/* ONLY CALL WHEN MUTEX ACQUIRED */ void add_active(bzz_thread_t *thread, bzz_t *lock) { // Determine thread color and remove from correct waiting list if(is_gold(thread)) { int position = list_locate(lock->waiting_gold_threads, thread); list_delete_at(lock->waiting_gold_threads, position); } else { int position = list_locate(lock->waiting_black_threads, thread); list_delete_at(lock->waiting_black_threads, position); } lock->active_threads++; }
void ddbg_delete_breakpoint(bstring file, int index) { unsigned int i = 0; bool found = false; int32_t memory = ddbg_file_to_address(file, index); struct breakpoint* bk; // Did we get a valid result? if (memory == -1) { printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Unable to resolve specified symbol.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < list_size(&breakpoints); i++) { bk = (struct breakpoint*)list_get_at(&breakpoints, i); if (bk->addr == memory) { list_delete_at(&breakpoints, i--); found = true; } } if (found == true) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Breakpoint removed at 0x%04X.\n", memory); else printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "There was no breakpoint at %s:%d.\n", file->data, index); }
void ddbg_delete_breakpoint_identifier(bstring ident) { // TODO: In the future when C functions are supported // in the debugging symbol format, we should probably // allow removing breakpoints by C function name as well. unsigned int i = 0; bool found = false; int32_t memory = ddbg_label_to_address(ident); struct breakpoint* bk; // Did we get a valid result? if (memory == -1) { printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Unable to resolve specified symbol.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < list_size(&breakpoints); i++) { bk = (struct breakpoint*)list_get_at(&breakpoints, i); if (bk->addr == memory) { list_delete_at(&breakpoints, i--); found = true; } } if (found == true) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Breakpoint removed at 0x%04X.\n", memory); else printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "There was no breakpoint on label %s.\n", ident->data); }
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { list * l; list_iter it; intptr_t i; char* sv[] = { "fff", "zzz", "rrr", "bbb", "ggg", "hhh", "lll", "ttt" }; //list test l = list_new(); for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { (i%2 ? list_append(l, (void*)i): list_prepend(l, (void*)i)); } list_insert_at(l, (void*)20,9); list_append(l, (void*)22); list_delete_item(l, (void*)22); list_delete_at(l, 10); list_dump(l, "%d\n"); list_free(l); //string list test l = list_new_full(free); for(i=0; i<8; ++i) list_append(l, strdup(sv[i])); list_prepend(l, strdup("nine")); list_delete_item_comp(l, strdup("seven"), (list_comparator)strcmp); list_delete_item_comp(l, "eee", (list_comparator)strcmp); list_dump(l, "%s\n"); list_free(l); l = list_new(); for(i=0; i<8; ++i) list_insert_sorted_comp(l, sv[i], (list_comparator)strcmp); list_dump(l, "%s\n"); list_free(l); }
/// /// Pops a scope from the stack. /// void ppimpl_pop_scope(state_t* state) { scope_t* scope; match_t* match; match_t* old; bstring name; size_t a, i; if (list_size(&state->scopes) == 0) return; scope = list_extract_at(&state->scopes, list_size(&state->scopes) - 1); // Delete text if this scope was silenced. if (!scope->active) { list_delete_range(&state->cached_output, scope->start_index, list_size(&state->cached_output) - 1); } // Delete handlers that were defined this scope. list_iterator_start(&scope->new_handlers); while (list_iterator_hasnext(&scope->new_handlers)) { name = list_iterator_next(&scope->new_handlers); for (i = 0; i < list_size(&state->handlers); i++) { old = list_get_at(&state->handlers, i); if (biseq(name, old->text.ref)) { // We need remove the old handler. // FIXME: Free the old handler. list_delete_at(&state->handlers, i); i--; } } bdestroy(name); } list_iterator_stop(&scope->new_handlers); list_destroy(&scope->new_handlers); // Restore handlers. for (a = 0; a < list_size(&scope->old_handlers); a++) { match = list_get_at(&scope->old_handlers, a); // Restore the old handler. list_append(&state->handlers, match); list_extract_at(&scope->old_handlers, a); a--; } list_destroy(&scope->old_handlers); // Free memory. free(scope); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int i, ret; int arr[] = {12, 9, -1, 23, 2, 34, 6, 45}; list *ptr = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL; ptr = list_create(); ptr2 = list_create(); if (NULL == ptr) { printf("error\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr); i++) { ret = list_insert_at(ptr, DATA_INIT_INDEX, &arr[i]); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "isnert err %d\n", ret); exit(1); } } list_display(ptr); int tmp = 100; list_insert_at(ptr, 1, &tmp); list_display(ptr); list_destory(ptr); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr); i++) { ret = list_order_insert(ptr2, &arr[i]); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "isnert err %d\n", ret); exit(1); } } list_display(ptr2); tmp = 23; list_delete(ptr2, &tmp); list_display(ptr2); list_delete_at(ptr2, 2, &tmp); printf("delete_at %d\n", tmp); list_display(ptr2); return 0; }
