void TestController::initialize(int argc, const char* argv[]) { platformInitialize(); if (argc < 2) { fputs("Usage: WebKitTestRunner [options] filename [filename2..n]\n", stderr); // FIXME: Refactor option parsing to allow us to print // an auto-generated list of options. exit(1); } bool printSupportedFeatures = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string argument(argv[i]); if (argument == "--timeout" && i + 1 < argc) { m_longTimeout = atoi(argv[++i]); // Scale up the short timeout to match. m_shortTimeout = defaultShortTimeout * m_longTimeout / defaultLongTimeout; continue; } if (argument == "--no-timeout") { m_useWaitToDumpWatchdogTimer = false; continue; } if (argument == "--no-timeout-at-all") { m_useWaitToDumpWatchdogTimer = false; m_forceNoTimeout = true; continue; } if (argument == "--verbose") { m_verbose = true; continue; } if (argument == "--gc-between-tests") { m_gcBetweenTests = true; continue; } if (argument == "--pixel-tests" || argument == "-p") { m_shouldDumpPixelsForAllTests = true; continue; } if (argument == "--print-supported-features") { printSupportedFeatures = true; break; } // Skip any other arguments that begin with '--'. if (argument.length() >= 2 && argument[0] == '-' && argument[1] == '-') continue; m_paths.push_back(argument); } if (printSupportedFeatures) { // FIXME: On Windows, DumpRenderTree uses this to expose whether it supports 3d // transforms and accelerated compositing. When we support those features, we // should match DRT's behavior. exit(0); } m_usingServerMode = (m_paths.size() == 1 && m_paths[0] == "-"); if (m_usingServerMode) m_printSeparators = true; else m_printSeparators = m_paths.size() > 1; initializeInjectedBundlePath(); initializeTestPluginDirectory(); WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> pageGroupIdentifier(AdoptWK, WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("WebKitTestRunnerPageGroup")); m_pageGroup.adopt(WKPageGroupCreateWithIdentifier(pageGroupIdentifier.get())); m_context.adopt(WKContextCreateWithInjectedBundlePath(injectedBundlePath())); m_geolocationProvider = adoptPtr(new GeolocationProviderMock(m_context.get())); #if PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED > 1080 WKContextSetUsesNetworkProcess(m_context.get(), true); WKContextSetProcessModel(m_context.get(), kWKProcessModelMultipleSecondaryProcesses); #endif if (const char* dumpRenderTreeTemp = libraryPathForTesting()) { String temporaryFolder = String::fromUTF8(dumpRenderTreeTemp); // WebCore::pathByAppendingComponent is not used here because of the namespace, // which leads us to this ugly #ifdef and file path concatenation. #if OS(WINDOWS) const char separator = '\\'; #else const char separator = '/'; #endif WKContextSetApplicationCacheDirectory(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "ApplicationCache").get()); WKContextSetDatabaseDirectory(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "Databases").get()); WKContextSetLocalStorageDirectory(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "LocalStorage").get()); WKContextSetDiskCacheDirectory(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "Cache").get()); WKContextSetCookieStorageDirectory(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "Cookies").get()); WKContextSetIconDatabasePath(m_context.get(), toWK(temporaryFolder + separator + "IconDatabase" + separator + "WebpageIcons.db").get()); } platformInitializeContext(); WKContextInjectedBundleClient injectedBundleClient = { kWKContextInjectedBundleClientCurrentVersion, this, didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle, didReceiveSynchronousMessageFromInjectedBundle, 0 // getInjectedBundleInitializationUserData }; WKContextSetInjectedBundleClient(m_context.get(), &injectedBundleClient); WKNotificationManagerRef notificationManager = WKContextGetNotificationManager(m_context.get()); WKNotificationProvider notificationKit = m_webNotificationProvider.provider(); WKNotificationManagerSetProvider(notificationManager, ¬ificationKit); if (testPluginDirectory()) WKContextSetAdditionalPluginsDirectory(m_context.get(), testPluginDirectory()); createWebViewWithOptions(0); }
