pngquant_error pngquant_file(const char *filename, const char *outname, struct pngquant_options *options)
    pngquant_error retval = SUCCESS;

    verbose_printf(options, "%s:", filename);

    liq_image *input_image = NULL;
    png24_image input_image_rwpng = {};
    bool keep_input_pixels = options->using_stdin && options->min_quality_limit; // original may need to be output to stdout
    if (!retval) {
        retval = read_image(options->liq, filename, options->using_stdin, &input_image_rwpng, &input_image, keep_input_pixels);

    png8_image output_image = {};
    if (!retval) {
        verbose_printf(options, "  read %luKB file corrected for gamma %2.1f",
                       (input_image_rwpng.file_size+1023UL)/1024UL, 1.0/input_image_rwpng.gamma);

        // when using image as source of a fixed palette the palette is extracted using regular quantization
        liq_result *remap = liq_quantize_image(options->liq, options->fixed_palette_image ? options->fixed_palette_image : input_image);

        if (remap) {
            liq_set_output_gamma(remap, 0.45455); // fixed gamma ~2.2 for the web. PNG can't store exact 1/2.2
            liq_set_dithering_level(remap, options->floyd);

            retval = prepare_output_image(remap, input_image, &output_image);
            if (!retval) {
                if (LIQ_OK != liq_write_remapped_image_rows(remap, input_image, output_image.row_pointers)) {
                    retval = OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;

                set_palette(remap, &output_image);

                double palette_error = liq_get_quantization_error(remap);
                if (palette_error >= 0) {
                    verbose_printf(options, "  mapped image to new colors...MSE=%.3f (Q=%d)", palette_error, liq_get_quantization_quality(remap));
        } else {
            retval = TOO_LOW_QUALITY;

    if (!retval) {
        output_image.fast_compression = options->fast_compression;
        retval = write_image(&output_image, NULL, outname, options);
    } else if (TOO_LOW_QUALITY == retval && options->using_stdin) {
        // when outputting to stdout it'd be nasty to create 0-byte file
        // so if quality is too low, output 24-bit original
        pngquant_error write_retval = write_image(NULL, &input_image_rwpng, outname, options);
        if (write_retval) retval = write_retval;



    return retval;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct pngquant_options options = {
        .floyd = 1.f, // floyd-steinberg dithering
    options.liq = liq_attr_create();

    if (!options.liq) {
        fputs("SSE-capable CPU is required for this build.\n", stderr);
        return WRONG_ARCHITECTURE;

    unsigned int error_count=0, skipped_count=0, file_count=0;
    pngquant_error latest_error=SUCCESS;
    const char *newext = NULL, *output_file_path = NULL;

    fix_obsolete_options(argc, argv);

    int opt;
    do {
        opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "Vvqfhs:Q:o:", long_options, NULL);
        switch (opt) {
            case 'v':
                options.verbose = true;
            case 'q':
                options.verbose = false;

            case arg_floyd:
                options.floyd = optarg ? atof(optarg) : 1.f;
                if (options.floyd < 0 || options.floyd > 1.f) {
                    fputs("--floyd argument must be in 0..1 range\n", stderr);
                    return INVALID_ARGUMENT;
            case arg_ordered: options.floyd = 0; break;

            case 'f': options.force = true; break;
            case arg_no_force: options.force = false; break;

            case arg_ext: newext = optarg; break;
            case 'o':
                if (output_file_path) {
                    fputs("--output option can be used only once\n", stderr);
                    return INVALID_ARGUMENT;
                output_file_path = optarg; break;

            case arg_iebug:
                // opacities above 238 will be rounded up to 255, because IE6 truncates <255 to 0.
                liq_set_min_opacity(options.liq, 238);
                fputs("  warning: the workaround for IE6 is deprecated\n", stderr);

            case arg_transbug:
                liq_set_last_index_transparent(options.liq, true);

            case arg_skip_larger:
                options.skip_if_larger = true;

            case 's':
                    int speed = atoi(optarg);
                    if (speed >= 10) {
                        options.fast_compression = true;
                    if (speed == 11) {
                        options.floyd = 0;
                        speed = 10;
                    if (LIQ_OK != liq_set_speed(options.liq, speed)) {
                        fputs("Speed should be between 1 (slow) and 11 (fast).\n", stderr);
                        return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

            case 'Q':
                if (!parse_quality(optarg, options.liq, &options.min_quality_limit)) {
                    fputs("Quality should be in format min-max where min and max are numbers in range 0-100.\n", stderr);
                    return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

            case arg_posterize:
                if (LIQ_OK != liq_set_min_posterization(options.liq, atoi(optarg))) {
                    fputs("Posterization should be number of bits in range 0-4.\n", stderr);
                    return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

            case arg_map:
                    png24_image tmp = {};
                    if (SUCCESS != read_image(options.liq, optarg, false, &tmp, &options.fixed_palette_image, false, false)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "  error: unable to load %s", optarg);
                        return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

            case 'h':
                return SUCCESS;

            case 'V':
                return SUCCESS;

            case -1: break;

                return INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    } while (opt != -1);

