 *      ldap_create_sort_controlW     (WLDAP32.@)
 * Create a control for server sorted search results.
 *  ld       [I] Pointer to an LDAP context.
 *  sortkey  [I] Array of LDAPSortKey structures, each specifying an
 *               attribute to use as a sort key, a matching rule and
 *               the sort order (ascending or descending).
 *  critical [I] Tells the server this control is critical to the
 *               search operation.
 *  control  [O] LDAPControl created.
 *  Success: LDAP_SUCCESS
 *  Failure: An LDAP error code.
 *  Pass the created control as a server control in subsequent calls
 *  to ldap_search_ext(_s) to obtain sorted search results.
ULONG CDECL ldap_create_sort_controlW( WLDAP32_LDAP *ld, PLDAPSortKeyW *sortkey,
    UCHAR critical, PLDAPControlW *control )
#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
    LDAPSortKey **sortkeyU = NULL;
    LDAPControl *controlU = NULL;

    TRACE( "(%p, %p, 0x%02x, %p)\n", ld, sortkey, critical, control );

    if (!ld || !sortkey || !control)
        return WLDAP32_LDAP_PARAM_ERROR;

    sortkeyU = sortkeyarrayWtoU( sortkey );
    if (!sortkeyU) return WLDAP32_LDAP_NO_MEMORY;

    ret = map_error( ldap_create_sort_control( ld, sortkeyU, critical, &controlU ));

    *control = controlUtoW( controlU );
    if (!*control) ret = WLDAP32_LDAP_NO_MEMORY;

    ldap_control_free( controlU );
    sortkeyarrayfreeU( sortkeyU );

    return ret;
main( int argc, char **argv )
	LDAP			*ld;
	LDAPMessage		*result, *e;
	char			*attrfail, *matched = NULL, *errmsg = NULL;
	char			**vals, **referrals;
	int			rc, parse_rc, version;
	unsigned long		sortrc;
	LDAPControl		*sortctrl = NULL;
	LDAPControl		*requestctrls[ 2 ];
	LDAPControl		**resultctrls = NULL;
	LDAPsortkey		**sortkeylist;

	/* Arrange for all connections to use LDAPv3 */
	version = LDAP_VERSION3;
	if ( ldap_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version )
	    != 0 ) {
		fprintf( stderr,
		    "ldap_set_option protocol version to %d failed\n",
		    version );
		return( 1 );

	/* Get a handle to an LDAP connection */
	if ( (ld = ldap_init( MY_HOST, MY_PORT ) ) == NULL ) {
		perror( "ldap_init" );
		return( 1 );

	/* Authenticate as Directory Manager */
	if ( ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, MGR_DN, MGR_PW ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_simple_bind_s" );
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	 * Create a sort key list that specifies the sort order of the results.
	 * Sort the results by last name first, then by first name.
	ldap_create_sort_keylist( &sortkeylist, "description -givenname" );

	/* Create the sort control. */
	rc = ldap_create_sort_control( ld, sortkeylist, 1, &sortctrl );
	if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ldap_create_sort_control: %s\n",
		    ldap_err2string( rc ) );
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );
	requestctrls[ 0 ] = sortctrl;
	requestctrls[ 1 ] = NULL;

	/* Search for all entries in Sunnyvale */

	rc = ldap_search_ext_s( ld, PEOPLE_BASE, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
	    "(objectclass=person)", NULL, 0, requestctrls, NULL, NULL, 0,
	    &result );

	if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ldap_search_ext_s: %s\n",
		    ldap_err2string( rc ) );
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	parse_rc = ldap_parse_result( ld, result, &rc, &matched, &errmsg,
	    &referrals, &resultctrls, 0 );

	if ( parse_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ldap_parse_result: %s\n",
		    ldap_err2string( parse_rc ) );
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ldap_search_ext_s: %s\n",
		    ldap_err2string( rc ) );
		if ( errmsg != NULL && *errmsg != '\0' ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", errmsg );

		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	parse_rc = ldap_parse_sort_control( ld, resultctrls, &sortrc,
	    &attrfail );

	if ( parse_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ldap_parse_sort_control: %s\n",
		    ldap_err2string( parse_rc ) );
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	if ( sortrc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Sort error: %s\n", ldap_err2string( sortrc ));
		if ( attrfail != NULL && *attrfail != '\0' ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "Bad attribute: %s\n", attrfail);
		ldap_unbind( ld );
		return( 1 );

