static string formatMessage ( const Logger::Level level, const char *msg ) { ostringstream formatted_msg; formatted_msg << setw( 7 ) << left << logLevelToString( level ) << "| " << msg; return formatted_msg.str( ); }
void PrivateConsoleLogHandler::header(const qi::LogLevel verb, bool verbose) const { // display log level textColorAttr(reset); textColorFG(colorForHeader(verb)); printf("%s ", logLevelToString(verb, verbose)); textColorAttr(reset); }
int Log_Writer::premakestr(char* m_buffer, LogLevel l) { time_t now; now = time(&now);; struct tm vtm; localtime_r(&now, &vtm); return snprintf(m_buffer, _LOG_BUFFSIZE, "%s: %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ", logLevelToString(l), vtm.tm_mon + 1, vtm.tm_mday, vtm.tm_hour, vtm.tm_min, vtm.tm_sec); }
void Logger::logToStream(std::ostream& stream, LogLevel level, const char* filename, int lineNumber, const std::string& message) { indentLogOstream( message, getMessagePrefix(logLevelToString(level), filename, lineNumber), stream ); }
void NotificationScreen::logMessage (const char *component, CompLogLevel level, const char *message) { NotifyNotification *n; char *logLevel, *homeDir; CompString iconUri; int timeout; NotifyUrgency urgency; if (level > optionGetMaxLogLevel ()) { screen->logMessage (component, level, message); return; } homeDir = getenv ("HOME"); if (!homeDir) return; /* FIXME: when not installing manually, the image will likely reside in $PREFIX/share/compiz, not in the home dir */ iconUri = "file://"; iconUri += homeDir; iconUri += "/" IMAGE_DIR "/compiz.png"; logLevel = (char *) logLevelToString (level); n = notify_notification_new (logLevel, message, iconUri.c_str () #ifndef HAVE_LIBNOTIFY_0_6_1 , NULL #endif ); timeout = optionGetTimeout (); if (timeout > 0) timeout *= 1000; notify_notification_set_timeout (n, timeout); if (level == CompLogLevelFatal || level == CompLogLevelError) urgency = NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL; else if (level == CompLogLevelWarn) urgency = NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL; else urgency = NOTIFY_URGENCY_LOW; notify_notification_set_urgency (n, urgency); notify_notification_show (n, NULL); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (n)); screen->logMessage (component, level, message); }
void logMessage(const char *componentName, CompLogLevel level, const char *message) { if (!debugOutput && level >= CompLogLevelDebug) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s (%s) - %s: %s\n", programName, componentName, logLevelToString(level), message); }
void PrivateConsoleLogHandler::header(const LogLevel verb) const { //display log level textColorAttr(reset); if (verb == fatal) textColorFG(magenta); if (verb == error) textColorFG(red); if (verb == warning) textColorFG(yellow); if (verb == info) textColorAttr(reset); if (verb == verbose) textColorAttr(dim); if (verb == debug) textColorAttr(dim); printf("%s ", logLevelToString(verb)); textColorAttr(reset); }
void TailFileLogHandler::log(const qi::log::LogLevel verb, const qi::os::timeval date, const char *category, const char *msg, const char *file, const char *fct, const int line) { if (verb > qi::log::verbosity() || _private->_file == NULL) { return; } else { fseek(_private->_file, 0, SEEK_END); std::string logline = qi::detail::logline(date, category, msg, file, fct, line); _private->_writeSize += fprintf(_private->_file, "%s %s", logLevelToString(verb), logline.c_str()); fflush(_private->_file); } if (_private->_writeSize > FILESIZEMAX) { fclose(_private->_file); boost::filesystem::path filePath(_private->_fileName); boost::filesystem::path oldFilePath(_private->_fileName + ".old"); boost::filesystem::copy_file(filePath, oldFilePath, boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); FILE* file = qi::os::fopen(filePath.make_preferred().string().c_str(), "w+"); _private->_file = file; _private->_writeSize = 0; } }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LogLevel level) { os << logLevelToString(level); return os; }
