void Situated::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &instance, const Aurora::GFF3Struct *blueprint) { // General properties if (blueprint) loadProperties(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadProperties(instance); // Instance // Specialized object properties if (blueprint) loadObject(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadObject(instance); // Instance // Appearance if (_appearanceID == Aurora::kFieldIDInvalid) throw Common::Exception("Situated object without an appearance"); loadAppearance(); loadSounds(); // Position float posX = instance.getDouble("X"); float posY = instance.getDouble("Y"); float posZ = instance.getDouble("Z"); if (instance.hasField("Position")) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &pos = instance.getStruct("Position"); posX = pos.getDouble("x"); posY = pos.getDouble("y"); posZ = pos.getDouble("z"); } setPosition(posX, posY, posZ); // Orientation float bearing = instance.getDouble("Bearing"); float rotX = 0.0f; float rotY = 0.0f; float rotZ = 1.0f; float rotW = Common::rad2deg(bearing); if (instance.hasField("Orientation")) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &o = instance.getStruct("Orientation"); rotX = o.getDouble("x"); rotY = o.getDouble("y"); rotZ = o.getDouble("z"); rotW = -Common::rad2deg(acos(o.getDouble("w")) * 2.0); } setOrientation(rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW); }
void GameEngine::loadGame() { _menuTheme.stop(); _menu.setGen(mode::gen::LOAD); _menu.setMode(mode::load::UNKNOWN); _menu.setSub(mode::load::SOLO); draw(); std::ifstream file("saved/game"); _map = new Map("saved/game", true); _map->loadFile(&file); loadObject(_map); _projection = glm::perspective(FOV, WIN_WIDTH / static_cast<float>(WIN_HEIGHT), MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE); _transformation = glm::lookAt(_camera, glm::vec3(_camera.x, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); _shader.bind(); _shader.setUniform("view", _transformation); _shader.setUniform("projection", _projection); loadObject((_player = new Marvin(_bombExplosion, _up, _bombz, _objs, _map, Marvin::PLAY1, glm::vec3(1, 0, 1)))); // if (nbPlayer == 2) // loadObject((_player2 = new Marvin(_bombExplosion, _up, _bombz, _objs, _map, Marvin::PLAY2, glm::vec3(_map->getWidth() - 2, 0, _map->getHeight() - 2)))); for (int i = 0; i < _menu.getIA(); i++) loadObject(new Marvin(_bombExplosion, _up, _bombz, _objs, _map, Marvin::CPU, glm::vec3(_map->getWidth() - 2, 0, 1))); loadSounds(); played = true; _menu.setPlay(true); _menu.setGen(mode::gen::UNKNOWN); }
CLevitate::CLevitate() : key(0) , def(16) , m_pos(Vec3f_ZERO) , m_baseRadius(50.f) , rhaut(100.f) , hauteur(80.f) , m_coneScale(0.f) , ang(0.f) , currdurationang(0) , currframetime(0) , tsouffle(NULL) , m_stoneDelay(0) , nbstone(0) { int nb = 2; while(nb--) { this->cone[nb].coned3d = NULL; this->cone[nb].coneind = NULL; this->cone[nb].conevertex = NULL; } if(!stone0) { stone0 = loadObject("graph/obj3d/interactive/fix_inter/fx_raise_dead/stone01.teo"); } stone0_count++; if(!stone1) { stone1 = loadObject("graph/obj3d/interactive/fix_inter/fx_raise_dead/stone02.teo"); } stone1_count++; }
void Situated::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &instance, const Aurora::GFF3Struct *blueprint) { // General properties if (blueprint) loadProperties(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadProperties(instance); // Instance // Specialized object properties if (blueprint) loadObject(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadObject(instance); // Instance // Appearance if (_appearanceID == Aurora::kFieldIDInvalid) warning("Situated object \"%s\" without an appearance", _tag.c_str()); loadAppearance(); loadSounds(); // Model if (!_modelName.empty()) { _model.reset(loadModelObject(_modelName)); if (!_model) throw Common::Exception("Failed to load situated object model \"%s\"", _modelName.c_str()); } else warning("Situated object \"%s\" (\"%s\") has no model", _name.c_str(), _tag.c_str()); if (_model) { // Clickable _model->setTag(_tag); _model->setClickable(isClickable()); // ID _ids.push_back(_model->getID()); } // Position setPosition(instance.getDouble("X"), instance.getDouble("Y"), instance.getDouble("Z")); // Orientation float bearing = instance.getDouble("Bearing"); setOrientation(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, Common::rad2deg(bearing)); }
