文件: lj_snap.c 项目: 03050903/Urho3D
/* Restore a value from the trace exit state. */
static void snap_restoreval(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T, ExitState *ex,
			    SnapNo snapno, BloomFilter rfilt,
			    IRRef ref, TValue *o)
  IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
  IRType1 t = ir->t;
  RegSP rs = ir->prev;
  if (irref_isk(ref)) {  /* Restore constant slot. */
    lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, o, ir);
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref)))
    rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs);
  lua_assert(!LJ_GC64);  /* TODO_GC64: handle 64 bit references. */
  if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) {  /* Restore from spill slot. */
    int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)];
    if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
      setintV(o, *sps);
    } else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
      o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
    } else if (LJ_64 && irt_islightud(t)) {
      /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */
      o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
    } else {
      lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t));  /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */
      setgcV(J->L, o, (GCobj *)(uintptr_t)*(GCSize *)sps, irt_toitype(t));
  } else {  /* Restore from register. */
    Reg r = regsp_reg(rs);
    if (ra_noreg(r)) {
      lua_assert(ir->o == IR_CONV && ir->op2 == IRCONV_NUM_INT);
      snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir->op1, o);
      if (LJ_DUALNUM) setnumV(o, (lua_Number)intV(o));
    } else if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
      setintV(o, (int32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
    } else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
      setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]);
    } else if (LJ_64 && irt_is64(t)) {
      /* 64 bit values that already have the tag bits. */
      o->u64 = ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR];
    } else if (irt_ispri(t)) {
      setpriV(o, irt_toitype(t));
    } else {
      setgcV(J->L, o, (GCobj *)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR], irt_toitype(t));
文件: lj_snap.c 项目: 03050903/Urho3D
/* Unsink allocation from the trace exit state. Unsink sunk stores. */
static void snap_unsink(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T, ExitState *ex,
			SnapNo snapno, BloomFilter rfilt,
			IRIns *ir, TValue *o)
  lua_assert(ir->o == IR_TNEW || ir->o == IR_TDUP ||
	     ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI);
  if (ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
    CTState *cts = ctype_cts(J->L);
    CTypeID id = (CTypeID)T->ir[ir->op1].i;
    CTSize sz;
    CTInfo info = lj_ctype_info(cts, id, &sz);
    GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_newx(cts, id, sz, info);
    setcdataV(J->L, o, cd);
    if (ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
      uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd);
      lua_assert(sz == 4 || sz == 8);
      if (LJ_32 && sz == 8 && ir+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (ir+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (ir+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p, 4);
	if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	sz = 4;
      snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir->op2, p, sz);
    } else {
      IRIns *irs, *irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
      for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
	if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	  IRIns *iro = &T->ir[T->ir[irs->op1].op2];
	  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cd;
	  CTSize szs;
	  lua_assert(irs->o == IR_XSTORE && T->ir[irs->op1].o == IR_ADD);
	  lua_assert(iro->o == IR_KINT || iro->o == IR_KINT64);
	  if (irt_is64(irs->t)) szs = 8;
	  else if (irt_isi8(irs->t) || irt_isu8(irs->t)) szs = 1;
	  else if (irt_isi16(irs->t) || irt_isu16(irs->t)) szs = 2;
	  else szs = 4;
	  if (LJ_64 && iro->o == IR_KINT64)
	    p += (int64_t)ir_k64(iro)->u64;
	    p += iro->i;
	  lua_assert(p >= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) &&
		     p + szs <= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) + sz);
	  if (LJ_32 && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    lua_assert(szs == 4);
	    snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p,4);
	    if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	  snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, p, szs);
  } else
    IRIns *irs, *irlast;
    GCtab *t = ir->o == IR_TNEW ? lj_tab_new(J->L, ir->op1, ir->op2) :
				  lj_tab_dup(J->L, ir_ktab(&T->ir[ir->op1]));
    settabV(J->L, o, t);
    irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
    for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
      if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	IRIns *irk = &T->ir[irs->op1];
	TValue tmp, *val;
	lua_assert(irs->o == IR_ASTORE || irs->o == IR_HSTORE ||
		   irs->o == IR_FSTORE);
	if (irk->o == IR_FREF) {
	  lua_assert(irk->op2 == IRFL_TAB_META);
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  setgcref(t->metatable, obj2gco(tabV(&tmp)));
	} else {
	  irk = &T->ir[irk->op2];
	  if (irk->o == IR_KSLOT) irk = &T->ir[irk->op1];
	  lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &tmp, irk);
	  val = lj_tab_set(J->L, t, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, val);
	  if (LJ_SOFTFP && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, &tmp);
	    val->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */
const BCIns *lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr)
  ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr;
  SnapNo snapno = J->exitno;  /* For now, snapno == exitno. */
  GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent);
  SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno];
  MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
  SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs];
  SnapEntry *flinks = map + nent + snap->depth;
  int32_t ftsz0;
  BCReg nslots = snap->nslots;
  TValue *frame;
  BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno);
  const BCIns *pc = snap_pc(map[nent]);
  lua_State *L = J->L;

