meta_parameters* radarsat2meta(radarsat2_meta *radarsat2)

    ymd_date date, imgStartDate, imgStopDate;
    hms_time time, imgStartTime, imgStopTime;
    meta_parameters *meta;
    char *mon[13]= {"","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep",
    double lat, lon, height, re, rp;

    // Allocate memory for metadata structure
    meta = raw_init();

    // General block
    strcpy(meta->general->basename, radarsat2->filename);
    strcpy(meta->general->sensor, radarsat2->satellite);
    strcpy(meta->general->sensor_name, radarsat2->sensor);
    strcpy(meta->general->mode, radarsat2->beamModeMnemonic);
    sprintf(meta->general->processor, "%s %s",
            radarsat2->processingFacility, radarsat2->softwareVersion);
    meta->general->data_type = REAL32;
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->dataType, "COMPLEX") == 0)
        meta->general->image_data_type = COMPLEX_IMAGE;
    //else if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->dataType, "DETECTED") == 0)
    //  meta->general->image_data_type = AMPLITUDE_IMAGE;
    meta->general->radiometry = r_AMP;
    date_terrasar2date(radarsat2->zeroDopplerAzimuthTime, &date, &time);
    sprintf(meta->general->acquisition_date, "%02d-%s-%4d %02d:%02d:%02.0f",
            date.day, mon[date.month], date.year, time.hour, time.min, time.sec);
    //meta->general->orbit = radarsat2->absOrbit;
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->passDirection, "ASCENDING") == 0)
        meta->general->orbit_direction = 'A';
    else if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->passDirection, "DESCENDING") == 0)
        meta->general->orbit_direction = 'D';
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->dataType, "COMPLEX") == 0)
        meta->general->band_count = radarsat2->band_count * 2;
        meta->general->band_count = radarsat2->band_count;
    strcpy(meta->general->bands, radarsat2->bands);
    meta->general->line_count = radarsat2->numberOfLines;
    meta->general->sample_count = radarsat2->numberOfSamplesPerLine;
    meta->general->start_line = 0;
    meta->general->start_sample = 0;
    meta->general->x_pixel_size = radarsat2->sampledPixelSpacing;
    meta->general->y_pixel_size = radarsat2->sampledLineSpacing;
    //meta->general->center_latitude = radarsat2->sceneCenterCoordLat;
    //meta->general->center_longitude = radarsat2->sceneCenterCoordLon;
    meta->general->re_major = radarsat2->semiMajorAxis;
    meta->general->re_minor = radarsat2->semiMinorAxis;

    // SAR block
    meta->sar = meta_sar_init();
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->productType, "SLC") == 0)
        meta->sar->image_type = 'S';
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->antennaPointing, "LEFT") == 0)
        meta->sar->look_direction = 'L';
    else if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->antennaPointing, "RIGHT") == 0)
        meta->sar->look_direction = 'R';
    meta->sar->azimuth_look_count = radarsat2->numberOfAzimuthLooks;
    meta->sar->range_look_count = radarsat2->numberOfRangeLooks;
    meta->sar->deskewed = 1;
    meta->sar->original_line_count = meta->general->line_count;
    meta->sar->original_sample_count = meta->general->sample_count;
    meta->sar->line_increment = 1;
    meta->sar->sample_increment = 1;
                       &imgStartDate, &imgStartTime);
                       &imgStopDate, &imgStopTime);
    meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel =
        date_difference(&imgStopDate, &imgStopTime,
                        &imgStartDate, &imgStartTime) / meta->general->line_count;
    meta->sar->range_time_per_pixel =
        meta->general->x_pixel_size * 2.0 / speedOfLight;
    meta->sar->slant_range_first_pixel = radarsat2->slantRangeNearEdge;
    meta->sar->slant_shift = 0.0;
    meta->sar->time_shift = 0.0;
    meta->sar->wavelength = SPD_LIGHT / radarsat2->radarCenterFrequency;
    meta->sar->prf = radarsat2->pulseRepetitionFrequency;
    meta->sar->satellite_height = radarsat2->satelliteHeight;
    meta->sar->azimuth_processing_bandwidth =
    // FIXME: chirp_rate ???
    meta->sar->pulse_duration = radarsat2->pulseLength;
    meta->sar->range_sampling_rate = radarsat2->adcSamplingRate;
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->polarizations, "HH,VV,HV,VH") == 0) {
        meta->general->image_data_type = POLARIMETRIC_IMAGE;
        strcpy(meta->sar->polarization, "quad-pol");
        strcpy(meta->sar->polarization, radarsat2->polarizations);
    if (strcmp_case(radarsat2->dataType, "COMPLEX") == 0)
        meta->sar->multilook = FALSE;
    // FIXME: pitch, roll, yaw ???

