文件: libxl_nic.c 项目: TressaOrg/xen
static int libxl__append_nic_list(libxl__gc *gc,
                                           uint32_t domid,
                                           libxl_device_nic **nics,
                                           int *nnics)
    char *libxl_dir_path = NULL;
    char **dir = NULL;
    unsigned int n = 0;
    libxl_device_nic *pnic = NULL, *pnic_end = NULL;
    int rc;

    libxl_dir_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vif",
                               libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid));
    dir = libxl__xs_directory(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl_dir_path, &n);
    if (dir && n) {
        libxl_device_nic *tmp;
        tmp = realloc(*nics, sizeof (libxl_device_nic) * (*nnics + n));
        if (tmp == NULL)
            return ERROR_NOMEM;
        *nics = tmp;
        pnic = *nics + *nnics;
        pnic_end = *nics + *nnics + n;
        for (; pnic < pnic_end; pnic++, dir++) {
            const char *p;
            p = GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", libxl_dir_path, *dir);
            rc = libxl__device_nic_from_xenstore(gc, p, pnic);
            if (rc) goto out;
        *nnics += n;
    return 0;

    return rc;
文件: libxl_create.c 项目: CPFL/gxen
static int store_libxl_entry(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
                             libxl_domain_build_info *b_info)
    char *path = NULL;

    path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid);
    path = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/dm-version", path);
    return libxl__xs_write(gc, XBT_NULL, path, "%s",
 * the script needs the following env & args
 * $vifname
 * $XENBUS_PATH (/libxl/<domid>/remus/netbuf/<devid>/)
 * $REMUS_IFB (for teardown)
 * setup/teardown as command line arg.
static void setup_async_exec(libxl__checkpoint_device *dev, char *op)
    int arraysize, nr = 0;
    char **env = NULL, **args = NULL;
    libxl__remus_device_nic *remus_nic = dev->concrete_data;
    libxl__checkpoint_devices_state *cds = dev->cds;
    libxl__async_exec_state *aes = &dev->aodev.aes;
    libxl__remus_state *rs = cds->concrete_data;


    /* Convenience aliases */
    char *const script = libxl__strdup(gc, rs->netbufscript);
    const uint32_t domid = cds->domid;
    const int dev_id = remus_nic->devid;
    const char *const vif = remus_nic->vif;
    const char *const ifb = remus_nic->ifb;

    arraysize = 7;
    GCNEW_ARRAY(env, arraysize);
    env[nr++] = "vifname";
    env[nr++] = libxl__strdup(gc, vif);
    env[nr++] = "XENBUS_PATH";
    env[nr++] = GCSPRINTF("%s/remus/netbuf/%d",
                          libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), dev_id);
    if (!strcmp(op, "teardown") && ifb) {
        env[nr++] = "REMUS_IFB";
        env[nr++] = libxl__strdup(gc, ifb);
    env[nr++] = NULL;
    assert(nr <= arraysize);

    arraysize = 3; nr = 0;
    GCNEW_ARRAY(args, arraysize);
    args[nr++] = script;
    args[nr++] = op;
    args[nr++] = NULL;
    assert(nr == arraysize);

    aes->ao = dev->cds->ao;
    aes->what = GCSPRINTF("%s %s", args[0], args[1]);
    aes->env = env;
    aes->args = args;
    aes->timeout_ms = LIBXL_HOTPLUG_TIMEOUT * 1000;
    aes->stdfds[0] = -1;
    aes->stdfds[1] = -1;
    aes->stdfds[2] = -1;

    if (!strcmp(op, "teardown"))
        aes->callback = netbuf_teardown_script_cb;
        aes->callback = netbuf_setup_script_cb;
int libxl__device_model_version_running(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid)
    char *path = NULL;
    char *dm_version = NULL;
    libxl_device_model_version value;

    path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid);
    path = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/dm-version", path);
    dm_version = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, path);
    if (!dm_version) {

    if (libxl_device_model_version_from_string(dm_version, &value) < 0) {
        LOG(ERROR, "fatal: %s contain a wrong value (%s)", path, dm_version);
        return -1;
    return value;
文件: libxl_nic.c 项目: TressaOrg/xen
int libxl_device_nic_getinfo(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
                              libxl_device_nic *nic, libxl_nicinfo *nicinfo)
    char *dompath, *nicpath, *libxl_path;
    char *val;
    int rc;

    dompath = libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid);
    nicinfo->devid = nic->devid;

    nicpath = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vif/%d", dompath, nicinfo->devid);
    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vif/%d",
                           libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), nicinfo->devid);
    nicinfo->backend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
                                GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path), NULL);
    if (!nicinfo->backend) {
        return ERROR_FAIL;
    rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, nicinfo->backend,
    if (rc) goto out;