/* removes every ack'd packet from unackd_packets * should be called AFTER updating send_unack */ static void packet_t_remove(context_t *ctx) { while (list_size(ctx->unackd_packets) > 0) { packet_t *oldpack = list_get_at(ctx->unackd_packets, 0); /* update RTO given this packet */ update_rto(ctx, oldpack); /* if all the data in the packet was acknowledged, discard and delete from list */ if (ctx->send_unack >= oldpack->seq_num + (oldpack->packet_size - sizeof(STCPHeader))) { free(oldpack->packet); oldpack->packet = NULL; list_delete_at(ctx->unackd_packets, 0); } else /* this packet and all beyond it are unacknowledged */ break; } return; }
void ddbg_precycle_hook(vm_t* vm, uint16_t pos, void* ud) { unsigned int i = 0; struct breakpoint* bk; uint16_t op, a, b; // Handle any symbols that are at this cycle. list_t* symbols = ddbg_get_symbols(vm->pc); list_iterator_start(symbols); while (list_iterator_hasnext(symbols)) dbg_lua_handle_hook_symbol(&lstate, NULL, bautofree((bstring)list_iterator_next(symbols))); list_iterator_stop(symbols); list_empty(symbols); free(symbols); // Handle custom Lua commands. dbg_lua_handle_hook(&lstate, NULL, bautofree(bfromcstr("precycle")), pos); // Check to see if Lua halted the VM and return if it did. if (vm->halted) return; // Handle breakpoints. if (!ignore_next_breakpoint) { for (i = 0; i < list_size(&breakpoints); i++) { bk = (struct breakpoint*)list_get_at(&breakpoints, i); if (vm->pc == bk->addr) { vm->halted = true; ignore_next_breakpoint = true; vm_hook_break(vm); // Required for UI to update correctly. if (bk->temporary) list_delete_at(&breakpoints, i--); if (!bk->silent) ddbg_disassemble(max_int32((int32_t)vm->pc - 10, 0x0), min_int32((int32_t)vm->pc + 10, 0x10000) - vm->pc); printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Breakpoint hit at 0x%04X.\n", bk->addr); return; } } } ignore_next_breakpoint = false; // Handle backtrace. op = INSTRUCTION_GET_OP(vm->ram[vm->pc]); a = INSTRUCTION_GET_A(vm->ram[vm->pc]); b = INSTRUCTION_GET_B(vm->ram[vm->pc]); if ((op == OP_SET && b == PC) || (op == OP_NONBASIC && b == NBOP_JSR)) { // FIXME: This doesn't handle every valid value correctly.. if (a == PUSH_POP) list_delete_at(&backtrace, list_size(&backtrace) - 1); else if (a == NXT_LIT) { printd(LEVEL_DEBUG, "jumping literally from 0x%04X to 0x%04X (0x%04X).\n", vm->pc, vm->ram[vm->pc + 1], vm->pc + 1); list_append(&backtrace, backtrace_entry_create(vm->pc, vm->ram[vm->pc + 1])); } else if (a == NXT) { //list_append(&backtrace, backtrace_entry_create(vm->pc, vm->ram[vm->ram[vm->pc+1]])); } else { // Unhandled. printd(LEVEL_DEBUG, "warning: unhandled backtrace jump occurred.\n"); } } }
int udpclient(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *lhost, *lport, *phost, *pport, *rhost, *rport; list_t *clients = NULL; list_t *conn_clients; client_t *client; client_t *client2; socket_t *tcp_serv = NULL; socket_t *tcp_sock = NULL; socket_t *udp_sock = NULL; char data[MSG_MAX_LEN]; char addrstr[ADDRSTRLEN]; struct timeval curr_time; struct timeval check_time; struct timeval check_interval; struct timeval timeout; fd_set client_fds; fd_set read_fds; uint16_t tmp_id; uint8_t tmp_type; uint16_t tmp_len; uint16_t tmp_req_id; int num_fds; int ret; int i; signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler); i = 0; lhost = (argc - i == 5) ? NULL : argv[i++]; lport = argv[i++]; phost = argv[i++]; pport = argv[i++]; rhost = argv[i++]; rport = argv[i++]; /* Check validity of ports (can't check ip's b/c might be host names) */ ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(lport), "Invalid local port.", done); ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(pport), "Invalid proxy port.", done); ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(rport), "Invalid remote port.", done); srand(time(NULL)); next_req_id = rand() % 0xffff; /* Create an empty list for the clients */ clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free, 1); ERROR_GOTO(clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create and empty list for the connecting clients */ conn_clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free, 1); ERROR_GOTO(conn_clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create a TCP server socket to listen for incoming connections */ tcp_serv = sock_create(lhost, lport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_TCP, 1, 1); ERROR_GOTO(tcp_serv == NULL, "Error creating TCP socket.", done); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { printf("Listening on TCP %s\n", sock_get_str(tcp_serv, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr))); } FD_ZERO(&client_fds); /* Initialize all the