static int construct_modifyTimeStamp(struct ldb_module *module, struct ldb_message *msg, enum ldb_scope scope, struct ldb_request *parent) { struct operational_data *data = talloc_get_type(ldb_module_get_private(module), struct operational_data); struct ldb_context *ldb = ldb_module_get_ctx(module); /* We may be being called before the init function has finished */ if (!data) { return LDB_SUCCESS; } /* Try and set this value up, if possible. Don't worry if it * fails, we may not have the DB set up yet. */ if (!data->aggregate_dn) { data->aggregate_dn = samdb_aggregate_schema_dn(ldb, data); } if (data->aggregate_dn && ldb_dn_compare(data->aggregate_dn, msg->dn) == 0) { /* * If we have the DN for the object with common name = Aggregate and * the request is for this DN then let's do the following: * 1) search the object which changedUSN correspond to the one of the loaded * schema. * 2) Get the whenChanged attribute * 3) Generate the modifyTimestamp out of the whenChanged attribute */ const struct dsdb_schema *schema = dsdb_get_schema(ldb, NULL); char *value = ldb_timestring(msg, schema->ts_last_change); return ldb_msg_add_string(msg, "modifyTimeStamp", value); } return ldb_msg_copy_attr(msg, "whenChanged", "modifyTimeStamp"); }
static WERROR dsdb_syntax_NTTIME_drsuapi_to_ldb(struct ldb_context *ldb, const struct dsdb_schema *schema, const struct dsdb_attribute *attr, const struct drsuapi_DsReplicaAttribute *in, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct ldb_message_element *out) { uint32_t i; out->flags = 0; out->name = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, attr->lDAPDisplayName); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(out->name); out->num_values = in->value_ctr.num_values; out->values = talloc_array(mem_ctx, struct ldb_val, out->num_values); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(out->values); for (i=0; i < out->num_values; i++) { NTTIME v; time_t t; char *str; if (in->value_ctr.values[i].blob == NULL) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (in->value_ctr.values[i].blob->length != 8) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } v = BVAL(in->value_ctr.values[i].blob->data, 0); v *= 10000000; t = nt_time_to_unix(v); str = ldb_timestring(out->values, t); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(str); out->values[i] = data_blob_string_const(str); } return WERR_OK; }
static NTSTATUS wreplsrv_scavenging_owned_records(struct wreplsrv_service *service, TALLOC_CTX *tmp_mem) { NTSTATUS status; struct winsdb_record *rec = NULL; struct ldb_result *res = NULL; const char *owner_filter; const char *filter; uint32_t i; int ret; time_t now = time(NULL); const char *now_timestr; const char *action; const char *old_state=NULL; const char *new_state=NULL; uint32_t modify_flags; BOOL modify_record; BOOL delete_record; BOOL delete_tombstones; struct timeval tombstone_extra_time; now_timestr = ldb_timestring(tmp_mem, now); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(now_timestr); owner_filter = wreplsrv_owner_filter(service, tmp_mem, service->wins_db->local_owner); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(owner_filter); filter = talloc_asprintf(tmp_mem, "(&%s(objectClass=winsRecord)" "(expireTime<=%s))", owner_filter, now_timestr); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(filter); ret = ldb_search(service->wins_db->ldb, NULL, LDB_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, &res); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION; talloc_steal(tmp_mem, res); DEBUG(10,("WINS scavenging: filter '%s' count %d\n", filter, res->count)); tombstone_extra_time = timeval_add(&service->startup_time, service->config.tombstone_extra_timeout, 0); delete_tombstones = timeval_expired(&tombstone_extra_time); for (i=0; i < res->count; i++) { /* * we pass '0' as 'now' here, * because we want to get the raw timestamps which are in the DB */ status = winsdb_record(service->wins_db, res->msgs[i], tmp_mem, 0, &rec); NT_STATUS_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); talloc_free(res->msgs[i]); modify_flags = 0; modify_record = False; delete_record = False; switch (rec->state) { case WREPL_STATE_ACTIVE: old_state = "active"; new_state = "active"; if (!rec->is_static) { new_state = "released"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_RELEASED; rec->expire_time= service->config.tombstone_interval + now; } modify_flags = 0; modify_record = True; break; case WREPL_STATE_RELEASED: old_state = "released"; new_state = "tombstone"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_TOMBSTONE; rec->expire_time= service->config.tombstone_timeout + now; modify_flags = WINSDB_FLAG_ALLOC_VERSION | WINSDB_FLAG_TAKE_OWNERSHIP; modify_record = True; break; case WREPL_STATE_TOMBSTONE: old_state = "tombstone"; new_state = "tombstone"; if (!delete_tombstones) break; new_state = "deleted"; delete_record = True; break; case WREPL_STATE_RESERVED: DEBUG(0,("%s: corrupted record: %s\n", __location__, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name))); return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION; } if (modify_record) { action = "modify"; ret = winsdb_modify(service->wins_db, rec, modify_flags); } else if (delete_record) { action = "delete"; ret = winsdb_delete(service->wins_db, rec); } else { action = "skip"; ret = NBT_RCODE_OK; } if (ret != NBT_RCODE_OK) { DEBUG(1,("WINS scavenging: failed to %s name %s (owned:%s -> owned:%s): error:%u\n", action, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name), old_state, new_state, ret)); } else { DEBUG(4,("WINS scavenging: %s name: %s (owned:%s -> owned:%s)\n", action, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name), old_state, new_state)); } talloc_free(rec); } return NT_STATUS_OK; }
static WERROR dsdb_convert_object_ex(struct ldb_context *ldb, const struct dsdb_schema *schema, const struct drsuapi_DsReplicaObjectListItemEx *in, const DATA_BLOB *gensec_skey, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct dsdb_extended_replicated_object *out) { NTSTATUS nt_status; WERROR status; uint32_t i; struct ldb_message *msg; struct replPropertyMetaDataBlob *md; struct ldb_val guid_value; NTTIME whenChanged = 0; time_t whenChanged_t; const char *whenChanged_s; const char *rdn_name = NULL; const struct ldb_val *rdn_value = NULL; const struct dsdb_attribute *rdn_attr = NULL; uint32_t rdn_attid; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaAttribute *name_a = NULL; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaMetaData *name_d = NULL; struct replPropertyMetaData1 *rdn_m = NULL; struct dom_sid *sid = NULL; uint32_t rid = 0; int ret; if (!in->object.identifier) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (!in->object.identifier->dn || !in->object.identifier->dn[0]) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes != 0 && !in->meta_data_ctr) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes != in->meta_data_ctr->count) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } sid = &in->object.identifier->sid; if (sid->num_auths > 0) { rid = sid->sub_auths[sid->num_auths - 1]; } msg = ldb_msg_new(mem_ctx); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg); msg->dn = ldb_dn_new(msg, ldb, in->object.identifier->dn); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg->dn); rdn_name = ldb_dn_get_rdn_name(msg->dn); rdn_attr = dsdb_attribute_by_lDAPDisplayName(schema, rdn_name); if (!rdn_attr) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } rdn_attid = rdn_attr->attributeID_id; rdn_value = ldb_dn_get_rdn_val(msg->dn); msg->num_elements = in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes; msg->elements = talloc_array(msg, struct ldb_message_element, msg->num_elements); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg->elements); md = talloc(mem_ctx, struct replPropertyMetaDataBlob); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(md); md->version = 1; md->reserved = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.count = in->meta_data_ctr->count; md->ctr.ctr1.reserved = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.array = talloc_array(mem_ctx, struct replPropertyMetaData1, md->ctr.ctr1.count + 1); /* +1 because of the RDN attribute */ W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(md->ctr.ctr1.array); for (i=0; i < in->meta_data_ctr->count; i++) { struct drsuapi_DsReplicaAttribute *a; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaMetaData *d; struct replPropertyMetaData1 *m; struct ldb_message_element *e; int j; a = &in->object.attribute_ctr.attributes[i]; d = &in->meta_data_ctr->meta_data[i]; m = &md->ctr.ctr1.array[i]; e = &msg->elements[i]; for (j=0; j<a->value_ctr.num_values; j++) { status = drsuapi_decrypt_attribute(a->value_ctr.values[j].blob, gensec_skey, rid, a); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); } status = dsdb_attribute_drsuapi_to_ldb(ldb, schema, a, msg->elements, e); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && a->value_ctr.num_values == 0) { /* w2k8-r2 occasionally sends bogus empty attributes with rubbish attribute IDs. The only think we can do is discard these */ DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Discarding bogus empty DsReplicaAttribute with attid 0x%x\n", a->attid)); ZERO_STRUCTP(e); continue; } W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); m->attid = a->attid; m->version = d->version; m->originating_change_time = d->originating_change_time; m->originating_invocation_id = d->originating_invocation_id; m->originating_usn = d->originating_usn; m->local_usn = 0; if (d->originating_change_time > whenChanged) { whenChanged = d->originating_change_time; } if (a->attid == DRSUAPI_ATTRIBUTE_name) { name_a = a; name_d = d; rdn_m = &md->ctr.ctr1.array[md->ctr.ctr1.count]; } } /* delete any empty elements */ for (i=0; i < msg->num_elements; i++) { if (msg->elements[i].name == NULL) { ldb_msg_remove_element(msg, &msg->elements[i]); i--; } } if (rdn_m) { struct ldb_message_element *el; el = ldb_msg_find_element(msg, rdn_attr->lDAPDisplayName); if (!el) { ret = ldb_msg_add_value(msg, rdn_attr->lDAPDisplayName, rdn_value, NULL); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } } else { if (el->num_values != 1) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Unexpected num_values=%u\n", el->num_values)); return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (!ldb_val_equal_exact(&el->values[0], rdn_value)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": RDN value changed? '%*.*s' '%*.*s'\n", (int)el->values[0].length, (int)el->values[0].length, el->values[0].data, (int)rdn_value->length, (int)rdn_value->length, rdn_value->data)); return WERR_FOOBAR; } } rdn_m->attid = rdn_attid; rdn_m->version = name_d->version; rdn_m->originating_change_time = name_d->originating_change_time; rdn_m->originating_invocation_id = name_d->originating_invocation_id; rdn_m->originating_usn = name_d->originating_usn; rdn_m->local_usn = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.count++; } whenChanged_t = nt_time_to_unix(whenChanged); whenChanged_s = ldb_timestring(msg, whenChanged_t); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(whenChanged_s); nt_status = GUID_to_ndr_blob(&in->object.identifier->guid, msg, &guid_value); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } out->msg = msg; out->guid_value = guid_value; out->when_changed = whenChanged_s; out->meta_data = md; return WERR_OK; }
WERROR dsdb_convert_object_ex(struct ldb_context *ldb, const struct dsdb_schema *schema, const struct dsdb_schema_prefixmap *pfm_remote, const struct drsuapi_DsReplicaObjectListItemEx *in, const DATA_BLOB *gensec_skey, const uint32_t *ignore_attids, uint32_t dsdb_repl_flags, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct dsdb_extended_replicated_object *out) { NTSTATUS nt_status; WERROR status = WERR_OK; uint32_t i; struct ldb_message *msg; struct replPropertyMetaDataBlob *md; int instanceType; struct ldb_message_element *instanceType_e = NULL; struct ldb_val guid_value; struct ldb_val parent_guid_value; NTTIME whenChanged = 0; time_t whenChanged_t; const char *whenChanged_s; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaAttribute *name_a = NULL; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaMetaData *name_d = NULL; struct replPropertyMetaData1 *rdn_m = NULL; struct dom_sid *sid = NULL; uint32_t rid = 0; uint32_t attr_count; int ret; if (!in->object.identifier) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (!in->object.identifier->dn || !in->object.identifier->dn[0]) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes != 0 && !in->meta_data_ctr) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes != in->meta_data_ctr->count) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } sid = &in->object.identifier->sid; if (sid->num_auths > 0) { rid = sid->sub_auths[sid->num_auths - 1]; } msg = ldb_msg_new(mem_ctx); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg); msg->dn = ldb_dn_new(msg, ldb, in->object.identifier->dn); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg->dn); msg->num_elements = in->object.attribute_ctr.num_attributes; msg->elements = talloc_array(msg, struct ldb_message_element, msg->num_elements + 1); /* +1 because of the RDN attribute */ W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(msg->elements); md = talloc(mem_ctx, struct replPropertyMetaDataBlob); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(md); md->version = 1; md->reserved = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.count = in->meta_data_ctr->count; md->ctr.ctr1.reserved = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.array = talloc_array(mem_ctx, struct replPropertyMetaData1, md->ctr.ctr1.count + 1); /* +1 because of the RDN attribute */ W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(md->ctr.ctr1.array); for (i=0, attr_count=0; i < in->meta_data_ctr->count; i++, attr_count++) { struct drsuapi_DsReplicaAttribute *a; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaMetaData *d; struct replPropertyMetaData1 *m; struct ldb_message_element *e; uint32_t j; a = &in->object.attribute_ctr.attributes[i]; d = &in->meta_data_ctr->meta_data[i]; m = &md->ctr.ctr1.array[attr_count]; e = &msg->elements[attr_count]; if (dsdb_attid_in_list(ignore_attids, a->attid)) { attr_count--; continue; } if (GUID_all_zero(&d->originating_invocation_id)) { status = WERR_DS_SRC_GUID_MISMATCH; DEBUG(0, ("Refusing replication of object containing invalid zero invocationID on attribute %d of %s: %s\n", a->attid, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn), win_errstr(status))); return status; } if (a->attid == DRSUAPI_ATTID_instanceType) { if (instanceType_e != NULL) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } instanceType_e = e; } for (j=0; j<a->value_ctr.num_values; j++) { status = drsuapi_decrypt_attribute(a->value_ctr.values[j].blob, gensec_skey, rid, dsdb_repl_flags, a); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)) { break; } } if (W_ERROR_EQUAL(status, WERR_TOO_MANY_SECRETS)) { WERROR get_name_status = dsdb_attribute_drsuapi_to_ldb(ldb, schema, pfm_remote, a, msg->elements, e); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(get_name_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Unxpectedly got secret value %s on %s from DRS server\n", e->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn))); } else { DEBUG(0, ("Unxpectedly got secret value on %s from DRS server", ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn))); } } else if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)) { return status; } status = dsdb_attribute_drsuapi_to_ldb(ldb, schema, pfm_remote, a, msg->elements, e); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); m->attid = a->attid; m->version = d->version; m->originating_change_time = d->originating_change_time; m->originating_invocation_id = d->originating_invocation_id; m->originating_usn = d->originating_usn; m->local_usn = 0; if (d->originating_change_time > whenChanged) { whenChanged = d->originating_change_time; } if (a->attid == DRSUAPI_ATTID_name) { name_a = a; name_d = d; } } msg->num_elements = attr_count; md->ctr.ctr1.count = attr_count; if (name_a) { rdn_m = &md->ctr.ctr1.array[md->ctr.ctr1.count]; } if (rdn_m) { struct ldb_message_element *el; const char *rdn_name = NULL; const struct