CRiseDead::CRiseDead() : eSrc(Vec3f_ZERO) , fBetaRadCos(0.f) , fBetaRadSin(0.f) , tex_light(NULL) , end(40 - 1) , iSize(100) , bIntro(true) , sizeF(0) , fSizeIntro(0.f) , fRand(0.f) , fTexWrap(0) , ulDurationIntro(1000) , ulDurationRender(1000) , ulDurationOuttro(1000) , currframetime(0) , timestone(0) , nbstone(0) { SetDuration(1000); ulCurrentTime = ulDurationIntro + ulDurationRender + ulDurationOuttro + 1; fOneOniSize = 1.0f / ((float) iSize); fColorBorder[0] = 1; fColorBorder[1] = 1; fColorBorder[2] = 1; fColorRays1[0] = 1; fColorRays1[1] = 1; fColorRays1[2] = 1; fColorRays2[0] = 0; fColorRays2[1] = 0; fColorRays2[2] = 0; stone[0] = NULL; stone[1] = NULL; if(!stone0) { stone0 = loadObject("graph/obj3d/interactive/fix_inter/fx_raise_dead/stone01.teo"); } stone0_count++; if(!stone1) { stone1 = loadObject("graph/obj3d/interactive/fix_inter/fx_raise_dead/stone02.teo"); } stone1_count++; tex_light = TextureContainer::Load("graph/obj3d/textures/(fx)_tsu4"); }
bool ObjectManager::load(IDataSource* ids, uint32 version) { if (!objIDs->load(ids, version)) return false; if (!actorIDs->load(ids, version)) return false; do { // peek ahead for terminator uint16 classlen = ids->read2(); if (classlen == 0) break; char* buf = new char[classlen+1]; ids->read(buf, classlen); buf[classlen] = 0; std::string classname = buf; delete[] buf; Object* obj = loadObject(ids, classname, version); if (!obj) return false; // top level gumps have to be added to the correct core gump Gump* gump = p_dynamic_cast<Gump*>(obj); if (gump) { GUIApp::get_instance()->addGump(gump); } } while(true); return true; }
vector<KMFContainer*>* JSONModelLoader::deserialize(istream &inputStream){ vector<ResolveCommand*> *resolverCommands = new vector<ResolveCommand*>; vector<KMFContainer*> *roots= new vector<KMFContainer*>; Lexer *lexer =new Lexer(inputStream); Token currentToken = lexer->nextToken(); if(currentToken.tokenType == LEFT_BRACE) { loadObject(lexer,"",NULL,roots,resolverCommands); for (std::vector<ResolveCommand*>::iterator it = resolverCommands->begin() ; it != resolverCommands->end(); ++it) { ResolveCommand *cmd = *it; cmd->run(); delete cmd; } } else { delete roots; roots = NULL; Logger::Write(Logger::ERROR,"JSONModelLoader::deserializeBad Format / { expected"); } delete resolverCommands; delete lexer; return roots; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void game::extrudeObject(){ //create and use circle SG_POINT crCen = {0,0,0.0}; SG_VECTOR crNor; crNor.x = 0.0; crNor.y = 3.0; crNor.z = 0.0; sgSpaceMath::NormalVector(crNor); SG_CIRCLE crGeo; crGeo.FromCenterRadiusNormal( crCen, 150, crNor); sgCCircle* cr = sgCreateCircle(crGeo); ////extrude along vector SG_VECTOR extVec = {0,-300,0}; if (objectID == -1){ extrudedObject = (sgC3DObject*)sgKinematic::Extrude((const sgC2DObject&)(*cr),NULL,0,extVec,true); }else{ free(extrudedObject); extrudedObject = (sgC3DObject*)sgKinematic::Extrude((const sgC2DObject&)(*cr),NULL,0,extVec,true); } extrudedObject->SetAttribute(SG_OA_COLOR,30); extrudedB = true; sgDeleteObject(cr); //we have the sg3DObjcect to load loadObject(200,slicingPos,posP);//using id=200 }