timers */ timerclear(&timeout); check_interval.tv_sec = 0; check_interval.tv_usec = 500000; gettimeofday(&check_time, NULL); while(running) { if(!timerisset(&timeout)) timeout.tv_usec = 50000; read_fds = client_fds; FD_SET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds); ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); PERROR_GOTO(ret < 0, "select", done); num_fds = ret; gettimeofday(&curr_time, NULL); /* Go through all the clients and check if didn't get an ACK for sent data during the timeout period */ if(timercmp(&curr_time, &check_time, >)) { for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_check_and_resend(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; continue; } ret = client_check_and_send_keepalive(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } timeradd(&curr_time, &check_interval, &check_time); } if(num_fds == 0) continue; /* Check if pending TCP connection to accept and create a new client and UDP connection if one is ready */ if(FD_ISSET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds)) { tcp_sock = sock_accept(tcp_serv); if(tcp_sock == NULL) continue; udp_sock = sock_create(phost, pport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_UDP, 0, 1); if(udp_sock == NULL) { sock_close(tcp_sock); sock_free(tcp_sock); continue; } client = client_create(next_req_id++, tcp_sock, udp_sock, 1); if(!client || !tcp_sock || !udp_sock) { if(tcp_sock) sock_close(tcp_sock); if(udp_sock) sock_close(udp_sock); } else { client2 = list_add(conn_clients, client, 1); client_free(client); client = NULL; client_send_hello(client2, rhost, rport, CLIENT_ID(client2)); client_add_tcp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); client_add_udp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); } sock_free(tcp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); tcp_sock = NULL; udp_sock = NULL; num_fds--; } /* Check for pending handshakes from UDP connection */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(conn_clients) && num_fds > 0; i++) { client = list_get_at(conn_clients, i); if(client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; tmp_req_id = CLIENT_ID(client); ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(tmp_req_id, conn_clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } else { client = list_add(clients, client, 1); list_delete_at(conn_clients, i); client_remove_udp_fd_from_set(client, &read_fds); i--; } } } /* Check if data is ready from any of the clients */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); /* Check for UDP data */ if(num_fds > 0 && client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; continue; /* Don't go to check the TCP connection */ } } /* Check for TCP data */ if(num_fds > 0 && client_tcp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { ret = client_recv_tcp_data(client); if(ret == -1) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; continue; } else if(ret == -2) { client_mark_to_disconnect(client); disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 0); } num_fds--; } /* send any TCP data that was ready */ ret = client_send_udp_data(client); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } /* Finally, send any udp data that's still in the queue */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_send_udp_data(client); if(ret < 0 || client_ready_to_disconnect(client)) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } } done: if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Cleaning up...\n"); if(tcp_serv) { sock_close(tcp_serv); sock_free(tcp_serv); } if(udp_sock) { sock_close(udp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); } if(clients) list_free(clients); if(conn_clients) list_free(conn_clients); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Goodbye.\n"); return 0; }
static LONG MSGRemoveContext(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, SCONTEXT * threadContext) { LONG rv; int lrv; if (threadContext->hContext != hContext) return SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE; (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&threadContext->cardsList_lock); while (list_size(&threadContext->cardsList) != 0) { READER_CONTEXT * rContext = NULL; SCARDHANDLE hCard, hLockId; void *ptr; /* * Disconnect each of these just in case */ ptr = list_get_at(&threadContext->cardsList, 0); if (NULL == ptr) { Log1(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_get_at failed"); continue; } hCard = *(int32_t *)ptr; /* * Unlock the sharing */ rv = RFReaderInfoById(hCard, &rContext); if (rv != SCARD_S_SUCCESS) { (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadContext->cardsList_lock); return rv; } hLockId = rContext->hLockId; rContext->hLockId = 0; if (hCard != hLockId) { /* * if the card is locked by someone else we do not reset it * and simulate a card removal */ rv = SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD; } else { /* * We will use SCardStatus to