/* \brief This is an example that shows how to do the following:
 * - start a high frequency clock
 * - switch the main clock to that high frequency clock
 * - set-up a generic clock with a high frequency clock as a source
 * - output a generic clock to GCLK_0_1(EVK1100) / GCLK_2_1 / GCLK_2(EVK1101) /
 *  GCLK_1_0(EVK1104) / GCLK_0_2(UC3C_EK) / GCLK_1_0(STK600_RCUC3L0 & AT32UC3L-EK)
int main(void)
  /* Start a high frequency clock and switch the main clock to that high frequency clock */

  /* Set-up a generic clock from a high frequency clock and output it to a gpio pin. */

  /* Now toggle LED0 using a GPIO */
/*! \brief Main function. Execution starts here.
 *  \return 0 on success
int main(void)
  pwm_opt_t pwm_opt;                // PWM option config.
  avr32_pwm_channel_t pwm_channel = {{0}, // cmr
                                     {0}, // cdty
                                     {0}, // cdtyupd
                                     {0}, // cprd
                                     {0}, // cprdupd
                                     {0}, // ccnt
                                     {0}, // dt
                                     {0}};// dtupd  ;  One channel config.
  unsigned int channel_id;

  // Start Main Clock On external 16MHz Oscillator
  // Start PLL for PWM
  // Start Enable Generic Clock with PLL as source clock

  channel_id = EXAMPLE_PWM_CHANNEL_ID;
  gpio_enable_module_pin(EXAMPLE_PWM_L_PIN, EXAMPLE_PWM_L_FUNCTION);
  gpio_enable_module_pin(EXAMPLE_PWM_H_PIN, EXAMPLE_PWM_H_FUNCTION);
  // PWM controller configuration.
  pwm_opt.diva = AVR32_PWM_DIVA_CLK_OFF;
  pwm_opt.divb = AVR32_PWM_DIVB_CLK_OFF;
  pwm_opt.prea = AVR32_PWM_PREA_CCK;
  pwm_opt.preb = AVR32_PWM_PREB_CCK;

  pwm_opt.fault_detection_activated = false;
  pwm_opt.sync_channel_activated    = true;
  pwm_opt.sync_update_channel_mode  = PWM_SYNC_UPDATE_MANUAL_WRITE_MANUAL_UPDATE;
  pwm_opt.sync_channel_select[0]    = true;
  pwm_opt.sync_channel_select[1]    = true;
  pwm_opt.sync_channel_select[2]    = false;
  pwm_opt.sync_channel_select[3]    = false;
  pwm_opt.cksel                     = PWM_CKSEL_GCLK;

  // Update the period

  // Channel configuration
  pwm_channel.CMR.dte   = 1;        // Enable Deadtime for complementary Mode
  pwm_channel.CMR.dthi  = 1;        // Deadtime Inverted on PWMH
  pwm_channel.CMR.dtli  = 0;        // Deadtime Not Inverted on PWML
  pwm_channel.CMR.ces   = 0;        // 0/1 Channel Event at the End of PWM Period
  pwm_channel.CMR.calg  = PWM_MODE_LEFT_ALIGNED;       // Channel mode.
  pwm_channel.CMR.cpol  = PWM_POLARITY_LOW;            // Channel polarity.
  pwm_channel.CMR.cpre  = AVR32_PWM_CPRE_CCK;           // Channel prescaler.
  pwm_channel.cdty      = 10;       // Channel duty cycle, should be < CPRD.
  pwm_channel.cprd      = 20;       // Channel period.

  // With these settings, the output waveform period will be :
  // (56MHz)/20 == 2.8MHz == (MCK/prescaler)/period, with MCK == 56MHz,
  // prescaler == 1, period == 20.

  pwm_channel_init(channel_id, &pwm_channel); // Set channel configuration to channel 0
  pwm_start_channels((1 << channel_id));  // Start channel 0 & 1.
