/*Precondition: I wanted the program to not be completely unsightly
*Postcondition: Literally calls every function and prints the program to the c file
void printprogram(FILE *ofp, const char * programname, char * first, char * last, int numfunct){
	fprintf(ofp, "/*\n");   printstar(1, ofp);  fprintf(ofp, "*\t%s", programname);
    printstar(5, ofp);  fprintf(ofp, "*\t%s %s (%s)", first, last, __DATE__);
    printstar(1, ofp);  fprintf(ofp, "*/\n"); linespace(ofp);
    fprintf(ofp, "/*  Pre-processor Directives    */\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "/*included libraries*/\n");   fprintf(ofp, "\t%cinclude %cstdlib.h%c\n", 35, 60, 62);
    fprintf(ofp, "\t%cinclude %cstdio.h%c\n", 35, 60, 62);  newline(1,ofp);	fprintf(ofp, "/*included constants*/\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "/*included functions*/\n");	declarefunc(ofp, numfunct);		fprintf(ofp, "/*included external variables*/\n");
	fprintf(ofp, "/*included structures*/\n"); linespace(ofp);
    fprintf(ofp, "/*main function: describe the main function here*/\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "int main%c%c %c\n", 40,41,123);   fprintf(ofp, "\t/*initialize variables, files, and pointers below*/\n\n\n\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "\treturn 0%c\n", 59); fprintf(ofp, "%c", 125);    newline(1,ofp);	definefunc(ofp, numfunct);
void doHough(std::vector<payload> readings, int lineThresh, int pointThresh)
    std::vector<float> maxVal(2), res(2);
    std::vector<float> minVal(2);
    std::vector<float> vote(2);
    std::vector<float> voteLoc(2);

     * RHO: The perpendicular distance of the line from origin
     * THETA: Angle the perpendicular from the origin to the line
     *        makes with +X axis
     * beta: Angular error of ultrasonic sensor, -15deg < beta < 15deg
    maxVal[RHO] = 15000.0F; // in millimetres
    maxVal[THETA] = (float) 2 * M_PI; // in radians
    res[RHO] = 100;
    res[THETA] = M_PI / 180 * 5;

    houghSpace linespace (res, maxVal);

    for (auto &p: readings) {
        for (float beta = -M_PI/12; beta <= M_PI/12; beta += M_PI/180) {
            // Refer to the paper for the derivation
            vote[THETA] = p.loc.theta + beta;
            vote[THETA] = fmod(vote[THETA], 2 * M_PI);
            if (vote[THETA] < 0) {
                vote[THETA] += 2 * M_PI;
            vote[RHO] = std::abs(p.reading + (p.loc.x * cosf(vote[THETA]))
                    + (p.loc.y * sinf(vote[THETA])));
            voteLoc[X] = p.loc.x + p.reading * cosf(vote[THETA]);
            voteLoc[Y] = p.loc.y + p.reading * sinf(vote[THETA]);
            assert(vote[RHO] <= maxVal[RHO]);
            assert(vote[THETA] <= maxVal[THETA]);
            linespace.addVote(vote, voteLoc);
    auto lineF (linespace.getMaxima(lineThresh));
    std::ofstream lout ("lines.txt");
    for (auto &p: lineF) {
        for (auto &q: p.first) {
            lout << q << " ";
        lout << std::endl;
    std::ofstream lsout("line_segments.txt");
    auto lineSegments = getLineSegments(lineF);
    for (auto &ls : lineSegments) {
        lsout   << ls.first.first   << ' ' //X1
                << ls.first.second  << ' ' //Y1
                << ls.second.first  << ' ' //X2
                << ls.second.second << ' ' //Y2
                << std::endl;
void doHough(std::vector<payload> readings, int lineThresh, int pointThresh)
    std::vector<float> maxVal(2), res(2);
    std::vector<float> minVal(2);
    std::vector<float> vote(2);

     * RHO: The perpendicular distance of the line from origin
     * THETA: Angle the perpendicular from the origin to the line
     *        makes with +X axis
     * beta: Angular error of ultrasonic sensor, -15deg < beta < 15deg
    maxVal[RHO] = 15000.0F; // in millimetres
    maxVal[THETA] = (float) 2 * M_PI; // in radians
    res[RHO] = 100;
    res[THETA] = M_PI / 180 * 5;

    houghSpace linespace (res, maxVal);

    for (auto &p: readings) {
        for (float beta = -M_PI/12; beta <= M_PI/12; beta += M_PI/180) {
            // Refer to the paper for the derivation
            vote[THETA] = p.loc.theta + beta;
            vote[THETA] = fmod(vote[THETA], 2 * M_PI);
            if (vote[THETA] < 0) {
                vote[THETA] += 2 * M_PI;
            vote[RHO] = std::abs(p.reading + (p.loc.x * cosf(vote[THETA]))
                                  + (p.loc.y * sinf(vote[THETA])));
            assert(vote[RHO] <= maxVal[RHO]);
            assert(vote[THETA] <= maxVal[THETA]);
    std::vector< std::vector<float> > lineF (linespace.getMaxima(lineThresh));
    std::ofstream lout ("lines.txt");
    for (auto &p: lineF) {
        for (auto &q: p) {
            lout << q << " ";
        lout << std::endl;
    //std::cout << linespace;
     * X: X-coordinate of point
     * Y: Y-coordinate of point
     * beta: Angular error of ultrasonic sensor, -15deg < beta < 15deg
    maxVal[X] = 15000.0F; // in millimetres
    maxVal[Y] = 15000.0F; // in millimetres
    minVal[X] = -15000.0F;
    minVal[Y] = -15000.0F;
    res[X] = 10;
    res[Y] = 10;

    houghSpace pointspace (res, maxVal, minVal);

    for (auto &p: readings) {
        for (float beta = -M_PI/12; beta <= M_PI/12; beta += M_PI/180) {
            vote[X] = p.loc.x + (p.reading * cosf(p.loc.theta + beta));
            vote[Y] = p.loc.y + (p.reading * sinf(p.loc.theta + beta));
            assert(vote[X] <= maxVal[X]);
            assert(vote[Y] <= maxVal[Y]);
    std::vector< std::vector<float> > pointF (pointspace.getMaxima(pointThresh));
    std::ofstream pout ("points.txt");
    for (auto &p: pointF) {
        for (auto &q: p) {
            pout << q << " ";
        pout << std::endl;
  //std::cout << pointspace;