    int argn = optind;

    if (argn >= argc) {
        if (argn > 1) {
            fputs("No input files specified.\n", stderr);
        } else {
        return MISSING_ARGUMENT;

    if (options.verbose) {
        liq_set_log_callback(options.liq, log_callback, NULL);
        options.log_callback = log_callback;

    char *colors_end;
    unsigned long colors = strtoul(argv[argn], &colors_end, 10);
    if (colors_end != argv[argn] && '\0' == colors_end[0]) {
        if (LIQ_OK != liq_set_max_colors(options.liq, colors)) {
            fputs("Number of colors must be between 2 and 256.\n", stderr);
            return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

    if (newext && output_file_path) {
        fputs("--ext and --output options can't be used at the same time\n", stderr);
        return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

    // new filename extension depends on options used. Typically basename-fs8.png
    if (newext == NULL) {
        newext = options.floyd > 0 ? "-ie-fs8.png" : "-ie-or8.png";
        if (!options.ie_mode) {
            newext += 3;    /* skip "-ie" */

    if (argn == argc || (argn == argc-1 && 0==strcmp(argv[argn],"-"))) {
        options.using_stdin = true;
        options.using_stdout = !output_file_path;
        argn = argc-1;

    const int num_files = argc-argn;

    if (output_file_path && num_files != 1) {
        fputs("Only one input file is allowed when --output is used\n", stderr);
        return INVALID_ARGUMENT;

#ifdef _OPENMP
    // if there's a lot of files, coarse parallelism can be used
    if (num_files > 2*omp_get_max_threads()) {
    } else {

    #pragma omp parallel for \
        schedule(static, 1) reduction(+:skipped_count) reduction(+:error_count) reduction(+:file_count) shared(latest_error)
    for(int i=0; i < num_files; i++) {
        struct pngquant_options opts = options;
        opts.liq = liq_attr_copy(options.liq);

        const char *filename = opts.using_stdin ? "stdin" : argv[argn+i];

        #ifdef _OPENMP
        struct buffered_log buf = {};
        if (opts.log_callback && omp_get_num_threads() > 1 && num_files > 1) {
            liq_set_log_callback(opts.liq, log_callback_buferred, &buf);
            liq_set_log_flush_callback(opts.liq, log_callback_buferred_flush, &buf);
            options.log_callback = log_callback_buferred;
            options.log_callback_user_info = &buf;

        pngquant_error retval = SUCCESS;

        const char *outname = output_file_path;
        char *outname_free = NULL;
        if (!options.using_stdout) {
            if (!outname) {
                outname = outname_free = add_filename_extension(filename, newext);
            if (!options.force && file_exists(outname)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "  error: '%s' exists; not overwriting\n", outname);
                retval = NOT_OVERWRITING_ERROR;

        if (SUCCESS == retval) {
            retval = pngquant_file(filename, outname, &opts);



        if (retval) {
            #pragma omp critical
                latest_error = retval;
            if (retval == TOO_LOW_QUALITY || retval == TOO_LARGE_FILE) {
            } else {

    if (error_count) {
        verbose_printf(&options, "There were errors quantizing %d file%s out of a total of %d file%s.",
                       error_count, (error_count == 1)? "" : "s", file_count, (file_count == 1)? "" : "s");
    if (skipped_count) {
        verbose_printf(&options, "Skipped %d file%s out of a total of %d file%s.",
                       skipped_count, (skipped_count == 1)? "" : "s", file_count, (file_count == 1)? "" : "s");
    if (!skipped_count && !error_count) {
        verbose_printf(&options, "No errors detected while quantizing %d image%s.",
                       file_count, (file_count == 1)? "" : "s");


    return latest_error;

pngquant_error pngquant_file(const char *filename, const char *outname, struct pngquant_options *options)
    pngquant_error retval = SUCCESS;

    verbose_printf(options, "%s:", filename);

    liq_image *input_image = NULL;
    png24_image input_image_rwpng = {};
    bool keep_input_pixels = options->skip_if_larger || (options->using_stdout && options->min_quality_limit); // original may need to be output to stdout
    if (SUCCESS == retval) {
        retval = read_image(options->liq, filename, options->using_stdin, &input_image_rwpng, &input_image, keep_input_pixels, options->verbose);

    int quality_percent = 90; // quality on 0-100 scale, updated upon successful remap
    png8_image output_image = {};
    if (SUCCESS == retval) {
        verbose_printf(options, "  read %luKB file", (input_image_rwpng.file_size+1023UL)/1024UL);

        if (input_image_rwpng.lcms_status == ICCP) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  used embedded ICC profile to transform image to sRGB colorspace");
        } else if (input_image_rwpng.lcms_status == GAMA_CHRM) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  used gAMA and cHRM chunks to transform image to sRGB colorspace");
        } else if (input_image_rwpng.lcms_status == ICCP_WARN_GRAY) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  warning: ignored ICC profile in GRAY colorspace");

        if (input_image_rwpng.gamma != 0.45455) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  corrected image from gamma %2.1f to sRGB gamma",