ldb_val *rdn_value = NULL; const struct dsdb_attribute *rdn_attr = NULL; uint32_t rdn_attid; /* * We only need the schema calls for the RDN in this * codepath, and by doing this we avoid needing to * have the dsdb_attribute_by_lDAPDisplayName accessor * working during the schema load. */ rdn_name = ldb_dn_get_rdn_name(msg->dn); rdn_attr = dsdb_attribute_by_lDAPDisplayName(schema, rdn_name); if (!rdn_attr) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } rdn_attid = rdn_attr->attributeID_id; rdn_value = ldb_dn_get_rdn_val(msg->dn); el = ldb_msg_find_element(msg, rdn_attr->lDAPDisplayName); if (!el) { ret = ldb_msg_add_value(msg, rdn_attr->lDAPDisplayName, rdn_value, NULL); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } } else { if (el->num_values != 1) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Unexpected num_values=%u\n", el->num_values)); return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (!ldb_val_equal_exact(&el->values[0], rdn_value)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": RDN value changed? '%*.*s' '%*.*s'\n", (int)el->values[0].length, (int)el->values[0].length, el->values[0].data, (int)rdn_value->length, (int)rdn_value->length, rdn_value->data)); return WERR_FOOBAR; } } rdn_m->attid = rdn_attid; rdn_m->version = name_d->version; rdn_m->originating_change_time = name_d->originating_change_time; rdn_m->originating_invocation_id = name_d->originating_invocation_id; rdn_m->originating_usn = name_d->originating_usn; rdn_m->local_usn = 0; md->ctr.ctr1.count++; } if (instanceType_e == NULL) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } instanceType = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_int(msg, "instanceType", 0); if (dsdb_repl_flags & DSDB_REPL_FLAG_PARTIAL_REPLICA) { /* the instanceType type for partial_replica replication is sent via DRS with TYPE_WRITE set, but must be used on the client with TYPE_WRITE removed */ if (instanceType & INSTANCE_TYPE_WRITE) { /* * Make sure we do not change the order * of msg->elements! * * That's why we use * instanceType_e->num_values = 0 * instead of * ldb_msg_remove_attr(msg, "instanceType"); */ struct ldb_message_element *e; e = ldb_msg_find_element(msg, "instanceType"); if (e != instanceType_e) { DEBUG(0,("instanceType_e[%p] changed to e[%p]\n", instanceType_e, e)); return WERR_FOOBAR; } instanceType_e->num_values = 0; instanceType &= ~INSTANCE_TYPE_WRITE; if (ldb_msg_add_fmt(msg, "instanceType", "%d", instanceType) != LDB_SUCCESS) { return WERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } else { if (!(instanceType & INSTANCE_TYPE_WRITE)) { DEBUG(0, ("Refusing to replicate %s from a read-only repilca into a read-write replica!\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn))); return WERR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_IS_PARTIAL_REPLICA; } } whenChanged_t = nt_time_to_unix(whenChanged); whenChanged_s = ldb_timestring(msg, whenChanged_t); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(whenChanged_s); nt_status = GUID_to_ndr_blob(&in->object.identifier->guid, msg, &guid_value); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } if (in->parent_object_guid) { nt_status = GUID_to_ndr_blob(in->parent_object_guid, msg, &parent_guid_value); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } } else { parent_guid_value = data_blob_null; } out->msg = msg; out->guid_value = guid_value; out->parent_guid_value = parent_guid_value; out->when_changed = whenChanged_s; out->meta_data = md; return WERR_OK; }