void init (void) { // If Depth Test is not enabled, I would see my object infront of // my polygon even if my object falls behind polygon. glClearDepth(1); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable (GL_BLEND); //glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); windvelocity.x = 0.5; windvelocity.y = 0.5; windvelocity.z = 0.5; buildWalls(habcount, num_tri_hab, habitat, habvert); createPredator(1); addObject(20); //buildWalls(tricount, num_triangles, triangle, vert); //cube=loadObject("birds.obj"); cube=loadObject("Fiat509_2.6.obj"); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); glEnable (GL_LIGHTING); glEnable (GL_LIGHT0); float col[]={1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}; //light color is white glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_DIFFUSE,col); texture[0] = LoadTextureRAW( "wood.bmp",500,334); }
Ref<SceneGraph::Node> CoronaLoader::loadGroupNode(const Ref<XML>& xml) { if (xml->children.size() < 1) THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR(xml->loc.str()+": invalid group node"); /* load instances */ auto p = loadInstances(xml->children[0]); Ref<SceneGraph::MaterialNode> material = p.first; avector<AffineSpace3fa>& xfms = p.second; /* load meshes */ Ref<SceneGraph::GroupNode> objects = new SceneGraph::GroupNode; for (size_t i=1; i<xml->children.size(); i++) objects->add(loadObject(xml->children[i])); /* force material */ objects->setMaterial(material); /* create instances */ Ref<SceneGraph::GroupNode> instances = new SceneGraph::GroupNode; for (size_t i=0; i<xfms.size(); i++) instances->add(new SceneGraph::TransformNode(xfms[i],objects.cast<SceneGraph::Node>())); return instances.cast<SceneGraph::Node>(); }
UAVObjectBrowserWidget::UAVObjectBrowserWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_browser = new Ui_UAVObjectBrowser(); m_viewoptions = new Ui_viewoptions(); m_viewoptionsDialog = new QDialog(this); m_viewoptions->setupUi(m_viewoptionsDialog); m_browser->setupUi(this); m_model = new UAVObjectTreeModel(); m_browser->treeView->setModel(m_model); m_browser->treeView->setColumnWidth(0, 300); // m_browser->treeView->expandAll(); BrowserItemDelegate *m_delegate = new BrowserItemDelegate(); m_browser->treeView->setItemDelegate(m_delegate); m_browser->treeView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers); m_browser->treeView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectItems); showMetaData(m_viewoptions->cbMetaData->isChecked()); connect(m_browser->treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_viewoptions->cbMetaData, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showMetaData(bool))); connect(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(categorize(bool))); connect(m_browser->saveSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveObject())); connect(m_browser->readSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadObject())); connect(m_browser->eraseSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(eraseObject())); connect(m_browser->sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendUpdate())); connect(m_browser->requestButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestUpdate())); connect(m_browser->tbView, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(viewSlot())); connect(m_viewoptions->cbScientific, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(useScientificNotation(bool))); connect(m_viewoptions->cbScientific, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot())); connect(m_viewoptions->cbMetaData, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot())); connect(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot())); enableSendRequest(false); }
void Area::loadDoors(const Aurora::GFF3List &list) { for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator d = list.begin(); d != list.end(); ++d) { Door *door = new Door(*_module, **d); loadObject(*door); } }
bool SceneLoader::loadObjects() { int nObjects=0; objectElement=objectsElement->FirstChildElement("object"); cout<<"Objects:"; while(objectElement) { if(nObjects==global.maxobjects) { cout<<"Ja chegou limite de objectos\n"; system("pause"); return false; } else if(strcmp(objectElement->Value(), "object") == 0) { if(!loadObject()) return false; } else { cout<<"Erro na tag objecto na "<<nObjects<<endl; system("pause"); return false; } objectElement=objectElement->NextSiblingElement(); nObjects++; } cout<<endl; return true; }
