struct bufferAndSize pngQuant(MagickWand *output){ unsigned long wid = MagickGetImageWidth(output); unsigned long hei = MagickGetImageHeight(output); unsigned char *bmp_buffer; bmp_buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(wid*hei*4); MagickGetImagePixels(output,0,0,wid,hei,"RGBA",CharPixel,bmp_buffer); liq_attr *attr = liq_attr_create(); liq_image *qimage = liq_image_create_rgba(attr, bmp_buffer, wid, hei, 0); liq_set_max_colors(attr, 255); liq_set_speed(attr, 10); liq_result *res = liq_quantize_image(attr, qimage); int png_buffer_size = wid*hei; unsigned char *png_buffer = malloc(png_buffer_size); liq_write_remapped_image(res, qimage, png_buffer, png_buffer_size); const liq_palette *pal = liq_get_palette(res); LodePNGState state; lodepng_state_init(&state); /*optionally customize the state*/ state.info_png.color.bitdepth = 8; state.info_png.color.colortype = LCT_PALETTE; state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_PALETTE; state.info_raw.bitdepth = 8; state.encoder.auto_convert = 0; state.encoder.add_id = 0; state.encoder.zlibsettings.nicematch = 258; int i = 0; for (i=0; i < pal->count; ++i) { lodepng_palette_add(&state.info_png.color, pal->entries[i].r , pal->entries[i].g, pal->entries[i].b, pal->entries[i].a); lodepng_palette_add(&state.info_raw, pal->entries[i].r , pal->entries[i].g, pal->entries[i].b, pal->entries[i].a); } unsigned char *data; size_t size = 0; lodepng_encode(&data, &size, png_buffer, wid, hei, &state); // writtendata = io_write(size, data); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(bmp_buffer); free(png_buffer); liq_attr_destroy(attr); liq_image_destroy(qimage); liq_result_destroy(res); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); struct bufferAndSize bs; = data; bs.size = size; return bs; }
SDL_Surface *TCOD_sys_read_png(const char *filename) { unsigned error; unsigned char* image; unsigned width, height, y, bpp; unsigned char* png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; SDL_Surface *bitmap; unsigned char *source; unsigned int rowsize; lodepng_state_init(&state); /*optionally customize the state*/ if (!TCOD_sys_read_file(filename,&png,&pngsize)) return NULL; lodepng_inspect(&width,&height,&state, png, pngsize); bpp=lodepng_get_bpp(&state.info_png.color); if ( bpp == 24 ) { /* don't convert to 32 bits because libtcod's 24bits renderer is faster */ state.info_raw.colortype=LCT_RGB; } else if ( bpp != 24 && bpp != 32 ) { /* paletted png. convert to 24 bits */ state.info_raw.colortype=LCT_RGB; state.info_raw.bitdepth=8; bpp=24; } error = lodepng_decode(&image, &width, &height, &state, png, pngsize); free(png); if(error) { printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); return NULL; } /* create the SDL surface */ bitmap=TCOD_sys_get_surface(width,height,bpp==32); source=image; rowsize=width*bpp/8; for (y=0; y< height; y++ ) { Uint8 *row_pointer=(Uint8 *)(bitmap->pixels) + y * bitmap->pitch; memcpy(row_pointer,source,rowsize); source+=rowsize; } lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(image); return bitmap; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned error; unsigned char* image; unsigned width, height; unsigned char* png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s input-8bit.png output-32bit.png\n\nVersion 0.2, © 2014 Kornel Lesiński <*****@*****.**>\n\n\n", argv[0]); return 1; } lodepng_state_init(&state); state.decoder.color_convert = 0; state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_PALETTE; state.info_raw.bitdepth = 8; error = lodepng_load_file(&png, &pngsize, argv[1]); if (!error) { error = lodepng_decode(&image, &width, &height, &state, png, pngsize); } free(png); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "error when loading '%s': %s\n", argv[1], lodepng_error_text(error)); return error; } if (state.info_raw.bitdepth != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Only 256-color images are supported\n"); return 1; } const rgba *pal = (rgba *)state.info_raw.palette; if (!pal || state.info_raw.colortype != LCT_PALETTE) { fprintf(stderr, "No pal?\n"); return 1; } rgba *out = malloc(width*height*4); undither(image, pal, width, height, out); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(image); error = lodepng_encode32_file(argv[2], (unsigned char*)out, width, height); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "error when saving '%s': %s\n", argv[2], lodepng_error_text(error)); return error; } return 0; }
/* Example 3 Save a PNG file to disk using a State, normally needed for more advanced usage. The image argument has width * height RGBA pixels or width * height * 4 bytes */ void encodeWithState(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned width, unsigned height) { unsigned error; unsigned char* png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; lodepng_state_init(&state); /*optionally customize the state*/ error = lodepng_encode(&png, &pngsize, image, width, height, &state); if(!error) lodepng_save_file(png, pngsize, filename); /*if there's an error, display it*/ if(error) printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(png); }
