文件: Patch.C 项目: bhatele/mol3d
// Function to update properties (i.e. acceleration, velocity and position) in particles
void Patch::updateProperties() {
  int i;
  BigReal powTen, powFteen, realTimeDelta, invMassParticle;
  powTen = pow(10.0, -10);
  powFteen = pow(10.0, -15);
  realTimeDelta = timeDelta * powFteen;
  for(i = 0; i < particles.length(); i++) {
    // applying kinetic equations
    invMassParticle = (AVAGADROS_NUMBER / (particles[i].mass * powTen));
    particles[i].ax = particles[i].fx * invMassParticle;
    particles[i].ay = particles[i].fy * invMassParticle;
    particles[i].az = particles[i].fz * invMassParticle;
    particles[i].vx = particles[i].vx + particles[i].ax * realTimeDelta;
    particles[i].vy = particles[i].vy + particles[i].ay * realTimeDelta;
    particles[i].vz = particles[i].vz + particles[i].az * realTimeDelta;


    particles[i].x = particles[i].x + particles[i].vx * realTimeDelta;
    particles[i].y = particles[i].y + particles[i].vy * realTimeDelta;
    particles[i].z = particles[i].z + particles[i].vz * realTimeDelta;

    particles[i].fx = 0.0;
    particles[i].fy = 0.0;
    particles[i].fz = 0.0;
void Bird::update( float dt )
	const float limited = 3.0f;
	this->setPosition(_body->GetPosition().x * PTM_RATIO, _body->GetPosition().y * PTM_RATIO);
	b2Vec2 vel = _body->GetLinearVelocity();
	if (_awake && vel.x < limited)
		_body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(limited + 1, 0));


	CCLOG("Position: %f", this->getPositionX());
	//CCLOG("Angle: %f | %f", vel.x, vel.y);
	b2Vec2 weightedVel = vel;
	const int NUM_PREV_VELS = 5;
	queue<b2Vec2> quue;
	for(int i = 0; i < _prevVels.size(); ++i) {
		weightedVel += _prevVels[i];
	weightedVel = b2Vec2(weightedVel.x/NUM_PREV_VELS, weightedVel.y/NUM_PREV_VELS);
	if (_prevVels.size() >= NUM_PREV_VELS)
	vel = weightedVel;
	if (vel.x < 0) {
		vel.x = - vel.x;
		vel.y = - vel.y;
	float angle = -1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(ccpToAngle(ccp(vel.x, vel.y)));
	angle = MIN(90, angle);
	angle = MAX(-90, angle);
	if (_awake)
    // Clip velocities over the limit and print ROS warnings
    void limitVelocity(vpColVector &qdot,
                       double velLimit)
      std::vector<double> qdotVec = pal::vispToStdVector(qdot);

      limitVelocity(qdotVec, velLimit);

      qdot = pal::stdVectorToVisp(qdotVec);
void DummyCharacter::Update() {

	//fun resize
	float resizefactor = fabs(body.v.y/3.0f);
	float wid = ONE_BLOCK_SIZE - resizefactor;
	float hig = TWO_BLOCK_SIZE + resizefactor;
	//rectsprite.setSize(sf::Vector2f(wid, hig));
	//rectsprite.setOrigin(wid / 2.0f, hig);
void Jumpman::simulateSelf(double deltaTime)
    mDeltaTime = deltaTime;

    //Build acceleration vector.
    mAcceleration = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    //Get speed velocity components
    float forwardVelocity = glm::dot(mVelocity, mOrientation.getForward());
    float rightVelocity = glm::dot(mVelocity, mOrientation.getRight());
    float upVelocity = glm::dot(mVelocity, mOrientation.getUp());

    float forwardAccel = 0.0;
    float rightAccel = 0.0;
    float upAccel = 0.0;
    float aimAccel = 0.0;

    //If the direction we want to move is the opposite of the direction we are currently moving, then acceleration is increased.
    int currentForwardMovement = 0;
    int currentRightMovement = 0;

    //Don't bother accelerating if we are already going too fast.
    bool canMoveForward = true;
    if(mForwardMovement == 1)
        if(forwardVelocity < -sGroundMaxSpeed || !mCanMoveForward)
            canMoveForward = false;
    else if(mForwardMovement == -1)
        if(forwardVelocity > sGroundMaxSpeed || !mCanMoveBackward)
            canMoveForward = false;

    bool canMoveRight = true;
    if(mRightMovement == 1)
        if(rightVelocity > sGroundMaxSpeed || !mCanMoveRight)
            canMoveRight = false;
    else if(mRightMovement == -1 )
        if(rightVelocity < -sGroundMaxSpeed || !mCanMoveLeft)
            canMoveRight = false;

    if(forwardVelocity < 0) currentForwardMovement = 1;
    if(forwardVelocity > 0) currentForwardMovement = -1;

        std::cout << "TRUE" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "FALSE" << std::endl;

    if(mForwardMovement != 0 && canMoveForward)
        if(mForwardMovement != 0 && currentForwardMovement != 0 && mForwardMovement != currentForwardMovement)
            forwardAccel = sGroundDeaccel;
            forwardAccel = sGroundAccel;
        forwardAccel *= mForwardMovement;
    else if(mForwardMovement == 0)
        forwardAccel = 0.0f;