see if the card has been * reset there is no need to reset each time * Disconnect is called */ rv = SCardStatus(hCard, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (rv == SCARD_W_RESET_CARD || rv == SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD) (void)SCardDisconnect(hCard, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD); else (void)SCardDisconnect(hCard, SCARD_RESET_CARD); /* Remove entry from the list */ lrv = list_delete_at(&threadContext->cardsList, 0); if (lrv < 0) Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_delete_at failed with return value: %d", lrv); UNREF_READER(rContext) } (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadContext->cardsList_lock); list_destroy(&threadContext->cardsList); /* We only mark the context as no longer in use. * The memory is freed in MSGCleanupCLient() */ threadContext->hContext = 0; return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; }
void *inactive_node_release_main(void *arg) { active_phr_node_t *ptr_active_node = NULL; unsigned int i; unsigned int size; unsigned int nthread; while(1) { sleep(INACTIVE_NODE_RELEASE_TIME_PERIOD*60); // Lock the "active_phr_node_list" if(sem_wait(&active_phr_node_list_mutex) != 0) int_error("Locking the mutex failed"); printf("inactive_node_release_main() started\n"); i = 0; size = list_size(&active_phr_node_list); while(i < size) { // Get node number "i" ptr_active_node = (active_phr_node_t *)list_get_at(&active_phr_node_list, i); if(ptr_active_node == NULL) int_error("Getting an active node failed"); // Get the "working_thread_counter" if(sem_wait(&ptr_active_node->working_thread_counter_mutex) != 0) int_error("Locking the mutex failed"); nthread = ptr_active_node->working_thread_counter; if(sem_post(&ptr_active_node->working_thread_counter_mutex) != 0) int_error("Unlocking the mutex failed"); // If the node is no longer need to be used then delete it if(nthread == 0) { // Release memory uninit_inactive_node(ptr_active_node); // Delete the node "i" from linked list if(list_delete_at(&active_phr_node_list, i) < 0) int_error("Deleting an inactive node failed"); else printf("delete an inactive node\n"); // And then set "i" to the first node of linked list, in order to check all active nodes at head of the list again i = 0; size = list_size(&active_phr_node_list); } else { i++; } } printf("inactive_node_release_main() stopped\n"); // Unlock the "active_PHR_node_list" if(sem_post(&active_phr_node_list_mutex) != 0) int_error("Unlocking the mutex failed"); } pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; }
int main() { //linklist list *l; int i; datatype arr[] = {12,9,23, 2,34,6,45}; l = list_create(); if (l == NULL) exit(1); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr); i++) { if (list_order_insert(l, &arr[i])) exit(1); } list_display(l); int err; datatype value; err = list_delete_at(l, 2, &value); if (err) exit(1); list_display(l); printf("delete:%d\n",value); /* int value = 12; list_delete(l , &value); list_display(l); */ list_destroy(l); //栈 STACK S; //创建一个变量S,存储空间里面有PTop和PBottom,没有存放有效的数据,STACK等价于 struct Stack int val; init(&S); //初始化 目的是造出一个空栈 push(&S, 1); //入栈 push(&S, 2); push(&S, 3); push(&S, 4); push(&S, 5); push(&S, 6); traverse(&S); if (pop(&S,&val)) { printf("出栈成功,出栈的元素是%d\n",val); }else{ printf("出栈失败!\n"); } traverse(&S); //遍历 clearStack(&S);//清空栈 traverse(&S);//遍历 return 0; }
int main() { List *l = list_new(); char choice = '\0'; int pos, data; while (choice!='x') { printf("\nLinked List\n--------------------------------"); printf("\n\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n"); printf("\n 1. Insert at First Position"); printf("\n 2. Insert at Last Position"); printf("\n 3. Insert at nth Position"); printf("\n 4. Delete First Element"); printf("\n 5. Delete Last Element"); printf("\n 6. Delete from nth Position"); printf("\n 7. Print the List"); printf("\n x. Exit"); printf("\n\nEnter Choice: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &choice); printf("-----\n"); switch (choice) { case 'x': break; case '1': printf("\nEnter data: "); scanf("%d", &data); list_push_front(l, data); print_list(l); break; case '2': printf("\nEnter data: "); scanf("%d", &data); list_push_back(l, data); print_list(l); break; case '3': printf("\nEnter data: "); scanf("%d", &data); printf("Enter position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); list_insert_at(l, pos, data); print_list(l); break; case '4': list_pop_front(l); print_list(l); break; case '5': list_pop_back(l); print_list(l); break; case '6': printf("Enter position: "); scanf("%d", &pos); list_delete_at(l, pos); print_list(l); break; case '7': print_list(l); break; } } list_free(l); }