  /* Set interpreter PC to the next PC to get correct error messages. */
  setcframe_pc(cframe_raw(L->cframe), pc+1);

  /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(L->base + nslots > tvref(L->maxstack))) {
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
    lj_state_growstack(L, nslots - curr_proto(L)->framesize);

  /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */
  frame = L->base-1;
  ftsz0 = frame_ftsz(frame);  /* Preserve link to previous frame in slot #0. */
  for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
    SnapEntry sn = map[n];
    IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn);
    BCReg s = snap_slot(sn);
    TValue *o = &frame[s];  /* Stack slots are relative to start frame. */
    IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
    if (irref_isk(ref)) {  /* Restore constant slot. */
      lj_ir_kvalue(L, o, ir);
      if ((sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))) {
	/* Overwrite tag with frame link. */
	o->fr.tp.ftsz = s != 0 ? (int32_t)*flinks-- : ftsz0;
	if ((sn & SNAP_FRAME)) {
	  GCfunc *fn = ir_kfunc(ir);
	  if (isluafunc(fn)) {
	    MSize framesize = funcproto(fn)->framesize;
	    L->base = ++o;
	    if (LJ_UNLIKELY(o + framesize > tvref(L->maxstack))) {
	      ptrdiff_t fsave = savestack(L, frame);
	      L->top = o;
	      lj_state_growstack(L, framesize);  /* Grow again. */
	      frame = restorestack(L, fsave);
    } else if (!(sn & SNAP_NORESTORE)) {
      IRType1 t = ir->t;
      RegSP rs = ir->prev;
      lua_assert(!(sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME)));
      if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref)))
	rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs);
      if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) {  /* Restore from spill slot. */
	int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)];
	if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	  o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)*sps;
	} else if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	  setintV(o, *sps);
	} else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	  o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
#if LJ_64
	} else if (irt_islightud(t)) {
	  /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */
	  o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
	} else {
	  lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t));  /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */
	  setgcrefi(o->gcr, *sps);
	  setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
      } else {  /* Restore from register. */
	Reg r = regsp_reg(rs);
	if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	  o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR];
	} else if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	  setintV(o, (int32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	} else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	  setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]);
#if LJ_64
	} else if (irt_islightud(t)) {
	  /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */
	  o->u64 = ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR];
	} else {
	  if (!irt_ispri(t))
	    setgcrefi(o->gcr, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	  setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
      if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	rs = (ir+1)->prev;
	if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref+1)))
	  rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref+1, rs);
	o->u32.hi = (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) ?
	    (uint32_t)*&ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)] :
  switch (bc_op(*pc)) {
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: case BC_RETM: case BC_TSETM:
    L->top = frame + nslots;
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
  lua_assert(map + nent == flinks);
  return pc;
/* Array and hash load forwarding. */
static TRef fwd_ahload(jit_State *J, IRRef xref)
  IRIns *xr = IR(xref);
  IRRef lim = xref;  /* Search limit. */
  IRRef ref;

  /* Search for conflicting stores. */
  ref = J->chain[fins->o+IRDELTA_L2S];
  while (ref > xref) {
    IRIns *store = IR(ref);
    switch (aa_ahref(J, xr, IR(store->op1))) {
    case ALIAS_NO:   break;  /* Continue searching. */
    case ALIAS_MAY:  lim = ref; goto cselim;  /* Limit search for load. */
    case ALIAS_MUST: return store->op2;  /* Store forwarding. */
    ref = store->prev;