void Area::loadCreatures(const Aurora::GFF3List &list) { for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator c = list.begin(); c != list.end(); ++c) { Creature *creature = new Creature(**c); loadObject(*creature); } }
CObject::CObject(std::string path){ nVertex = 0; nFaces = 0; nEdges = 0; nIndex = 0; current_shader = 0; mIndexes.clear(); mVertex.clear(); mFaceNormals.clear(); mVertexNormals.clear(); mColor.clear(); xmin = ymin = zmin = xmax = ymax = zmax = NULL; transFX = transFY = transFZ = 0; scaleFX = scaleFY = scaleFZ = 1; ambientObject[0] = ambientObject[1] = ambientObject[2] = 0.5; diffuseObject[0] = diffuseObject[1] = diffuseObject[2] = 0.5; specularObject[0] = specularObject[1] = specularObject[2] = 1; roughnessValue = 1.0; fresnelValue = 0.10; gaussConstant = 100; quat[0] = quat[1] = quat[2] = quat[3] = 0; yaw = 0.f; loadObject(path); initBuffers(); }
UAVObjectBrowserWidget::UAVObjectBrowserWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), updatePeriod(MAXIMUM_UPDATE_PERIOD) { // Create browser and configuration GUIs m_browser = new Ui_UAVObjectBrowser(); m_viewoptions = new Ui_viewoptions(); m_viewoptionsDialog = new QDialog(this); m_viewoptions->setupUi(m_viewoptionsDialog); m_browser->setupUi(this); // Create data model m_model = new UAVObjectTreeModel(this); // Create tree view and add to layout treeView = new UAVOBrowserTreeView(MAXIMUM_UPDATE_PERIOD); treeView->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("treeView")); m_browser->verticalLayout->addWidget(treeView); connect(m_browser->saveSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveObject())); connect(m_browser->readSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadObject())); connect(m_browser->eraseSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(eraseObject())); connect(m_browser->sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendUpdate())); connect(m_browser->requestButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestUpdate())); connect(m_browser->viewSettingsButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(viewSlot())); connect((QTreeView*) treeView, SIGNAL(collapsed(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onTreeItemCollapsed(QModelIndex) )); connect((QTreeView*) treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onTreeItemExpanded(QModelIndex) )); connect(m_browser->le_searchField, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(searchTextChanged(QString))); connect(m_browser->bn_clearSearchField, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(searchTextCleared())); // Set browser buttons to disabled enableUAVOBrowserButtons(false); }
scene::scene(string filename){ cout << "Reading scene from " << filename << " ..." << endl; cout << " " << endl; char* fname = (char*)filename.c_str(); fp_in.open(fname); if(fp_in.is_open()){ while(fp_in.good()){ string line; utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in,line); if(!line.empty()){ vector<string> tokens = utilityCore::tokenizeString(line); if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "MATERIAL")==0){ loadMaterial(tokens[1]); cout << " " << endl; }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "OBJECT")==0){ loadObject(tokens[1]); cout << " " << endl; }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "CAMERA")==0){ loadCamera(); cout << " " << endl; } } } } }
void Area::loadPlaceables(const Aurora::GFF3List &list) { for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator c = list.begin(); c != list.end(); ++c) { Placeable *placeable = new Placeable(**c); loadObject(*placeable); } }
void Area::loadWaypoints(const Aurora::GFF3List &list) { for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator w = list.begin(); w != list.end(); ++w) { Waypoint *waypoint = new Waypoint(**w); loadObject(*waypoint); } }