/* Example 3 Load PNG file from disk using a State, normally needed for more advanced usage. */ void decodeWithState(const char *filename) { unsigned error; unsigned char *image; unsigned width, height; unsigned char *png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; lodepng_state_init(&state); /*optionally customize the state*/ lodepng_load_file(&png, &pngsize, filename); error = lodepng_decode(&image, &width, &height, &state, png, pngsize); if (error) printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); free(png); /*use image here*/ /*state contains extra information about the PNG such as text chunks, ...*/ lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(image); }
int main(void) { unsigned error; unsigned char* image; unsigned width, height; unsigned char* png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; char filename[] = "handmaze.png"; /* NAME OF INPUT IMAGE */ lodepng_state_init(&state); /*optionally customize the state*/ state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_GREY; lodepng_load_file(&png, &pngsize, filename); error = lodepng_decode(&image, &width, &height, &state, png, pngsize); if(error) printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); free(png); /*use image here*/ //printf("Width=%d Height=%d\n", width, height); //FILE * fp; //fp = fopen("imgout.txt", "w"); //fp = fopen("imgout.ram", "wb"); //int i,x,y; //char * ramimg = (char*) calloc(2*width*height, sizeof(char)); //for(i = 0; i < 2*width*height; i++){ //fprintf(fp, "%d (%d,%d)=%d\n", i, i%width, i/width, image[i]); // if(i%2 == 0) // ramimg[i] = image[i/2]; // else // ramimg[i] = 0; //} //fwrite(ramimg, sizeof(unsigned char), 2*width*height, fp); //free(ramimg); //fclose(fp); //for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { // for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { // fprintf(fp, "(%d,%d)=%d\n", x, y, image[coords(x,y,width,height)]); // } //} unsigned char * gaussimg = (unsigned char*) calloc(width*height, sizeof(char)); unsigned char * outimg = (unsigned char*) calloc(width*height, sizeof(char)); gaussian_blur(width, height, image, gaussimg); sobel_filtering(width, height, gaussimg, outimg); int right_coord, startx, starty, index1=6, index2=5; int block_size =blocksize(width, height, image, &startx, &starty, 7, &right_coord, index1, index2); //printf("blocksize = %d\n", block_size); int solver; unsigned char path[144]; int *size=(int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); *size = 0; solver = dfs(width,height,image, startx, starty, startx, starty, block_size, path, size); //printf("size = %d\n", *size); int i1; for(i1 = *size; i1 >= 0; i1--) { printf("%c\n", path[i1]); } //int x, y; //for(x = 0; x < width; x++) //{ // for(y = 0; y < height; y++) // { // outimg[coords(x,y,width,height)] = image[coords(x,y,width,height)]; // } //} unsigned char* outpng; error = lodepng_encode(&outpng, &pngsize, outimg, width, height, &state); if(!error) lodepng_save_file(outpng, pngsize, "sobel.png"); /* NAME OF OUTPUT IMAGE */ if(error) printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); /* CLEANUP */ lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(image); free(outimg); return 0; }
m3d_Image *m3d_PngLoad(const char *filename) { unsigned char *image = NULL; unsigned int width = 0, height = 0; unsigned int error = 0; unsigned char* png; size_t pngsize; LodePNGState state; lodepng_state_init(&state); lodepng_load_file(&png, &pngsize, filename); error = lodepng_decode(&image, &width, &height, &state, png, pngsize); if(error) { printf("loading of image \"%s\" failed (%s)\n", filename, lodepng_error_text(error)); free(png); return NULL; } m3d_ImageFormat image_format = M3D_IMAGE_RGBA; switch (state.info_png.color.colortype) { case LCT_GREY: image_format = M3D_IMAGE_GREYSCALE; break; case LCT_RGB: image_format = M3D_IMAGE_RGB; break; case LCT_PALETTE: image_format = M3D_IMAGE_INDEXED; break; case LCT_GREY_ALPHA: image_format = M3D_IMAGE_GREYSCALE_ALPHA; break; case LCT_RGBA: image_format = M3D_IMAGE_RGBA; break; default: printf("loading of .png image \"%s\" failed (unknow image type)\n", filename); free(png); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); free(image); return NULL; break; } m3d_Image *mimage = m3d_ImageInit(image_format, width, height); if (!mimage) { printf("loading of image \"%s\" failed (alloc. error)\n", filename); } m3d_ImageCopyData(mimage, M3D_IMAGE_RGBA, image); if (image_format == M3D_IMAGE_INDEXED) { mimage->palette = state.info_png.color.palette; mimage->palette_size = state.info_png.color.palettesize; } free(image); free(png); lodepng_state_cleanup(&state); return mimage; }