int udpclient(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* lhost, *lport, *phost, *pport, *rhost, *rport; list_t* clients; list_t* conn_clients; client_t* client; client_t* client2; socket_t* tcp_serv = NULL; socket_t* tcp_sock = NULL; socket_t* udp_sock = NULL; char data[MSG_MAX_LEN]; char addrstr[ADDRSTRLEN]; char pport_s[6]; struct timeval curr_time; struct timeval check_time; struct timeval check_interval; struct timeval timeout; fd_set client_fds; fd_set read_fds; uint16_t tmp_id; uint8_t tmp_type; uint16_t tmp_len; uint16_t tmp_req_id; int num_fds; int ret; int i; int icmp_sock ; int timeexc = -1; struct sockaddr_in src, dest, rsrc; struct hostent* hp; uint32_t timeexc_ip; signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler); i = 0; if(index(argv[i], 58) || index(argv[i], 46)) lhost = argv[i++]; else lhost = NULL; lport = argv[i++]; phost = argv[i++]; if(index(argv[i], 58) || index(argv[i], 46)) { snprintf(pport_s, 5, "2222"); pport = pport_s; } else pport = argv[i++]; rhost = argv[i++]; rport = argv[i++]; /* Get info about localhost IP */ if(!lhost){ char szHostName[255]; gethostname(szHostName, 255); hp = gethostbyname(szHostName); }else{ hp = gethostbyname(lhost); } memset(&rsrc, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); timeexc_ip = *(uint32_t*)hp->h_addr_list[0]; rsrc.sin_family = AF_INET; rsrc.sin_port = 0; rsrc.sin_addr.s_addr = timeexc_ip; /* IP of destination */ memset(&src, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); hp = gethostbyname(phost); timeexc_ip = *(uint32_t*)hp->h_addr_list[0]; src.sin_family = AF_INET; src.sin_port = 0; src.sin_addr.s_addr = timeexc_ip; /* IP of where the fake packet (echo request) was going */ hp = gethostbyname(""); memcpy(&dest.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(dest.sin_addr)); srand(time(NULL)); next_req_id = rand() % 0xffff; /* Create an empty list for the clients */ clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free); ERROR_GOTO(clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create and empty list for the connecting clients */ conn_clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free); ERROR_GOTO(conn_clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create a TCP server socket to listen for incoming connections */ tcp_serv = sock_create(lhost, lport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_TCP, 1, 1); ERROR_GOTO(tcp_serv == NULL, "Error creating TCP socket.", done); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { printf("Listening on TCP %s\n", sock_get_str(tcp_serv, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr))); } FD_ZERO(&client_fds); /* Initialize all the timers */ timerclear(&timeout); check_interval.tv_sec = 0; check_interval.tv_usec = 500000; gettimeofday(&check_time, NULL); /* open raw socket */ create_icmp_socket(&icmp_sock); if(icmp_sock == -1) { printf("[main] can't open raw socket\n"); exit(1); } while(running) { if(!timerisset(&timeout)) timeout.tv_usec = 50000; if(++timeexc==100) { timeexc=0; /* Send ICMP TTL exceeded to penetrate remote NAT */ send_icmp(icmp_sock, &rsrc, &src, &dest, 0); } read_fds = client_fds; FD_SET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds); ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); PERROR_GOTO(ret < 0, "select", done); num_fds = ret; gettimeofday(&curr_time, NULL); /* Go through all the clients and check if didn't get an ACK for sent data during the timeout period */ if(timercmp(&curr_time, &check_time, >)) { for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_check_and_resend(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; continue; } ret = client_check_and_send_keepalive(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; } } timeradd(&curr_time, &check_interval, &check_time); } if(num_fds == 0) continue; timeexc=0; /* Check if pending TCP connection to accept and create a new client and UDP connection if one is ready */ if(FD_ISSET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds)) { tcp_sock = sock_accept(tcp_serv); udp_sock = sock_create(phost, pport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_UDP, 0, 1); client = client_create(next_req_id++, tcp_sock, udp_sock, 1); if(!client || !tcp_sock || !udp_sock) { if(tcp_sock) sock_close(tcp_sock); if(udp_sock) sock_close(udp_sock); } else { client2 = list_add(conn_clients, client); client_free(client); client = NULL; client_send_hello(client2, rhost, rport, CLIENT_ID(client2)); client_add_tcp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); client_add_udp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); } sock_free(tcp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); tcp_sock = NULL; udp_sock = NULL; num_fds--; } /* Check for pending handshakes from UDP connection */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(conn_clients) && num_fds > 0; i++) { client = list_get_at(conn_clients, i); if(client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; tmp_req_id = CLIENT_ID(client); ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(tmp_req_id, conn_clients, &client_fds); i--; } else { client = list_add(clients, client); list_delete_at(conn_clients, i); client_remove_udp_fd_from_set(client, &read_fds); i--; } } } /* Check