void TestController::initialize(int argc, const char* argv[]) { platformInitialize(); if (argc < 2) { fputs("Usage: WebKitTestRunner [options] filename [filename2..n]\n", stderr); // FIXME: Refactor option parsing to allow us to print // an auto-generated list of options. exit(1); } bool printSupportedFeatures = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string argument(argv[i]); if (argument == "--timeout" && i + 1 < argc) { m_longTimeout = atoi(argv[++i]); // Scale up the short timeout to match. m_shortTimeout = defaultShortTimeout * m_longTimeout / defaultLongTimeout; continue; } if (argument == "--skip-pixel-test-if-no-baseline") { m_skipPixelTestOption = true; continue; } if (argument == "--pixel-tests") { m_dumpPixels = true; continue; } if (argument == "--verbose") { m_verbose = true; continue; } if (argument == "--gc-between-tests") { m_gcBetweenTests = true; continue; } if (argument == "--print-supported-features") { printSupportedFeatures = true; break; } // Skip any other arguments that begin with '--'. if (argument.length() >= 2 && argument[0] == '-' && argument[1] == '-') continue; m_paths.push_back(argument); } if (printSupportedFeatures) { // FIXME: On Windows, DumpRenderTree uses this to expose whether it supports 3d // transforms and accelerated compositing. When we support those features, we // should match DRT's behavior. exit(0); } m_usingServerMode = (m_paths.size() == 1 && m_paths[0] == "-"); if (m_usingServerMode) m_printSeparators = true; else m_printSeparators = m_paths.size() > 1; initializeInjectedBundlePath(); initializeTestPluginDirectory(); WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> pageGroupIdentifier(AdoptWK, WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("WebKitTestRunnerPageGroup")); m_pageGroup.adopt(WKPageGroupCreateWithIdentifier(pageGroupIdentifier.get())); m_context.adopt(WKContextCreateWithInjectedBundlePath(injectedBundlePath())); const char* path = libraryPathForTesting(); if (path) { Vector<char> databaseDirectory(strlen(path) + strlen("/Databases") + 1); sprintf(databaseDirectory.data(), "%s%s", path, "/Databases"); WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> databaseDirectoryWK(AdoptWK, WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString(databaseDirectory.data())); WKContextSetDatabaseDirectory(m_context.get(), databaseDirectoryWK.get()); } platformInitializeContext(); WKContextInjectedBundleClient injectedBundleClient = { kWKContextInjectedBundleClientCurrentVersion, this, didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle, didReceiveSynchronousMessageFromInjectedBundle }; WKContextSetInjectedBundleClient(m_context.get(), &injectedBundleClient); WKContextSetAdditionalPluginsDirectory(m_context.get(), testPluginDirectory()); m_mainWebView = adoptPtr(new PlatformWebView(m_context.get(), m_pageGroup.get())); WKPageUIClient pageUIClient = { kWKPageUIClientCurrentVersion, this, 0, // createNewPage_deprecatedForUseWithV0 0, // showPage 0, // close 0, // takeFocus 0, // focus 0, // unfocus 0, // runJavaScriptAlert 0, // runJavaScriptConfirm 0, // runJavaScriptPrompt 0, // setStatusText 0, // mouseDidMoveOverElement_deprecatedForUseWithV0 0, // missingPluginButtonClicked 0, // didNotHandleKeyEvent 0, // didNotHandleWheelEvent 0, // toolbarsAreVisible 0, // setToolbarsAreVisible 0, // menuBarIsVisible 0, // setMenuBarIsVisible 0, // statusBarIsVisible 0, // setStatusBarIsVisible 0, // isResizable 0, // setIsResizable getWindowFrameMainPage, setWindowFrameMainPage, runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel, 0, // didDraw 0, // pageDidScroll exceededDatabaseQuota, 0, // runOpenPanel 0, // decidePolicyForGeolocationPermissionRequest 0, // headerHeight 0, // footerHeight 0, // drawHeader 0, // drawFooter 0, // printFrame runModal, 0, // didCompleteRubberBandForMainFrame 0, // saveDataToFileInDownloadsFolder 0, // shouldInterruptJavaScript createOtherPage, 0, // mouseDidMoveOverElement 0, // decidePolicyForNotificationPermissionRequest }; WKPageSetPageUIClient(m_mainWebView->page(), &pageUIClient); WKPageLoaderClient pageLoaderClient = { kWKPageLoaderClientCurrentVersion, this, 0, // didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame 0, // didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame 0, // didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame didCommitLoadForFrame, 0, // didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame didFinishLoadForFrame, 0, // didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame 0, // didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame 0, // didReceiveTitleForFrame 0, // didFirstLayoutForFrame 0, // didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForFrame 0, // didRemoveFrameFromHierarchy 0, // didFailToInitializePlugin 0, // didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame 0, // canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpaceInFrame 0, // didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeInFrame 0, // didStartProgress 0, // didChangeProgress 0, // didFinishProgress 0, // didBecomeUnresponsive 0, // didBecomeResponsive processDidCrash, 0, // didChangeBackForwardList 0, // shouldGoToBackForwardListItem 0, // didRunInsecureContentForFrame 0, // didDetectXSSForFrame 0 // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout }; WKPageSetPageLoaderClient(m_mainWebView->page(), &pageLoaderClient); }