    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/state", nicpath));
    nicinfo->state = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/event-channel", nicpath));
    nicinfo->evtch = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/tx-ring-ref", nicpath));
    nicinfo->rref_tx = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/rx-ring-ref", nicpath));
    nicinfo->rref_rx = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
    nicinfo->frontend = libxl__strdup(NOGC, nicpath);
    nicinfo->frontend_id = domid;

    rc = 0;
    return rc;
文件: libxl_nic.c 项目: TressaOrg/xen
int libxl_devid_to_device_nic(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
                              int devid, libxl_device_nic *nic)
    char *libxl_dom_path, *libxl_path;
    int rc = ERROR_FAIL;

    libxl_dom_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid);
    if (!libxl_dom_path)
        goto out;

    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vif/%d", libxl_dom_path, devid);

    rc = libxl__device_nic_from_xenstore(gc, libxl_path, nic);
    if (rc) goto out;

    rc = 0;
    return rc;
文件: libxl_create.c 项目: CPFL/gxen
int libxl__domain_make(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_domain_create_info *info,
                       uint32_t *domid)
    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc);
    int flags, ret, rc, nb_vm;
    char *uuid_string;
    char *dom_path, *vm_path, *libxl_path;
    struct xs_permissions roperm[2];
    struct xs_permissions rwperm[1];
    struct xs_permissions noperm[1];
    xs_transaction_t t = 0;
    xen_domain_handle_t handle;
    libxl_vminfo *vm_list;


    uuid_string = libxl__uuid2string(gc, info->uuid);
    if (!uuid_string) {
        rc = ERROR_NOMEM;
        goto out;

    flags = 0;
    if (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) {
        flags |= XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_hvm_guest;
        flags |= libxl_defbool_val(info->hap) ? XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_hap : 0;
        flags |= libxl_defbool_val(info->oos) ? 0 : XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_oos_off;
    *domid = -1;

    /* Ultimately, handle is an array of 16 uint8_t, same as uuid */
    libxl_uuid_copy((libxl_uuid *)handle, &info->uuid);

    ret = xc_domain_create(ctx->xch, info->ssidref, handle, flags, domid);
    if (ret < 0) {
        LIBXL__LOG_ERRNOVAL(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, ret, "domain creation fail");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    ret = xc_cpupool_movedomain(ctx->xch, info->poolid, *domid);
    if (ret < 0) {
        LIBXL__LOG_ERRNOVAL(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, ret, "domain move fail");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    dom_path = libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, *domid);
    if (!dom_path) {
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    vm_path = libxl__sprintf(gc, "/vm/%s", uuid_string);
    if (!vm_path) {
        LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "cannot allocate create paths");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    libxl_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, *domid);
    if (!libxl_path) {
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    noperm[0].id = 0;
    noperm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE;

    roperm[0].id = 0;
    roperm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE;
    roperm[1].id = *domid;
    roperm[1].perms = XS_PERM_READ;

    rwperm[0].id = *domid;
    rwperm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE;

    t = xs_transaction_start(ctx->xsh);

    xs_rm(ctx->xsh, t, dom_path);
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t, dom_path, roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));

    xs_rm(ctx->xsh, t, vm_path);
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t, vm_path, roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));

    xs_rm(ctx->xsh, t, libxl_path);
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t, libxl_path, noperm, ARRAY_SIZE(noperm));

    xs_write(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/vm", dom_path), vm_path, strlen(vm_path));
    rc = libxl__domain_rename(gc, *domid, 0, info->name, t);
    if (rc)
        goto out;

    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/cpu", dom_path),
                    roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/memory", dom_path),
                    roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/device", dom_path),
                    roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/control", dom_path),
                    roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));
    if (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM)
        libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                        libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/hvmloader", dom_path),
                        roperm, ARRAY_SIZE(roperm));