void Area::loadTriggers(const Aurora::GFF3List &list) { for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator c = list.begin(); c != list.end(); ++c) { Trigger *trigger = new Trigger(**c); loadObject(*trigger); } }
/** * Construct a SOM from the code vectors in a stream * Parameter: _is The stream * Parameter: _size Size of code vectors (number of data points) * @exception runtime_error If there are problems with the stream */ FuzzyMap::FuzzyMap(std::istream& _is, const unsigned _size, bool _cv) : FuzzyCodeBook(false) { somLayout = NULL; if (_cv) readSelf(_is, _size); else loadObject(_is); }
/** * Construct a SOM from the code vectors in a stream * Parameter: _is The stream * @exception runtime_error If there are problems with the stream */ ClassificationMap::ClassificationMap(std::istream& _is, bool _cv) : CodeBook(false) { somLayout = NULL; if (_cv) readSelf(_is); else loadObject(_is); }
Model::Model(string name) { objectLoaded = false; if(name != "") loadObject(name); displayList = 0; }
void CompliantGraspCopyTask::start() { //get the details of the planning task itself if (!mDBMgr->GetPlanningTaskRecord(mPlanningTask.taskId, &mPlanningTask)) { DBGA("Failed to get planning record for task"); mStatus = FAILED; return; } loadHand(); if (mStatus == FAILED) { return; } if (!mHand->isA("Pr2Gripper2010")) { DBGA("Compliant copy task only works on the PR2 gripper"); mStatus = FAILED; return; } Pr2Gripper2010 *gripper = static_cast<Pr2Gripper2010 *>(mHand); loadObject(); if (mStatus == FAILED) { return; } //load all the grasps std::vector<db_planner::Grasp *> graspList; if (!mDBMgr->GetGrasps(*(mPlanningTask.model), mPlanningTask.handName, &graspList)) { DBGA("Load grasps failed"); mStatus = FAILED; emptyGraspList(graspList); return; } bool success = true; std::vector<db_planner::Grasp *>::iterator it; for (it = graspList.begin(); it != graspList.end(); it++) { GraspPlanningState *graspState = static_cast<GraspitDBGrasp *>(*it)->getFinalGraspPlanningState(); gripper->setCompliance(Pr2Gripper2010::NONE); graspState->execute(); DBGA("Compliant copy around finger 0"); if (!compliantCopy(*it, Pr2Gripper2010::FINGER0)) { success = false; break; } gripper->setCompliance(Pr2Gripper2010::NONE); graspState->execute(); DBGA("Compliant copy around finger 1"); if (!compliantCopy(*it, Pr2Gripper2010::FINGER1)) { success = false; break; } } gripper->setCompliance(Pr2Gripper2010::NONE); emptyGraspList(graspList); if (success) { mStatus = DONE; } else { mStatus = FAILED; } }
void Situated::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &instance, const Aurora::GFF3Struct *blueprint) { // General properties if (blueprint) loadProperties(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadProperties(instance); // Instance // Specialized object properties if (blueprint) loadObject(*blueprint); // Blueprint loadObject(instance); // Instance // Sounds loadSounds(); // Position setPosition(instance.getDouble("X"), instance.getDouble("Y"), instance.getDouble("Z")); // Orientation float bearing = instance.getDouble("Bearing"); float rotX = 0.0f; float rotY = 0.0f; float rotZ = 1.0f; float rotW = Common::rad2deg(bearing); if (instance.hasField("OrientationW")) { rotX = instance.getDouble("OrientationX"); rotY = instance.getDouble("OrientationY"); rotZ = instance.getDouble("OrientationZ"); rotW = Common::rad2deg(acos(instance.getDouble("OrientationW")) * 2.0); } setOrientation(rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW); }
boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject > ResourceObjectManager::getResourceObject(const std::string& id) { if (id.empty()) return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); // Check that object already loaded. auto oi = m_objects.find(id); if (oi != m_objects.end()) return oi->second; // Check that object wasn't loaded, but there is JSON file for it auto fi = m_objectFiles.find(id); if (fi != m_objectFiles.end()) { boost::shared_ptr<std::istream> f = ResourceManager::instance().getFileStream(fi->second); if (!f) return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if (!reader.parse(*f, root)) { Log::error() << L"[ROM] Error parsing JSON file " << fi->second << ": " << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(); return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); } m_objectFiles.erase(fi->first); return loadObject(id, root); } // OK, no object, no file, so check that directory that may contains object was loaded. std::string dir = directory(id); //Remove trailing slash if (!dir.empty()) dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length() - 1); if (dir.empty()) { Log::error() << "[ROM] Cannot find object " << id; return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); } auto di = std::find(m_directories.begin(), m_directories.end(), dir); if (di != m_directories.end()) { // Directory loaded, but there is no object Log::error() << "[ROM] Cannot find object " << id; return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); } // Load dir recursively if (!getResourceObject(dir)) return boost::shared_ptr< ResourceObject >(); return getResourceObject(id); }
void ARX_EQUIPMENT_RecreatePlayerMesh() { if(EXITING) return; arx_assert(entities.player()); Entity * io = entities.player(); if(io->obj != hero) delete io->obj; io->obj = loadObject("graph/obj3d/interactive/npc/human_base/human_base.teo", false); applyTweak(EQUIP_SLOT_HELMET, TWEAK_HEAD, "head"); applyTweak(EQUIP_SLOT_ARMOR, TWEAK_TORSO, "chest"); applyTweak(EQUIP_SLOT_LEGGINGS, TWEAK_LEGS, "leggings"); Entity * target = entities.player(); for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIPED; i++) { if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[i])) { Entity *toequip = entities[player.equiped[i]]; if(toequip) { if(toequip->type_flags & (OBJECT_TYPE_DAGGER | OBJECT_TYPE_1H | OBJECT_TYPE_2H | OBJECT_TYPE_BOW)) { if(player.Interface & INTER_COMBATMODE) { ARX_EQUIPMENT_AttachPlayerWeaponToHand(); } else { EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_LinkObjectToObject(target->obj, toequip->obj, "weapon_attach", "primary_attach", toequip); } } else if(toequip->type_flags & OBJECT_TYPE_SHIELD) { if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_SHIELD])) { EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_LinkObjectToObject(target->obj, toequip->obj, "shield_attach", "shield_attach", toequip); } } } } } ARX_PLAYER_Restore_Skin(); HERO_SHOW_1ST = -1; if(EXTERNALVIEW) { ARX_INTERACTIVE_Show_Hide_1st(entities.player(), 0); } else { ARX_INTERACTIVE_Show_Hide_1st(entities.player(), 1); } ARX_INTERACTIVE_HideGore(entities.player(), 1); EERIE_Object_Precompute_Fast_Access(hero); EERIE_Object_Precompute_Fast_Access(entities.player()->obj); ARX_INTERACTIVE_RemoveGoreOnIO(entities.player()); }
//============================================================================= // METHOD : SPELLwsStorage::loadLong //============================================================================= long SPELLwsStorage::loadLong() { if (!m_file.is_open()) return -1; if (m_mode == MODE_WRITE) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to load long value", "Initialized in write mode", SPELL_ERROR_WSTART); } PyObject* longObject = loadObject(); long value = PyLong_AsLong(longObject); Py_XDECREF(longObject); return value; }
Object* ObjectManager::loadObject(IDataSource* ids, uint32 version) { uint16 classlen = ids->read2(); char* buf = new char[classlen+1]; ids->read(buf, classlen); buf[classlen] = 0; std::string classname = buf; delete[] buf; return loadObject(ids, classname, version); }
void ofxFeatureFinder::loadObjectsInFolder(string folder) { ofDirectory dir(folder); dir.allowExt("yml"); dir.listDir(); for(int i = 0; i < dir.numFiles(); i++){ string fullPath = dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + dir.getName(i); cout << "loading object description " << fullPath << endl; loadObject(fullPath); } }