文件: ewf.c 项目: Tom9X/TestDisk
static int fewf_pwrite(disk_t *disk, const void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset)
  struct info_fewf_struct *data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data;
  int64_t taille;
#if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API )
  taille = libewf_handle_write_random(
            NULL );
  taille=libewf_write_random(data->handle, buffer, count, offset);
    log_error("fewf_pwrite(xxx,%u,buffer,%lu(%u/%u/%u)) write err: ",
	(unsigned)(count/disk->sector_size), (long unsigned)(offset/disk->sector_size),
	offset2cylinder(disk,offset), offset2head(disk,offset), offset2sector(disk,offset));
    log_error("%s\n", strerror(errno));
    return -1;
  return taille;
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] )
#ifndef HAVE_GLOB_H
	EWFGLOB *glob              = NULL;
	int32_t glob_count         = 0;
	LIBEWF_HANDLE *handle      = NULL;
	uint8_t *buffer            = NULL;
	INT_T option               = 0;
	int64_t count              = 0;
	uint64_t size              = 0;
	uint64_t alter_offset      = 0;
	uint64_t alter_size        = 0;
	uint8_t swap_byte_pairs    = 0;
	uint8_t verbose            = 0;


	fprintf( stderr, "ewfalter is for expirimental usage only.\n" );

	ewfcommon_version_fprint( stderr, _S_LIBEWF_CHAR( "ewfalter" ) );

	while( ( option = ewfgetopt( argc, argv, _S_CHAR_T( "hsqvV" ) ) ) != (INT_T) -1 )
		switch( option )
			case (INT_T) '?':
				fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs ".\n", argv[ optind ] );


				return( EXIT_FAILURE );

			case (INT_T) 'h':

				return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

			case (INT_T) 's':
				swap_byte_pairs = 1;


			case (INT_T) 'q':

			case (INT_T) 'v':
				verbose = 1;


			case (INT_T) 'V':
				ewfcommon_copyright_fprint( stderr );

				return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
	if( optind == argc )
		fprintf( stderr, "Missing EWF image file(s).\n" );


		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	libewf_set_notify_values( stderr, verbose );

#ifndef HAVE_GLOB_H
	glob = ewfglob_alloc();

	if( glob == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create glob.\n" );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	glob_count = ewfglob_resolve( glob, &argv[ optind ], ( argc - optind ) );

	if( glob_count <= 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to resolve glob.\n" );

		ewfglob_free( glob );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	handle = libewf_open( glob->results, glob->amount, LIBEWF_OPEN_READ_WRITE );

	ewfglob_free( glob );
	handle = libewf_open( &argv[ optind ], ( argc - optind ), LIBEWF_OPEN_READ_WRITE );

	if( handle == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open EWF image file(s).\n" );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( libewf_set_swap_byte_pairs( handle, swap_byte_pairs ) != 1 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set swap byte pairs in handle.\n" );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	size = libewf_get_media_size( handle );

	if( size == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Error altering data from EWF file(s) - media size is 0.\n" );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	/* Request the necessary case data
	fprintf( stderr, "Information for alter required, please provide the necessary input\n" );

	alter_offset = ewfcommon_get_user_input_size_variable( stderr, _S_LIBEWF_CHAR( "Start altering at offset" ), 0, size, 0 );
	alter_size   = ewfcommon_get_user_input_size_variable( stderr, _S_LIBEWF_CHAR( "Amount of bytes to alter" ), 0, size, size );

	buffer = libewf_common_alloc( alter_size * sizeof( uint8_t ) );

	if( buffer == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to allocate buffer.\n" );

		if( libewf_close( handle ) != 0 )
			fprintf( stdout, "Unable to close EWF file handle.\n" );
		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( libewf_common_memset( buffer, 'X', alter_size ) == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set buffer.\n" );

		if( libewf_close( handle ) != 0 )
			fprintf( stdout, "Unable to close EWF file handle.\n" );
		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	count = libewf_write_random( handle, buffer, alter_size, alter_offset );

	if( count <= -1 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Alteration failed.\n" );

		if( libewf_close( handle ) != 0 )
			fprintf( stdout, "Unable to close EWF file handle.\n" );
		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	fprintf( stderr, "Alteration completed.\n" );

	if( libewf_close( handle ) != 0 )
		fprintf( stdout, "Unable to close EWF file handle.\n" );

		return( EXIT_FAILURE );
	return( EXIT_SUCCESS );