if data is ready from any of the clients */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients) && num_fds > 0; i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); /* Check for UDP data */ if(client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; continue; /* Don't go to check the TCP connection */ } } /* Check for TCP data */ if(client_tcp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; ret = client_recv_tcp_data(client); if(ret == 0) ret = client_send_udp_data(client); #if 0 /* if udptunnel is taking up 100% of cpu, try including this */ else if(ret == 1) #ifdef _WIN32 _sleep(1); #else usleep(1000); /* Quick hack so doesn't use 100% of CPU if data wasn't ready yet (waiting for ack) */ #endif /*WIN32*/ #endif /*0*/ if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; } } } } done: if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Cleaning up...\n"); if(tcp_serv) { sock_close(tcp_serv); sock_free(tcp_serv); } if(udp_sock) { sock_close(udp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); } if(clients) list_free(clients); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Goodbye.\n"); return 0; }
void list_delete_last(List list ){ list_delete_at(list,list->size-1); }
/* implementation of Test B */ void testb_check(size_t const n) { list_t lists[NUM_OF_LISTS]; int *added_value; int values[NUM_OF_LISTS][n]; int ret, i, j; int value; // -------------- // INITIALIZATION // of the lists and check for correctness // -------------- for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { ret = list_init(&lists[i]); assert(ret == 0 && "list initialization fails"); } // for achieving the insertion of new elements creating new // memory areas, instead of calling malloc(), we set the // list_attribute_copy and check the correctness. for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { ret = list_attributes_copy(&lists[i], int_size, 1); assert(ret == 0 && "setting attribute copy fails"); } // --------- // INSERTION // both successful and unsuccessful // --------- for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { // successful insertion in empty list randomi(&value); ret = list_insert_at(&lists[i], &value, 0); assert(ret > 0 && "element insertion fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 1 && "list size is wrong"); // checking the inserted value added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // successful deletion ret = list_delete_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(ret == 0 && "delete element fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } // Failure of insertion on multiple elements. // The insertion is done at indexes that are not // reachable for the list because it's empty for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { randomi(&value); for(j=1; j<4; ++j) { ret = list_insert_at(&lists[i], &value, j); assert(ret < 0 && "element insertion failure fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); ret = list_delete_at(&lists[i], j); assert(ret < 0 && "element deletion failure fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } } // --------- // PREAPPEND // --------- // append the second half of the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=0; j<(n/2); ++j) { randomi(&value); ret = list_prepend(&lists[i], &value); assert(ret == 1 && "element prepend fails"); // checking also the value appended added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // store the max for each list values[i][(n/2-1)-j] = value; } assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == n/2 && "list size is wrong"); } // ------ // APPEND // ------ // append the first half of the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=(n/2); j<n; ++j) { randomi(&value); ret = list_append(&lists[i], &value); assert(ret == 1 && "element append fails"); // checking also the value appended added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], j); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // store the value in the matrix values[i][j] = value; } assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == n && "list size is wrong"); } // check the values inserted in the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=0; j<n; ++j) { assert(values[i][j] == *(int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], j) && "retrieved value has wrong value"); } } // ----- // CLEAR // ----- // check the correctness of the clear function execution // and check also the length of the cleared list for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { unsigned int isize; isize = list_size(&lists[i]); ret = list_clear(&lists[i]); assert(ret == (int)isize && "clearing list fails"); ret = list_size(&lists[i]); assert(ret == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } // ------- // DESTROY // ------- // destroy both lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) list_destroy(&lists[i]); }