//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void TestMdc_Configuration( void ) { pa_mrcSimu_SetRadioAccessTechInUse(LE_MRC_RAT_GSM); pa_mdc_ProfileData_t profileData; char newAPN[] = "NewAPN"; int i; /* Configure the pa_mdcSimu */ for (i = 0; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); memset(&profileData,0,sizeof(pa_mdc_ProfileData_t)); strcpy( &profileData.apn[0], tstAPN); profileData.authentication.type = LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE; profileData.pdp = LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4; pa_mdcSimu_SetProfile(i+1, &profileData); } /* Allocate profiles: use le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn or le_mdc_GetProfile */ for (i = 0; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); if ( (i/2)*2 == i ) { LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(tstAPN, &ProfileRef[i])); } else { ProfileRef[i] = le_mdc_GetProfile(i+1); } /* expected value: ProfileRef not null */ LE_ASSERT(ProfileRef[i] != NULL); /* Check the index*/ LE_ASSERT((i+1) == le_mdc_GetProfileIndex(ProfileRef[i])); } /* Map profile on network interface */ LE_ASSERT(le_mdc_MapProfileOnNetworkInterface(ProfileRef[0], "rmnet_data0") == LE_OK); /* Get and change APN of 1st profile */ char apn[30]; LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp("TstAPN0", apn)); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_SetAPN(ProfileRef[0], newAPN)); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(newAPN, apn)); /* Check to get a profile thanks to its APN */ le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profile; LE_ASSERT(LE_NOT_FOUND == le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn("TstAPN0", &profile)); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(newAPN, &profile)); LE_ASSERT(profile == ProfileRef[0]); /* Get and change authentication */ le_mdc_Auth_t auth; char userName[10]; char password[10]; char myUserName[]="myName"; char myPassword[]="myPwd"; LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0], &auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password))); LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE == auth); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_SetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP, myUserName, myPassword)); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0], &auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password))); LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP == auth); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(userName, myUserName)); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(password, myPassword)); /* Get PDP type and change it */ LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4 == le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0])); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_SetPDP(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6)); LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6 == le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0])); /* start a session: profile can't be modified when a session is activated */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_StartSession(ProfileRef[0])); /* Try to set APN (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ LE_ASSERT(LE_FAULT == le_mdc_SetAPN(ProfileRef[0], "TstAPN0")); /* Get is possible */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(newAPN, apn)); /* Try to set authentication (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ LE_ASSERT(LE_FAULT == le_mdc_SetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_AUTH_CHAP, myUserName, myPassword)); /* Get is possible */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0], &auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password))); LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP == auth); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(userName, myUserName)); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(password, myPassword)); /* Try to set PDP type (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ LE_ASSERT(LE_FAULT == le_mdc_SetPDP(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4V6)); /* Get is possible */ LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6 == le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0])); /* Check that other profiles didn't change */ for (i = 1; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); /* Check APN */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[i], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(tstAPN, apn)); /* Check auth */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[i], &auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password))); LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE == auth); /* Check PDP type */ LE_ASSERT(LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4 == le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[i])); /* Check to get a profile thanks to its APN */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(tstAPN, &profile)); LE_ASSERT(profile == ProfileRef[i]); } /* stop the session */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_StopSession(ProfileRef[0])); /* Test default APNs */ char homeMcc[] = "000"; char homeMnc[] = "00"; pa_simSimu_ReportSIMState(LE_SIM_READY); pa_simSimu_SetHomeNetworkMccMnc(homeMcc, homeMnc); pa_simSimu_SetCardIdentification(""); TriggerSimRefresh(); LE_ASSERT(LE_FAULT == le_mdc_SetDefaultAPN(ProfileRef[2])); /* Set default APN based on MCC and MNC */ strcpy(homeMcc, "208"); strcpy(homeMnc, "01"); pa_simSimu_SetHomeNetworkMccMnc(homeMcc, homeMnc); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_SetDefaultAPN(ProfileRef[2])); /* Check APN */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[2], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp("orange", apn)); /* Set default APN based on ICCID, MCC and MNC */ char iccid[] = "89332422217010081060"; pa_simSimu_SetCardIdentification(iccid); TriggerSimRefresh(); LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_SetDefaultAPN(ProfileRef[2])); /* Check APN */ LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[2], apn, sizeof(apn))); LE_ASSERT(0 == strcmp("internet.sierrawireless.com", apn)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void TestMdc_Configuration( void ) { pa_mrcSimu_SetRadioAccessTechInUse(LE_MRC_RAT_GSM); pa_mdc_ProfileData_t profileData; char newAPN[] = "NewAPN"; int i; le_result_t res; /* Configure the pa_mdcSimu */ for (i = 0; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); memset(&profileData,0,sizeof(pa_mdc_ProfileData_t)); strcpy( &profileData.apn[0], tstAPN); profileData.authentication.type = LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE; profileData.pdp = LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4; pa_mdcSimu_SetProfile(i+1, &profileData); } /* Allocate profiles: use le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn or le_mdc_GetProfile */ for (i = 0; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); if ( (i/2)*2 == i ) { res = le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(tstAPN, &ProfileRef[i]); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); } else { ProfileRef[i] = le_mdc_GetProfile(i+1); } /* expected value: ProfileRef not null */ LE_ASSERT(ProfileRef[i] != NULL); /* Check the index*/ LE_ASSERT((i+1) == le_mdc_GetProfileIndex(ProfileRef[i])); } /* Get and change APN of 1st profile */ char apn[10]; res = le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(strcmp("TstAPN0", apn)==0); res = le_mdc_SetAPN(ProfileRef[0], newAPN); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); res = le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(newAPN, apn)==0); /* Check to get a profile thanks to its APN */ le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profile; res = le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn("TstAPN0", &profile); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_NOT_FOUND); res = le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(newAPN, &profile); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(profile == ProfileRef[0]); /* Get and change authentification */ le_mdc_Auth_t auth; char userName[10]; char password[10]; char myUserName[]="myName"; char myPassword[]="myPwd"; res = le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0],&auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(auth == LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE); res = le_mdc_SetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0],LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP, myUserName, myPassword); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); res = le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0],&auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(auth == LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(userName, myUserName)==0); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(password, myPassword)==0); /* Get PDP type and change it */ le_mdc_Pdp_t pdp; pdp = le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0]); LE_ASSERT(pdp == LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4); res = le_mdc_SetPDP(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); pdp = le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0]); LE_ASSERT(pdp == LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6); /* start a session: profile can't be modified when a session is activated */ res = le_mdc_StartSession(ProfileRef[0]); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); /* Try to set APN (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ res = le_mdc_SetAPN(ProfileRef[0], "TstAPN0"); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_FAULT); /* Get is possible */ res = le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[0], apn, sizeof(apn)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(newAPN, apn)==0); /* Try to set authentification (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ res = le_mdc_SetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0],LE_MDC_AUTH_CHAP, myUserName, myPassword); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_FAULT); /* Get is possible */ res = le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[0],&auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(auth == LE_MDC_AUTH_PAP); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(userName, myUserName)==0); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(password, myPassword)==0); /* Try to set PDP type (error is expected as a connection is in progress) */ res = le_mdc_SetPDP(ProfileRef[0], LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4V6); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_FAULT); /* Get is possible */ pdp = le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[0]); LE_ASSERT(pdp == LE_MDC_PDP_IPV6); /* Check that other profiles didn't change */ for (i = 1; i < NB_PROFILE; i++) { char tstAPN[10]; snprintf(tstAPN,10,"TstAPN%d", i); /* Check APN */ res = le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[i], apn, sizeof(apn)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(tstAPN, apn)==0); /* Check auth */ res = le_mdc_GetAuthentication(ProfileRef[i],&auth, userName, sizeof(userName), password, sizeof(password)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(auth == LE_MDC_AUTH_NONE); /* Check PDP type */ pdp = le_mdc_GetPDP(ProfileRef[i]); LE_ASSERT(pdp == LE_MDC_PDP_IPV4); /* Check to get a profile thanks to its APN */ res = le_mdc_GetProfileFromApn(tstAPN, &profile); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(profile == ProfileRef[i]); } /* stop the session */ res = le_mdc_StopSession(ProfileRef[0]); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); char homeMcc[]="208"; char homeMnc[]="01"; char tstAPN[]="orange"; pa_simSimu_ReportSimState(LE_SIM_READY); pa_simSimu_SetHomeNetworkMccMnc(homeMcc, homeMnc); res = le_mdc_SetDefaultAPN(ProfileRef[2]); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); /* Check APN */ res = le_mdc_GetAPN(ProfileRef[2], apn, sizeof(apn)); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_OK); LE_ASSERT(strcmp(tstAPN, apn)==0); strcpy(homeMcc,"000"); strcpy(homeMnc,"000"); pa_simSimu_SetHomeNetworkMccMnc(homeMcc, homeMnc); res = le_mdc_SetDefaultAPN(ProfileRef[2]); LE_ASSERT(res == LE_FAULT); }