ASTfunction_call::typecheck_builtin_specialcase ()
    if (m_name == "transform") {
        // Special case for transform: under the covers, it selects
        // vector or normal special versions depending on its use.
        if (typespec().simpletype() == TypeDesc::TypeVector)
            m_name = ustring ("transformv");
        else if (typespec().simpletype() == TypeDesc::TypeNormal)
            m_name = ustring ("transformn");

    // Void functions DO read their first arg, DON'T write it
    if (typespec().is_void()) {
        argread (0, true);
        argwrite (0, false);

    if (func()->readwrite_special_case()) {
        if (m_name == "fresnel") {
            // This function has some output args
            argwriteonly (3);
            argwriteonly (4);
            argwriteonly (5);
            argwriteonly (6);
        } else if (m_name == "sincos") {
            argwriteonly (1);
            argwriteonly (2);
        } else if (m_name == "getattribute" || m_name == "getmessage" ||
                   m_name == "gettextureinfo" || m_name == "dict_value") {
            // these all write to their last argument
            argwriteonly ((int)listlength(args()));
        } else if (func()->texture_args()) {
            // texture-like function, look out for "alpha"

            std::vector<ASTNode::ref> argvec;
            list_to_vec (args(), argvec);

            // Find the beginning of the optional arguments -- it will be
            // the first string argument AFTER the filename.
            int nargs = (int) listlength(args());
            int firstopt = 2;
            while (firstopt < nargs &&
                   ! argvec[firstopt]->typespec().is_string())

            // Loop through the optional args, look for "alpha"
            for (int a = firstopt;  a < (int)argvec.size()-1;  a += 2) {
                ASTNode *s = argvec[a].get();
                if (s->typespec().is_string() &&
                    s->nodetype() == ASTNode::literal_node &&
                    ! strcmp (((ASTliteral *)s)->strval(), "alpha")) {
                    // 'alpha' writes to the next arg!
                    if (a+2 < 32)
                        argwriteonly (a+2);   // mark writeable
                    else {
                        // We can only designate the first 32 args
                        // writeable.  So swap it with earlier optional args.
                        std::swap (argvec[firstopt],   argvec[a]);
                        std::swap (argvec[firstopt+1], argvec[a+1]);
                        argwriteonly (firstopt+1);
                        firstopt += 2;  // advance in case another is needed

            m_children[0] = vec_to_list (argvec);

    if (func()->takes_derivs()) {
        // Special handling for the few functions that take derivatives
        // of their arguments.  Mark those with argtakesderivs.
        // N.B. This counts arguments in the same way that opcodes do --
        // assuming "arg 0" is the return value.
        size_t nargs = listlength(args());
        if (m_name == "area") {
            argtakesderivs (1, true);
        } else if (m_name == "aastep") {
            // all but the 5-arg version take derivs of edge param
            argtakesderivs (1, nargs<5);
            // aastep(f,f) and aastep(f,f,str) take derivs of s param
            if (nargs == 2 || list_nth(args(),2)->typespec().is_string())
                argtakesderivs (2, true);
        } else if (m_name == "bump" || m_name == "displace") {
            // FIXME -- come back to this
        } else if (m_name == "calculatenormal") {
            argtakesderivs (1, true);
        } else if (m_name == "Dx" || m_name == "Dy") {
            argtakesderivs (1, true);
        } else if (m_name == "texture") {
            if (nargs == 3 || list_nth(args(),3)->typespec().is_string()) {
                argtakesderivs (2, true);
                argtakesderivs (3, true);
        } else if (m_name == "texture3d") {
            if (nargs == 2 || list_nth(args(),2)->typespec().is_string()) {
                argtakesderivs (2, true);
        } else if (m_name == "environment") {
            if (nargs == 2 || list_nth(args(),2)->typespec().is_string()) {
                argtakesderivs (2, true);
        } else if (m_name == "trace") {
            argtakesderivs (1, true);
            argtakesderivs (2, true);
        } else {
            ASSERT (0 && "Missed a takes_derivs case!");
ikrt_process(ikptr rvec, ikptr env, ikptr cmd, ikptr argv /*, ikpcb* pcb */){
  int infds[2];
  int outfds[2];
  int errfds[2];
  int search_p = ref(rvec, off_vector_data+0*wordsize) != false_object;
  int stdin_fd = unfix(ref(rvec, off_vector_data+1*wordsize));
  int stdout_fd = unfix(ref(rvec, off_vector_data+2*wordsize));
  int stderr_fd = unfix(ref(rvec, off_vector_data+3*wordsize));

  if(stdin_fd < 0 && pipe(infds))  return ik_errno_to_code();
  if(stdout_fd < 0 && pipe(outfds)) return ik_errno_to_code();
  if(stderr_fd < 0 && pipe(errfds)) return ik_errno_to_code();
  pid_t pid = fork();
  if(pid == 0){
    /* child */
    if (stdin_fd < 0){
      if(close(infds[1]))  exit(1);
      stdin_fd = infds[0];
    if (stdout_fd < 0){
      if(close(outfds[0])) exit(1);
      stdout_fd = outfds[1];
    if (stderr_fd < 0){
        if(close(errfds[0])) exit(1);
        stderr_fd = errfds[1];
    if (stdin_fd != 0){
      if(close(0))             exit(1);
      if(dup(stdin_fd) == -1)  exit(1);
    if (stdout_fd != 1){
      if(close(1))             exit(1);
      if(dup(stdout_fd) == -1) exit(1);
    if (stderr_fd != 2){
      if(close(2))             exit(2);
      if(dup(stderr_fd) == -1) exit(1);
    char *cmd_str = (char*)(long)(cmd+off_bytevector_data);
    char **env_strs = env == false_object ? 0 : list_to_vec(env);
    char **argv_strs = list_to_vec(argv);
    if (env_strs && search_p)
      execvpe_(cmd_str, argv_strs, env_strs);
    else if (env_strs)
      execve(cmd_str, argv_strs, env_strs);
    else if (search_p)
      execvp(cmd_str, argv_strs);
      execv(cmd_str, argv_strs);
    fprintf(stderr, "failed to exec %s: %s\n", 
  } else if(pid > 0){
    /* parent */
    ref(rvec,off_vector_data+0*wordsize) = fix(pid);

    if (stdin_fd < 0) {
      close(infds[0]); /* ignore errors */
      ref(rvec,off_vector_data+1*wordsize) = fix(infds[1]);
    if (stdout_fd < 0) {
      ref(rvec,off_vector_data+2*wordsize) = fix(outfds[0]);
    if (stderr_fd < 0) {
      ref(rvec,off_vector_data+3*wordsize) = fix(errfds[0]);
    return rvec;
  } else {
    return ik_errno_to_code();