; }
GList *layout_selection_list_by_index(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return NULL; if (lw->vfl) return vflist_selection_get_list_by_index(lw->vfl); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_selection_get_list_by_index(lw->vfi); return NULL; }
GList *layout_list(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return NULL; if (lw->vfl) return vflist_get_list(lw->vfl); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_get_list(lw->vfi); return NULL; }
gint layout_geometry_get(LayoutWindow *lw, gint *x, gint *y, gint *w, gint *h) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; gdk_window_get_root_origin(lw->window->window, x, y); gdk_drawable_get_size(lw->window->window, w, h); return TRUE; }
gint layout_views_get(LayoutWindow *lw, gint *tree, gint *icons) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; *tree = lw->tree_view; *icons = lw->icon_view; return TRUE; }
gint layout_selection_count(LayoutWindow *lw, gint64 *bytes) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return 0; if (lw->vfl) return vflist_selection_count(lw->vfl, bytes); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_selection_count(lw->vfi, bytes); return 0; }
gint layout_sort_get(LayoutWindow *lw, SortType *type, gint *ascend) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; if (type) *type = lw->sort_method; if (ascend) *ascend = lw->sort_ascend; return TRUE; }
gint layout_list_get_index(LayoutWindow *lw, const gchar *path) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return -1; if (lw->vfl) return vflist_index_by_path(lw->vfl, path); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_index_by_path(lw->vfi, path); return -1; }
const gchar *layout_list_get_path(LayoutWindow *lw, gint index) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return NULL; if (lw->vfl) return vflist_index_get_path(lw->vfl, index); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_index_get_path(lw->vfi, index); return NULL; }
void layout_refresh(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (debug) printf("layout refresh\n"); layout_refresh_lists(lw); if (lw->image) layout_image_refresh(lw); }
void layout_thumb_set(LayoutWindow *lw, gint enable) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->thumbs_enabled == enable) return; lw->thumbs_enabled = enable; layout_util_sync_thumb(lw); layout_list_sync_thumb(lw); }
void layout_views_set(LayoutWindow *lw, gint tree, gint icons) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->tree_view == tree && lw->icon_view == icons) return; lw->tree_view = tree; lw->icon_view = icons; layout_style_set(lw, -1, NULL); }
void layout_sort_set(LayoutWindow *lw, SortType type, gint ascend) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->sort_method == type && lw->sort_ascend == ascend) return; lw->sort_method = type; lw->sort_ascend = ascend; if (lw->info_sort) gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(lw->info_sort)->child), sort_type_get_text(type)); layout_list_sync_sort(lw); }
void layout_toolbar_toggle(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (!lw->toolbar) return; lw->toolbar_hidden = !lw->toolbar_hidden; if (lw->toolbar_hidden) { if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(lw->toolbar)) gtk_widget_hide(lw->toolbar); } else { if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(lw->toolbar)) gtk_widget_show(lw->toolbar); } }
static void sync_options_with_current_state(ConfOptions *options) { LayoutWindow *lw = NULL; if (layout_valid(&lw)) { layout_sync_options_with_current_state(lw); layout_sort_get(lw, &options->file_sort.method, &options->file_sort.ascending); options->color_profile.enabled = layout_image_color_profile_get_use(lw); layout_image_color_profile_get(lw, &options->color_profile.input_type, &options->color_profile.use_image); } }
void layout_tools_float_set(LayoutWindow *lw, gint popped, gint hidden) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (lw->tools_float == popped && lw->tools_hidden == hidden) return; if (lw->tools_float == popped && lw->tools_float && lw->tools) { layout_tools_hide(lw, hidden); return; } lw->tools_float = popped; lw->tools_hidden = hidden; layout_style_set(lw, -1, NULL); }
GList *layout_selection_list(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return NULL; if (layout_image_get_collection(lw, NULL)) { const gchar *path; path = layout_image_get_path(lw); if (path) return g_list_append(NULL, g_strdup(path)); return NULL; } if (lw->vfl) return vflist_selection_get_list(lw->vfl); if (lw->vfi) return vficon_selection_get_list(lw->vfi); return NULL; }