void Logstream::flush(Tee *t) { const size_t MAX_LOG_LINE = 1024 * 10; // this ensures things are sane if ( doneSetup == 1717 ) { string msg = ss.str(); string threadName = getThreadName(); const char * type = logLevelToString(logLevel); size_t msgLen = msg.size(); if ( msgLen > MAX_LOG_LINE ) msgLen = MAX_LOG_LINE; const int spaceNeeded = (int)( msgLen + 64 /* for extra info */ + threadName.size()); int bufSize = 128; while ( bufSize < spaceNeeded ) bufSize += 128; BufBuilder b(bufSize); char* dateStr = b.grow(24); curTimeString(dateStr); dateStr[23] = ' '; // change null char to space if (!threadName.empty()) { b.appendChar( '[' ); b.appendStr( threadName , false ); b.appendChar( ']' ); b.appendChar( ' ' ); } for ( int i=0; i<indent; i++ ) b.appendChar( '\t' ); if ( type[0] ) { b.appendStr( type , false ); b.appendStr( ": " , false ); } if ( msg.size() > MAX_LOG_LINE ) { stringstream sss; sss << "warning: log line attempted (" << msg.size() / 1024 << "k) over max size(" << MAX_LOG_LINE / 1024 << "k)"; sss << ", printing beginning and end ... "; b.appendStr( sss.str(), false ); const char * xx = msg.c_str(); b.appendBuf( xx , MAX_LOG_LINE / 3 ); b.appendStr( " .......... ", false ); b.appendStr( xx + msg.size() - ( MAX_LOG_LINE / 3 ) ); } else { b.appendStr( msg ); } string out( b.buf() , b.len() - 1); verify( b.len() < spaceNeeded ); scoped_lock lk(mutex); if( t ) t->write(logLevel,out); if ( globalTees ) { for ( unsigned i=0; i<globalTees->size(); i++ ) (*globalTees)[i]->write(logLevel,out); } #if defined(_WIN32) int fd = fileno( logfile ); if ( _isatty( fd ) ) { fflush( logfile ); writeUtf8ToWindowsConsole(, out.size() ); } #else if ( isSyslog ) { syslog( logLevelToSysLogLevel(logLevel) , "%s" , ); } #endif else if ( fwrite(, out.size(), 1, logfile ) ) { fflush(logfile); } else { int x = errno; cout << "Failed to write to logfile: " << errnoWithDescription(x) << ": " << out << endl; } #ifdef POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED // This only applies to pages that have already been flushed RARELY posix_fadvise(fileno(logfile), 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif } _init(); }
int LogWriter::premakestr(char* buffer, LogLevel l) { time_t now; now = time(&now);; struct tm vtm; localtime_r(&now, &vtm); return snprintf(buffer, M_LOG_BUFFSIZE, "[%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] %s ", 1900+vtm.tm_year, vtm.tm_mon + 1, vtm.tm_mday, vtm.tm_hour, vtm.tm_min, vtm.tm_sec, logLevelToString(l)); }
void ConsoleAppender::log(const LogLevel logLevel, const string loggerName, const string logMessage) { if(logLevel <= this->logLevel) cout << getCurrentTime() << ' ' << logLevelToString(logLevel) << ' ' << "[" << loggerName << "] " << logMessage << std::endl; }
static void notifyLogMessage (const char *component, CompLogLevel level, const char *message) { NotifyNotification *n; char *logLevel, iconFile[256], *iconUri, *homeDir; int maxLevel; NOTIFY_CORE (&core); NOTIFY_DISPLAY (core.displays); maxLevel = nd->opt[NOTIFY_DISPLAY_OPTION_MAX_LEVEL].value.i; if (level > maxLevel) { UNWRAP (nc, &core, logMessage); (*core.logMessage) (component, level, message); WRAP (nc, &core, logMessage, notifyLogMessage); return; } homeDir = getenv ("HOME"); if (!homeDir) return; snprintf (iconFile, 256, "%s/%s/%s", homeDir, IMAGE_DIR, "compiz.png"); iconUri = malloc (sizeof (char) * strlen (iconFile) + 8); if (!iconUri) return; sprintf (iconUri, "file://%s", iconFile); logLevel = (char *) logLevelToString (level); n = notify_notification_new (logLevel, message, iconUri #if !defined (HAVE_LIBNOTIFY_0_6_1) , NULL #endif ); notify_notification_set_timeout (n, nd->timeout); switch (level) { case CompLogLevelFatal: case CompLogLevelError: notify_notification_set_urgency (n, NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL); break; case CompLogLevelWarn: notify_notification_set_urgency (n, NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL); break; default: notify_notification_set_urgency (n, NOTIFY_URGENCY_LOW); break; } if (!notify_notification_show (n, NULL)) fprintf (stderr, "failed to send notification\n"); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (n)); free (iconUri); UNWRAP (nc, &core, logMessage); (*core.logMessage) (component, level, message); WRAP (nc, &core, logMessage, notifyLogMessage); }
std::ostream & logStreamPreformat (const char * file, int line, LogLevel level) { return logStream (level) << "[" << logLevelToString (level) << "]" << threadName() << " " << countLogLevel(level) << " " << myBaseName(file) << ":" << line << " "; }