    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/control/shutdown", dom_path),
                    rwperm, ARRAY_SIZE(rwperm));
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/device/suspend/event-channel", dom_path),
                    rwperm, ARRAY_SIZE(rwperm));
    libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
                    libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/data", dom_path),
                    rwperm, ARRAY_SIZE(rwperm));
    if (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM)
        libxl__xs_mkdir(gc, t,
            libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/hvmloader/generation-id-address", dom_path),
                        rwperm, ARRAY_SIZE(rwperm));

                    vm_list = libxl_list_vm(ctx, &nb_vm);
    if (!vm_list) {
        LOG(ERROR, "cannot get number of running guests");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;
    libxl_vminfo_list_free(vm_list, nb_vm);
    int hotplug_setting = libxl__hotplug_settings(gc, t);
    if (hotplug_setting < 0) {
        LOG(ERROR, "unable to get current hotplug scripts execution setting");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;
    if (libxl_defbool_val(info->run_hotplug_scripts) != hotplug_setting &&
        (nb_vm - 1)) {
        LOG(ERROR, "cannot change hotplug execution option once set, "
                    "please shutdown all guests before changing it");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    if (libxl_defbool_val(info->run_hotplug_scripts)) {
        rc = libxl__xs_write_checked(gc, t, DISABLE_UDEV_PATH, "1");
        if (rc) {
            LOGE(ERROR, "unable to write %s = 1", DISABLE_UDEV_PATH);
            goto out;
    } else {
        rc = libxl__xs_rm_checked(gc, t, DISABLE_UDEV_PATH);
        if (rc) {
            LOGE(ERROR, "unable to delete %s", DISABLE_UDEV_PATH);
            goto out;

    xs_write(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/uuid", vm_path), uuid_string, strlen(uuid_string));
    xs_write(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/name", vm_path), info->name, strlen(info->name));

    libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, dom_path, info->xsdata);
    libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/platform", dom_path), info->platformdata);

    xs_write(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend", dom_path), "1", 1);
    xs_write(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/control/platform-feature-xs_reset_watches", dom_path), "1", 1);
    if (!xs_transaction_end(ctx->xsh, t, 0)) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN) {
            t = 0;
            goto retry_transaction;
        LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "domain creation "
                         "xenstore transaction commit failed");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;
    t = 0;

    rc = 0;
    if (t) xs_transaction_end(ctx->xsh, t, 1);
    return rc;
 * In return, the script writes the name of REMUS_IFB device (during setup)
 * to be used for output buffering into XENBUS_PATH/ifb
static void netbuf_setup_script_cb(libxl__egc *egc,
                                   libxl__async_exec_state *aes,
                                   int rc, int status)
    libxl__ao_device *aodev = CONTAINER_OF(aes, *aodev, aes);
    libxl__checkpoint_device *dev = CONTAINER_OF(aodev, *dev, aodev);
    libxl__remus_device_nic *remus_nic = dev->concrete_data;
    libxl__checkpoint_devices_state *cds = dev->cds;
    libxl__remus_state *rs = cds->concrete_data;
    const char *out_path_base, *hotplug_error = NULL;


    /* Convenience aliases */
    const uint32_t domid = cds->domid;
    const int devid = remus_nic->devid;
    const char *const vif = remus_nic->vif;
    const char **const ifb = &remus_nic->ifb;

    if (status && !rc)
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
    if (rc)
        goto out;

     * we need to get ifb first because it's needed for teardown
    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
                                          libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid),
    if (rc)
        goto out;

    if (!(*ifb)) {
        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Cannot get ifb dev name for domain %u dev %s",
             domid, vif);
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    out_path_base = GCSPRINTF("%s/remus/netbuf/%d",
                              libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), devid);

    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
                                GCSPRINTF("%s/hotplug-error", out_path_base),
    if (rc)
        goto out;

    if (hotplug_error) {
        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "netbuf script %s setup failed for vif %s: %s",
             rs->netbufscript, vif, hotplug_error);
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    if (status) {
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    LOGD(DEBUG, domid, "%s will buffer packets from vif %s", *ifb, vif);
    rc = init_qdisc(cds, remus_nic);

    aodev->rc = rc;
    aodev->callback(egc, aodev);