    if(rightVelocity > 0) currentRightMovement = 1;
    if(rightVelocity < 0) currentRightMovement = -1;

    if(mRightMovement != 0 && canMoveRight)
        if(mRightMovement != 0 && currentRightMovement != 0 && mRightMovement != currentRightMovement) rightAccel = sGroundDeaccel;
        else  rightAccel = sGroundAccel;
        rightAccel *= mRightMovement;
    else if(mRightMovement == 0)
        rightAccel = 0;

    if(mJumpTimerAll > 0.0)
        mJumpTimerAll -= deltaTime;

    if((mIsGrounded || mAttached) && mCanJump && mJumpTimerAll <= 0)
        if(mJumpTimerGround > 0.0 && upVelocity <= 0.0f)
            mJumpTimerGround -= deltaTime;
            if(mJumpTimerGround < 0.0) mJumpTimerGround = 0.0;

        if(mJumping && mJumpTimerGround <= 0.0)
            mVelocity += sJumpAccel * mOrientation.getUp() ;
            mJumpTimerGround = sJumpCooldownGround;
            mJumpTimerAll = sJumpCooldownAir;
            mAttached = false;
            mIsGrounded = false;
        else if(mLeaping && mJumpTimerGround <= 0.0)
            mVelocity -= sLeapAccel * mAim;
            mJumpTimerGround = sJumpCooldownGround;
            mJumpTimerAll = sJumpCooldownAir;
            mAttached = false;
            mIsGrounded = false;

    //Climbing Code

    glm::vec3 myWorldPos = mOrientation.getPos();
        //If not already attached to something, attempt to climb.
        if(mClimable && !mAttached && !mAttemptingToClimb)
            glm::vec3 vectorToClimbPoint = mClimableCoord - myWorldPos;
            float distanceToClimbPoint = glm::length(vectorToClimbPoint);

            if(distanceToClimbPoint <= sLungeRange)
                //Lunge towards the climbpoint if out of range.
                if(distanceToClimbPoint > sGrabRange)
                    mVelocity += glm::normalize(vectorToClimbPoint) * sLungeVelocity;


                std::cout << "Attempting to Climb" << std::endl;
                mAttemptingToClimb = true;
                mTimeAttemptingToClimb = 0.0;

                mClimbTarget = mClimableCoord;

        //Detach if attached.
        else if(mAttached)
            mAttached = false;

    if(mAttemptingToClimb && !mClimbing)
        glm::vec3 vectorToClimbPoint = mClimbTarget - myWorldPos;
        float speedTowardsPoint = glm::dot(vectorToClimbPoint, mVelocity);
        float distanceToClimbPoint = glm::length(vectorToClimbPoint);
        std::cout << distanceToClimbPoint << std::endl;
        if(distanceToClimbPoint <= sGrabRange)
            //if(!(speedTowardsPoint < 0))
                mVelocity = glm::vec3(0.0f); //Kill all movement
                mAcceleration = glm::vec3(0.0f);

                if(distanceToClimbPoint < sGrabRange) //Make sure don't get sucked into wall
                    float rollbackDistance = sGrabRange - distanceToClimbPoint;
                    glm::vec3 rollbackVector = rollbackDistance * (-glm::normalize(vectorToClimbPoint));

                mAttached = true;
                mAttemptingToClimb = false;

                //mOrientation.translate(mBounceVelocity.x*deltaTime, mBounceVelocity.y*deltaTime, mBounceVelocity.z*deltaTime);
                mBounceVelocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);

            mTimeAttemptingToClimb += deltaTime;

    if(mTimeAttemptingToClimb >= sMaxTimeAttemptingToClimb)
        mAttemptingToClimb = false;
        std::cout << "Give up" << std::endl;

    mAcceleration = (mOrientation.getForward() * -forwardAccel) + (mOrientation.getRight() * rightAccel);

    //std::cout << "ACCEL " << mAcceleration.x << ", " << mAcceleration.y << ", " << mAcceleration.z << std::endl;


    mOrientation.translate(mVelocity.x*deltaTime, mVelocity.y*deltaTime, mVelocity.z*deltaTime);

    //Re-orient camera and aim vector.
    mAzimuth += mDeltaAzi;// * deltaTime;
    mAltitude += mDeltaAlt;// * deltaTime;
    if(mAltitude > sMaxAltitude) mAltitude = sMaxAltitude;
    if(mAltitude < sMinAltitude) mAltitude = sMinAltitude;

    //Only change forward and right vectors.

    //Never roll.

    //Aim vector is the same as camera forward.
    mAim = glm::rotate(mOrientation.getForward(), float(mAltitude), mOrientation.getRight());

    glm::vec3 forward = mFPCamera->orientation()->getForward();
    forward.x = -(forward.x);
    forward.z = -(forward.z);
    mCrosshairRay->setDirection(mFPCamera->orientation()->getForward() * -sLungeRange);
    //mCrosshairRay->setDirection(forward * sGrabRange);

    if(myWorldPos.y < sFallLimit)
        mVelocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);
        mAcceleration = glm::vec3(0.0f);

    mTransform = mOrientation.getOrientationMatrix();

    mIsGrounded = false;
    mCanMoveForward = true;
    mCanMoveBackward = true;
    mCanMoveLeft = true;
    mCanMoveRight = true;
    mCanJump = true;
