QPageSize QPlatformPrintDevice::supportedPageSize(const QPageSize &pageSize) const
    if (!pageSize.isValid())
        return QPageSize();

    if (!m_havePageSizes)

    // First try match on name and id for case where printer defines same size twice with different names
    // e.g. Windows defines DMPAPER_11X17 and DMPAPER_TABLOID with names "11x17" and "Tabloid", but both
    // map to QPageSize::Tabloid / PPD Key "Tabloid" / ANSI B Tabloid
    if (pageSize.id() != QPageSize::Custom) {
        foreach (const QPageSize &ps, m_pageSizes) {
            if (ps.id() == pageSize.id() && ps.name() == pageSize.name())
                return ps;
QPageSize QWindowsPrintDevice::defaultPageSize() const
    if (!m_havePageSizes)

    QPageSize pageSize;

    if (LPDEVMODE pDevMode = getDevmode(m_hPrinter, m_id)) {
        // Get the default paper size
        if (pDevMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) {
            // Find the supported page size that matches, in theory default should be one of them
            foreach (const QPageSize &ps, m_pageSizes) {
                if (ps.windowsId() == pDevMode->dmPaperSize) {
                    pageSize = ps;
        // Clean-up
QPageSize QWindowsPrintDevice::defaultPageSize() const
    if (!m_havePageSizes)

    QPageSize pageSize;

    // Allocate the required DEVMODE buffer
    DWORD dmSize = DocumentProperties(NULL, m_hPrinter, (LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), NULL, NULL, 0);
    LPDEVMODE pDevMode = (LPDEVMODE)malloc(dmSize);

     // Get the default DevMode
    DWORD result = DocumentProperties(NULL, m_hPrinter, (LPWSTR)m_id.utf16(), pDevMode, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER);

    // Get the default paper size
    if (result == IDOK && pDevMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) {
        // Find the supported page size that matches, in theory default should be one of them
        foreach (const QPageSize &ps, m_pageSizes) {
            if (ps.windowsId() == pDevMode->dmPaperSize) {
                pageSize = ps;
QList<QPageSize> QPlatformPrintDevice::supportedPageSizes() const
    if (!m_havePageSizes)
    return m_pageSizes.toList();