        // when using image as source of a fixed palette the palette is extracted using regular quantization
        liq_result *remap = liq_quantize_image(options->liq, options->fixed_palette_image ? options->fixed_palette_image : input_image);

        if (remap) {
            liq_set_output_gamma(remap, 0.45455); // fixed gamma ~2.2 for the web. PNG can't store exact 1/2.2
            liq_set_dithering_level(remap, options->floyd);

            retval = prepare_output_image(remap, input_image, &output_image);
            if (SUCCESS == retval) {
                if (LIQ_OK != liq_write_remapped_image_rows(remap, input_image, output_image.row_pointers)) {
                    retval = OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;

                set_palette(remap, &output_image);

                double palette_error = liq_get_quantization_error(remap);
                if (palette_error >= 0) {
                    quality_percent = liq_get_quantization_quality(remap);
                    verbose_printf(options, "  mapped image to new colors...MSE=%.3f (Q=%d)", palette_error, quality_percent);
        } else {
            retval = TOO_LOW_QUALITY;

    if (SUCCESS == retval) {

        if (options->skip_if_larger) {
            // this is very rough approximation, but generally avoid losing more quality than is gained in file size.
            // Quality is squared, because even greater savings are needed to justify big quality loss.
            double quality = quality_percent/100.0;
            output_image.maximum_file_size = (input_image_rwpng.file_size-1) * quality*quality;

        output_image.fast_compression = options->fast_compression;
        output_image.chunks = input_image_rwpng.chunks; input_image_rwpng.chunks = NULL;
        retval = write_image(&output_image, NULL, outname, options);

        if (TOO_LARGE_FILE == retval) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  file exceeded expected size of %luKB", (unsigned long)output_image.maximum_file_size/1024UL);

    if (options->using_stdout && keep_input_pixels && (TOO_LARGE_FILE == retval || TOO_LOW_QUALITY == retval)) {
        // when outputting to stdout it'd be nasty to create 0-byte file
        // so if quality is too low, output 24-bit original
        pngquant_error write_retval = write_image(NULL, &input_image_rwpng, outname, options);
        if (write_retval) {
            retval = write_retval;

    if (input_image) liq_image_destroy(input_image);

    return retval;
pngquant_error pngquant_file(const char *filename, const char *outname, struct pngquant_options *options)
    pngquant_error retval = SUCCESS;

    verbose_printf(options, "%s:", filename);

    liq_image *input_image = NULL;
    png24_image input_image_rwpng = {};
    bool keep_input_pixels = options->skip_if_larger || (options->using_stdin && options->min_quality_limit); // original may need to be output to stdout
    if (!retval) {
        retval = read_image(options->liq, filename, options->using_stdin, &input_image_rwpng, &input_image, keep_input_pixels);

    int quality_percent = 90; // quality on 0-100 scale, updated upon successful remap
    png8_image output_image = {};
    if (!retval) {
        verbose_printf(options, "  read %luKB file corrected for gamma %2.1f",
                       (input_image_rwpng.file_size+1023UL)/1024UL, 1.0/input_image_rwpng.gamma);

        // when using image as source of a fixed palette the palette is extracted using regular quantization
        liq_result *remap = liq_quantize_image(options->liq, options->fixed_palette_image ? options->fixed_palette_image : input_image);

        if (remap) {
            liq_set_output_gamma(remap, 0.45455); // fixed gamma ~2.2 for the web. PNG can't store exact 1/2.2
            liq_set_dithering_level(remap, options->floyd);

            retval = prepare_output_image(remap, input_image, &output_image);
            if (!retval) {
                if (LIQ_OK != liq_write_remapped_image_rows(remap, input_image, output_image.row_pointers)) {
                    retval = OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;

                set_palette(remap, &output_image);

                double palette_error = liq_get_quantization_error(remap);
                if (palette_error >= 0) {
                    quality_percent = liq_get_quantization_quality(remap);
                    verbose_printf(options, "  mapped image to new colors...MSE=%.3f (Q=%d)", palette_error, quality_percent);
        } else {
            retval = TOO_LOW_QUALITY;

    if (!retval) {

        if (options->skip_if_larger) {
            // this is very rough approximation, but generally avoid losing more quality than is gained in file size.
            // Quality is squared, because even greater savings are needed to justify big quality loss.
            double quality = quality_percent/100.0;
            output_image.maximum_file_size = input_image_rwpng.file_size * quality*quality;

        output_image.fast_compression = options->fast_compression;
        retval = write_image(&output_image, NULL, outname, options);

        if (TOO_LARGE_FILE == retval) {
            verbose_printf(options, "  file exceeded expected size of %luKB", (unsigned long)output_image.maximum_file_size/1024UL);

    if (TOO_LARGE_FILE == retval || (TOO_LOW_QUALITY == retval && options->using_stdin)) {
        // when outputting to stdout it'd be nasty to create 0-byte file
        // so if quality is too low, output 24-bit original
        if (keep_input_pixels) {
            pngquant_error write_retval = write_image(NULL, &input_image_rwpng, outname, options);
            if (write_retval) retval = write_retval;



    return retval;