  /* No conflicting store (yet): const-fold loads from allocations. */
    IRIns *ir = (xr->o == IR_HREFK || xr->o == IR_AREF) ? IR(xr->op1) : xr;
    IRRef tab = ir->op1;
    ir = IR(tab);
    if (ir->o == IR_TNEW || (ir->o == IR_TDUP && irref_isk(xr->op2))) {
      /* A NEWREF with a number key may end up pointing to the array part.
      ** But it's referenced from HSTORE and not found in the ASTORE chain.
      ** For now simply consider this a conflict without forwarding anything.
      if (xr->o == IR_AREF) {
	IRRef ref2 = J->chain[IR_NEWREF];
	while (ref2 > tab) {
	  IRIns *newref = IR(ref2);
	  if (irt_isnum(IR(newref->op2)->t))
	    goto cselim;
	  ref2 = newref->prev;
      /* NEWREF inhibits CSE for HREF, and dependent FLOADs from HREFK/AREF.
      ** But the above search for conflicting stores was limited by xref.
      ** So continue searching, limited by the TNEW/TDUP. Store forwarding
      ** is ok, too. A conflict does NOT limit the search for a matching load.
      while (ref > tab) {
	IRIns *store = IR(ref);
	switch (aa_ahref(J, xr, IR(store->op1))) {
	case ALIAS_NO:   break;  /* Continue searching. */
	case ALIAS_MAY:  goto cselim;  /* Conflicting store. */
	case ALIAS_MUST: return store->op2;  /* Store forwarding. */
	ref = store->prev;
      lua_assert(ir->o != IR_TNEW || irt_isnil(fins->t));
      if (irt_ispri(fins->t)) {
	return TREF_PRI(irt_type(fins->t));
      } else if (irt_isnum(fins->t) || (LJ_DUALNUM && irt_isint(fins->t)) ||
		 irt_isstr(fins->t)) {
	TValue keyv;
	cTValue *tv;
	IRIns *key = IR(xr->op2);
	if (key->o == IR_KSLOT) key = IR(key->op1);
	lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &keyv, key);
	tv = lj_tab_get(J->L, ir_ktab(IR(ir->op1)), &keyv);
	lua_assert(itype2irt(tv) == irt_type(fins->t));
	if (irt_isnum(fins->t))
	  return lj_ir_knum_u64(J, tv->u64);
	else if (LJ_DUALNUM && irt_isint(fins->t))
	  return lj_ir_kint(J, intV(tv));
	  return lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(tv));
      /* Othwerwise: don't intern as a constant. */

  /* Try to find a matching load. Below the conflicting store, if any. */
  ref = J->chain[fins->o];
  while (ref > lim) {
    IRIns *load = IR(ref);
    if (load->op1 == xref)
      return ref;  /* Load forwarding. */
    ref = load->prev;
  return 0;  /* Conflict or no match. */
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */
void lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr)
  ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr;
  SnapNo snapno = J->exitno;  /* For now, snapno == exitno. */
  Trace *T = J->trace[J->parent];
  SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno];
  BCReg s, nslots = snap->nslots;
  IRRef2 *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs];
  IRRef2 *flinks = map + nslots + snap->nframelinks;
  TValue *o, *newbase, *ntop;
  BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno);
  lua_State *L = J->L;

  /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */
  if (L->base + nslots >= L->maxstack) {
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
    lj_state_growstack(L, nslots - curr_proto(L)->framesize);

  /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */
  newbase = NULL;
  ntop = L->base;
  for (s = 0, o = L->base-1; s < nslots; s++, o++) {
    IRRef ref = snap_ref(map[s]);
    if (ref) {
      IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
      if (irref_isk(ref)) {  /* Restore constant slot. */
	lj_ir_kvalue(L, o, ir);
      } else {
	IRType1 t = ir->t;
	RegSP rs = ir->prev;
	if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref)))
	  rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs);
	if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) {  /* Restore from spill slot. */
	  int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)];
	  if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	    setintV(o, *sps);
	  } else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	    o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
	  } else {
	    lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t));  /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */
	    setgcrefi(o->gcr, *sps);
	    setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
	} else if (ra_hasreg(regsp_reg(rs))) {  /* Restore from register. */
	  Reg r = regsp_reg(rs);
	  if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	    setintV(o, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	  } else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	    setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]);
	  } else {
	    if (!irt_ispri(t))
	      setgcrefi(o->gcr, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	    setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
	} else {  /* Restore frame slot. */
	  lua_assert(ir->o == IR_FRAME);
	  /* This works for both PTR and FUNC IR_FRAME. */
	  setgcrefp(o->fr.func, mref(T->ir[ir->op2].ptr, void));
	  if (s != 0)  /* Do not overwrite link to previous frame. */
	    o->fr.tp.ftsz = (int32_t)*--flinks;
	  if (irt_isfunc(ir->t)) {
	    GCfunc *fn = gco2func(gcref(T->ir[ir->op2].gcr));
	    if (isluafunc(fn)) {
	      TValue *fs;
	      newbase = o+1;
	      fs = newbase + funcproto(fn)->framesize;
	      if (fs > ntop) ntop = fs; /* Update top for newly added frames. */
    } else if (newbase) {
      setnilV(o);  /* Clear unreferenced slots of newly added frames. */