static NTSTATUS wreplsrv_scavenging_owned_records(struct wreplsrv_service *service, TALLOC_CTX *tmp_mem) { NTSTATUS status; struct winsdb_record *rec = NULL; struct ldb_result *res = NULL; const char *owner_filter; const char *filter; unsigned int i; int ret; time_t now = time(NULL); const char *now_timestr; const char *action; const char *old_state=NULL; const char *new_state=NULL; uint32_t modify_flags; bool modify_record; bool delete_record; bool delete_tombstones; struct timeval tombstone_extra_time; const char *local_owner = service->wins_db->local_owner; bool propagate = lpcfg_parm_bool(service->task->lp_ctx, NULL, "wreplsrv", "propagate name releases", false); now_timestr = ldb_timestring(tmp_mem, now); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(now_timestr); owner_filter = wreplsrv_owner_filter(service, tmp_mem, local_owner); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(owner_filter); filter = talloc_asprintf(tmp_mem, "(&%s(objectClass=winsRecord)" "(expireTime<=%s))", owner_filter, now_timestr); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(filter); ret = ldb_search(service->wins_db->ldb, tmp_mem, &res, NULL, LDB_SCOPE_SUBTREE, NULL, "%s", filter); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION; DEBUG(10,("WINS scavenging: filter '%s' count %d\n", filter, res->count)); tombstone_extra_time = timeval_add(&service->startup_time, service->config.tombstone_extra_timeout, 0); delete_tombstones = timeval_expired(&tombstone_extra_time); for (i=0; i < res->count; i++) { bool has_replicas = false; /* * we pass '0' as 'now' here, * because we want to get the raw timestamps which are in the DB */ status = winsdb_record(service->wins_db, res->msgs[i], tmp_mem, 0, &rec); NT_STATUS_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); talloc_free(res->msgs[i]); modify_flags = 0; modify_record = false; delete_record = false; switch (rec->state) { case WREPL_STATE_ACTIVE: old_state = "active"; if (rec->is_static) { /* *we store it again, so that it won't appear * in the scavenging the next time */ old_state = "active(static)"; new_state = "active(static)"; modify_flags = 0; modify_record = true; break; } if (rec->type != WREPL_TYPE_SGROUP || !propagate) { new_state = "released"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_RELEASED; rec->expire_time= service->config.tombstone_interval + now; modify_flags = 0; modify_record = true; break; } /* check if there's any replica address */ for (i=0;rec->addresses[i];i++) { if (strcmp(rec->addresses[i]->wins_owner, local_owner) != 0) { has_replicas = true; rec->addresses[i]->expire_time= service->config.renew_interval + now; } } if (has_replicas) { /* if it has replica addresses propagate them */ new_state = "active(propagated)"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_ACTIVE; rec->expire_time= service->config.renew_interval + now; modify_flags = WINSDB_FLAG_ALLOC_VERSION | WINSDB_FLAG_TAKE_OWNERSHIP; modify_record = true; break; } /* * if it doesn't have replica addresses, make it a tombstone, * so that the released owned addresses are propagated */ new_state = "tombstone"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_TOMBSTONE; rec->expire_time= time(NULL) + service->config.tombstone_interval + service->config.tombstone_timeout; modify_flags = WINSDB_FLAG_ALLOC_VERSION | WINSDB_FLAG_TAKE_OWNERSHIP; modify_record = true; break; case WREPL_STATE_RELEASED: old_state = "released"; new_state = "tombstone"; rec->state = WREPL_STATE_TOMBSTONE; rec->expire_time= service->config.tombstone_timeout + now; modify_flags = WINSDB_FLAG_ALLOC_VERSION | WINSDB_FLAG_TAKE_OWNERSHIP; modify_record = true; break; case WREPL_STATE_TOMBSTONE: old_state = "tombstone"; new_state = "tombstone"; if (!delete_tombstones) break; new_state = "deleted"; delete_record = true; break; case WREPL_STATE_RESERVED: DEBUG(0,("%s: corrupted record: %s\n", __location__, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name))); return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION; } if (modify_record) { action = "modify"; ret = winsdb_modify(service->wins_db, rec, modify_flags); } else if (delete_record) { action = "delete"; ret = winsdb_delete(service->wins_db, rec); } else { action = "skip"; ret = NBT_RCODE_OK; } if (ret != NBT_RCODE_OK) { DEBUG(2,("WINS scavenging: failed to %s name %s (owned:%s -> owned:%s): error:%u\n", action, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name), old_state, new_state, ret)); } else { DEBUG(4,("WINS scavenging: %s name: %s (owned:%s -> owned:%s)\n", action, nbt_name_string(rec, rec->name), old_state, new_state)); } talloc_free(rec); } return NT_STATUS_OK; }