gint layout_geometry_get_dividers(LayoutWindow *lw, gint *h, gint *v) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; if (lw->h_pane && GTK_PANED(lw->h_pane)->child1->allocation.x >= 0) { *h = GTK_PANED(lw->h_pane)->child1->allocation.width; } else if (h != &lw->div_h) { *h = lw->div_h; } if (lw->v_pane && GTK_PANED(lw->v_pane)->child1->allocation.x >= 0) { *v = GTK_PANED(lw->v_pane)->child1->allocation.height; } else if (v != &lw->div_v) { *v = lw->div_v; } return TRUE; }
const gchar *layout_get_path(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return NULL; return lw->path; }
gint layout_toolbar_hidden(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return TRUE; return lw->toolbar_hidden; }
void layout_style_set(LayoutWindow *lw, gint style, const gchar *order) { gchar *path; ImageWindow *old_image; if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (style != -1) { LayoutLocation d, f, i; layout_config_parse(style, order, &d, &f, &i); if (lw->dir_location == d && lw->file_location == f && lw->image_location == i) return; lw->dir_location = d; lw->file_location = f; lw->image_location = i; } /* remember state */ layout_image_slideshow_stop(lw); layout_image_full_screen_stop(lw); path = lw->path; lw->path = NULL; old_image = lw->image; lw->image = NULL; lw->utility_box = NULL; layout_geometry_get_dividers(lw, &lw->div_h, &lw->div_v); /* clear it all */ gtk_widget_hide(old_image->widget); gtk_widget_ref(old_image->widget); gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(old_image->widget->parent), old_image->widget); lw->h_pane = NULL; lw->v_pane = NULL; lw->toolbar = NULL; lw->thumb_button = NULL; lw->path_entry = NULL; lw->dir_view = NULL; lw->vdl = NULL; lw->vdt = NULL; lw->file_view = NULL; lw->vfl = NULL; lw->vfi = NULL; lw->info_box = NULL; lw->info_progress_bar = NULL; lw->info_sort = NULL; lw->info_status = NULL; lw->info_details = NULL; lw->info_zoom = NULL; if (lw->ui_manager) g_object_unref(lw->ui_manager); lw->ui_manager = NULL; lw->action_group = NULL; gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(lw->main_box), lw->group_box); lw->group_box = NULL; /* re-fill */ layout_grid_setup(lw); layout_tools_hide(lw, lw->tools_hidden); layout_list_sync_sort(lw); layout_util_sync(lw); layout_status_update_all(lw); /* sync */ if (image_get_path(old_image)) { layout_set_path(lw, image_get_path(old_image)); } else { layout_set_path(lw, path); } image_change_from_image(lw->image, old_image); image_top_window_set_sync(lw->image, (lw->tools_float || lw->tools_hidden)); /* clean up */ gtk_widget_unref(old_image->widget); g_free(path); }
gint layout_thumb_get(LayoutWindow *lw) { if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; return lw->thumbs_enabled; }
gint layout_set_path(LayoutWindow *lw, const gchar *path) { gint have_file = FALSE; if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return FALSE; if (!path || !isname(path)) return FALSE; if (lw->path && path && strcmp(path, lw->path) == 0) { return TRUE; } if (isdir(path)) { g_free(lw->path); lw->path = g_strdup(path); } else { gchar *base; base = remove_level_from_path(path); if (lw->path && strcmp(lw->path, base) == 0) { g_free(base); } else if (isdir(base)) { g_free(lw->path); lw->path = base; } else { g_free(base); return FALSE; } if (isfile(path)) have_file = TRUE; } if (lw->path_entry) tab_completion_append_to_history(lw->path_entry, lw->path); layout_sync_path(lw); if (have_file) { gint row; row = layout_list_get_index(lw, path); if (row >= 0) { layout_image_set_index(lw, row); } else { layout_image_set_path(lw, path); } } else if (!lazy_image_sync) { layout_image_set_index(lw, 0); } return TRUE; }
void layout_status_update_info(LayoutWindow *lw, const gchar *text) { gchar *buf = NULL; if (!layout_valid(&lw)) return; if (!text) { gint n; gint64 n_bytes = 0; gint s; gint64 s_bytes = 0; const gchar *ss; gchar *b; gchar *sb; if (layout_image_slideshow_active(lw)) { if (!layout_image_slideshow_paused(lw)) { ss = _(" Slideshow"); } else { ss = _(" Paused"); } } else { ss = ""; } n = layout_list_count(lw, &n_bytes); s = layout_selection_count(lw, &s_bytes); layout_bars_new_selection(lw, s); if (s > 0) { b = text_from_size_abrev(n_bytes); sb = text_from_size_abrev(s_bytes); buf = g_strdup_printf(_("%s, %d files (%s, %d)%s"), b, n, sb, s, ss); g_free(b); g_free(sb); } else if (n > 0) { b = text_from_size_abrev(n_bytes); buf = g_strdup_printf(_("%s, %d files%s"), b, n, ss); g_free(b); } else { buf = g_strdup_printf(_("%d files%s"), n, ss); } text = buf; layout_image_overlay_update(lw); } gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(lw->info_status), text); g_free(buf); }