	/* for each entry print out name + all attrs and values */
	for ( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL;
	    e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) {
		if ((vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, "sn")) != NULL ) {
			if ( vals[0] != NULL ) {
				printf( "%s", vals[0] );
			ldap_value_free( vals );

		if ((vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, "givenname")) != NULL ) {
			if ( vals[0] != NULL ) {
				printf( "\t%s", vals[0] );
			ldap_value_free( vals );

		putchar( '\n' );

	ldap_msgfree( result );
	ldap_free_sort_keylist( sortkeylist );
	ldap_control_free( sortctrl );
	ldap_controls_free( resultctrls );
	ldap_unbind( ld );

	return( 0 );
/*	LDAP search function for internal use. Returns a Python list of LDAPEntries.
	The `basestr` is the base DN of the searching, `scope` is the search scope (BASE|ONELEVEL|SUB),
	`filterstr` is the LDAP search filter string, `attrs` is a null-terminated string list of attributes'
	names to get only the selected attributes. If `attrsonly` is 1 get only attributes' name without values.
	If `firstonly` is 1, get only the first LDAP entry of the messages. The `timeout` is an integer of
	seconds for timelimit, `sizelimit` is a limit for size.
PyObject *
LDAPConnection_Searching(LDAPConnection *self, PyObject *iterator) {
	int rc;
	int num_of_ctrls = 0;
	LDAPMessage *res, *entry;
	PyObject *entrylist = NULL;
	LDAPEntry *entryobj = NULL;
	LDAPControl *page_ctrl = NULL;
	LDAPControl *sort_ctrl = NULL;
	LDAPControl **server_ctrls = NULL;
	LDAPControl **returned_ctrls = NULL;
	LDAPSearchIter *search_iter = (LDAPSearchIter *)iterator;

	entrylist = PyList_New(0);
	if (entrylist == NULL) {
		return PyErr_NoMemory();

	/* Check the number of server controls and allocate it. */
	if (self->page_size > 1) num_of_ctrls++;
	if (self->sort_list != NULL) num_of_ctrls++;
	if (num_of_ctrls > 0) {
		server_ctrls = (LDAPControl **)malloc(sizeof(LDAPControl *)
				* (num_of_ctrls + 1));
		if (server_ctrls == NULL) return PyErr_NoMemory();
		num_of_ctrls = 0;

	if (self->page_size > 1) {
		/* Create page control and add to the server controls. */
		rc = ldap_create_page_control(self->ld, (ber_int_t)(self->page_size),
				search_iter->cookie, 0, &page_ctrl);
		if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			return NULL;
		server_ctrls[num_of_ctrls++] = page_ctrl;
		server_ctrls[num_of_ctrls] = NULL;

	if (self->sort_list != NULL) {
		rc = ldap_create_sort_control(self->ld, self->sort_list, 0, &sort_ctrl);
		if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			return NULL;
		server_ctrls[num_of_ctrls++] = sort_ctrl;
		server_ctrls[num_of_ctrls] = NULL;

	rc = ldap_search_ext_s(self->ld, search_iter->base,
				server_ctrls, NULL,
				search_iter->sizelimit, &res);

	if (rc == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
		return entrylist;
		PyObject *ldaperror = get_error_by_code(rc);
		PyErr_SetString(ldaperror, ldap_err2string(rc));
        return NULL;

	rc = ldap_parse_result(self->ld, res, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &returned_ctrls, 0);
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)

	if (search_iter->cookie != NULL && search_iter->cookie->bv_val != NULL) {
    	search_iter->cookie = NULL;
    rc = ldap_parse_page_control(self->ld, returned_ctrls, NULL, &(search_iter->cookie));
	rc = ldap_parse_pageresponse_control(self->ld,
			ldap_control_find(LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS, returned_ctrls, NULL),
			NULL, search_iter->cookie);
	/* Iterate over the response LDAP messages. */
	for (entry = ldap_first_entry(self->ld, res);
		entry != NULL;
		entry = ldap_next_entry(self->ld, entry)) {
		entryobj = LDAPEntry_FromLDAPMessage(entry, self);
		if (entryobj == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		if ((entryobj == NULL) ||
				(PyList_Append(entrylist, (PyObject *)entryobj)) != 0) {
			return PyErr_NoMemory();
	/* Cleanup. */
	if (returned_ctrls != NULL) ldap_controls_free(returned_ctrls);
	if (page_ctrl != NULL) ldap_control_free(page_ctrl);
	if (sort_ctrl != NULL) ldap_control_free(sort_ctrl);
	if (server_ctrls != NULL) free(server_ctrls);

	return entrylist;