    // Doppler block
    meta->doppler = radarsat2->doppler;

    // State vectors
    meta->state_vectors = radarsat2->state_vectors;

    // Propagate the state vectors to start, center, end
    int vector_count = 3;
    double data_int = date_difference(&imgStopDate, &imgStopTime,
                                      &imgStartDate, &imgStartTime) / 2.0;
    while (fabs(data_int) > 10.0) {
        data_int /= 2;
        vector_count = vector_count*2-1;
    propagate_state(meta, vector_count, data_int);

    // Location block
    meta->location = meta_location_init();
    meta->location->lat_start_near_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord1Lat;
    meta->location->lon_start_near_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord1Lon;
    meta->location->lat_start_far_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord2Lat;
    meta->location->lon_start_far_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord2Lon;
    meta->location->lat_end_near_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord3Lat;
    meta->location->lon_end_near_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord3Lon;
    meta->location->lat_end_far_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord4Lat;
    meta->location->lon_end_far_range = radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord4Lon;

    // Still need to determine center location, really only needed to get
    // the earth radius straight
    meta->general->center_longitude = (radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord1Lon +
                                       radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord2Lon +
                                       radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord3Lon +
                                       radarsat2->sceneCornerCoord4Lon) / 4.0;
    location_to_latlon(meta, meta->general->sample_count/2,
                       meta->general->line_count/2, 0.0, &lat, &lon, &height);
    meta->general->center_latitude = lat;
    meta->general->center_longitude = lon;
    lat = meta->general->center_latitude * D2R;
    re = meta->general->re_major;
    rp = meta->general->re_minor;
    meta->sar->earth_radius =
        (re*rp) / sqrt(rp*rp*cos(lat)*cos(lat)+re*re*sin(lat)*sin(lat));
    meta->sar->satellite_height += meta->sar->earth_radius;

    return meta;
 * meta_get_latLon:
 * Converts given line and sample to geodetic latitude and longitude.
 * Works with all image types.*/
int meta_get_latLon(meta_parameters *meta,
                    double yLine, double xSample,double elev,
                    double *lat,double *lon)
  double hgt;

  if (meta->projection) {
    /*Map-Projected. Use projection information to calculate lat & lon.*/
    double px,py,pz=0.0;
    px = meta->projection->startX + ((xSample + meta->general->start_sample)
             * meta->projection->perX);
    py = meta->projection->startY + ((yLine + meta->general->start_line)
             * meta->projection->perY);
    /*Currently have to handle scansar separately, because it depends on
      a lot more info than the other projections */
    if (meta->projection->type == SCANSAR_PROJECTION) {
        scan_to_latlon(meta, px, py, elev, lat, lon, &hgt);
    } else {
        proj_to_latlon(meta->projection, px, py, pz, lat, lon, &hgt);
        *lat *= R2D;
        *lon *= R2D;
  else if (meta->airsar) {
    double l = yLine, s = xSample;
    if (meta->sar) {
          l = meta->general->start_line +
                  meta->general->line_scaling * yLine;
          s = meta->general->start_sample +
                  meta->general->sample_scaling * xSample;
    airsar_to_latlon(meta, s, l, elev, lat, lon);
  else if (meta->uavsar) {
    double l = yLine, s = xSample;
    if (meta->sar) {
          l = meta->general->start_line +
                  meta->general->line_scaling * yLine;
          s = meta->general->start_sample +
                  meta->general->sample_scaling * xSample;
    uavsar_to_latlon(meta, s, l, elev, lat, lon);
  else if (meta->latlon) {
    int nLine = (int)(yLine + 0.5);
    int nSample = (int)(xSample + 0.5);
    int sample_count = meta->general->sample_count;
    *lat = meta->latlon->lat[nLine*sample_count + nSample];
    *lon = meta->latlon->lon[nLine*sample_count + nSample];
  else if (meta->transform) {
      /* ALOS data (not projected) -- use transform block */
      double l = yLine, s = xSample;
      if (meta->sar) {
	s = meta->general->start_sample +
                  meta->general->sample_scaling * s;
	l = meta->general->start_line +
	          meta->general->line_scaling * l;
      if (meta->sar && meta->sar->image_type == 'G' &&
          strcmp_case(meta->transform->type, "slant") == 0)
        // map s (sample) value from Ground to Slant
        double new_s = map_gr2sr(meta, l, s);
        //printf("meta_get_latLon -- mapped gr to sr: %f -> %f\n", s, new_s);
        s = new_s;
      else if (meta->sar && meta->sar->image_type == 'S' &&
               strcmp_case(meta->transform->type, "ground") == 0)
        // not implemented, don't think we need this?
        asfPrintError("meta_get_latLon: ground transform block "
                      "with a slant range image.\n");
        double new_s = map_sr2gr(meta, l, s);
        //printf("meta_get_latLon -- mapped sr to gr: %f -> %f\n", s, new_s);
        s = new_s;
      alos_to_latlon(meta, s, l, elev, lat, lon, &hgt);
      //printf("alos_to_latlon: %f, %f ==> %f, %f\n", l, s, *lat, *lon);
  else if (meta->sar &&
           (meta->sar->image_type=='S' || meta->sar->image_type=='G')) {
      /*Slant or ground range.  Use state vectors and doppler.*/
      double slant,doppler,time;
  else if (meta->location) {
    double l = yLine, s = xSample;
    if (meta->sar) {
          l = meta->general->start_line +
                  meta->general->line_scaling * yLine;
          s = meta->general->start_sample +
                  meta->general->sample_scaling * xSample;
    location_to_latlon(meta, s, l, elev, lat, lon, &hgt);
  else { /*Bogus image type.*/
      "meta_get_latLon: Couldn't figure out what kind of image this is!\n"
      "meta->transform = %p, so it isn't ALOS.\n"
      "meta->sar = %p, and it isn't Slant/Ground range.\n"
      "meta->projection = %p, so it isn't Projected, or Scansar.\n"
      "meta->location = %p, so doesn't have location information.\n"
      "meta->general->name: %s\n",
      meta->transform, meta->sar, meta->projection, meta->location,
      meta->general ? meta->general->basename : "(null)");
    return 1; /* Not Reached */
  //if (*lon < -180) *lon += 360;
  //if (*lon > 180) *lon -= 360;
  return 0;